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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9626170 No.9626170 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: STEM people you irrationally hate for no reason

God i fucking hate physics students.

>> No.9626230

>God i fucking hate physics students.

>> No.9626246

Not a particular field, but any female """""engineer""""" or """""scientist""""""

>> No.9626250

literally every female in my major (math) wants to be a fucking middle school teacher

>> No.9626257


>> No.9626286

honestly this
shoutouts to white knights in engineering who incessantly orbit these cows, too. i can't decide who I hate more.

>> No.9626295

there are actually good women scientists

>> No.9626304


>> No.9626316

Biologist, geologist and every fields where you can be good if you have a good memory and a low IQ.
t. math student with bad memory

>> No.9626407

t. physics students
fuck off

>> No.9626421

*get good grades
actual successful researchers have high iqs as well as good memories in those fields

>> No.9626423

all biology/pre-med students

>> No.9626483

>Computer Scientists

>> No.9626486

you do realize that bad memory is overwhelmingly indicative of low IQ right

short term correlates with IQ to about r = 0.92, while long term is 0.87

>> No.9626489
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>tfw my gf is an astrophysics major
>likes smart talk, but not too much with me since she likes that we pretty much can be idiots around each other
At least she's not aiming to be a school teacher, also she's pretty autistic. So It's nice.

>> No.9626493

what if you have adhd?

>> No.9626495
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>>Computer Scientists
why tho

>> No.9626529

Category Theorists and Intuitionistic Logicians. Also the whole computer vision and security research communities

>> No.9626543

I hate C*vil Engineering majors. I had shitty experiences with them at my old school and by shitty experiences I mean I didn't talk to any of them because I literally have zero friends but I overheard them say a lot of stupid shit in my elementary math courses. Such as : "Yeah I'd major in math but you can literally only become a teacher." Or "The quiz was nothing like the textbook questions, in Calc the exam questions were straight from the book." Or (in reference to the same class) "This professor focuses way to much on theory just give me problems to solve." When in reality he would just show us some informal proofs to better help us understand a concept after doing a few example problems (this was only intro to differential equations btw). Maybe I just went to a shitty school.

>> No.9626545

>source: my ass

>> No.9626551

Yo fuck off

>> No.9626556

You act as though there aren't plenty of males who are in STEM degrees cause "muh smurt STEM".

>> No.9626609

no there arent

>> No.9626698

comp sci majors because:
They need to take a fucking shower, they all smell like shit. They tell people they watch anime, everyone knows you're a nerd from your shitty posture and acne. And please, PLEASE, stop thinking your smart. You're a monkey on a typewriter.


>> No.9626714

Because every time one of them get something wrong, we ALL suffer for it.

>> No.9626730

I irrationally hate business students who take """"""""analytics""""""""" classes and brag about it

>> No.9626754

Mathematicians and theoretical physicists because they have a 98% chance of being smug cunts about how obtuse their shit is and like to name-drop concepts and whatever.

Also CS and related fields because I don't give a shit about it but it's much more employable than what I'm doing.

Actually neither of these is "for no reason" but it's still irrational given that probably maybe it doesn't apply to most of them I hope.

>> No.9626764

Oh yeah and also a rational hate for engineering students who take babby's first introduction to thermodynamics and mechanics or whatever and then think they're basically physicists.

>> No.9626766

Actually, come to think of it I fucking hate everyone.

>> No.9626827

What about people with adhd? What if my short term memory is a 3.5/10 and my long term is 9/10 whats that mean?

>> No.9626850

holly shit I fell you

>> No.9626918

>>Computer Scientists
Agree, I hate us, too. I wish the meme would just die already, it came a long way in the wrong direction since computer scientists had to actually get a degree in mathematics.

>> No.9626923
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>comp sci majors because:
>They need to take a fucking shower, they all smell like shit. They tell people they watch anime, everyone knows you're a nerd from your shitty posture and acne. And please, PLEASE, stop thinking your smart. You're a monkey on a typewriter.

w-why are you saying this, you baka ;_;

>> No.9626992

you like autistic women? what

>> No.9627018

She can be a handful. She's good at what she does, numbers. And we have nice conversations when she has the energy for mental talk about random physics and astro stuff. Which I have a slight interest in as a person studying EE.
Not necessarily that I like autistic women. She did a good job at hiding it but I kinda fell for her before fully grasping how her brain worked.

She's weird with emotions, can't deal with them at times. Don't know man. It just works enough.

>> No.9627025

mechanical engineers
pajeet compsci students
we hate you too ugly

>> No.9627026


Have you considered that he is perhaps autistic too, or otherwise likewise socially awkward? That autists can't find love?

>> No.9627031


Not 'can't'.

>> No.9627033

Autists are literally incapable of feeling love.
Euthanasia is kindness.

>> No.9627088
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Well, we have something a kin to love?
It might be the later for myself. At least I don't think I'm autistic. We have a lot logically planned out when it comes to the future. But, we do have a nice time together, we feel less hassled together.

>> No.9627097

Take a shower.

>> No.9627103


I find that hard to believe.

>> No.9627114

Computer scientists

>> No.9627134
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It's seems my success is a source of controversy

>> No.9627147

>browsing through /sci/
>see a thread mentioning physics majors
>"oh, I'm graduating in physics! :)"
>have no friends, already bragged to everyone in my family and people I know about how massive my fucking brain is until they were all sick of it
>know this is a new audience for my braggery because physics was mentioned (regardless of context)
>can't just post my shit for no reason though
>add the retarded comment "it's a source of controversy I guess :) haha, sorry!!"
>complete the captcha which requires me to select squares that have images of trucks
>fail once
>do another captcha that has me pick images of street signs
>hit post
>check back on this thread every minute to see if someone replies

>> No.9627149

would never apologize to the lesser folk for being better than them.
btw, i'm a PhD candidate. not a physics blundergrad

>> No.9627163

the CS majors who hang out in their society lounge (it's a tranny/videogame fest nonstop), most business majors, and "______ studies" majors.

>> No.9627165
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>> No.9627168

>actually brain dead
>autists aren't sociopaths
autistic people struggle with understanding emotions, not feeling them; their emotions/sensations are turned up to 11

>> No.9627170

Computer Scientists because they are all big, fat smelly weeaboos who think dicks are 'cute on ''girls'''

>> No.9627179
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Fucking kek'd

>> No.9627184

Anyone who tries to hassle me to join their stupid fucking club or organization when I'm on my way to a class/ anyone who participates in protests and blocks my path and the path of others when you have 10 minutes to book it across campus so you won't be late. I know they most likely are not STEM majors, but they seriously piss me off.

But yeah, to CS people: take a fucking shower.

>> No.9627237

>>complete the captcha which requires me to select squares that have images of trucks
>>fail once
>>do another captcha that has me pick images of street signs

>> No.9627240

I hate elitist pricks, so that's pretty much the majority of people in STEM. You can be good at what you do without insulting others or putting them down for not being as good as you. The best part is when you idiots assume that the only reason in the entire universe that someone could possibly oppose elitism is weakness. This faux strength disgusts me to no end. Someone who is truly strong wouldn't feel the need to attack others for no reason, especially those who are weaker than you.

>> No.9627262

i'm glad pipsqueak over here is gate-keeping for the One True Scottish strong man

>> No.9627337

I agree with this. There are people in both genders who are little shits about being in STEM but I get especially bothered by women who think they are somehow super special and breaking the glass ceiling and are full-on narcissists about it.

It's mainly why I hate engineers, though. I am sure physics students are similar but they are so much smaller a major than engineers. I hate engineers- they are not real scientists and their 'studies' consists of them sitting around and drilling practice problems and copying other people's homework so that they can cram it onto their cheat sheets for the coming exam. They retain nothing and they are, overall, very dull.

>> No.9627340

Why do you hate me, Anon? I am so passionate ab00t the biochemical arts.

>> No.9627343

I kinda hate bio majors, they’re so far and between tho. I’m a Physics major dating a culinary arts student doesn’t get more odd than that lmao

>> No.9627358

I once was working cashier at walmart and some quantom computer guy was bragging to me and told me my job was going to get eliminated by automation.

Man, wish I had a comeback pre-prepared for such an encounter.

>> No.9627367

Literally this. CS/Math major here, all of my CS classes are just learning to be a code monkey and are full of autistic fags who think they are geniuses because they can code in C++ and use Linux. I thought it was going to be theoretical CS when I picked my majors. I am v. dissapoint

>> No.9627429

kek m8

>> No.9627461


>> No.9627480

I also hate all physicists that aren't mathematical, particle, astro or theoretical physicists.

The reason I hate them is because I don't respect them. They are like inferior, broken copies of engineers.

Let me explain: Mathematicians always contribute something to any research project. Even if they don't know any unique and applicable math fields, they contribute their unique thinking patterns and rigorous approaches. It doesn't always help, but they contribute alternative approaches. Chemists, bio*, etc. even fucking technologists have their own unique skills and knowledge. But a physicist? You can sum it by them thinking "mathematical modelling" -something any freshman engineering student is already trained to do- is a unique and transferable skill. Worst of all their knowledge of classical physics (and applied QM/QC) is usually lacking due to only doing a 3 year course. You have a heat transfer problem? They start by writing the full (and incorrect) idealistically linear PDE because they have such a shallow background in it and that's all they did. They are naive and often a burden, holding up project meetings or even entire projects while they catch up reading undergrad level textbooks. Physicists never truly recover from the holes in their education. They remain broken, imperfect researchers. They are only useful in their own fields; mathematical physics for obvious reasons, particle, astro and theoretical physics because no one else can do that.

I mean fuck, a few years ago a final year physics major was proudly showing me his final year """research""" project; a molecular dynamics simulation on a toy problem, something any second year chemical engineer had to write in between 7 other classes.

My hate is irrational because they are -quite fairly- paid less than other research team members and far less than engineers. Society already recognizes their inferiority, but the students posting on the internet who don't realize this yet are annoying.

>> No.9627497

At an internal level, I don't understand why a coworker would take quarrel with me verbally telling them to fuck off, when provoked (i.e. they're trying to micromanage me).

>> No.9627501


Good one

>> No.9627514

I was once a synthetic & catalytic chemistry specialist dating a girl studying classics and classical languages durning her and my undergrad [here is no our (not anymore)].

>> No.9627516

slightly autistic women make the best gfs. theyre introverted and retardedly loyal. but they're really hard to find because they're either taken already because even chads recognize their worth as gfs. if theyre not taken they are extremely shy (somehow more shy than the average woman which is saying a lot) and they will either never ever talk to you or make eye contact if they like you OR they will autistically orbit you until you ask them out all while planning out the rest of your lives together in her head

>> No.9627528

>while planning out the rest of your lives together in her head
Yep. Pretty much my gf. She pretty much already has things planned out. It's kinda nice.

>> No.9627529

>even chads recognize their worth as gfs
This 1000x. Every Chad I knew that went for a quality long term relationship went for a medium autist gf. I'd date any one of them, they provide great companionship.

I have a love/hate relationship with women in STEM. On one hand, I've met amazing (old school) educators who were women, who inspired me to do my field, on the other hand most of the women I studied with were full on retards, like every bad meme about modern women in stem. Fucking feminism.

>> No.9627542

lucky bastard. chicks like that make really good mothers.

don't let her fall for the career meme and send your kids to daycare. keep her pregnant and at home with the kids. make at least 3 babbies.

don't let her wait until shes 35 to start having kids either. if she doesnt ferociously want kids as soon as possible then you need to find a way to get her holding someone elses baby or toddler. when that happens it will light a fire inside her ovaries and she will become infected with baby rabies.

>> No.9627561

Accurate, but I wouldn't call highly introverted girls "autistic", they can still hold very decent 1 on 1 conversations if they're comfortable with you. Better than most people in fact.

My gf is also highly introverted, a certified genius and very talented musically and artistically. Despite being hot she was still a virgin when I met her because she never went out and her major was mostly full of girls and beta men.

>> No.9627564

i'm sure those things are all true anon lel

>> No.9627572

Oh it's going to happen. Likely before she hits 30 as well.
Mostly my interactions with my nephew showed her that I get along with kids.

It was a nice feeling when we went out to the mall to walk for a bit and she pulled towards the kids clothes saying "you know, when we have children, I think I want to dress them like this..."

The way she talks about what she wants for the kids. Vetting the books they will be read, and spending holidays as parents. She pretty much has it planned that she wants me to be the "fun" parent because she believes that a strong presence of the father is important to them growing up.

She can get a little weird, but it could be because she's younger and has yet to deal with things. Time will tell, but I intent to make those daydreams of her's real.
Sounds like my gf to the t. She's well out of my league when it comes to book smarts. And doesn't like to talk much, but get her on a proper topic like tcgs or games and we can go on for hours.

Though it usually requires you to be the driver. Think about like this, they are great planning a route, but still seem to prefer you to drive. Which has worked out because I am more dominant than I actually thought. Or, it could be that all her moves were planned to make more controlling over her. Maybe.

>> No.9627573

I agree on physics student, but computer science students are also insufferable, both of those people tend to come from the "I fucking love science" crowd the most

t. math major

>> No.9627668

jews (rational hate though, they are thieves frauds and cowards)

>> No.9627684

CS students.
I REALLY despise them.

Also this, although there is a 1% of women who actually belong where they are, every single one extremely autistic.

>> No.9627685

thats cause physics students are superior to you brainlet

>> No.9627686

You have a deep understanding of the human condition.

>> No.9627687

my mother is a chemical engineer and shes probably smarter than you

>> No.9627689

>smarter then anyone

>> No.9627692

well she knows the correct usage of then and than

>> No.9627701

Yeah lol. Want to hear some more e-stats?

I'm also not the youngest lecturer in the history of my university, have 3 degrees in chemical engineering and also publications in math journals, former modelling contracts, 1000lb combined lifts, 5min mile jogger, 6'2", perfect hair and teeth.

These are all just hopelessly exaggerated e-stats, because obviously you're the best person on the planet and no one can ever be better than you. Definitely not some girl a fucking 4channer and obviously lying basement dwelling is dating.

Congrats on scooping her up Anon. Girls like that are relatively rare, but like you said, the real problem is that they don't come out much. They are very hard to find and rarely show interest. Before her I dated more extroverted girls. They have their benefits too, but I definitely think "austic qt" in this context is the ideal life partner.

>She's well out of my league when it comes to book smarts.
This is a good thing. She needs to be better than you at something, or you will get bored quickly.

>Though it usually requires you to be the driver.
True, and also a good thing in my opinion. It's more traditional and it makes the relationship easier.

>> No.9627757


>> No.9627758

I hate nu math faggots who think doing math equates to manipulating symbols like a bitch ass faggot. Yea algebra is useful, but it's also true by arbitrary definition and not by real shit.

>> No.9627778

I honestly don't have a good comeback.

>> No.9627836

most engineers because they are cringy soyboy faggots who subscribe to facebook groups like:


>> No.9627837

non american-anglophone here. What does "pre-med" refer to? Medical students that are not yet practicing doctors or people who want to follow medicine through another branch first?

>> No.9627843

well, my dad works at nintendo, nerd, what you gonna do about it?

>> No.9627846

Personification of arrogance and autism.
They all think they're hot shit geniuses, but actualy they're idiots with high tolerrance for dry subjects.
Their behavior in /sci/ doesn't help with that image.

Gullible idiots, living in fantasy worlds.

>mech eng
Wannabe tough guys.
In this cunt, its Increasingly flooded by shitskins.

>> No.9627868

>Personification of arrogance and autism.
>They all think they're hot shit geniuses, but actualy they're idiots with high tolerrance for dry subjects
literally one of the fags I get put in classes with every semester. We had physics one semester and he kept saying to the professor "well you're a physicist and I'm a mathematician" Nigger you're an undergrad, fuck yourself

>> No.9627931

I'm in engineering, and the amount of times I hear students refer to themselves as "engineers" shits me. Do they not have any self awareness of how fucking stupid they sound?

>> No.9627945

Autistic mathfags have a vicious supperority or inferiority complex (depending on the person; usualy former I asume) that drives them to shit on people.
I mean, I understand the overall "STEM > all" arrogance. We learn and use math and are rigorous, they don't, and so on and so forth.
But these niggers like to shit in their own nest by tring to pop off on their homeboys.
If they'd truly love math, they'd appreciate its permutaions and applications instead of using it feed their ego.

Its like that here, too. Personally experianced it with CS, eng, math and phys students and even some fucking tutors in reference to the students.

>> No.9627946
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Ment to say chem, but phys students do it too, I'm sure.

>> No.9628051

the level of absolute cope in here from engineers targeted towards physicists is unreal. Physicists are highly capable at data analysis, highly sought-after these days.

>> No.9628078

Sounds like you go to a shit-tier uni, at least for engineering

>> No.9628085

>Physicists are highly capable at data analysis, highly sought-after these days.

Engineers usually have more courses and experiences though optimization courses and much more developed computational background.

Computer scientists know more than both combined.

>> No.9628088
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I had the displeasure or being a house mate with a CS major. Every meme is real I have no idea why do they have to be so disgusting

>> No.9628090
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>tfw your major isn't mentioned

>> No.9628098

>for no reason

Oh, there's a reason

Physicists more than any other STEM field love to lecture people on why what they do is sooo cool and matters so much. I think many of them are motivated by Feynman and want to be "popularizers" but just come across as annoying twats.

>> No.9628099
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>I took an intro geo or bio course so the whole fields are easy lmao

>> No.9628102

who is that cute little soyboy and how tight is his pucci

>> No.9628106

Have you ever met a CS student in your life? They're nearly always the anime-loving autistic weirdos. At least math weirdos are "actually autistic" weirdos and not cheeto-dust, cartoon fapping weirdos.

>> No.9628112

Hands off, he's my bf
Cole Sprouse

>> No.9628139

Unlike in literally any other country, in USA med school is kinda graduate school, meaning you usually have to get a full degree in bio, chem or physics to get into medschool. Most of the people who do biology for example solely as a route to get into med school are referred to (somewhat derogatively) as pre-meds. I have no idea why they do it that way, a full on 6-7 years med degree other countries have is much more reasonable IMO.

>> No.9628157

Went from ChemE to physics, some things piss me off to no end. Disconnection between physicists and "how shit is done IRL" is insane at times, literally "spherical cow in vacuum" memes. Even the "why don't you just use model M at this lmao" is real and infuriating, it's not that simple you dense fuck. Too little hands-on experimentation (or babby tier stuff) in academia does that shit.
This, I can only imagine how pissed off are people who are actual experts. Take something like thermodynamics for example, there are so many idealized models taught to physicists that would be worthless to make something happen IRL, yet the balls on some guys, claiming they understand stuff is crazy. Seriously, it's funny how couple levels of abstraction change profound knowledge into worthless.

>> No.9628180
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I never understood that t b h. I am a math major but it's just because I'm too retarded to remember things and apply formulas like in physics, chem, and shit. I swear half the people in my major can't even do simple fucking proofs though, as evidenced by pic related. It's the grade distribution of the midterm in my abstract algebra class.

>> No.9628186

Indians. I hate they way their fucking language sounds.

>> No.9628194

Engineering undergrads. Most of them are loud, obnoxious braggarts.
t. engineering undergrad

>> No.9628204

>white board
No wonder you all suck at math

>> No.9628205

I'm a geology student. While the intro to geology classes are easy, things like Structural and Mineralogy are NOT easy classes... Also you have to bust your ass and take all the hard stem classes (like calc II) while all the stupid fucking bio bitches at my uni don't have to

>> No.9628211

>chemical engineer
she's not

>> No.9628213

my dad can hack your dad

>> No.9628220

Neurobiologists. Bunch of autists and mentally ill people pretending to be smart.

>> No.9628248

I hate them too and I study physics

>> No.9628258

>all the hard stem classes (like calc II)
Nice but obvious bait, 6/10

>> No.9628420

>tfw my calc classes were a monstrosity comparable to real analysis, saw a friend's calc curriculum and exams, piss easy
>tfw can't complain about calc being hard because brainlet memes

>> No.9628427

I fucking hate women, be it on STEM or not

These cunts keep doing retarded shit like not studying and complains when they get shitty grades. They can't do their shit properly, gets late, slacks off, etc.
Working with women is a fucking mess

>> No.9628431

That's interesting to hear. How much does med school last? (not counting the "pre-med years) I assume if they don't last as much as in Europe (in my knowledge) then they'd focus mostly on physiology and less on chem/bio since they'd already been covered by the students.

>> No.9628437

If your real analysis class was easy compared to calc then something is wrong with your real analysis class desu

>> No.9628460

Our required reading on which the course was based on was literally Mathematical Analysis by Zorich, which is a real analysis book afaik albeit not that popular in the west. We sticked mostly to calculus related parts and also skipped some of the proof autism, but a shit ton of proofs and oral exam included producing proofs of various theorems, both major and minor ones and theorems that are included in practice sections of the book. Written was mostly problem solving a la normal calc class, usually harder ones from Demidovich book. I can't honestly compare it to a full real analysis class, but it was quite difficult to go from highschool babby math to this as a freshman. This is in eastern europe btw and for a mathematics heavy physics degree, so things are somewhat different from a engineering class.

>> No.9628464

Fucking this. I'm the only male of my class in veterinary medicine, and it boggles my mind how stupid and lazy these cunts are. They value dog petting and horseback riding more than studying, and then they complain the school is too hard when they get bad grades or fail exams.

>> No.9628465

they're ugly.

>> No.9628474

I'm not a burger, this is only casual internet information so someone else feel free to pitch in.
I think it's also 4 years, so they kinda spend 8+ years for an equivalent 6-year degree in europe, they also need to take some of the USMLE at half (?) of their studies.
For me it's a weird way to do it, because you're either kinda learning a lot of stuff you don't need (arguably bio, but def chem) or not enough at all (physics).

>> No.9628479

Oral exams and proofs is standard, atleast in sweden, here you have to get X points in theorem proof questions on the exam to pass in calc classes

>> No.9628482

Why are you studying women's work? All medicine is for females.

>> No.9628483

Pre-med students.

>> No.9628492
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Holy shit

>> No.9628495

t. humanities scum

>> No.9628500
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Studying probability theory right now so guess again

>> No.9628509
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>when other engineering majors call themselves engineers

>> No.9628531

Similar yeah, but we needed to prove some shit ourselves as well which required practicing proving shit as well as just reproducing them. Dunno, most burger exams I came across were just "solve an average integral", eventually some babby tier theory questions.

>> No.9628532

This, I hate everyone in my major. But I don't think that would change if I changed majors.

>> No.9628579
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so you basically hate experimentalists?

>> No.9628630

If there's any STEM majors I *don't* hate it's gotta be EE/CompE. They just blow everyone else out of the water, consistently. Especially C"S" faggots.

>> No.9628669

There are also solid state physicists working in material science, electronics etc.

>> No.9628682
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All of them because I'm a high school drop out failure.

>> No.9628688

Are you an engineer?
Do you have an inferiority complex?

>> No.9628690
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> students

Perhaps this variable is of issue.

>> No.9628694
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thank you anon, you made my evening

>> No.9628696

>civil engineering
>STEM Major
come on now buddy

>> No.9628727

Not in STEM, but I hate student in economy, they don't want to learn maths and they don't even like what they do, they only like money.

>> No.9628759
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>"Nigger you're an undergrad, fuck yourself"
Top kek

>> No.9628797

Ayy fellow CS/Math major. Yeah I took a machine learning course last semester where a good amount of the students didn't have any foundation in linear algebra. I've also heard people complain about the fact our intro CS sequence containing a data structure & algorithm course. And before any asks, I go to a top 5 uni for CS.

>> No.9628884

t. EE

>> No.9629018

>Not in STEM, but I hate student in business, they don't want to learn maths and they don't even like what they do, they only like money.

ftfy, you can't study econ without math

>> No.9629083

>le memory vs understand meme
You can't understand math unless you memorize theorems and problem solving tricks. Having good memory directly increases your math skills.

>> No.9629343

4-5 years of undergrad, usually a BS, but many people get in with English/arts degrees as long as they've taken the required courses to apply for medical schools.
Then 4 years of med school, generally the first two years are didactic and the last 2 years are hands on in a hospital. Rotations in various specialties are done here or in your internship, and you can decide what to specialize in then.
Then you're an intern (not all schools do this) for a year. Then depending on specialty you have anywhere from 2 to up to like 8 years of residency, with family medicine being relatively short and stuff like neurosurgery being really long. After residency you become a full fledged doctor, usually have to pass more tests and everything.

I was in an ENTs office the other day and on the wall he had his licensures, so med school, residency, and final ENT plus extra specialization in throat surgery. There were at least 10 years between the med school and the last one.

>> No.9629360

To go along with this, most hate for pre-med students come from their cocky attitude and general condescending behavior. Maybe 1 in every 15 actually make it into med school and fewer finish it. Lot of 18 year olds think they know exactly what specialty they want to get into for little to no reason. Lot of them just want to do it for money or pride, or just to show off their brains.

>> No.9629384

This, I study biochemistry and just got into grad school for biophysics (woo), anytime I bring up any of my work or concepts relating to biology around a pre-med and they are immediately a guru on the subject. They then just get all condescending when someone disagrees.

Also they take the easiest courses they can to get straight A's and I can't respect that even if I know that medschool is a GPA trap.

>> No.9629574

this isn't major specific, but i hate guys who literally cannot shut the fuck up about how they took calculus in high school.

calc exams and classes get ridiculous curves. you're not 140 IQ because you took what's basically business calc with a massive curve when you were 16. really do you think your high school classes had the same rigor as actual university courses?

it's mostly europeans who are guilty of this because their impoverished country has no relevancy on the world stage and degrees from their universities are worthless, so they have to constantly make posts online about how they were doing ""multivariable calculus"" while americans were learning how to factor. i speculate these people can only reach sexual climax through bragging about nothing and deriding others for not sharing their imaginary accomplishments.

>> No.9629579

God made european's irrelevant for a reason.

>> No.9629581

Civil engineers get so salty when you call them business majors lel.

>> No.9629588



>> No.9629626

>good with numbers
So basically above average, IQ 125. Nothing special though. She probably flaunts it and lets it define her while good people from Caltech see no difference between her and an average high school student

>> No.9629628

every time an engineer talks about how much their field's starting salary is, they're not doing it to brag. they're doing it to tacitly ask you to reconsider your choice to be a lab monkey earning a fraction of what you're smart enough to be earning

>> No.9629633

125 IQ is very uncommon for women. Female IQ has a steeper bell curve than male IQ, with more women around the average IQ and less extremes.

>> No.9629730

Engineering student here. I unironically hate myself, but I hate my peers more.

>> No.9629756


>> No.9629804
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I had one of these, engaged actually and honestly the love of my life up to this point. Whatever you do, do NOT let her get off of her medication without weaning off. They will try to go cold turkey, because "they have never felt better in their life" and they will take you down to a very dark place with them. They are very stubborn so this will be difficult.

After they go batshit crazy/SJW and get their shit together, they will try to get back with you, but whatever you do, do not do it. I personally didn't, and even though I still miss her like crazy, I'm better off. It's been about a year and half since I broke up with her.

Good luck to you anon, I'm probably just gonna fuck normie chicks until I die. At least I have work and I guess I could be called a Chad, but I'm still recovering desu.

>> No.9629810

>After they go batshit crazy/SJW and get their shit together

Fugg meant to say after they go batshit crazy/SJW, hit rock bottom, and then get their shit together

>> No.9629811

Fucking petroleum engineers. God, if I could erase oil from existence I would, just so I don't have these brainlets trying to act like they know geology.

>> No.9629830

Pre-meds. In cell and molecular biology lab the professor graded on a curve and one pre-med in my lab group literally sabotaged the results and told us wrong information to move ahead on the curve.

>> No.9629882

aspies lie a lot

>> No.9630199

women lie all the time, every day. it's how they communicate. autistic women are probably less likely to lie than a typical woman though because they don't have as much social subterfuge and sophistication.

by the way, not all high functioning autists are aspies.

>> No.9630201

uhh... you don't get medicated for autism, anon. and if a chick is being medicated then you need to run for the hills because she's going to be unstable. and women are already 900 gorillion times more unstable than men without having a disorder that requires medication.

high functioning autist grills probably have heightened anxiety than average girls, who already are insanely anxious and insecure. dating a chick with ACTUAL ANXIETY is acceptable but you need to be able to tell if she's just bipolar/borderline and lying, or actually has anxiety. tons of bipolar and otherwise crazy chicks will lie lie lie about their disorder.

women lie all the time and its not always malicious but you need to be able to parse the truth from the BS.

>> No.9630232

What are your guys opinions on chem majors

Chem major here, personally I don’t know if there are any stem majors I despise. Maybe CS because they seem to act so smug

I hate any sort of business major though, fucking douches think they own the world because they can do taxes

I feel like anyone who tries for a stem and gets washed out in their first year of college goes toward business

>> No.9630238

I'm going into civil engineering next year after finishing up economics now. How much different is it in terms of difficulty?

>> No.9630240

i don't hate business majors, i pity them. when i hear them talk about how hard their business calc exam was, i honestly feel sorry for them.

not every comp sci major is insufferable but everyone who is insufferable is a comp sci major. they have an extremely inflated ego and even if they're intelligent or sharp, they don't have any social awareness and treat other people like NPCs in a JRPG.

i feel like engineering majors may be autists but theyre the reserved, wojak >tfw types of autists whereas comp sci majors are the loud mouthed naruto headband type of autist

>> No.9630255

Civil Engineering is definitely one of the easiest engineering disciplines.

But it depends on what the degree plan requires specifically. If you have to take thermo or statics or fluids, then prepare your anus. But if you don't have to take any of those classes then I'd say it won't be hard at all. Those are the only classes I really ever see people complain about.

>> No.9630262

> If you have to take thermo or statics or fluids, then prepare your anus.

I took Calc 1-3, Linear algebra as part of my econ degree, also took statics and dynamics as well as breadth so I could get a feel for what engineering I'd like. Statics wasn't that hard 2bh, dynamics was the hardest thing I've ever learnt however.

Looking through my course plan, I do have to take Fluid mechanics, a bunch of structural design stuff, geomechanics etc. So I'm guessing considering what I've learnt already it won't be that much of a step up?

>> No.9630267

Honestly any class can be passed as long as you have a reasonable amount of classes and study enough and take care of yourself, have good sleep hygiene etc..

Just don't expect to have zero hitches, and don't equate struggling with material with an inability to do well or succeed.

Intelligent people aren't at risk at failing classes, they're at risk for fucking up an exam and becoming demoralized and having a total cascade failure, because their previous success created a situation where their ego can't handle being fallible and fucking up.

Not saying thats you necessarily but if you got through calc 1-3 and linear algebra, you definitely can handle the material. But that doesnt mean it'll be a breeze, we all have to deal with our own psychology

>> No.9631391

I was a business major before switching over to STEM, so I've taken business calc as well as regular calc. At the time I thought business calc was hard AF because I had to study for more than 2 hours to get an A on a test. After taking regular calc, I can honestly say business calc is essentially babbys first calculus. Seriously it's a brainlet tier class IMO.

>> No.9631415

Pre-med students and doctors in general.
I fucking hate them, HATE THEM.

>> No.9631427

I honestly don't get the autism with women in STEM. Almost every woman I've worked with in a Lab or as advisor have been extremely professional and smart. Maybe it's because I'm gay.

>> No.9631448

Literally the only CS majors that I've met and liked were CS/Math or CS/Applied Math majors. I don't even judge a person by their major but I've met a lot of standalone CS majors who are just insufferable to be around, especially when you start talking about academics. They just start jerking themselves off.

>> No.9631463


>> No.9631561
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>> No.9631570

>in USA med school is kinda graduate school, meaning you usually have to get a full degree in bio, chem or physics to get into medschool
>imagine being this wrong

You can literally major in whatever you want and go to med school, you just have to complete a few basic course requirements which will also prep you for the MCAT.

>> No.9631644

>they're at risk for fucking up an exam and becoming demoralized and having a total cascade failure, because their previous success created a situation where their ego can't handle being fallible and fucking up.

FUCK that's me. Hung around people in college that convinced me if you struggle you're stupid, took that advice to heart and ended up dropping classes since I only got like 9/10s on homework. It's okay though, I'm in the redemption arc.

>> No.9631674

If you DON'T struggle you're unambitious, or just filled with so much passion the struggle doesn't registrer as a struggle.

>> No.9631707

>FUCK that's me. Hung around people in college that convinced me if you struggle you're stupid

People who encourage others to drop out just because they have trouble are basically subhumans and delusional. Getting a degree isnt supposed to be easy. If anyone says they never had to struggle at any point during college they're literally just lying.

>> No.9631751

I don't get it.

>> No.9631775

Mathfags because they think their "logical thinking" will land them anything better than a job at some shitty high school where the principal is going to be breathing down their necks constantly because they can't get their brain-dead monkeys to do well in the SAT. Bonus points if they get a teaching certification AFTER they graduate.

Mechanical Engineers for thinking they're hot shit, and that they are trained to deal with "literally anything," when half of them spend their time doing Rube Goldberg shit for their "projects."

t. Quantum Physicist

>> No.9631791

>t. Quantum Physicist
so an undergrad who just finished his first QM class

>> No.9631810


>> No.9631821

I hate you.

>> No.9631825

Yep, mental exhaustion is really needed for learning. And a lot of practice. I was stupid and thought you only have to look at something for 30 minutes and if you don't understand it in the first pass try you're an idiot, boy was I wrong.
Yeah, I don't like to blame others but hanging out with juniors / seniors that feed that mentality to freshman was not good for me. I try to help out freshman now with the opposite of what I was taught.

>> No.9631828


>> No.9631871

It's a completely meaningless designation that really only undergrads would find meaningful to mention. Are you in condensed matter, quantum information, quantum optics, something else? There is so much research done nowadays that involves quantum mechanics.

>> No.9631907

Do you mean women who make a big deal about "i'm a ~woman in STEM~" or literally just women who happen to be studying in STEM fields? because I get frustrated with the former too
>boohoo a boy told me I can't do math
>boohoo there are no girl scientists on tv
I've experienced both of these things and honestly it made me want to succeed even more. it's an advantage to have those small, yet moralizing, setbacks. If someone's deterred from studying something they genuinely like because of some idiot in her CS class claiming girls can't do math or whatever then she probably wouldn't do well in STEM anyway.

But I've had many female professors and peers who are genuinely talented at what they do. I see them as people first, instead of as women first.

To answer the OP, I'm not very fond of engineers.
(phys/cs here)

>> No.9632050

literally describes one of my old fucking coworkers to a T
She was a middle-aged woman but clearly had quite a bit of autism in her, we were working at a math tutoring center and she would constantly bring up how GREAT!!! it is that so many women were studying math, kept complaining that students didn't listen to her because "they're boys who don't want to listen to a WOMAN" (no bitch you're just retarded) and just making everything a gender issue when there was no fucking need. We had plenty of female tutors who were great with children and with math and literally no single person ever complained about the gender of their fucking tutor so I don't know whose ass she was pulling this shit out of.

>> No.9632057

lmao when you can't find or do shit and there's no proof and it's all errors guesses and fantasy, it's big money ! claim whatever you want !

>> No.9632098

did you have a stroke

>> No.9632119

It's mainly because they don't want to take linear algebra, fucking sad excuse. Who'd want to teach simple mathematics for 20-30 years, honestly why I switched to Applied Stats

>> No.9632159

Idk where you go, but if they're willing to handout a ba/bs in maths to someone who hasn't taken linear algebra, run for the hills. How do you even take upper division courses without? Everything pst sophomore level in my university has linear algebra as a prerequisite, either directly or indirectly

>> No.9632173
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>astrophysics major autistic gf

god has not been so kind to me.

>> No.9632224

"you're a loser dude, fuck off." try that next time anyone brags about their field to you.

>> No.9632231

They don't want to do Math is what he meant. They study majors that require math but they don't do it, cheat, or fail their math courses.

>> No.9632240

Anything relating to IT or CS. When someone tells me they're an IT or CS major I immediately think about how stupid it is that they went to college for something like that. Most of the successful CS or IT guys I know are all autodidacts who taught themselves how to program. With all the free resources today to learn how to be a technician you'd be a fool to waste your money and/or time on a degree like that.

>> No.9632362

Senior biology majors are the definition of "ACKCHUALLY." I swear they have an answer for literally everything and will fight you tooth and nail to refute everything you say even if they're objectively wrong.

>> No.9632404

Dumb sexist faggot

>> No.9632694

How often do you see people going from non-stem to med school?

>> No.9632705

math students because they cant explain their own notation properly and ALWAYS have bad writing!

physics students because they are proud using a notation they dont understand fully

I LOVE logicians though, they are my favorite!

>> No.9632741

Tell me more my man. Convice me not to go for a bachelors.

>> No.9633367

My wife and I studied astrophysics and math together. She split off to pure math and I'm in physics. Feels gud.

>> No.9633370

there are, unfortunately the basic bitches that get free rides for having vaginas make the hard working competent women get grouped up and dismissed.

>> No.9633373

reasonably often, i've known psych majors who have done it

>> No.9633395

"Well that's fine, maybe I'll get into computers javascript is like C right?"
"You're lucky, there'll always be scientists making you debug fortran and python repositories."

I honestly don't get the cs hate for python but the fortran comment will piss off any cs major.

>> No.9633415

>Disconnection between physicists and "how shit is done IRL"
I can confirm this, my physics program was very linear until the end and was just cramming in topics without application, mostly I think because there's too many different fields needed as background before specializing at all. It's not as bad as you think though with the simplifications, when developing models in physics it's always better to start simple and check for 2 order of magnitude agreement with data (at least for astro) before adding the proper details for an accurate model. It's meant to make formulating theories and models from scratch easier but it's really crippled with the lack of practical experience.

>> No.9633463

I would have to pick computer science with a caveat. most of my friends are cool CS majors/ employees but fucking hell, there is not a department with more pretentious fuckwits. Acting like if you don't use C or C++ you're not programming, that using Python is fully pointless and detrimental towards learning to program and "real programmers don't use Python" also "Python makes you learn how to write bad programs". Saying "scientists can't code" immediately acting arrogant and dismissive if someone uses windows, complaining when people call C a 'low level' languages because "C is a high level language, Assembly and Machine are low level". It's called a god complex here. I am absolutely positive that because of shit like this people have been discouraged from learning how to code and made other people in CS more divisive for no reason.

>> No.9633507
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Chin up anon. You'll find someone like that. It takes a bit and it's when you least expect things. That's how I found her, and funny enough I won her over by comparing how we meet to two stars crossing into each other's gravitational pull. "Now im just looking to make us into a binary system." We talked about our favorite star group and we found out that we have the same one.

Stuff like that.
And I meet her after a disastrous 10 year relationship with a girl that wanted to be a microbiologist. Take that for what you will.

>> No.9633610

People who do that are shit tier students, they're in the degree for bragging rights and are most likely struggling through with a C. Any self respecting engineering student I know/associate myself with doesn't do cringy shit like this

>> No.9633618

As an engineer, I hate pretty much any person in STEM who seems to genuinely enjoy what they're studying. The amount of work in engineering that I've had to put up with for 3 years has made me fucking hate every type of physics and math and turned me into an alcoholic on the weekends.

>> No.9633620

People always think their degree is best, it's all about that superiority complex

>> No.9633780


>> No.9633783

I hate the "S," the "T," and the "E." For me it is only "M."

>> No.9633786

this is literally the worst thing I have ever read, I can't even begin to imagine how ugly the both of you must be

>> No.9633842
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literally the gayest and most retarded shit I've read all week

>> No.9634005

Sounds like 55% of engineering majors.

>> No.9634133
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>tfw no math major gf

>> No.9634151

Honestly even as an EE major. The difficulty in engineering is mainly the workload, especially Junior year, that was rape. Just stay on top of your work and don't be a brainlet. Your sleep schedule will be absolutely fucked sometimes but that may already be the case for you. Or I just have terrible time management skills.

>> No.9634244

All professors

>> No.9634262
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Glad I was the worst post of your week.

>> No.9634296

Pathethic little shit

>> No.9634298
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fuck off equation monkey

>> No.9634299

Engineering physicists

>> No.9634307

I actually have a few bio friends. Sometimes I help them with their math homework. They're good people.

>> No.9634309


>> No.9634311

>irrationally hate for no reason


>> No.9634345

but can you explain your disliking for engineering physicists? what do they particularly do or say to bother you?

>> No.9634351
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>i got triggered by reddit

>> No.9634450

Its humorous

>> No.9634909

Why are there so many fat/obese Civil Engineering majors?

>> No.9635966

you are prove him right with this women tier argument, kek.

>> No.9635977

Holy shit are you me?

>> No.9637025

I like linguists that work in CS related fields. I hate everyone else
t. math student that wanted to do linguistics

>> No.9637200

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9637201

fucking hate CS majors and Finance majors.
CS majors are too full of themselves for what they do.
Finance majors get paid more, but only have to go up to Calc II. Calc II! That's it! Single variable integrals! That's it!
Then they complain saying, "I don't know what to do." When their stats model isn't working the way they want it to.

>> No.9637208


>> No.9637272

Lol, most unis have a math/finance major that makes you go up to calc III and linear algebra.

>> No.9637412

are you trying to insinuate that multi-variable integral's are any more difficult? That shit is fucking brainlet tier my man.

>> No.9637416

The EE is gonna get that job on wallstreet you cuck, you'll just be scrubbing the floor with your toothbrush while he fucks your crush.

>> No.9637421

don't listen to those idiots anon, i thought your post was cute

>> No.9637446


difference between a shit uni and a good uni

>> No.9637465

CS fucks, autistic math fucks, and pre-meds for obvious reasons. I study statistics but unfortunately I hate most of the fucks who want to go into statistics nowadays. They seem to carry the same mindset as the CS fucks who only care about getting jobs. Also, fuck wannabe "data scientists"

>> No.9637470

CS, because I'm a bitter faggot.
I wanted to go into CS, but didn't have the grades, so now I'm in CPE, which I'm convinced is significantly harder. I had to take a bunch of EE courses and the supporting math, and all the CS students do are Web Design and Mobile App shit. The hardest thing they are required to do is a systems class (write their own malloc, thread poll, sh knock off). I've taken most of their required programming classes, and it's just writing tree implementations in Java for three semesters. As far as I understand, they know nothing about the hardware besides the data hierarchy and don't even get into the nitty gritty algorithm analysis.

>> No.9637497
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>> No.9637507

>Single variable integrals
Yeah, if you want to work as a cashier I suppose that single variable integrals are enough, but in quantitative finance the bar is set higher (though it's probably still easier than an engineer major).
Also if you decide to pursue a career as a financial analyst, while you don't need complicated formulas, you need to really understand the industry and the trickery that managers may do with accounting.

>> No.9637518

I'm a Chem major and most Chem majors are pretty cool, only ones I despise are the "DUDE, CAN WE GET HIGH OF THIS ETHER HAHAHAHHAHAHA"

>> No.9637521
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How do you feel about Breaking Bad memes?

>> No.9637523
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>CS majors are too full of themselves for what they do.
Average CS major.

>> No.9637539

>not using your chemistry skills solely for making nitroglycerine and getting high

Lol why tf are you majoring in chemistry then?

>> No.9637553

People who've never actually studied STEM but read loads of pop-sci books off amazon

>> No.9637556

Especially those who "know quantum mechanics" because they read some eastern mysticism books.

>> No.9637579

Bio and math dualfag here. I don't hate any, but I have found chem majors to be the most pompous and abrasive. Many were very condescending towards biology majors. I understand why to an extent, but it isn't as if a chem degree is leaps and bounds more challenging or rigorous.

>> No.9637810
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A personal fuck you to Business fags. They are: morally grey, hates reading, wants an easy way to make money without doing the work, unironically enjoys workplace culture.

>> No.9637815

>workplace culture.
this is the greatest cancer in modern society.

>> No.9637819
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Also a fuck you to doctors who say they always wanted to ""help people"" and take home 6 figures starting while not doing any pro bono work not required of them.

>> No.9637833

Women in STEM. I shit you not there was a girl (sorority whore, she was my partner for a group project so I know her) that was whining to this other guy in the computer lab about how she wanted to "punch some guy in the face because he was saying that girls just aren't cut out for STEM at the same rate men are". This was WHILE she was being told, step by step, by some faggot how to put together some retarded CAD model. Zero self awareness, she kept saying "is this riiightt hehe" and then he would grab the mouse and change a bunch of shit for her. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.9637840

I fucking hate easy way out fags. They are always shitters who only care about making a lot of money as well

>> No.9637850

I guess you did say for no reason didn't you. I hate people that like statistics. A lot.

>> No.9637856

Ive seen this shit happen so much its not even funny.
Dont get me wrong, i know beautiful, smart women that are studying with me, but theyre literally 99.9th percentile, the great majority of women are just stupid, more so than guys in my experience.
Maybe because women are allowed, expected and enticed to be superficial and vain.

>> No.9637857

>people that like statistics. A lot.
They are hard to come across though. It's much easier finding faggots who study statistics but don't care for it at all. But that's just from my experience.

>> No.9637947

>wants an easy way to make money without doing the work

to be fair, unless you're lucky enough to get a job you truly love (as opposed to being pressured into loving it, usually by corporations but sometimes even by your own family), minimizing work is a great strategy. Do what is right, but never slave away your life for jews or let them convince you that it is for the "greater good".

Virtue is for the weak, and is a social construct to break people into being slaves.

>> No.9637953

>thinking that's what high level mathematicians do
imagine being a nigger and posting on a smart person's board

>> No.9638346

Not since Curie

>> No.9638461

I fucking love Diogenes

>> No.9638472


>> No.9638529
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>and not by real shit
Please give an example of this 'real shit', senpaï.

>> No.9638610

"at least I'll have a life, unlike you"

>> No.9638749

Cute. Other anons are jelly.

>> No.9638758

They should at least take one class.

>> No.9638887

I hate pediatricians. You pedophile faggots. I wish I could inconvenience you somehow.

>> No.9639109


>> No.9639142

my biggest regret in life is making fun of the cute but slightly autistic chick i had as a classmate in high school who always talked about planets and the solar system, instead of dating her and wife'ing her and impregnating her as soon as possible like i should have.

i wish someone had told me when i was a teenager "after HS there is nothing but an endless sea of thots and you will wish you dated the aspie chick you sat next to in 10th grade science class if you get out of HS as a single young man"

>> No.9639261
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Yeah pretty much this.
>"Yeah I've been studying and looking up extra problems from the book"
>"Oh okay cool"
This exchange pretty much happens before every test or quiz in every one of my classes.

>> No.9639264

I'm finance and doing PDEs and Numericcal stuff at the moment.

Brainlet rote finance doesn't do anything more.

>> No.9639267

First year engineers and computer science students.

>> No.9639268

ChemE here, none of you faggots show up for PChem lecture and then bitch about the class being hard. Thanks for making the curve in that class so fat.

>> No.9639539
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>no reason

>> No.9639541

The people I know that work in computer security are elite researchers. They have math backgrounds and their upper division courses rely heavily on algebra, number theory etc. a lot of CS majors fail their courses lol

>> No.9639590

I hate freshman engineering students. Seniors and people finishing their shit are good people.

God only knows how much I hate physicists. Fucking explain your shit, for fucks sake.

I don't hate them, they're good people (at least the mathematicians I've met). Sometimes I don't understand their notations but this is not their problem.
I don't like the smug mathematician, though.

t. Engineer

>> No.9639899


Were here to learn how to build bridges not the bEaUtY oF mAtHeMaTiCs that you waste your life learning

>> No.9640621

ADHD isn't real

>> No.9640674

ding ding

luckily you're mostly rid of them by the beginning of junior year, at least in my experience.

>> No.9640745
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I am a bit of a retard, I work at McDonalds (as a manager though)
Anyway, there is a group of guys who come in sometimes who are engineering masters degree students from the local University. they are always making fun of me.

>walk in
>they spot me and recognise me
>one of them went to the same school which is why they know me
>they all start laughing and hollering like niggers with autism
>the guy who knew me from school asks me how it is going
>say it is going OK
>he starts talking about how he is designing a major engineering project across town
>ask him what it is
>'i can't tell you, you would get mad'
>say I won't
>they are hollering again

fuck engineers.

>> No.9640808


>> No.9641035

You never really talked with a physicist who actually cares about his research didn't you ?
Only dumb fucks who basically fail every lecture only do this popularized shit, the rest is doing real stuff.

>> No.9641064

What's wrong with white boards?

>> No.9641086
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Fast-food Engineering

>> No.9641087

Med students. always striving for validation and normie shit like that. and they get overly stressed about the smallest assignments. Basically, if you combine the most annoying parts of chad and stacy + le high IQ nerd you get a med student

t. med student

>> No.9641090

Electrical Engineers.

It's alright though, they'll all work deadend jobs and regret their decisions

>> No.9641093


Doctors are bad as is. Fuck med students. Why is it that every non-white med student is stuck in their freshman year of high school?
Jesus, my hatred for med students cannot be pacified

>> No.9641226
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>> No.9641230

>dead end jobs

>> No.9641234

You can only work on coils or some equally insignificant component for so long with no creativity for so long until you want to die.

>> No.9641241

idk RF engineering and control systems seem really cool.

>> No.9641246

>having irrational thoughts
begone low IQ plebs

>> No.9641272
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Wtf I love engineers now

>> No.9641278

Dell Medical at University of Texas specifically looks for non-traditional applicants to help with the research stagnation of the medical field and because they're bored of STEM autists.

T. chem major :(

>> No.9641347

As a physicist, I absolutely hate women in physics.

It's not because I am against women in this male-dominated field, but because these women tend to be self-centered cunts who want to tell everyone in the entire fucking world that they do physics and have a vagina. Who the fuck cares if you are a woman doing physics? The only thing I care about is whether or not you can get the phucking research done.

>> No.9641372

Mechanical engineering students are all mouth breathing retards

>> No.9641379
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Lel. they bant like 4chan.

>> No.9641399


That's women in most male-dominated STEM fields.

They are taught it is something special so they take it to heart. And aren't taught humility growing up like boys are so they apparently can't see how pathetic it is.

>> No.9641407

Well put.
It is ironic that that their complaints about being 'discriminated against' in these male-dominated fields is the direct cause of their being discriminated against in these male-dominated fields.
If they would stop playing the "I'm a special snowflake card" they wouldn't encounter the shunning they get from being obnoxious "I'm a special snowflake".

>> No.9641439


Man, your university's Bio major program is garbage.

>> No.9641740

so what is their excuse for not working in finance then?

>> No.9641743

>having children before age 30 in the year 2018
>Seems to think this is a good idea
>anon is probably american
Why do burgers just live to perpetuate their damaged cultural landscape?

>> No.9641773

I meant her. While she is still suitable breeding stock. I'm older than her by and I'll be 36 when she hits the wall. So plenty of time to build a proper foundation to raise children.

>> No.9641926


Also, a biochem undergrad. (w/ biotech training)

Whenever I mention what undergrad research I've done/am doing or anything of that nature. They turn their heads and ask how to get in on it because it'll help them get into med school.

By undergrad research I don't mean being a lab jockey, I mean a creation that I did by myself.

Vultures, I hate them.

>> No.9641932

nu-nerds that consider them non-nerds while studying anything related to math

you are a pathetic no lifing nerd, lifting and saying "fuck" to emulate badboyism doesnt make you any less of a loser

>> No.9641953

>lifting doesn't make you any less of a non-lifter

>> No.9642038

>fraud taking credit for her husband's work
yeah, seem right

>> No.9642375

This is why I'm glad I'm as far away from those pests as possible.

>> No.9642833

Go cuck for Mohammed, third world europoor

>> No.9643164

This. Some female uni teachers are cool because they compensate their lack of intelligence with capacity for teaching and understanding what you mean. But the """"scientists"""" are just larpers and quota seekers

>> No.9643169

Delusional wanabe computer engeneer freshmen.

>> No.9643497
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Business administration for being smug fucks that legitimately believe the business admin version of the >300k starting meme
Marketing for being drooling retards and whores
The ones I hate with a passion tho are accountants

t.stats undergrad