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964244 No.964244 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't evolution given us all 9'' penises?
Considering the importance of penis size to sex, I would have thought penis would have experienced rapid increase in size.

>> No.964257

Because we aren't at that point yet.

>> No.964271

We have been evolving for millions of years. Why is this not being given priority?

>> No.964291

Monkey penis is like 1 inches. I think it worked m8. What we are attracted to decides evolution. Females picked bigger penises, males picked bigger boobs and ass.

So 4chan species will select for 12" wide assholes or something. Stop fucking up our anatomy by your weird fetishes 4chan.

>> No.964293

Why hasn't evolution cured cancer? Considering the importance of being alive to living, I would have thought cancer would have disappeared.

>> No.964294

7"fag here.

I don't see a grave importance in penis size over 5 inches to reproduction. Infact, nothing is more detrimental to reproduction than a penis so large it hits the cervical wall, being an uncomfortable/painful experience for the woman, who might be discouraged to fuck guys with oversized penises.

>> No.964298

PS. My penis is infact 9 inches long. So your post is irrelevent. Why don't you have a 9 inch dick? Your ancestors were ugly rapists or had lots of money.

>> No.964300

Because penis size isn't all that important to sex. Since there's a decent bell curve with what little, accurate, penis studies we have; we can assume that different sizes are somewhat equally successful.

And before I get jumped on for claiming penis size isn't the most important thing in sex, try talking to women. Real women, not the 16 year old in math class. Size is not as important as guys expect it to be. We let our competitive nature get the best of us. Penises come in many different sizes as do vaginas. It's important to be with someone whom you're physically compatible with.

>> No.964302

Women usually choose to mate before seeing your penis, so it isn't a factor. Sexual pleasure isn't even a determining factor in whether you choose to mate. When you see an attractive man/woman, you have no idea whether they're good in bed until after the fact.

>> No.964312

9"fag here

I dunno it depends on your technique, but there are all different kinds of nerves stimulated by reaching the cervix, the girls I've been with have been into it. But if you dive right in it hurts, gotta be a 2" fag for like 10 minutes then they start pulling you in deeper.

From mechanics end of things, completely filling the vagina keeps all of the sperm all up on that cervix, its a bullseye and SO much sperm goes in the uterus, plus women deem you healthy for having a large penis much the same way we do when they have a perfect ass.

>> No.964314

With most women, by the time you get to the aprt that they see your penis, you're already about to have sex, small or not.

>> No.964315

GTFO virginfag

>> No.964320

9" here. Its true, women care about technique. Size doesn't = more pleasure since anything biger than your finger is already stretching and stimulating the vagina.

Dunno how many of you know this but there is no space in the vagina, its not a gaping hole but is closed up wall to wall when nothing is going on.

>> No.964329

But surely it will affect the frequency.

>> No.964331

>What we are attracted to decides evolution
Not even going to respond seriously.

Oh, and I hope all of you are aware the vaginal canal is only 5-7 inches deep. There's a reason 6 inches is the norm.

>> No.964334

Well, only an idiot continues a relationship after he's had sex with a women, otherwise it's just wasted time and energy.

>> No.964336

Just admit you're trolling and delete the thread.

>> No.964343


lol. All of a sudden we have three penis sizes in the 99th percentile.

>> No.964345

Its gonna happen in the next several thousand years. Until a few decades ago you could pretty much trade some horses for a wife, so female preferences for male anatomy didn't play a role in natural selection.

>> No.964346

I don't need you to get all aspergian on me, but its not exactly survival of the fittest /darwinism that is governning the evolution of humans and their penises. This shit doesn't apply when society is calling the shots rather than the male that can beat all the others in a race to rape all the women.

>> No.964351

Because only guys are obsessed with huge dicks. The average is 6 inches, and much larger than that is physically uncomfortable or downright painful for the woman.

>> No.964355

Thats all me bro, I post big like my dicksize............

>> No.964356

Because hormones.

Women have needs, they are willing to take in anything, even if they're small.

'sides, you can't really tell until your deep in with them.

>in b4 they're

>> No.964358


The vagina is not an inverted penis. Most young people think this way. Penises have a lot less sensation at the base compared to the tip and this is how most naive males view the vagina. As less sensitive at the opening, and more sensitive deeper down. So they feel if they can get deeper, then the female will feel more pleasure.

Also consider this, usually semen drips out of the vagina. If getting all your jizz deep inside the vagina was necessarily for pregnancy, there would be less people in the world. That's why you have so many sperm. Because most won't make it. You have better chance of knocking a chick up with hundreds of thousands of sperm just inside the vag than a few sperm strategically aimed with your superdick.

Now to a larger point, most women don't come from penetration alone. You're lucky if you have a girlfriend who can, but statistically most women can not. It's a biological issue. Usually direct stimulation to the clitoris is required to get most women off.

>> No.964360

>Considering the importance of penis size to sex,

irrelevant for reproduction

>> No.964367

>implying penis size is the biggest factor for women
Yeah, no

Try money.

>> No.964368

Dude, any size dick is painful for a woman. Sexual arousal for them tricks out pain into pleasure. But don't justify smaller penises being better than bigger ones because they hurt women. Its allllll good. What isn't is when a small dicked guy acts like he has a big dick.

>> No.964369

...I'm not understanding the point of your post.

What is it that I said that you're refuting?

>> No.964371

>statistically most women can not. It's a biological issue
They have boyfriends with tiny dicks you mean.

>> No.964378

>Tricks out pain
No bro.
When unaroused, the vaginal canal is only 3-4 inches deep.


>> No.964379

Well mine i 7 inches, and none of the women I've had sex with complained about technique and I have to go down on my current GF to get her off. No problem for me tbh, but I just thought I'd inform you.

>> No.964390

So you can't get your girlfriend off by penetration, therefore most women can't.

k bro

>> No.964391


bitches and whores

>> No.964393
File: 1.42 MB, 1419x1171, PeackockSide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guy all seen this fucking animal. The enormous feathers do nothing but get in its way, but when mating rituals play a big role in passing on genes all kinds of crazy shit can happen. The practicality of an enormous penis is irrelevant; if chicks are calling the shots and they select for it, it will evolve.

>> No.964398


>> No.964400

Thats good information sir, fuck this vagina stuff is so mysterious.

I've come to the understanding also, that just because the male role is so active, you are not in fact responsible for a girl orgasming. This is why young girls never orgasm, most don't really get it or how to connect with themselves sexually. If you date slightly older girls or hit the 26+ range, they are super confident and will fuck you as much as you fuck them, or more. Its up to them to be as much active in their orgasm as you are.

I have found this doesn't work with condoms (females orgasming), and it becomes a problem because if they are about to orgasm that means your dick is about to orgasm too since they are riding it. This is an issue when not wearing a condom... BUT it makes for the most blissed out love making, being on the verge of orgasm for 1 hour.

>> No.964410


>implying penis size is equivalent to colorful plumage.

If what you say is correct then explain why A) We all don't have 13" dicks and B) Why flaccid length differs between erect length.

>> No.964417

And why my cock doesn't have feathers.

>> No.964441


>I've come to the understanding also, that just because the male role is so active, you are not in fact responsible for a girl orgasming.

Wow what a faggot thing to say bro. You can't get your girl to come so it's not your responsibility? Why don't you just go blow some dudes bro.

>> No.964450


>> No.964455

horsecock here this post is irrelevant sage for ONLY 9 inches

>> No.964456

You have a complex about penis size from watching too much porn. Fact is, the standard 5-6" cock is plenty to satisfy your partner. While 7" is probably closer to the ideal, it's harder to maintain a solid erection with a larger cock (we're talking about cavemen here, with shit diet and healthcare). 9" is honestly too big for most women.

So, in short: You're fine. Watch less porn.

>> No.964458

I think you're not getting it egofag, I'm saying its not YOU who makes the girl orgasm but you and the girl both. But if its just you and the girl is just sitting there, she is never gonna orgasm unless she gets into it to.The girl has to be into her own sexuality in order to relax enough to let that tickling burning sensation overwelm her and make her freak out and piss and spasm. If she is insecure, worried about ur mom sleeping in the next room or anything, it doesn't happen.

That said, don't talk to 9"fag like that, he knows whats up. He likes the saucy latin girls, because they are loud.

>> No.964468

You know what they say about men who brag about dick size and sexual prowess on the internet...

Second rule of psychology... opposites are the same.

>> No.964471

Yes, ripping out your woman's vagina is great for your reproductive success

>> No.964474

Why hasn't evolution given us all 9'' penises?

I guess us Negroids are more evolved.

>> No.964476


>> No.964478


>The girl has to be into her own sexuality

What I'm telling you .9" fag, is that is some Oprah shit right there. Why don't you make you and your girl some pink fruity drinks and talk about how connected you are and shit. Maybe then she can bend you over and show you how a real man fucks.

>> No.964486

Remember... all other races came from Africa, so they are less evolved...

>> No.964494

I guess us Negroids are just more evolved.

Negroid > Caucasiod

>> No.964501

my penis is 11". Im black btw.

>> No.964507

No wonder you all do so well on standardized math tests... you don't even know how to count to 5 properly.

>> No.964510

Something tells me you say nigger every other post and play mass effect 2.

Was that really so way over your head that you gotta bring oprah into this?

>> No.964530

lol 9?

mine is 11cm

you guys are tiny

>> No.964541
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>> No.964549
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>> No.964552
File: 68 KB, 450x200, 20090812a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made that for you?

pic related

>> No.964554

>Considering the importance of penis size to sex,
India and China say you're wrong
/thread over troll

>> No.964561

Whats up anon?
My dick.

>> No.964564

That's pretty much ever racist on 4chan right there

>> No.964573
File: 42 KB, 501x550, 1271060489335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really... it's mostly just pathetic that you gain some sense of self worth by lying about your dick size to an internet board full of guys.

In any event, blacks do suck at math... math and swimming. But that is neither here nor there.

As for you pic... they don't allow people with the HIV in my neighborhood, so I've never had an encounter like that.

>> No.964576

lolwut? sexual tendencies change by geography

>> No.964577

well put.

>> No.964583
File: 46 KB, 914x842, 1274169401071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.964591

Many scientist believe that cancer is the body's attempt at immortality, cells growing beyond how they're supposed to... the problem is that the rest of the body hasn't caught up, so an imbalance happens.

>> No.964593


Actually, Europeans and Asians interbred with neanderthals. So technically the less primitive folks are in Africa.

>> No.964599

Geez. Can the 'my race has a bigger penis than yours' people take it somewhere else?

>> No.964600


I posted these. sorry anon, i felt like trolling. im actually white.

>> No.964601



Having neanderthal genes obviously makes us smarter.

>> No.964603


> primitive

i dont think that word means what you think it does

>> No.964607

So are racists like social cancer by believing they are more educated and worthy than something else?

>> No.964610

When some people say Asians they mean East Asians. Is that what you meant or does the whole continent has Neanderthal DNA?

>> No.964639

>i dont think that word means what you think it does
i hate this shit

>> No.964643

the most advance race, niggers, have been given this trait.

>> No.964657

pro tip: wallet size is much more important dick size

>> No.964661

*than dick size....

>> No.964725


>> No.964728

black people gave us electricity
asians gave us guns

what have pink people given us?

>> No.964730

i've evolved past the need for a 9'' penis.

>> No.964740

its interesting that this sentence make more sense in a more clever way with than omited

>> No.964768

>white people gave us electricity
>white people gave us guns

>> No.964794

black people didnt give us shit
asians invented gun powder not guns

>> No.964805

seriously look it up

asians had guns and missiles before gun powder even made it to europe

>> No.964826

Reproduction is becoming LESS necessary as the world becomes overpopulated. That's why there's so many fags these days.

>> No.965079

we need more people. There is an ongoing worldwide drop in fertility rates. If this continues, humanity would be the first species to become extinct just because we couldn't be bothered to raise children.

>> No.965082

Sorry if this is a double-post... CBF reading the rest of the trollers.

If you haven't noticed (you virginfag) a women's vagina is around 5" to 6" deep. Evolution gave the average man a perfect fit.

>> No.965105


>> No.965118

Evolution doesn't exist.

>> No.965120

We need to stop being so sympathetic as a society and focus on spreading longevity through genes.
As long as there are people who say everyone deserves a chance and those people aren't shut up by the rest of us, we will continue to have lots of bad human traits sticking around in the gene pool.

>> No.965125

evolution is slow
we already have massive penises compared to even gorillas

>> No.965131

I will let a guy with a big dick have sex with me, but it is true, I won't let him cum inside me unless he has money. The opposite is true for a man with the money to take care of my children. I wouldn't care how big his dick was, at least not while we're having sex, so long as he makes enough to afford the mortgage on a house. That is just common sense.

>> No.965133

To give up individual autonomy for the subjective good of the species is to give up our humanity.

>> No.965134
File: 10 KB, 320x232, Sword-billed_Hummingbird_(Ensifera_ensifera).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flower strategy: To get the hummingbird to pick up pollen, but not get nectar - make the flower just a tiny bit too deep for its beak.

Hummingbird strategy: Those with the longest beaks get most nectar and survive to pass on their genes.

<-- End result.

>> No.965137

baby's first troll

>> No.965170


History fag here, we all know Asians (Chinese to be exact) had guns even before the thing made it to Europe.

GTFO my /sci/ you white supremacists.

>> No.965173
File: 40 KB, 300x391, not_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.965174

Fellow history enthusiast here, primitive cannons =/= guns

>> No.965175

You are all faggots. Evolution does not select for pleasure. If you manage to get into her loincloth faster, shoot faster and thus impregnate her faster, you win.

>> No.965204

I have a 5 inch penis... Should I kill myself now to better the evolution of humanity?

>> No.965209

If you’re 10 cm long, you can get deeper penetration by putting your lover’s legs up. If you’re 17 cm long, you don’t need to do that.

Also, use normal units, centimeters in this case, like the rest of the world instead of those weird units you call inches.

>> No.965216


not a factor

larger penis has very little benefits when it comes to actually reproducing

>> No.965239

eat a dick eurofag

>> No.965266

this thread is dildos

>> No.965269

4 inch dicks fertilize a woman all the same and too large of a dick is uncomfortable or even downright impossible for a woman to have sex with. There simply isn't the necessary selective pressure.

>> No.965394

then why is world dick size increasing and why is a big dick the symbol of virility and why do we have the biggest dicks of the primates

>> No.965398

Let's be honest, penis insecurity is the cause of most of the world's problems... if someone invented a pill that could give any man in the world a 7" dick, there would be no war. XD

>> No.965495

Words of Wisdom

>> No.965512

The only people that care about big dicks are whores. Whores happen to have the most crotch apples, historically. You see how it goes.

>> No.965516

Ah, I remember when I was this young.

>> No.965536

Does penis size have anything to do with faithfulness?

I saw a documentary on the penis size of monkeys.

Gorillas have the tiniest penises. However, female gorillas only stick with one male gorilla throughout their lives.

On the other hand, smaller monkeys like chimpanzees have larger penises. Female chimpanzees are also fuck around with a large number of males. The length of the male chimpanzee's penis helps give him a high probability of impregnating the female.

I saw this years ago, not sure about the names of the monkeys, but I'm sure I got gorilla correct.

Has anyone seen this before too?

>> No.965538

I just read this whole thread and everyone in it is missing something huge.

1.) everyone in this thread who said more or less evolved needs to die

2.) We are talking about ancient people here. Fucking cavemen probably before we developed agriculture. What do you think some woman is really looking for in a mate, someone who can bring home meat, the best hunter, or someone with a 10 inch dick?

Ancient woman wanted someone who could provide for her more than they wanted a big dick since most of their time was spent surviving.

You should all just be happy you don't have a dick size relative to your body size like that of a gorilla.

>> No.965553


>Considering the importance of penis size to sex

True in fact the preferred size is more or less 7". The average bitch doesn't need more unless she has ruined pussy.

>> No.965559

In ancient Rome smaller penises were favored becaused of the clothing.

>> No.965565

Chimpanzees' penises are about half the size of a humans and you can barely see them when they stand up. Where chimpanzees have evolved agressively is in their sperm motility and things like that, not penis size.

>> No.965587

Here you go faggots

"Penis Evolution: Intersexual and Intrasexual Selection"


>> No.966223

So, bigger is better after all. Damn.

>> No.967363

bump for dicks