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File: 169 KB, 860x663, 1522670724247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9639841 No.9639841 [Reply] [Original]

New ice age coming? Or rather are we exiting the current inter-glacial?

>> No.9639866 [DELETED] 

global warming doesn't exist. can't wait for trump to kill off any corrupt swamplike libtard science agencies in the governement

>> No.9639870

Global warming is making the winters colder. 97% of scientists agree.

>> No.9639872

Really? How does that work?

>> No.9639875
File: 60 KB, 589x347, Z1aj7CeQopJTFtPBiflGPTM_CMIObeY5OvQq4xbAvWfn-WIQdT8UXf4XW_l9lxOj3LrW5SWoojHFyvAExdtTr8xKqCf58tOz5BATT_PH-zxreoflCLSQeoXmGZBZMQE6gs2yoaCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global climate change doesn't exist!!!!!

>> No.9639891

Look Goyim. The cold winters,, freezing temperatures, snow and ice are signs of global warming.

>> No.9639906
File: 39 KB, 633x973, 1467151168953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point, I can't tell if it's false flaggers, redditors, or general retards
probably a combination of the three

>> No.9639929

It's called climate change, not global warming. Different regions are affected differently. Most of the world is warming, but some regions might feel colder, the climate is complex. But overall, the earth on average is on a warming trend. So far the data shows the earth getting warmer, not colder.

>> No.9639933

I call bullshit.

>> No.9639944

>97% of scientists agree
that you're an idiot

"cold water is coming out of the refrigerator,
so obviously it's better than ever"


>> No.9639946

>climate change
this used to be called 'weather'

>> No.9639952

the climate goes up and down. this is nothing out of the ordinary. its for liberal corporations to make money

>> No.9639961
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>> No.9639968

inter-glacial sex is degenerate

>> No.9639979

lol, pol

>> No.9639982

the chinese are being outcompeted, and are resorting to "clean" energy. they are perpetuating the hoax so that they can become the world superpower, but we need to keep America on top so that liberty, christianity, freedom, and conservatism can thrive worldwide

>> No.9639988

buying into >western civilization meme

>> No.9640017

China and India have free pass to emit carbon.
While Cucks in West and Japan are forced by the Jews to cut down the Industrial production.

>> No.9640020


>> No.9640101

Per Capita Carbon Emissions
usa ******************
china ******
india **

>> No.9640121

Were already technically in an ice age, just pollution kind of fucked it up

>> No.9640547


>> No.9640685


>> No.9640707

The temperature change in winter is negative, while in summer it is positive. The absolute value of the change in summer is bigger than in winter, so on average it's getting warmer

>> No.9640712

The people who used to call it "weather" still call it "weather" because they never learned about the difference between "climate" and "weather". Good news: It's only one google search away

>> No.9640739
File: 45 KB, 550x317, TRINITY____jh9uyasdwsdassdef798as7adwdqqqqqd8y8t79yoih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic src:

>> No.9640749

Climate change has happened since the beginning of the planet, before there were any humans, and will continue happening. Stop calling it climate change, what you are suggesting is manmade climate change, which is quite different and unproven.

>> No.9640891

not in the 90s and early 2k when it was hyped as warming. only recently was it changed to fit current trends of cooling so it fits their agenda

>> No.9640900
File: 44 KB, 549x591, 1521056371828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and the moon landing was a hoax, the sun revolves around the flat earth, tide pods taste really good, etc.

>> No.9640905

Current trends of cooling? That's news, care to post source?
>inb4 just this winter

>> No.9641188

Think of a bath tub with water. Height of water at a certain spot is analogous to the temperature at a certain spot on earth.

Global warming = average height of water
Climate change = how splashy the surface is

the terms aren't conflicting, you can have a local cold snap even if there is a faucet pouring more water into the tub, raising the global average water level.

>> No.9641477
File: 71 KB, 1130x600, gistemp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current trends of cooling

>> No.9641654
File: 27 KB, 835x552, RSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it RSS, the old fucked-up one

pre-2016 RSS is bullshit, it was shown to be so in March 2016.
Only morons refer to it anymore.


Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Tropospheric Temperature Trends to the Diurnal Cycle Adjustment
Carl A. Mears and Frank J. Wentz
Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, California
(Manuscript received 23 October 2015, in final form 22 February 2016)

>> No.9642023

good argument this anon >>9640749

>> No.9642025

What weasling and i even believe in global warming.

>> No.9642026

> regional groups
> limited budgets

>> No.9642029
File: 886 KB, 1111x1080, sketch-1522757713594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god global warming is completely fucking out of control!

>> No.9642033

You are taking two different qualities and conflating them. Colder water with greater average volume isnt the same as colder water with greater average temperature.

>> No.9642041

China carbon emissions are increasing and will surpass west.
Pajeet emissions are much higher if you include the methane from their Poos.

>> No.9642075

>the analogy of tub water height = heat was too complicated for him

run forrest run

>> No.9642103

A new ice age is coming... in tens of thousands of years.

We are exiting the interglacial... in the wrong direction, by warming even more at an unprecedented rate.

>> No.9642118

>single cold 2018 winter in the northern hemisphere is due to unprecedented Arctic melting, sending Arctic winds south
>the globe is still warming though
>See this proves global warming is fake!

>> No.9642119

Actually it's both. The globe is warming.

>> No.9642357

If you consider massive amounts of carbon dioxide that was sequestered over millions of years being released over a hundred years, and a global warming rate an order of magnitude higher than anything humans have experienced nothing out of the ordinary then you might be retarded.

>> No.9642371

>1 degree per century
That's an order of magnitude faster than anything humans have experienced before.

>> No.9644466


>> No.9644794
File: 515 KB, 3032x2006, 3bb9749e904efc5c1a416663c09c46c3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth has seen its last Ice Age, I'm afraid. Desert area on Earth is growing by the area of New Mexico every year. It's 14% now, it was 9% 125 years ago, and it's predicted to be 25% by 2050. It's obviously not stopping there, either. Pic related is a shot of Earth, by the way. Not Mars. Not yet, at least.

>> No.9644798
File: 60 KB, 1000x600, https___blueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com_uploads_card_image_636060_45602064-f414-45af-9934-de72a7f10b2a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up and down

It's just going up these days. More than ever in recorded history. The same history from which you are getting "up and down" from. It's just not working that way any more.

>> No.9644800
File: 52 KB, 960x680, CC_hadleyCell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadley cells expanding towards the poles

>> No.9645186

Why would warming cause less water? Is it possible that diversion of water for agricultural use is a more likely reason?

>> No.9645201

What if we started using the same technology we now use to pump oil and gas over thousands of kilometers through pipelines to instead pump a natural reservoir in big deserts full of salt water which would then lower the air pressure by increasing humidity which could potentially stop the desertification, especially if the efforts are mixxed with importing sewage and shit from animal farming from the EU and US, literally export a ton of shit to deserts, mix it sand so the ground holds on to water better, and break the high pressure fronts up with inland seas?

Why is this not done?

>> No.9645233

Because it wouldn't work. Simply making a big shit puddle in the desert wouldn't change desert into not desert.

>> No.9645243
File: 174 KB, 1024x597, megalake sahara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we refill a reservoir of this size and ensure a continuous watersupply it will evaporate like mad with the solar intensity and temperatures of the Sahara, it would inevitable raise the humidity and lower the air pressure.

What if we treat it like just an experiment to see if we can influence air flows and seasonal weather behavior this way?

Why would it not work?

>> No.9645248

the post-ironic age is a tough titty but we're all chewing on it

>> No.9645396



>> No.9645432

Just replace the top left image with a merchant meme.

>> No.9645442


>> No.9645456

>which is quite different

How is it different