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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9642305 No.9642305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How smart is he?

>> No.9642310

He's a fedora that still falls for Anglican memes and myths. He's pretty retarded.

>> No.9642323

He dropped out of CS (and not because he went off to make a start up) and was legit homeless freeloading on friends for a period afterwards. He currently spends his time spamming gay interracial porn on /pol/ while begging for patreon monies. Occasionally he reads a book to make middle school level book report videos on it.

2/10, at least he reads unlike most. "One Brain-cell king of the Land of the Brainlets".

>> No.9642418
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 5f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still watching making pseudo political videos and anti-sjw crap on youtube

do "people" actually still do this?

>> No.9642420


>> No.9642463
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Smart enough to know what his followers want to hear and scam them out of their money afterwards.

>> No.9642497

As smart as any """""""""""""intellectual""""""""""""""" thats dedicated to the humanities.
Iq probably lies in the low 100s if you wanna talk numbers.

>> No.9642528

Just watch him fall for a blatantly obvious false flag to stir up sympathy to Muhammadans and backlash to critics:


>Why would people who want to "punish Muslims" warn them ahead of time? Did Hitler warn the Jews before Kristallnacht?
>Why would they warn them in Arabic? Did Hitler ever speak in Hebrew?
>Who really stands to profit from this affair?

>> No.9642534


>> No.9642536

hes probably to stupid to see /pol/ retardbrigading

>> No.9642576
File: 40 KB, 325x403, KCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 'bout him?

>> No.9642582

He is worse than a skeptic. He is, and may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, cringe.

>> No.9643150

The far-right aren't scientific or smart. Using Daily Mail articles (and even worse, not reading them fully) as sources is not science. The entire alt-right aren't scientific.

>> No.9643155
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How about him, sci?

>> No.9643156

The alt-right are actually pretty damn scientific if the indicator data is correct about most visited sites...

It's altered for a reason anon...
Something snapped...

>> No.9643161

In the land with no eyeballs the one eyed man is king.

>> No.9643370
File: 7 KB, 400x169, 1504566901170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making fun of sjws is so easy. he's nothing special.
>let me go find an article where sjws do something retarted
>read it out loud to make the video 30 minutes to make me seem like im smart

Based Pakman already pushed sargcuck's shit in


>> No.9643381
File: 575 KB, 797x780, me in the middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The far-left aren't scientific or smart. Using Everyday Feminism articles (and even worse, not reading them fully) as sources is not science. The entire intersectional-left aren't scientific.

>> No.9643386

What do you want me to say other than "false equivalence"? Politics isn't equal and ideas aren't equal otherwise no-one would have different opinions. Sorry about that bud.

>> No.9643391

Meant for >>9643381

Also, you're image is debunked by the fact leftists don't want to kill white people. Its a right wing conspiracy with no basis in reality or left wing political theory.

>> No.9643392

conservatives are motivated by fear, so it makes sense the far right pushes conspiracies.

>> No.9643397

>Politics isn't equal and ideas aren't equal otherwise no-one would have different opinions
The fuck am I reading?

>> No.9643405


Like I said, ideas aren't equal. Some are valid and back by research and others aren't. Just because you think something doesn't mean its on the same footing as what other people think based on fact.

>> No.9643426
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>That video on learning physics

>> No.9643474

I really don't find Pakman's response particularly convincing.

>> No.9643477

which one specifically?

>> No.9643498


Also a take down of Sargon.


>> No.9643505

I think particularly illustrative are his definitions of right-wing vs left-wing as "the advocacy of and adherence to hierarchies" vs "egalitarianism." Do you think anyone in the mainstream right would agree with these "definitions"? Yet these are the definitions he uses to assert that Stalin moving to the right is an *objective fact*. I actually think there's a reasonable case to be made that Stalinism and Leninism are indeed more right-wing than Marxism generally, but Pakman pretty much reduces it to "right-wing means wielding power over people against their will," which is such a ridiculous definition that it actually illustrates Sargon's point.

>> No.9643509

>Pakman pretty much reduces it to "right-wing means wielding power over people against their will,"
I don't see how you came to that conclusion

>> No.9643678

Blacks and leftists literally celebrate Black's killing whites in SA and ask police to shoot more white teens.

>> No.9643704

Reddit: the YouTube channel.

>> No.9643710

No they don't, aside from a few side lined radicals. Also, scientific statistics show white SAs are murdered at a rate 10 times lower than SA blacks.

Conservatism is reddit. >>/r/the_donald

>> No.9643723

> no they dont
> but some do
I dont get how does it matter that blacks love to kill not only whites but other blacks as well.
Conservatism with their based black niggers and civil nationalism is indeed reddit.

>> No.9643747

So what if some do. That's not an explanation of what something really wants to achieve. Quantum loop theory is doubtful, String theory even more so and P-braines are almost falsifiable. Just because many physicists believe in them doesn't mean they represent all of physics.

>> No.9643755

Did I say that all blacks and leftists want to kill whites?

>> No.9643768

Yeah. An its not true, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.9643777

This is the ideal argument, you may not like it but this is what peak leftypol performance looks like.

>> No.9643789


Well you didn't make an argument. You made an accusation that wasn't true.

>> No.9643816

No I didn't. Correct answer to >>9643755 is no.

>> No.9643824

this isn't science or math. MODS!

>> No.9643831

t./pol/ fag

>> No.9643854
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 1455794637612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, you're image is debunked by the fact leftists don't want to kill white people
>conspiracy with no basis in reality

10/10 bait.

>> No.9643859

>"All I want for Christmas is White Genocide" ~ commie professor
>"White victimization is a fictional narrative" ~ the same commie professor on CNN

>> No.9643973

Is this that Sorecuck of Assad dude?