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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9625674 No.9625674 [Reply] [Original]

>mention IQ tests, IQ relating to ability to do a job, or just IQ in general
>everyone goes absolutely ballistic ranting about IQ having zero merit and being purely made up nonsense

Why is there such a massive resistance against IQ? By now it's as close to proven as it gets, and most jobs have you take an IQ test (called differently to circumvent the law), yet the clubs and rocks come out the moment you mention it.

>> No.9625678

because of leftwing ideology where all inequality in the word is due to evil man-made cultures.

>> No.9625688

>and most jobs have you take an IQ test (called differently to circumvent the law)

>> No.9625695

t. wagie

Maybe your Walmart job interview didn't, but most decent jobs nowadays within management, STEM, etc. have you take an "aptitude test" which is the same fucking thing as an IQ test, but under a different name because otherwise it's illegal (because some judge said "IQ does not show the ability to carry out a job", even though that was and has been proven wrong).

>> No.9625702
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Lol my friend had to take one of those spatial reasoning iq tests for an investment banking internship at a boutique

But, why the resistance?

It's irrefutable science that breaks the leftist world view they inherited from Christian society that says all people are equal and that the only reason not everyone is successful is due to environment

The left is incompatible with reality and leftism only arises in decadent, will fully blind, societies

You're talking about people who think they're smart for changing their world view because of fiction they read (they'll dress it up with the world 'literature')

>> No.9625703

>most decent jobs nowadays within management, STEM, etc. have you take an "aptitude test"

>> No.9625710

IQ tests are a meme. What matters is your knowledge of the field and your problem solving skills.

>> No.9625733
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Because the brain is a complex machine that we don't fully understand yet.
There are many forms of intelligence each of which correspond to different parts of the brain and IQ tests only test for the parts that some random guy deemed worth enough to test for.

Also, the general idea of IQ as something you're born with that can't be improved, and if you take the IQ test multiple times it's cheating. This is incorrect because the brain is designed to improves itself with repetitive use the same way muscles do. As you learn and train your brain your brains physical structure rearranges and reorders itself.

Standard IQ tests may be the best way of measuring intelligence, but that by no means makes them good.

>> No.9625736

You're full of shit
Everyone who posts on /sci/ knows brainlets exist, but IQ is a retarded metric

>> No.9625744

IQ is just "thinks per second"

>> No.9625752

No, it is not a retarded metric. Proof
Take 1000 people who have scored 80 on an IQ test and 1000 people who have scored 130 on an IQ test. Which group do you think would make the better doctors , engineers, lawyers, journalists, accountants, actuaries, bankers, programmers, scientists, academics, CEOs ?
Obviously the group whose IQs are 130, because IQ is a valid low-resolution measure of whether someone is a brainlet or intelligent or average.

Are you going to apologise to /sci/ for polluting this board with your stupid and obviously false post?

>> No.9625754

it's a predictor of success
has very little to do with intelligence

>> No.9625756

t. Retarded NEET

>> No.9625767
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>Grug say he big head
>Grug say big head important
>want to join big head tribe because he big head too
>big head tribe tell Grug to match mammoth hairs and sort berries
>Grug work very hard but big head tribe tell Grug he not big head and cannot join big head tribe
>Grug angry, Grug deny big head exist, say big leg and fast hand also type of big head and same importance
>Grug hate big head tribe

>> No.9625769

please don't spam /sci/

>> No.9625774

It's a test of how well you can identify patterns. Pattern identification is the central skill in understanding the behaviour of things and the rules they operate under , which is needed to manipulate your environment to your benefit.

The fact that IQ is predictive of success in all sorts of mentally demanding problem solving endeavors in all sorts of subjects and vocations is strong evidence of this and of the validity of IQ as a proxy for intelligence.

Only butthurt brainlets cry about IQ being invalid or not measuring intelligence when IQ is clearly able to distinguish robustly between the gifted, the average and the brainlets.

>> No.9625780

>all research points to IQ being very real and tangible
>all research points to the whole "different types of intelligence so EVERYONE is intelligent!" being bullshit
>even on /sci/ the reaction is a lot of butthurt with no arguments or arguments proven wrong by research decades ago

Fine if you think IQ is bullshit, but if you're gonna make that claim, back your claim up with some research and data, not just your own anger.

>> No.9625877

Can anyone ITT define intelligence?

>>all research points to IQ being very real and tangible
>back your claim up with some research and data

>> No.9625938

>Why is there such a massive resistance against IQ?
You have to posses 2-digit IQ to not understand this. Firstly, IQ is something you can't do much about, and ranking people based on it makes them obviously often feel bad. Secondly, IQ tests really aren't that reliable. Surely the best indicator of general intelligence, but most people practice them (even one round can be considered practice), which improves their results wildly. There's also no reason to expect pattern recognition tests to tell everything about a person's general intelligence. Lastly, people with high IQ can be unsuccessful as people with lower IQ can be successful. A large part comes to motivation and also the person's thinking pattern.


>> No.9625955

>ranting about IQ having zero merit
Because 'everyone must have equal chances to succeed in life, and is born equal'
It's that simple.
Some people got offended that data was not going along their ideology.
Now you have to understand IQ is a potential.
People with high IQ can still end up lowlifes failures.
But the reverse is quite rare.

>> No.9625962
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>multiple intelligences

Yeah totally.

>> No.9625969

>Can anyone ITT define intelligence?

Sure: skills which are measured by IQ tests.

>> No.9625972
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Big head tribe

>> No.9625992

Are you saying that everyone is a genius?
That prostitutes, criminal gangs, truck drives, african tribes & janitors are just as intelligent as scientists?

>> No.9626003

>mfw it's another "/scipol/ chooses to let raw data dictate their worldview" thread with no care or interest in ethics or the implications of these findings being acted upon legislatively
Do you guys just think you're inherently going to be on the topmost portion of any system that segregates itself by IQ?

>> No.9626015

I want to know how the story ends. Was he right? Will he succeed?

>> No.9626023

>lets ignore the signifigance of this data because it would disrupt the harmony of society by revealing uncomfortable truths about a persons potential.

>> No.9626025


>> No.9626047

You have the same line of thinking as the inquisition in the middle ages, congrats.

>> No.9626055

Because it destroys the just world fallacy, intelligence is genetics, looks (face and hair) are genetics, height is genetics, mental illnesses are genetics, and now even intelligence, it's clear that free will is but an illusion

>> No.9626058

Because IQ is racist, but nobody will admit to that.

>> No.9626060

>can't be double blind studied
>close to proven

>> No.9626081

I don't see how IQ being genetic means that free will is an illusion. IQ is just your brain's hardware, the software is up to you.

>> No.9626176

if by 'aptitude test' you mean an interview and a look at your CV/resume, sure

if you mean they actually hand you a fucking test then you have no fucking clue what you're talking about

>> No.9626194

>Grug have zero life accomplishments
>Grug think saving grace is big head
>Grug join big head tribe
>Grug realize everyone in big head tribe obsessed with big head, and nothing else
>Grug realize everyone in big head tribe compensating with sorrow of having no redeemable features apart from big head
>Grug wonder if maybe big head not what its cracked up to be

>> No.9626199

>getting butthurt at a fucking brainlet wojak greentext

Well you definitely aren't big head tribe, that's for sure.

>> No.9626203

Offering an alternative perspective using the same format is butthurt? I'm just trying to speak /sci/

oh well

(but I was tho)

>> No.9626212

Not at all. The software is determined by other chemical reactions in your brain and by your environment, just like your IQ which is also effected by the environment (diet during childhood)

>> No.9626305

> Surely the best indicator of general intelligence, but most people practice them (even one round can be considered practice), which improves their results wildly
Institutions that employ IQ-testing don´t let you "practice" or retake their tests as many times as you like.
>. Lastly, people with high IQ can be unsuccessful as people with lower IQ can be successful.
On average, people with lower IQ are less successful than people with high IQ.
> A large part comes to motivation and also the person's thinking pattern.
Intelligence leads success in most endeavors, which leads to a motivation to learn more challenging concepts.

>> No.9626310

>IQ is just your brain's hardware, the software is up to you.
You don´t create your own will - it is a result of subconscious processes sprung from a combination of a large quantity of causally linked events that culminated in the circumstances of your birth, upbringing and life.

>> No.9626312

>but most people practice them (even one round can be considered practice), which improves their results wildly
Proven wrong so many times by research.

>> No.9626321

looks like none of you retards applied to Amazon or Intel

they literally make you do an online """"logic""""" test

>> No.9626325

I'm one of them. I took two IQ exams. One when I was 15, and another at 20.

WISC-IV and WAIS-IV respectively.
107 on the first, 124 on the 2nd. I literally learned patterns on the exams because of the dumb RAVEN matrices threads on here.

>> No.9626329

Also, at 15, heritability of IQ is at the near maximum, which 20 being around the same.

>> No.9626330
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Ted Kaczynski has a decent psychoanalysis of these types of people.

>> No.9626331

>I literally learned patterns on the exams
In the very unlikely event that you "learned" a pattern or two that just so happened to pop up in an IQ-test, it only serves to prove that you cheated.

>> No.9626333

Learning is cheating, then?

>> No.9626341

>you can "cheat" on IQ tests

sounds like a pretty useless metric

>> No.9626343

>Institutions that employ IQ-testing don´t let you "practice" or retake their tests as many times as you like.
It's not like you can't practice if said institution doesn't specifically spoon feed you with practice rounds.
>On average, people with lower IQ are less successful than people with high IQ.
I don't even think I argued against this. But IQ is not the sole factor of a person's success either.
>Intelligence leads success in most endeavors, which leads to a motivation to learn more challenging concepts.
Spoken like a true brainlet. The way the reward system of a person's brain functions is not directly tied to their IQ.

Do post some of this research, I won't mind being proven wrong. I've actually never done an IQ test but I do the ones posted here regularly. Would be lying if I said I didn't improve after getting a few pics worth of practice. The more you practice them the more you'll be familiar with all the tricks around.

>> No.9626344

Grug like IQ test
Grug has high 83 IQ

>> No.9626347

>I've actually never done an IQ test but I do the ones posted here regularly. Would be lying if I said I didn't improve after getting a few pics worth of practice. The more you practice them the more you'll be familiar with all the tricks around.
Literally this.

I can't believe I bested the system so easily. IQ truly is infallible.

>> No.9626354

>Would be lying if I said I didn't improve after getting a few pics worth of practice
on that note
wouldn't quality education have the same effect? of course, racial differences are almost entirely because of genetics, I'm sure

>> No.9626361

Maybe a really minor one? Practicing logical thinking surely should bring at least some benefit.

Anyway, I think both the people who disregard IQ and the ones who think it's some kind of an absolute infallible metric are idiots

>> No.9626367

Bruh do you even know what the Flynn effect? Where you grow up and how educated you are has a huge impact on IQ scores. Hell even learning to play an instrument or learn another language can bump up your IQ scores.

>> No.9626373

It has an effect for sure. Let's not go crazy though. The Flynn effect was not from education alone. Better nutrition and less toxin exposure are factors too.

>> No.9626375

Actually didn't, guess I've been living in a box. Doesn't sound surprising though, if you think how much dumber we'd probably be had we never gotten any formal education. Education likely has a significant positive impact on early age brain development?

>> No.9626381

>intelligence is skills which are measured by IQ tests

I'm gunna make an online IQ test that measures your ability to troll and shitpost. I'm going to be the smartest person in the world!!

>> No.9626382

The major attributions were due to access to education and nutrition. The largest uptick in intelligence as a function of change in nutrition being adding iodine to salt in the united states. There are a couple cases were education impacts on IQ scores could be examined closely, such as when Virginia closed public schools to avoid integration and private schools were only open for Caucasian students. The Black students had a drop in IQ of 6 points per year of school they missed. Another factor is that schooling exposes you to tests and how to approach them, giving a distinct edge compared to those who have not dealt with standardized testing before. Overall it will cause less developed nations to show much decreased IQ scores than developed nations.

>> No.9626383
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>People can practice IQ tests and get better scores with each subsequent test
>If they keep taking them, they'll eventually hit a score of 200 unless they're retarded because there is no real cap on it

I don't think research can change the reality that everything is a skill, and human beings are made to learn and adapt.

>> No.9626399

Who /big head boi/ here?

>> No.9626400


>> No.9626404

Good info

>> No.9626406


In the end I agree that some intelligences like "musical" intelligence is stupid, but saying that intelligence is not composed of any sub components is even more retarded. The mind is complex, and certain functions will be better then others. There are some people who are incredible in everything but processing speed, for example. You may be able to have an incredible understanding of a subject, and be able to make insane connections, but the time it takes you to do these things is long. Intelligence is still not very clearly defined, both in the world of psychology and neurology

>> No.9626408

I mean even this guy
Only hit 124 IQ when he was captured by the government.

I know his IQ probably isn't 124, and it's probably higher than that, but it's just evidence that IQ can fluctuate like crazy. He had every reason to ace that IQ test to substantiate his claims to the public, but he didn't.

Something that kind of bothered me about him is that he never entertained the idea that he was like everyone else. It's like he really fucked-up despite being very smart.

On a certain level, despite his skill in mathematics, you can kind of see that he had his own feelings of inferiority. Mathematics let him make-up for all of the failures in his life (never had a real relationship with a female. never had good friends. never had an excellent job.), so he relentlessly pursued the idea that he was intelligent because it was the only thing he had.

He's right about everything, but he's also a sad man that lives in a prison cell and failed in life.

>> No.9626409 [DELETED] 


>> No.9626414

If /sci/ wanted to make a class on how to take an IQ test, how would it be set up? Would you just drill a bunch of problem sets until they can reflexively do them? Or would there be significant pedagogy as you try to reshape the way a person integrates information to be better suited for the IQ test?

>> No.9626420

Even within a certain subject there are different types of intelligence. In my department we have one lecturer who used to be insanely good at math olympiads, and won second place in some worldwide math olympiad, but never really got far with his research. Now he's just a lecturer and stopped doing research.

On the other hand we have professors who never participated in olympiads but are doing very relevant research and pulling in loads of grants for their projects.

>> No.9626426

so is Amazon and Intel most of STEM?

pretty sure Biogen Inc doesn't do that
>inb4 anything with Bio in it clearly would be low IQ

>> No.9626933

>grug want intern at granite valley
>grug pick wrong picture in matchy match test
>grug now work mammoth dealership

>> No.9626957

>but it's just evidence that IQ can fluctuate like crazy.
The law of large numbers can cancel this out to a large degree though.

>> No.9627172

>some intelligences like "musical" intelligence is stupid
It is real. It's the reason why not everyone has perfect pitch or the creativity required to compose a song. Why deny it?

>> No.9627176

No it's not.
It's deeper than that

>> No.9627239

I think it's a bit too broad though. I think musical intelligence can be boiled down into a few different aspects. Something like "logical intelligence" is hard to break up, but musical can be tons of different things. As you said, creativity, well developed hearing, logic, etc. These are all things that contribute to someone being good at music.

>> No.9627274
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Just curious anon.
What's the endgame?
Like suppose tomorrow you win the battle. All of /sci/ agrees that IQ is everything and that racial IQ is stratified (on average).
What will be your next move?

>> No.9627279

t. pot meets kettle

>> No.9627281
File: 124 KB, 770x834, 1397318320575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did WAIS last month
>100 iq

I feel so bad man. I don't want to make any excuses for it or anything. I'm just taking it like a man. A brainlety little man.

>> No.9627283

>100 iq
Wow, that's borderline retarded. I learned this from /sci/.

>> No.9627294
File: 629 KB, 1920x1080, the_office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is like measuring your dick. You measure it obsessively over and over again because you attach a lot of your self esteem to it, and you take the highest value.

>Tt. IQ of 131 and dick length of 7 inches

>> No.9627296

>Tt. IQ of 13 and dick length of 7 cm

>> No.9627302

My intelligence has already been proved by a metric much more relevant than IQ, so idgaf anymore.

>> No.9627306
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>Being too low IQ to understand that that post is ironic

>> No.9627307
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>not understanding meta-irony

>> No.9627309

>some fag mentions IQ test
>ask where he had it tested
>tells me some dumb website
>go to it and take the test
>tells me i'm >99 percentile or einstein level or some shit
IQ tests are usually disregarded because most people take worthless online tests that inflate scores.
Even then, there's variance from test to test, unless you all take Mensa tests, which means that some tests may suit some people better than others.

If there's anything to take out of them it's that so long as you aren't sub 100 then you're not a brainlet, but how intelligent you are isn't going to be measured by the number of points past 100 you are.

>> No.9627311

I didn't have to do that and I work at Lab126

>> No.9627312
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>> No.9627317

Only if you're black or hispanic anon sorry to break it to you

>> No.9627322

I'm sad about it. You can't really talk about it without coming off as insecure or butthurt (I guess I am). I just have to accept that I scored a 100 on an iq test.

I started the test at 8pm, and towards the end was really tired. It seems weird that these tests don't take into account a lot of other factors. I'm positive I would have done better if I had taken the test on 9 hours of sleep earlier in the day.

>> No.9627329

>what is the 18th letter of the english alphabet?
These questions are bollocks.

>> No.9627331

I’m sure there are a bunch of savants that would get low scores or non math related subjects or can’t function Socially. So in this case IQ doesn’t help. Gahdamn polysci major would live a more fruitful life

>> No.9627333

Most people have very low agency and are just parroting what they hear around. This will change to people having the same reaction against people that take IQ seriously in a few years, as knowledge about IQ and genetics spreads around.

People are sheep. inb4 butthurt
>muh edge
>muh tips fedora

>> No.9627356
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So the test, as are all human made tests, only test your ability to conform to what it's human creator's limited perspective informs them is correct, or is proof of intelligence, and therefor is proof of nothing else.
Ok, I think we're done here. /thread

>> No.9627359

Just ask them if they would hire someone with an IQ of 70
Their tune changes quickly

>> No.9627857

>and most jobs have you take an IQ test
Unless you're applying for an incredibly low-demand position that requires no CV of any kind - maybe, but otherwise university degrees already do a good enough job of sorting people based on intelligence.

>> No.9627859

i'm chinese

>> No.9627944

yeah, but IQ is used as an approximation of g, the real metric for intelligence. So to circumvent the inaccuracy of IQ Tests from their learnability, you could as well measure improvements between taking the test several times as a relative measurement of intelligence between different individuals.

>> No.9627992

The Lockean (John Locke, an enlightenment philosopher) Tabula Rasa (we are all inherently the same, born blank slates and shaped wholly by our environment) is a fundemental axiom upon which Marxist "scientific socialism" is based.

Remove the peice and the ideology crumbles (not that it isn't irrational in a dozen other ways, but still).

Consequently the resistance is intense, among the postmoderns (a philosophy which expands on the counter-enlightment proposition that reason has no direct access to reality, with nihilistic identitarianism) who would have it that there is no "truth" to strive towards, only competing power games.

It all gets very stupid quite quickly, but that's a brief explanation of the "intellectual" foundation for the anti-IQ stuff.

>> No.9628049

t. Low IQ brainlet

>> No.9628054

>implying IQ isn't directly correlated to problem solving ability

>> No.9628076

Are people really this dumb? All top jobs have these kind of test, headhunters use them all the time.

>> No.9628083
File: 76 KB, 500x702, 1504365511473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the first goal would be go get Hillary elected in 2020

>> No.9628100

All you need to get an excellent IQ score is a 5 year long intensive practice in non-meme philosophy (logic-heavy), physics, chemistry and engineering.

>> No.9628119

>brings up race even though it was not mentioned at all
>that pic

I wonder if someone is still a bit booty bothered over the election.

>> No.9628120

That just shows how important philosophy really is.

>> No.9628278

>that pic
Everyone knows that was a mosaic, you aren't fooling anyone here

>> No.9628922

Heavy Brainlet cope. Any cognitively demanding profession requires an IQ test to enter. Think (GRE, MCAT, LSAT) all of these are IQ tests with a flavor that matches the profession.

>> No.9628957

If I already took the GRE and scored well, got a PhD at a world-famous university, and am published in my area of research, I need to take an IQ test to prove I'm capable of a cognitively demanding profession?

>> No.9629005

>IQ is bogus
>let me prove it by appealing to my high IQ

You severely underestimate the role IQ played in your life success. Your admission into your PhD program involved a rigorous IQ prescreening process. Assuming you're not larping, you would not be where you are if you had an innately low IQ.

>> No.9629021

I found some other patterns in this pic.

>> No.9629023
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>every test, examination and incident in your life is an IQ test

>> No.9629028
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>Low IQ people can handle a level 3 question on a standardized test

>> No.9629034

What test? I'm pretty there's been plenty of Nobel Laureates with "low IQ's."

>> No.9629035

I didn't say IQ is bogus, ever. I do think there are limits to what it can tell you, but I don't think that means it's not useful.

But that's not even what I said. I expressed doubt jobs give "IQ tests" in the form of a sheet of paper that asks you to find the next number in a mathematical sequence. How widespread really is that? Amazon and Intel, apparently, but everywhere worth a damn? I doubt it.

>> No.9629039

Those tests are grindable anon unlike real IQ tests.

>> No.9629048

book smart =/= street smart

>> No.9629050

>low IQ Nobel laureates

>> No.9629263

>I don't want to make any excuses for it or anything.
This is IQ denialism at its worst. If having an average intelligence isn't a good enough excuse for not being highly successful in life then what is? Denying the importance of IQ just makes everyone feel bad. Except, of course, those with high IQ who now believe they simply worked harder than everyone else.

>> No.9629477
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What's your job description?

>> No.9629498

I mean Einstein said everyone was, although you are definitely taking what this person said so far out of context and reality it had to get it's passport.

>> No.9629535

What was it like?

>> No.9629542

got a 108 while I got a 140 on that mensa.no test that gets passed around here.

I also remember scoring above 99th percentile on the RAVEN when I was 15. i'm not sure where things went downhill. I'm 22, for reference

>> No.9629580

Einstein was born into the most effeminate and privileged class, thus he never experienced the depths of human waste that fill society. His belief on human nature was wrong.

>> No.9629585

Individual results don't matter much. Group performance data is what should be considered when making decisions on who to gas.

>> No.9629596
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I got a 130 on that Mensa test.
S-so I'm sub 100?

>> No.9629625

Anyone below 87 IQ is arguably superfluous to humanity since they technically can't be trained to do any job.

>> No.9629686

>implying the election result has anything to do with you being a brainlet
race has already been mentioned ITT retard

>On average, people with lower IQ are less successful than people with high IQ
>On average
seconding this question: (>>9627274) what will you do with this information?
put another way, would you gladly subjugate yourself to sterilization and a life of mind-numbing menial labor, based on the results of a test administered to you by some jew you don't even know?

>> No.9629767

Nah, look at percentiles. Whatever is the 98th percentile in WAIS, is you

>> No.9629884
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>leftist world view that says all people are equal and that the only reason not everyone is successful is due to environment
Literally nobody believes this. Mistaking a strawman for the real position of your opponents doesn't show your reasoning abilities in a very good light.

>> No.9629911

Rather than acknowledging differences in people but treating them equally, liberals get it backwards. They treat everybody equally, so they think that everybody is the same.

>> No.9629914
File: 21 KB, 636x534, 138 IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is 138 according this website

>> No.9629930

just take a proxy IQ test that'll take 4-10 years of your life: a undergraduate and post graduate degree.

everyone know IQ tests are racist, which is why employers have to ask people to get degrees in things and then train them to do their job.

my PhD is just going to be a certificate that i'm smart as fuck and can perform any intellectual task.

>> No.9629931
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This shit isn't for real, right? I feel like I'm getting memed.

>> No.9629936

that's the test I was talking about


>> No.9629942

Thanks. Knew something was up, I'm pretty average. Maybe I'll try a real one some time.

>> No.9629952

keep in mind that a legitimate 124 I know got a 136 on that test

That mensa.no exam is but one subtest on a proper IQ test.

>> No.9630092

You´re not supposed to memorize the patterns, since it defeats the entire purpose of the test. In answer to your question: in the context of an IQ test, yes.
You can´t cheat on them. I was simply entertaining - and subsequently dissecting - a stupid notion posted by some other anon.

>> No.9630096

>It's not like you can't practice if said institution doesn't specifically spoon feed you with practice rounds.
Practice will not make you smarter.
>But IQ is not the sole factor of a person's success either.
That may be true for car salesmen, but company executives, military officers and STEM-academics are almost exclusively promoted based on measured ability alone.

>> No.9630103

>Doesn't sound surprising though, if you think how much dumber we'd probably be had we never gotten any formal education. Education likely has a significant positive impact on early age brain development?
After decades of free access to higher education in western society, 50% of the population still score below 100 on IQ-tests.

>> No.9630114

>Only hit 124 IQ when he was captured by the government.
You didn´t read the report correctly. His spatial score was in the high 130s, as was his mathematical reasoning score. Furthermore, he was middle-aged and not-so-slightly mentally disheveled due to 15 years of living in the woods.

His doctoral thesis and climb to professorship in math at a top-school by the tender age of 25 should be enough evidence to place him in the top 0.01% intelligence-wise.
>Something that kind of bothered me about him is that he never entertained the idea that he was like everyone else.
Why would he entertain falsities?
>Mathematics let him make-up for all of the failures in his life (never had a real relationship with a female. never had good friends. never had an excellent job.), so he relentlessly pursued the idea that he was intelligent because it was the only thing he had.
Never did he pursue such an idea - the netflix show on him is not accurate at all.

>> No.9630116

>He's right about everything, but he's also a sad man that lives in a prison cell and failed in life.
He wrote a political manifesto that undoubtedly contributed more good to humanity than you, I or the average scientist could ever dream of contributing.

>> No.9630119

Because Western civilization is basically held captive by egalitarian wishful thinking.

We can't state obvious truths, because it might offend some nigger or fat purple-haired freak.

>> No.9630122


>> No.9630125

>Unless you're applying for an incredibly low-demand position that requires no CV of any kind - maybe
You´re getting it all wrong. Executives and other highly skilled professionals take thinly-veiled IQ-tests in the recruitment process, while average joe in most countries never has to so much as look at one.
>maybe, but otherwise university degrees already do a good enough job of sorting people based on intelligence.
The SAT/ACT tests, which determine entry to prestigious universities, are thinly-veiled IQ-tests.

>> No.9630133

The SAT/ACT haven't been g-loaded for 20+ years, my man. Not that I disagree with you.

>> No.9630135

>t. retards who retook the test several times
Memorizing the sequences is cheating.

>> No.9630137

They are still g-loaded enough to predict an individuals IQ with an accuracy of above half a SD.

>> No.9630139

>higher IQ
"Heh fucking niggers, serves them right"
>Lower IQ
“fucking gooks, always cheating scu-”

>> No.9630165

Can anyone ITT explain to me the reason for the race and IQ gap?

>> No.9630220

Yep, it's a pity so few people make the effort, postmodernism would never have gained the ground it has, and certainly socialism, of all the heinous bullshit, wouldn't be back on the menu.

>> No.9630321


I want to read a book written like this.

>> No.9630338

Some mixture of income + genes + culture + geographical distribution

>> No.9630363

because it means niggers r dumb
The real error is assuming that intelligence is adaptive and that superiority is a meaningful way to analyse the world as it is rather than adaptedness. E.g. you can have as much IQ as you want by high IQ people, generally, suck at having kids and they're losing massively in Afrika.
>have a high IQ
>plan ahead rather than spamming babies
>in a tropical environment
>get killed by people with no fear of death because they can't perceive consequences
>they rape your wife or murder her and keep spamming kids

>> No.9630397

the genetic mesh

>> No.9630489

IQ is genetic but can change within populations over time. A good comparison is height. 200 years ago everyone was a 5'5 manlet but over the years people grew to the normal height of 6'1 through various factors

>> No.9630597

>Softwear is up to you
Our neurobiology is the softwear save a few fine tuning features like habitation.

We basically are collections of unconscious processes that click together every 100-300ms to take a gesalt of our general state

>> No.9630603

David Reich (ironically his dad ran a holocaust museum) just cracked open that can of worms in the NYT.


Basically China is China because of the Chinese, Finland is Finland because of the Finns, and Somalia is Somalia because of the Somalians.

>> No.9630610

You're doing exactly what Reich said is fallacious:

>What makes Dr. Watson’s and Mr. Wade’s statements so insidious is that they start with the accurate observation that many academics are implausibly denying the possibility of average genetic differences among human populations, and then end with a claim — backed by no evidence — that they know what those differences are and that they correspond to racist stereotypes.

>> No.9630612

That was due to malnutrition you brainlet.

>> No.9630614
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>Why is there such a massive resistance against IQ?

Left-wing intelectuals dislike the idea of innate hierarchy and right-wing intellectuals dislike the possibility of you being better than them.

>> No.9630620

Yes and no. When I got into med school certain subsections were weighted way more heavily due to their resistance to grinding

>> No.9630635


Yes its a population average but people need to realize that there are significant differences between populations

>> No.9630636
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>> No.9630658

>Yes its a population average but people need to realize that there are significant differences between populations
"Significant" is relative. The right wording here is "clear" differences. There are clear genetic differences between many human populations, of which the socially constructed "race" is a crude estimation of. So far, the differences reveal themselves mostly in the immune system and effectiveness of medications. Differences in genes related to the brain have also been found, but their effect on intelligence is not known at all.

>> No.9630739

>SNPs relating to intelligence/education attainment
>Function not found
>Significant meaning statistically

I'll agree race isn't "real" but ethnicity sure is

>> No.9630742
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> brainlet in disgust

>> No.9630748

>geographical distribution
But, anon, blacks underperform whites on standardized tests in every income bracket.

>> No.9630762

That's why he said income wasn't the only factor........

>> No.9630788

well even though many people think that low IQ means low intellect it does not mean too much, everyone who has IQ between 90 to 130 can do basic jobs, most people fall in this range it does not matter much while knowledge does matter

>> No.9630802

Adjusting for culture (urban and suburban well-to-do families) yields the same results.
>everyone who has IQ between 90 to 130 can do basic jobs
"Basic jobs" will become fewer and fewer at an exponential rate, thanks to techonological progress. Furthermore, the correct comparison is 70-130 (2 SD:s in both directions), and let me tell you one thing: the gap between 100 (fireman, tradesman, secretary), 115 (engineer, salesman, management) and 130 (executives, high-ranking public servants, academics) is massive.

>> No.9630817

Dude, no one's being unethical to people with low IQs just by saying that there's a difference in human ability. Yes, we understand that it's not the fault of someone who's mentally retarded that they're mentally retarded, and we should definitely seek to help them in every way possible but the fact still remains that they are mentally retarded.
(By retarded I mean a person with an IQ < 80).

>> No.9631039

>>>In every Income bracket

SAT's, ACT's are a bullshit way of studying IQ. Especially when the sites that point out these """racial differences""" don't even site the details of where the info came from.

>> No.9631256

because it is really depressing to want to be something great and have a low iq. it essentially is telling someone all they have every wanted they will never have to stop pursuing it. that and it does tend to be reductive there are verbal and spacial whatevers. T.iq 115 brainlet who is going to kill himself within the week

>> No.9631279
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some poster. also aren't there like four types of iq or something. the test i took (Woodcock–Johnson) had four things one was verbal that i did really well on (148). i know i am reaching but i would really like to be smart or talented in anyway at all. i just want to know what to do with my life i am miserable and need help.

>> No.9631297

The irony about people who say there are racial difference in intelligence, they don't realize that average white IQ is also going down due to regression. It's almost like people with lower IQ in general are more likely to mate.

>> No.9631333

Because aspie white men can do well in them, beating the women and minorities and nonaspie men who have spent their academic time doing small extra-curricular stuff that they can then blow out of all proportion for their CV.

The trendy answer is "social intelligence", meaning you can't do calculus or remember the details of how lung cancer spreads, but you can convince leftwing academics that you're clever in other ways mostly around communication. There is some merit to that, to be honest. But as someone on the aspie end on the spectrum, who doesn't have a blown-up CV listing all the made-up companies I've ran and mountains I've climbed, I'd much rather have a simple IQ test in order to get a job.

Having said all that, Western economies don't need technical aspies. We live in a world of sales.

>> No.9631338

You can still understand complex phenomena, you just need to be spoon-fed much more than someone with a high IQ. And given that you probably don't have access to a spoon-feeder who can teach you it all, trying to learn it independently will tire you out and you'll eventually give up.

Anyway, most people with incredible IQs never do anything great. So even if you were IQ 140, you'd still probably not be doing anything groundbreaking.

>> No.9631339

Fortunately East Asia is at least half-intelligent and invests heavily into R&D

>> No.9631361

what about the other thing with the branch chart. do the different things really exist or is that bullshit. I am sorry if this is all a dumb question but i am really depressed i took an iq test when i was young and it has been a consistent source of misery for 15 years. the real reason everyone hates iq is that everyone wants to be a great something and the iq tells them they defintely will or won't be that there is no hope for them that all they will get from math is high school level or literature as only superficial. it is one of the most miserable life denying phenomena i have ever seen. even deaths offer hope to people by means of hope for an afterlife, or simply to being released from the miseries of the world, but IQ has no grace, no room for hope or upside.

>> No.9631364

The Chinese are already researching embryo selection for mothers, which apparently can lead to anywhere from +5 to +18 average iQ. Imagine if the average Chinese was 115IQ and there are over a billion of them.

We better get our asses in gear in the west and drop this Marxist anti-science bullshit or they'll leave us in the dust. Maybe I should start learning Chinese, got good looks and know how to cook so maybe in the future I can be the prized European butler for some rich Chinese woman, when they're average IQ is grazing 120 and we're falling below 90 thanks to Abdul and Mutumbe.

>> No.9631390
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>> No.9631392

Yeah people get bummed out about IQ kek. There are more important things to worry about. The most successful people I know from my old secondary school, and it's been 10 years since then, were not particularly bright. I was given an award for top 10 academic achievement in the school year, and I generally score high on IQ tests, but a few of my brainlet friends and now either successful engineers with their own homes, or pilots, and so on. The fact that I could starch them in a math exam has come to mean little.

>> No.9631396

The elite whites *think Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc.) will have enough power/money/leverage to buy into whatever great new world China takes us into.
From my perspective that is basically what globalism is. The elites of all the different places in the world meeting up and trying to stabilise the existing situation in which they rule supreme.
Having said that, white elites do not want to raise the average quality of the white population - they are in it for themselves - whilst the Chinese seem to show more concern about eugenics for the common Chinaman.

>> No.9631431

Well IQ has no meaning if you have a person with very high IQ but knows as much as the average person.

You shouldn't judge how smart people are by their IQ alone, you should judge them on how well they have used their IQ.

It's not about how high of an IQ you have, it's about how much you know with your IQ, it's about how you use your IQ if you will.

T. Slight Aspergers.

>> No.9631446

what about the chart and parts of iq. can one have say a high verbal iq and low processing speed. i just want to be smart enough to discover and create new things

>> No.9631455

Yes see >>9631446

>> No.9631457

See >>9631431 *

>> No.9631459
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>We better get our asses in gear in the west and drop this Marxist anti-science bullshit or they'll leave us in the dust.

We already lost. There is no return at this point and this is a good thing. Sick societies must perish.

>Maybe I should start learning Chinese
I'm already learning mandarin. The Han will take their rightful place as the rulers of this world in this century.

>> No.9631484

posting again. my psychologist said something about twice exceptional meaning i did unevenly on the parts of the test

>> No.9631539

Stop being a faggot. I scored 110 on mensa and am graduating with a 3.5 in chemistry despite putting almost no effort into undergrad. Be grateful for what you have, 115 is 85th percentile and most people you encounter will be no where near your cognitive ability.

>> No.9631730

This is my fear. The Chinese will develop into a hyper-efficient hive (lets be honest they'll select for drone like obedience plus IQ), while the Western elite select for philosopher king like offspring as their proles get browned into Neo Brazil.

My gameplan is to freeze some sperm at 30 and after cranking out a few kids with my Polish law student GF then focus on getting some gene edited hapa über child

>> No.9631761

it'd be such a tragedy if your edited child ended up turning into an /r9k/ failson...

>> No.9631961

>everyone knows IQ tests are racist
I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.

>> No.9632066

I guess he would literally be a BETA tester for the whole process

>> No.9632087
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>> No.9632135

You think he put that much thought into some one-liner that became an instant quotable? It's the same deal with Gretzky. Gretzky's opinions on hockey weren't actually that insightful, (he was a dogshit coach), although he was unparalleled in actually doing the game.

>> No.9632144
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to make such a bold statement you first have to define what you mean by "intelligence"

>> No.9632152

Look, this thread is pointless. The only thing people should realize is that it is more of diagnostic check rather than actual schematic of your brain. If your brain is an effective brain, then it should do well in some areas. Perhaps the areas we tested for aren't "everything". So? It's not like that invalidates how well you performed those previous tasks.

The only thing that really matters is the end result. Inputs and outputs... Your brain-machine won't run the same as someone else's, but it might be able to do some things the other can't. And that could be ANYTHING.

>> No.9632153

I think the negative backlash to IQ comes about because people like you somehow bring it up out of the blue to feel superior to people and over time people developed a negative association of IQ tests and score with pretentious assholes who feel the need to work their IQ into conversations with no relevance, so even though IQ might matter or is legitimate, it doesn't matter now because people have already developed a common negative association with the terms.

>> No.9632155
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We see by this thread the time to strike is near.

>> No.9632167

you don't scare us

>> No.9632171

Iq test are perfectly fine but the issue iwith diagnostic tests is that the many measures you can do to help raise QoL or boost student performance isn't easy aseptically since they cost money.

Many places can't do preschool, don't have public education or can't afford school fees consistently nor have ability to have a wide variety of after school programs (which has been shown to prevents delinquency) or have measures to keep students in school and staying in school.

>> No.9632183

And you have to take politics into it. If historical basis of your nation and education is a total joke then you don't have much to work. A lot of these places today are weaker in the realm of education but considering how bad they were decades ago there are pretty big jumps.

>> No.9632286

>still pushing the multiple intelligences meme

>> No.9632291

>thinking intelligence is well defined with a one-dimensional range of values

>> No.9632294
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>what is g

>> No.9632299

Then explain why people with a lot of "Motor", "Social", "Emotional" meme "intelligences" are actually retarded.

>> No.9632444

>SAT's, ACT's are a bullshit way of studying IQ.
They correlate heavily with scores on the ASVAB and numerous other thinly-veiled IQ-tests.
>Especially when the sites that point out these """racial differences""" don't even site the details of where the info came from.
Those details come from official US government-sponsored research.

>> No.9632452

>Sick societies must perish.
>says the chinkboo
Oh, the irony.
>The Han will take their rightful place as the rulers of this world in this century.
t. chin-dong ping-pong

You cross-eyed fucks rely on corporate espionage to keep military tech up to date - in short, the chink is as a creative as a rock.

>> No.9632546

>what is g
this. t. g factor

People with Logical intelligence
often also have Linguistic, Spatial, Musical, Intra-personal, Naturalistic intelligence as well.

but the ones that have Bodily-kinestetic & interpersonal meme "Intelligences" are often Dumb Chad brainlets .

>> No.9632554

How would you even double blind study IQ? How would you form a control group and a test group? It would be like doing a double blind study on melanin in humans. You could do a double blind study regarding some environmental effect on IQ (i.e. does drinking mercury lower your IQ) and do a double blind study that way.

>> No.9633105

>the chink is as a creative as a rock.

While China is investing in eugenics, nigger-lovers (aka westerners) are destroying their own societies bringing low-IQ subhumans to their countries. Look at Europe.

>> No.9634193


>> No.9634195

what a dumbass.

>> No.9634214

stand on the mountain and watch, friendo.

>> No.9634231

then a niggers gonna kill you and rape your wife. bye bye IQ :'(

>> No.9634272
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I for one welcome our new chink overlords.

>> No.9634308
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>Imagine being a total shit in everything but naturist
>Somehow you're still "intelligent"

>> No.9634318

Yeah I seriously don't understand what Naturalist even is supposed to be. Surely it'd be part of Logical Reasoning if you're looking at patterns in nature?

Maybe it's supposed to cater to people who like Biology but suck at everything?