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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9643617 No.9643617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true, sci? What should we, white students, do to fix it?

>> No.9643618

not science or math

>> No.9643620

Uni threads aren't science and math either.

>> No.9643623

except that’s fucking bullshit because everyone acknowledges affirmative action is a thing, whether they agree with it or not

>> No.9643626

Get Jews to give some of their college positions to minorities

>> No.9643630
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Found a white male.
Sorry, but racism is a scientific issue.

>> No.9643692


Fuck off, fake /pol/.

>> No.9643726

there's already affirmative action

>> No.9643734

As a black person, I can say this is extraordinarily true, affirmative action isn't enough and besides the fact that if you're black you're more likely to go to an extremely poorly funded and terrible school, if you still manage to make your way through, there is a good chance you'll be rejected just because the admissions officer does not like black male teenagers. If you are lucky enough to get in many people will say you only got in because of affirmative action and don't deserve your place.

>> No.9643736

Tbh article states that there should be affirmative actions for asians too, as they dont have white privilege so that need at least affirmative actions to compensate for it.

>> No.9643740

> black male
> male
Toxic masculinity leaking.

>> No.9643748

It's society that has to change. All you can do is try to overcome your own implicit bias, and maybe it will catch on.

>> No.9643752
File: 916 KB, 1256x1338, white men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, and I know this is going to be hard to swallow, but white males really deserve to get into college less than, say, a Mexican, Black, Arab, ect. And ESPECIALLY no white males.

If you are WHITE, you benefit from WHITE PRIVILEGE, and you should own it and do all of us POC a favor: don't attend college and don't take any white-collar positions. You should be performing manual labor.

Also, note that it's sexist to choose to procreate with another white, so you'll have to get a POC to be your partner.

Thanks for checking your privilege.

>> No.9643761

AA actually works against them worse than it does to whites

>> No.9643764

b=but her emailS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

>> No.9643766
File: 2.29 MB, 4179x6889, race and affirmative action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Actually, statistically, blacks need to have a HIGHER ACT/SAT score to get in to most universities. If this isn't evidence of systemic racism in academia, I don't know what is.

I'm definitely done hearing how Asians and Whites are being oppressed in academia, when Mexicans and Blacks need HIGHER ACT scores to get in, on average. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9643769

That's why author complains, but he cannot be against AA at all as it would be alt-right fascism, instead he just asks to exclude asians.

>> No.9643774

I agree. Only white people should be disadvantaged so that all other POC can thrive. We are truly reaching exceptional levels of tolerance and peace and love and a lack of white men.

>> No.9643781

>some triggered nigger shits up your board
>/pol/ reeeeeeeeeee
You're seeing spooks m8, get checked

>> No.9643782
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t. booty blasted white boi who couldn't even get into college

>> No.9643794
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Awww... You mad about >>9643766?

Too bad you don't have any arguments.

>> No.9643802

Have a computer strike personal identification from an application before it is reviewed by a human. Replace the name with a number and either remove the race question entirely or simply not make racial information available to the person reviewing the admissions. All the reviewer has to do is accept or reject and the computer will take care of generating the acceptance letter and sending it off to whatever part of the college handles mailing them. Problem solved.

Even with this system college enrollment may not be racially balanced however you can at least be sure any imbalance is not due to intentional bias in the system but rather must be caused by external factors. This seems like the ideal solution to me.

>> No.9643804

White people have white privilege, it is just leveling the field.

>> No.9643813
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Yes, and Asians have Asian privilege... it's just leveling the field. I think we should just stop admitting non-blacks altogether, instead of doing a merit-based system. Because everyone knows a meritocracy is racist and only white men would perpetuate such a system.

>> No.9643821

Your tables don't specify which med schools. Maybe black people apply to lower-end med schools.

That's just one immediate flaw I noticed. I'm sure there are plenty.

>> No.9643830

I agree. If anything, the fact that they are getting in with lower scores (which of course must mean they are applying to lower-end med schools) is just further evidence of systemic black oppression.

Our only logical response to this is to admit more blacks into academic programs, regardless of their qualifications.

>> No.9643832

I said black male because black males are seen as super-thug retards, black women are seen as just retards. An admissions officer would care less if black women were accepted into schools. Chances are they wouldn't take the same level of judgement and consideration they would for a teenager of another race.

Also, pardon my language, I'm just being blunt.

>> No.9643835

Meritocracy is ok if you dont use your privilege to get ahead of others. For example, jews being successful has nothing to do with "jewish privilege", same with asians. It is only whites who have the whole system benefiting them.

>> No.9643840

You know, with rhetoric like this >>9643752
being circulated in mainstream institutions, I'd really have to agree with you. Whitey just likes to complain a lot, and they should accept that they will just have to make up less of academia, regardless of merit

>> No.9643841

Take your meds buddy. It's okay, you don't need to go to college. Plenty of successful people never went to college. You're gonna be okay.

>> No.9643845

Graduate with a 4.0 and AP classes

1500 sat and 25 act

Get rejected at good universities for basically being just another over achieving korean.

>> No.9643847

Oy Vey
What antisemitism

>> No.9643850
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>25 act

>> No.9643852

I'm gonna assume he meant 35...

>> No.9643867


>> No.9643877

cool it with the antisemitism.

and check your privilege