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File: 90 KB, 1900x2761, NatGeo_Evolving_Opener_Fin05_HiRes.ngsversion.1492193841882.adapt.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9639492 No.9639492 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next step in human evolution?

>> No.9639495

No white people

>> No.9639503


>> No.9639511
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Generically engineered cat girls

>> No.9639513
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Replacement with superintelligent AI

>> No.9639518
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Better immunity and intelligence are the only things i can think of


>> No.9639520
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Literally the only thing that matters.

>> No.9639524
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Why are people so vehemently against transhumanism on this board?
I've noticed it's not just laughing at dumbasses claiming they've discovered the key to it you're opposing, but the idea in general.

>> No.9639528

A) we're not going to be able to shove CPUs in our brains anytime soon
B) even if we managed to do it we'd see some real shitty health side effects and consequences

>> No.9639535

a) No shit sherlock
Whoever made that graphic above was retarded and it's nowhere near that close (i.e. not in our lifetimes), but that doesn't mean it's impossible.
b) How would you know? Besides, AI doesn't mean it has to be mechanical. 'Artificial' means it's made by us as opposed to naturally occurring, so anything we tried to attach to a creature would more likely be constructed organic neurons/pathways.
Health effects are a more complex one, since we have no idea how mentally stable something like that would be, but there are these things called 'tests' that are quite useful for seeing what could go wrong.

>> No.9639537

Son of a fuck >>9639528

>> No.9639552
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>How would you know?
There's bound to be something wrong with it especially with the fact that we're trying to modify something that we don't completely understand yet (the fucking human brain)
>'tests' that are quite useful for seeing what could go wrong.
do i need to tell you that's unethical

But ok let's actually pretend there's no health risks and you managed to make robo humans with HDDs as their memories and CPUs in their brains, how long do you think it'll take for the botnet by your wetware manufacturer to reach straight into your brain?

>> No.9639554

>There's bound to be something wrong with it
That's vague as hell so I'll just go with the next part
>the fact that we're trying to modify something that we don't completely understand yet
We RIGHT NOW don't, yes. Did you read where I said 'not in our lifetimes'?
We have no idea what's going to be figured out over the next century, let alone 30 years.

>HDDs as their memories and CPUs in their brains, how long do you think it'll take for the botnet by your wetware manufacturer to reach straight into your brain?
You didn't read anything I wrote, did you.

>> No.9639559

>You didn't read anything I wrote, did you.
Because what you mentioned was not h+ you pleb it was plain organic modification

>> No.9639567
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So applying artificial pathways to make expanded capacity for intelligence is not 'technology'?
Transhumanism doesn't need to consist of chrome-plated mannequins with SSD memory banks and wireless connections to a global supercomputer.

>> No.9639662

This. The future is Anime Transhumanism.

>> No.9639673
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It's National Anime Transhumanism.

>> No.9639730

Most likely it's: intelligence genes are slowly bred out by welfare state dysgenics and mixing with lower races, humanity then spends the next 400 million years twerking until being wiped out by an asteroid

>> No.9639782
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>> No.9640357

Possible objectives:
1) Longer lifespan (and slower aging)
2) Higher intelligence
3) Programmable bodies (like regrowing missing parts, tell cancer cells to self-destruct and so on)

>> No.9640395
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mars automated elon -1/12 killbots AI genetically engineered birth pods all made in graphene

>> No.9640479

We are past evolution. We've passed it years ago.
The real question is why (((ethics))) are stopping us from continuing our work on humans.

>> No.9640486
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amazon women and tiny male pets

>> No.9640497

>still believing the in the "2045" singularity meme
It's literally 2018 already and tech is still shit with no sign of exponential progress. maybe it will take off in the 2020's or early 30's who knows.

>> No.9640724

Tentacles would be handy.

>> No.9640744

if cat girls were real they would be pampered even more than normal girls are, and just like real girls, would not like you.

>> No.9640753

cat girls are never happening. They'd look like cats, you can't just stick cat ears and a tail onto a human, it doesn't work like that.
I've said it multiple times on this board and I'll say it again - in terms of fantasy fetishes that are going to be possible with genemodding, Giantess is going to be the biggest one. Just make the women ~7' tall and attracted to "cute"ness, and make the men really tiny and cute. Doesn't require much outside of what we already have.

>> No.9640769

god i wish that were me

>> No.9640777

What ever happens to be more advantageous to spreading genes that survive better than others.

>> No.9640804

i.e. amazon women tiny men

I will never stop shilling this

>> No.9640814

why not amazon women amazon men
soyboy fetishes are unhealthy

>> No.9640824

Because tiny men are superior at firearm combat, use less resources and take up less space, all of which are preferable in the modern and future environments.
We should honestly be shrinking both sexes but I like giant women so w.e.

>> No.9640833
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3 legs

>> No.9640914
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>3 legs
2 legs plus the BBC

Big Black Cock


>> No.9640930

The next step is fully synthetic new species. With entirely rewritten with new codon basis. Once you switch this basis it will be completely firewalled off from existing virus.

So basically a completely re-written organism designed intelligently to be a hard break from life on earth. This gives you immunity from all naturally occurring things.

After that it's just a lot of genetic engineering to get the other traits you want like intelligence, longevity, cancer immunity, etc.

Basically the future at least of biological life is a complete re-write. Using the existing biological systems as basis for the creation of entirely new ones. By applying actual intelligence instead of the RNG and local maxima limited evolution we can get insane gains.


>> No.9640943
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>>9639520 >>9639662 >>9640744 >>964075
Generically Engineered Catgirls



>> No.9640950
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>>9639520 >>9639662 >>9640744 >>9640753 >>9639673

Cute anime cat girls (with CRISPR)


>> No.9640956
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>> No.9640962

Ok, I wasn't going to post in this thread but holy shit there is a whole website dedicated to catgirls for domestic ownership. My jaw dropped.

>> No.9642349

There is no one single direction, we are evolving rapidly as a species in multiple directions.

The rate of human evolution is mostly based on reproduction because any idiot can now survive.

We will become multiple species

We will also start using genetic engineering to change ourselves

The trans humanist movement with also happen, but the time line is unsure.

at what point will these sub species not be considered human?

>> No.9642353

It depends on whether you count the development and advancement of technology as "evolution". We are a species that is basically defined by its use of tools, so its only natural to slowly correct problems of our biology by either genetic engineering or making mechanical changes to our bodies.

>> No.9642356

>it not happening in 2045 means that it won't happen for the rest of eternity
I never claimed that the Singularity will happen in 2045 you mongoloid. Just that it will happen at some unknown point in the future.

>> No.9642361
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>> No.9643949

Exterminate all negroids.

>> No.9644309

>edgier and angstier shit is better
Democracy above all.

>> No.9644313

>implying age 40 was a normal death for people before modern medicine
The average death was 40 due to infant mortality.

>> No.9644320

Roastie being this fucking mad

>> No.9644533

crashing this plane

>> No.9644554

that would be amazing

>> No.9645766
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Evolution doesn't work like that dude. But I predict humans will soon look like this.

>> No.9645880

I'm a man

>> No.9646079


>> No.9646115
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>check the fours in my digits

>> No.9646116
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>>9645880 >>9640753
Giantess waifu are fine too

>> No.9646118

>he still believes in pseudoscience

>> No.9646121
File: 1.47 MB, 500x281, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f69393748653949464743386745673d3d2d3232373336303534382e313433383334643763663431623831642e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9645880 >>9640753
Giantess boobs will certainly be HUGE.

>> No.9646127

Greater resistance to oxidative stress and other DNA damage sources.
Probably through redundancy of cell cycle control/apoptosis genes.
Gradually switching to a metabolism that can deal with richer meals, and not store everything at its expense.

>> No.9646188
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>>9645880 >>9640753 >>9646116 >>9646121
tfw no Giantess waifu

>> No.9646199

This guy again

>> No.9646285
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t. manlet

>> No.9646315

This guy who's right about everything.
We're superior.

>> No.9646382

People don't evolve. We change our environment so we never have to. Everything else does though.

>> No.9646405

Alot of people think they aren't human now. It's not slavery they're pets.

>> No.9646440 [DELETED] 

>>9642349 >>9646405
Jews see Goyim as not human animal slaves / cattle.

Whites see Blacks as not human animal slaves /monkeys.

Blacks didn't domesticate animals.

>> No.9646445 [DELETED] 

Jews see Goyim as not human animal slaves / cattle.
Jews enslave Goyim.

Whites see Blacks as not human animal slaves /monkeys.
Whites enslaved Blacks.

Blacks enslaved Blacks

>> No.9646452

Jews see Goyim as not human animal slaves / cattle.
Jews enslave Goyim.

Whites see Blacks as not human animal slaves /monkeys.
Whites enslaved Blacks.

>> No.9648221

CRISPR and biomechanical intervention to prevent the inevitable reduction in muscle mass that humanity will continue to experience over thousands of years from lack of exercise and necessity for physical stimuli. Evolution will not select for intelligence much more (if at all) than it already has until we have some great cataclysm or a darwinian calling for intellect.

The biomechanical intervention will also use AI that has been trained through analysis of our typical brain activity, memories, and autonomic nervous systems in order to enhance cognitive abilities and assist any physical enhancements (robotic muscles/joints, artificial endocrine systems, etc)

>Tl;dr: nanomachines, son.

>> No.9648228
File: 77 KB, 1024x640, font-b-Elves-b-font-Dark-Blonde-Glance-Fantasy-font-b-Girls-b-font-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not the superior Elf Girls or Slime Girls.

>tfw silicate DNA augmentations for porceleine skin way into their 500's at the cost of slower growth.

>> No.9648238
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"But anon..." I hear you say.
"No living creature can absorb such a heavy material as silicone and remain stable enough to live."

>Snails literally made of iron.

It can be done.

This kekkles my shekkles.