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9646864 No.9646864 [Reply] [Original]

What would an interstellar civilization look like?

>> No.9646877

The battle stations would all be huge spheres, the huger the better. They'd all have trenches. Nobody knows why.

>> No.9646888

Same as warhammer 40k but tones down a little.

Although I am not to sure about Star wars and Star Trek and Battle Star Galactica and Fire Fly and Red Dwarf and Star Gate. They all probably could exist too in the same universe, different galaxy.

Reason being, once you open multiverse you have access to everything...

>> No.9646906
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millions/billions of autonomous machines per biological entity, if any.

The technological far future will likely be a very lonely place. As automation scales up the decision chain, there will be fewer and fewer steps in the management of resource allocation. The species will likely spread out ala suburban sprawl on a galactic scale.

>> No.9646912


>> No.9647857

What's your reasoning, buddy?

>> No.9647912

Depends on technology.
FTL travel?
FTL radio?
Is anything worthwhile shipping between stars?
Can the decisions of a central authority be enforced?

>> No.9647928

Agreed. Interstellar scale requires insane amounts of people, and democracy simply does not work with such scales. An autocracy/dictatorship/empire/other fascist and authoritarian form of government would be the only way to keep the civilization in cohesion across the star systems.

As far as I liked Star Trek as a teen, as an adult I don't think peaceful democracy is attainable when there are so many interests in conflict... just one country can be too much for it, interstellar space with multiple planets, moons, asteroids, bases, etc?? Think EVE online...

>> No.9647943

>Hurr decentralized self-governing planets would never work but a single government trying to control multiple star systems and enforce consistent policy on all of their planets in those systems spread across light-years makes perfect sense

>> No.9647945

resource planets feeding home planets. (all terraformed of course)
Good timeline: Offworld mining pays well.
Do your 10 year standard education +extra, 20 years work offworld(mining, farming, building shit with the help of near perfected AI.)
AI in your pocket (think Her)
Then your retired, free to indulge in extra education/ fullVR hentai reality.
Live in a system with no money as all that is needed is provided
Probably live in tubes/small apartments and social in dedicated areas.
Live the simple life.
Homeworld consists of massive Dubai-esque cities surround by well preserved nature, cities connected by rail.
Think communism but everyone gets food, no money/corruption and people live in nice places
Massive industrial teleporters to move resources and people from planet to planet.
Maybe aliens found.
no racial or religious issues but culture is respected and preserved.

Mediocre timeline: same as above but off world is hard work because the universal dice roll said no to AI.
home worlds are ruled by one dictated party.
relatively peaceful apart from democratic teens.
People care about skin colour in the year 4503
VR is an escape rather than a entertainer.
Homeworlds have fucked up natural ecosystem so only pine trees and lakes to look at (little/no animals).
Massive bulker ships carry resources at faster light speed but still expect a couple years waiting period for your rocks and shit
Aliens are non-interplnetary and are relatively stupid (think 1400AD)
homegnised society (race/gender is one single thing)

>> No.9647950


Shit timeline: Two classes, working and homeboys. (piece together there roles in society)
Planets are ruined by pollution
Working people live in industrial complexes offworld, working until they die.
Terrorism and small conflict common place offworld and sometimes on homeworlds.
Homeboys live pretty shitty lives (think blade runner earth but more city+earthquakes)
Racial and religious angst.
Light speed travel so 100+ year delays
noone cares about the people, just making money.

Expected timeline
Like shit timeline but nature is non existent anywhere just rocky planets or dead ones
no aliens
constant conflict but the galaxy keep rotating
(think of earth not but x10000 times the scale)
No government but corporate bodies turned factions fighting for ownership and market.
Everyone is a working class (think ussr)
Some people in constant poverty and some people live comforably
AI in your pocket (think Google home)
everything in low supply

Look communism/socialism is shit but in the 'perfect world' its the best thing i could compare to as the lack of class+currency is vital to a perfect society.

Themed planets are super fucking gay and they need to stop being a thing. since when did planets become 'all rainforest' or 'all desert' or 'all city'. ffs every
(pass on snow and rock planets)

The shitter the timeline, the more privatized stuff becomes because money and corruption.

also fuck democracy because more getting shit done is better than pussyfooting issues/creating conflict/wasting time/wasting resources (by nice people because good timeline)

>> No.9647961

another note: perfect timeline contains working,why? because of two reasons
1 your work planets need workers if everything is autonomous you might aswell live in the matrix (thus become bad timeline, unless you like living in VRchat for grownups)
2 to give people a purpose so they dont kill themselves (you dont want an interstellar civilization of NEETs)

>> No.9647968

this. how the fuck would an authoritarian society work?

>> No.9647986

Once they discover seamless virtual reality with true feeling and subjective pasing of time no one will do ANYTHING else than being int here impregnating young ladies all of the times.

theres is literally no greater good of any type.

hell probably even the ladies will ask to magically grow a penis (or two) in the real world and get freaky

>> No.9648057

I entered the cheat codes into my game once; it was fun at first because I could get past that one level I was stuck at, but then everything soon became trivial and I found no reason to play the game anymore.

>> No.9648184

this, I stopped playing games when I used a cheat code and realized it was all fake. Everyone knows 'god mode' isn't real.

>> No.9648190

Chaos theory and something that is being made at the moment that if constructed could prove the existence of multiverse from OUR universe...

>> No.9648191


>> No.9648197


Lords carry the love and fear of their emperor with them. Even if they never see them again. So once you call upon them for aid you get it. Lol.

>> No.9648206
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Yes. A construct that that has been theorized for years, formulated to "break" space time. Smaller models have been tested for bending space time and our earths gravity naturally curves it...
But what if we could RIP it...
A construct so big. So rediculously powerful it could break the very fabric of reality. A portal.

What lies on the other side...

>> No.9648216

You'd need pretty dystopian government system to prevent citizens from mutating or modifying themselves into something else. Without ftl comms its hard. Pre-programmed AI deity overlords?

>> No.9648220

Quantum Entaglement Satellites.

>> No.9648272

Something like the Combine

>> No.9648281

Combine Vs Clone Troopers
Who would win?

>> No.9648432

They're impossible. The Fermi paradox is proof of this.

>> No.9648632

>enforce consistent policy on all of their planets

Not sure why that would be necessary, or desirable.

>> No.9648636

I don't have a brainlet picture good enough for this post

>> No.9648637
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>A portal.
>What lies on the other side...

Delicious cake, you must eat it.

>> No.9648640

Gungans defeated clone troopers.

>> No.9648751

Yeah good luck enforcing your singular vision on one planet let alone 100s or thousands, lose confederation will be the dominant nation type assuming there isnt some external factor that nullifies the human condition as we know it.

>> No.9648759

Yeah until that fucking rat the padishah emperor lowkey sardukars your ass for no reason and kills your house.

>> No.9649267

What's your reasoning?

>> No.9649292
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Humans by then will either have been replaced with or merged with superintelligent AI.

>> No.9649678

[citation needed] for that entire graph

>> No.9649780

People who think you will "mine elsewhere then send resources to planets" are fucking delusional
There is an infiniy of resources inside the Earth, its far easier to imagine mining a hundred miles down than mining asteroids

>> No.9649789

I think I might have an abstract way of thinking, but I feel like at some point society would progress to where government is almost completeley localized, like the USA without the federal government. So that we would have different planets with different needs that can only realistically be satisified by their own people who know of their pains. I don't think communication will exist at all, if we think on whats possible in physics right now, it would be isolation from each planet and they would grow by themselves for better or for worse. The vastness of space is so large its like impossible to imagine and you all are seriously underestimating how little we could do in that circumstance.

>> No.9650297

as ai becomes better than humans would we not make ourselves more machine to try and maintain our relevance. I sure would

>> No.9651470

>There is an infiniy of resources inside the Earth, its far easier to imagine mining a hundred miles down than mining asteroids
That's not a source, FAGGOT

>> No.9652285

Just have communication be done like it was during the age of sail

>> No.9652318

The problem is that it's probably a lot easier to build a superintelligent AI from scratch than it is to make a human brain superintelligent.


Building a 747 from scratch is not easy. But is it easier to:
• Start with the existing design of a biological bird,
• and incrementally modify the design through a series of successive stages,
• each stage independently viable,
• such that the endpoint is a bird scaled up to the size of a 747,
• which actually flies,
• as fast as a 747,
• and then carry out this series of transformations on an actual living bird,
• without killing the bird or making it extremely uncomfortable?
I’m not saying it could never, ever be done. I’m saying that it would be easier to build
the 747, and then have the 747, metaphorically speaking, upgrade the bird. “Let’s just
scale up an existing bird to the size of a 747” is not a clever strategy that avoids dealing
with the intimidating theoretical mysteries of aerodynamics. Perhaps, in the beginning,
all you know about flight is that a bird has the mysterious essence of flight, and the
materials with which you must build a 747 are just lying there on the ground. But you
cannot sculpt the mysterious essence of flight, even as it already resides in the bird, until
flight has ceased to be a mysterious essence unto you.
The above argument is directed at a deliberately extreme case. The general point is
that we do not have total freedom to pick a path that sounds nice and reassuring, or
that would make a good story as a science fiction novel. We are constrained by which
technologies are likely to precede others.

>> No.9652347
