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File: 75 KB, 1200x720, Sam Harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9624439 No.9624439 [Reply] [Original]

PUBLISHED TODAY, A Neuroscientist and top intellectual joins the Race Realism team. The wave of realists has begun.


Human “general intelligence” is a scientifically valid concept.
IQ tests do a pretty good job of measuring it.
A person’s IQ is highly predictive of his/her success in life.
Mean IQ differs across populations (blacks < whites < Asians).
It isn’t known to what degree differences in IQ are genetically determined, but it seems safe to say that genes play a role (and also safe to say that environment does too).

>> No.9624442

Alert, Sam Harris, Neuroscientist has published

Mean IQ differs across populations (blacks < whites < Asians).

>> No.9624453

brave and stunning

>> No.9624466

>Sam Harris

>>>/reddit/ is that way faggot.

>> No.9624486

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9624493

Sam Harris has a large following and is a neuroscientist. Hence an important figure in bringing balance back to the discussion. If he can say it, more people will be able to.

>> No.9624497

white people do not seem smarter to me in general than black people

>> No.9624506

Maybe you haven't met enough black people

>> No.9624510

what's the tl;dr?

>> No.9624520
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>> No.9624522

Which upscale New England suburb do you hail from, friend?

>> No.9624560
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>Comes out as a Race Realist officially

All he did was interview Charles Murray, you lying sack of shit. Or do you have no reading comprehension whatsoever?

>> No.9624562


>> No.9624597
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Sam Harris is surprisingly good on the Race and IQ issue.

His podcast with Charles Murray:

>> No.9624606

I have always disliked Sam Harris and I refuse to give him clicks even when he is right.

>> No.9624645


I don't get it, this picture of a community in particular period of its economic development trajectory that all communities go through after exposure to industrialization implies what?

>> No.9624653
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>> No.9624864

This board, is a dangerous and scary place at least for people who don't want to burn in hell for decades.

>> No.9625103

>it's afraid.jpg

>> No.9625226

>This board, is a dangerous and scary place at least for people who don't want to burn in hell for decades.
What do you mean?

>> No.9625235

>classic maga reality denial

>> No.9625258

...a deeply rational and careful scholar who is quite obviously motivated by an ethical concern about inequality in our society.
This is not a person who was in favor of discrimination, whatever the difference in average IQ is across groups.
You know nothing about a person's intelligence on the basis of his or her skin color, that is just a fact.
There is much more variance among individuals in any racial group than there is between groups, so besides being unethical and politically imprudent, it is totally irrational to treat people as anything other than individuals.
-Sam Harris

>> No.9625263

get out of philly

>> No.9625265

are you retarded?

>> No.9625272

One Asian Communist government/economy overcomes two Capitalist economies/Democratic governments created by White people, carried out by two different races.


>> No.9625295

>It isn’t known to what degree differences in IQ are genetically determined, but it seems safe to say that genes play a role (and also safe to say that environment does too).

Literally no biologist will disagree with this statement. This doesn't place you into the camp of being a race realist. Can you /pol/tards not post something that completely contradicts what you're saying in your opening pasta?

>> No.9625483
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>> No.9625488

>Literally no biologist will disagree with this statement.
Plenty do, look at a survey of expert opinion on it

>> No.9625496

No, I just don't respect his intellect. Ezra Klein is a hack too. Why should I care these two are beating each other up? Fuck em.

>> No.9625505

shitty cop out imo

You can't make the claim that one group is predisposed to one thing and the other to another, and simultaneously that we should treat individuals within these two groups equally. There is this concept called probability you know, you can't just throw that away.

>> No.9625530

He's saying don't use stuff that we haven't even really gotten into the deep nitty gritty as justification for abuse/discrimination. Since said abuse/assholishness can be used to cause a catch-22 to further entrench disadvantage and disparity as seen in the past. That is underfunded and undersupported something>it's failing>what do we do>it's bound to fail/they aren't worth it>let it fail>something is dysfunctional and fails to perform it's purpose>repeat.

>> No.9625531

guess that's why Harris is famous and you are a racist shitposter

>> No.9625535

We should create a /pseudosci/

>> No.9625542


Also leads to "Frieza" scenarios where the IDEA of the legendary super saiyan whether he existed, exists or can exist drives one to the point of various negative states of emotion of various intensity that drives one (or governments) to consciously or unconsciously hinder said group even if you clearly are on top of things (which can cause problems to develop in the short or long Term).

>> No.9625555

Try living in a place that refuses to fund education because they didn't think it was worth the money to spend on you due to trumped up reasons.

>> No.9625570

>shitposter has spoken

>> No.9625577

What i am trying to get at is that what he believes (the immutable IQ differences between races) is an intellectual framework for the justification of discrimination.

Saying discrimination is bad does you no good when you are an advocate of the framework it's based up on.

>> No.9625598

>hiroshima happens
>"let's fix this by denying atoms exist"

>> No.9625615
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>race is defined by skin color!

>> No.9625619

That a Reddit science man is saying this is part of why I’ve been posting threads critical of intelligence supremacism and pointing out the evolutionary advantage of being a retard in certain climates and social contexts. You’ve seen what normalfags did to antiracism. You want to see how they ruin racism? It’s on the way.

>> No.9625635

>t. Amerimutt who thinks he's white

>> No.9625667

They are. They do far better in school, academically commanding careers and IQ tests

>> No.9625671

If differences between individuals are known to be due to environment and genetics , why wouldn't your null hypothesis be that differences between groups are also due to both environment and genetics?

Environmentalists have no answer for this. They want to assert that their dogma , that differences in average Iq between groups are entirely due to environment , should be taken as the null hypothesis when there is 0 reason to do that.

Someone try to justify this to me.

>> No.9625847

Maybe he comes from Eastern Europe. There's plenty of dumb, aggressive white people here.

>> No.9625895

He is correct.

>> No.9625916

T. Never met a black person

>> No.9625940

You absolute bad arse for linking this, cheers anon.

>> No.9626010

>/pol/ tards interpret things in way that confirms thier beliefs
>sam harris said a thing and that means niggers should be sytematically murdered
Okay man

>> No.9626012

T. No exposed to enough poor white people.

>> No.9626074

>sam harris is woke and into sci so we right
>climate cahnge is a myth, why believe sci?

>> No.9626091

There has never been any scientific evidence for race. Race started with the Spainard when they invaded the native-americans. They made the concept of race up.

There has never been proof for race gene. If one understand the scientific fact, you'll see that words like white race, black race, and native-american race are words that don't make any sense.

Alas, I think if people knew this fact, they'll still continue to go on their ways with racial bias such as marry within their own group or deny a black guy a job.

>> No.9626094

Trump is The Genius of the Carparkians

>> No.9626101

it’s as cringey as the idiots who claim geographical superiority, yet don’t even fucking realize humans began in africa. they literally say that that’s a lie and their entire lineage comes from europe.... before they came to america

>> No.9626152

Low IQ posts

Ever since humans invented writing they have noticed that people from other places look different from them. As for nigger inferiority, the earliest sources are probably from the arabs, not the spaniards.

Of course there is no race gene. There are practically no phenotypical traits which are expressed due to only one gene. But there are thousands of genes which appear in certain proportions in some races and not in others. And by identifying these genes you can determine a person's racial makeup down to small percentages. That's how 23andme works.

We all evolved from apes too, does that mean that other apes are as smart as humans? Heck why stop there, we all evolved from single cell organisms: I guess we should practice affirmative action so that more bacteria are CEOs of fortune 500 companies.

>> No.9626178

>Ever since humans invented writing they have noticed that people from other places look different from them. As for nigger inferiority, the earliest sources are probably from the arabs, not the spaniards

Not really, the Romans and Greeks traded with Ethiopia(then called Axum). The Axumites even invaded the Arab peninsula. The Axumites were a large civilization and one of the first nations to become Christian when King Ezana converted around 300AD. Proto-arabs were just tribalistic niggers, I can't imagine them thinking "we be more advance n shiet den da axumites."

>> No.9626183

Axumites were also proto-arabs. Their homeland was in yemen.

>> No.9626186

Nope, Axumites came from Dmt. They traded with the Sabeans but didn't come from them. And genetically there is an isolated East African gene that every Ethiopian has, neither nilotic nor arab. Nice try though.

>> No.9626364

From a statistical perspective, that's not easy to test, and likely won't offer results with that null

>> No.9626412

What you don't get is that nobody denies that there are regional differences in IQ, it is that the differences within any arbitrary group (be it nation, race, religious group or any other form of identity) is much bigger than the difference between these groups. Take for example "whites". If you take all "whites", and compare them with all "blacks", the whites will perform better on average. However, if you look closer into the group of whites, you will se that the variety within that group is even bigger, than between blacks and whites. For example, Serbs have an IQ of 89, while Swedes have an IQ of 105. Thats a solid 16 IQ difference between white peoples. Meanwhile the difference between blacks and whites is 97 IQ points for whites, and 90 IQ points for blacks. So only a difference of 7 IQ points. Now you can also again divide one single group of whites into more groups. Germans overall have an average IQ of 102. However, eastern germans are at 96, while Bavarians are at 99, and citizens from the city-state of Hamburg are at 105. So even within one single group of whites, the variety is 9, bigger than between blacks and whites. Now you can go even further, and single out different groups for example in Hamburg. One neighbourhood will do better, than the other. And now you can go one step further, and watch at the individual level, and you will see that within one very high-performing neighbourhood, there can still be single brainlets.

Point is, average IQs simply don't mean that much. The correlation to economic success is only there because of Africa. If you take that out of the dataset, there is no correlation at all. Koreans perform much better on IQ tests, than greeks, but they have similar economic success. Sweden, the country with the highest average IQ in europe, is not the one with the highest performing economy. Serbia, the country with the lowest average IQ in europe, is not the one with the worst economic performance.

>> No.9626419 [DELETED] 


>> No.9626424

Not that fellow but from what I can infer the thrust of their post is "There is more variation within a single racial group than between any two racial groups"
eg. white to blacks vs. swedes to serbs

>> No.9626434

That's not true at all.
Black people have obvious issues with thinking.

I'd agree with you if you were comparing Whites and Latinos, or if you were comparing Whites and Muslims, but it's obvious that black people are, on average, on a lower mental level than any other race.

>> No.9626442

The black IQ is between 65-70, not 90. If you're going to use Lynn's low estimates for Balkan countries it's only fair you use Lynn's estimates for black IQ

>> No.9626444

But it's known that Lynn specifically low-balled black countries exclusively.

>> No.9626452

Me neither, I don't understand why everyone thinks this

>> No.9626454

There are very obvious environmental factors for IQ development in Africa. Blacks that are raised in developed nations perform around 90 on IQ tests.

>> No.9626459

>Blacks that are roughly a 1/4 European perform at around 85 on IQ tests
>Blacks from Africa perform at 75

I don't like this "One drop = black" mentality.
Blacks in America are obviously multi-racial.

>> No.9626468

The reason for the IQ discrepancy you named in germany is that highly educated people (education of course correlating with IQ) leave eastern germany to make more money in the west and in the cities and therefor doesnt really have anything to do with regional genetics

90 IQ points for blacks seems rather high too considering from what I know american blacks have an average IQ of 85 and those had some level of mixing done

IQ definitely correletes to success on the individual level so one should assume it would on the national level too.
The reason it isnt showing clearly is because there are too many factors to consider

>> No.9626469

IQ is different among races

IQ is a predictor of success in life

Your cause and effect are flipped


>> No.9626470

You need to go to Houston and talk to the Black people over there.

Their hands are slow, and their brains are too.

It's ALMOST mental retardation.
I have a mother that's 30% black, and she can't hold information in her head like me and my father. She's very insightful and intelligent because she's a human being, but she can't keep up when it comes to finer jokes that require thought, etc, and she tends to interpret things very literally.

She's slower, but she's not stupid, and I can easily see how someone would attribute this to "no difference" if they had a bias toward seeing the world in one way.

>> No.9626472

I'm not talking about blacks in the US. Great Britain and France have large black communities, too. Blacks in the UK score around 90 on IQ tests:


(see table 4, those are CAT scores, so IQ scores would be 2-4 points lower)

>> No.9626477
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Says the negro

>> No.9626482
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>The negro

I'll have you know I am a pure European.

28% is negligible

>> No.9626487

In the US black and white populations aren't very integrated, and the blacks who are integrated into non-black areas seem to act differently that the blacks who live in majority black cities/states. Also, there seems to be this thing in the black community that looks down on or tries to shame blacks who have integrated well, or been successful.

>> No.9626490

>lynn wuz raycis n sheeit.

There are also obvious development factors in the Balkans.

>> No.9626494

There are no diseases and famines that hinder the brain development of children. So no, there aren't.

>> No.9626496

Yes, they had this little thing called a civil war in the 90s... and they still outscore black americans who are 20% west european...

>> No.9626501

There were no famines and diseases during the war.

>> No.9626506

There was certainly malnutrition and psychological trauma, not talk about disrupted education. Do african americans suffer from starvation and disease?

>> No.9626511
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Sam got baited by a slimy slippery troll:

1) Vox under Ezra publishes cleverly disguised smear article.

2) Sam says, ok let's talk about this, and stop calling me a racist or race realist please, that's just libellous.

3) Ezra changes some of the article, tweets that Harris is dangerous and Murray a racist

4) (this is basicly where the emails start)

Ezra: "yeah totally let's talk, fairness and communication are great!"

Sam: "Ok, you dishonest slut, I see what you're doin. I'm not gonna talk to you if you don't admit that article and your tweets are shitty. You'll just use the time to dodge questions again and politely incinuate for 2 hours that I'm a racist and a nazi for brownie points. Admit your shittery first, so we can actually talk honestly."

Ezra: "Oh my, why you mad? Let's just talk!"

Sam: "Fuck off".

Ezra is putting on a coy smile & playing dumb, while he gets his deputy editors to do the dirty work of slandering Sam as a pseudoscientific racialist.

Stop tryin to get you's by lying my dude, he says like thirty times that he doesn't want to even be associated with this race realist shit. Stop being desperate.

>> No.9626512

African americans were bred by slaveholders for 300 years. They are not a normal african population. If you want to talk about africans IQ, you need to look at the actual africans.

>> No.9626516

>African americans were bred by slaveholders for 300 years.
[Citation needed]

They weren't selectively bred like dogs, that's a complete fantasy.

>look at the actual africans
They're way worse than african americans.

>> No.9626517

but it doesn't explain why success is frowned upon.

They should all be capable of it, but they're not. It's the fox and the grapes.

No one wants to be poor.

>> No.9626520

You're right they weren't selectively bred, but they were raped.

>> No.9626522

>They're way worse than african americans.

see >>9626472

All the Blacks in the UK came only after the war, they have virtually zero white admixture. They are "pure" blacks.

>> No.9626525

>They weren't selectively bred like dogs, that's a complete fantasy.



>> No.9626526

White admixture increased their IQ

>> No.9626527

They are pure blacks, but they are blacks that are the smartest in all of Africa.

They learned that a better life awaited them in a first world nation. They engineered a plan to escape from Africa, and they successfully executed that plan and attained citizenship in the UK.

They're very intelligent.
Black immigrants that came from hell are the smartest black people you'll ever meet.

>> No.9626530
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..Merkel? That you?

>> No.9626571

Sam Harris rules.

>> No.9626613


>> No.9626618

Sam lashes out at Trump for how he handles media. Could learn a thing or two.

The best defense is a good ?

>> No.9626650

>he thinks these tests actually work

>> No.9626675

So the alt right thinks hes "thier guy" now despite all the times they have called him a moron. Cool.

>> No.9626682

>They weren't selectively bred like dogs, I live in a complete fantasy land.

>> No.9626689


>school choice has less than 1% of impact on exam results
libtards on suicide watch

>> No.9626721

>Also, there seems to be this thing in the black community that looks down on or tries to shame blacks who have integrated well, or been successful.

People misinterpret that hard and don't understand the historical context (or see some cases where it is justifued). Watch him that kith episode about hank and his football issue with his ankle and you'll see what I am talking about.

>> No.9626722

This is sp obvious but that fact it nerds to be pointed out is sad for /sci/

>> No.9626728


The differences and gaps are staying the same regardless of social programs or time passing. Not to mention black countries themselves.

The genetic gap can't be solved without genetic solutions.

>> No.9626733

Black African Iq is growing anon. Why do people think that development and gains in human capital some how doesn't effect africans despite it taking hold in every single other continent that experienced industrialisation.

>> No.9626742

The gap is shrinking and hell it will get close to the baseline overtime that the gap is basically negligible as development increases. Not all nations will be the same so there maybe ones that are under/over of a few above it. If South Korea developed over 50+years into one of the top scores I wouldn't be surprised if some higher tier African nation becomes close to it in exceptional scoring.

Education in Africa has made big jumps and improvements over the years and even though there is a long way to go to match western standards.

>> No.9626748

post the study and age of test, also what is the norm? Are white IQ / Asian IQ 100+?

>> No.9626753

The isdue with these discussions and developing nations is that they always assume a "it was always like this" and ignore a lot of stuff in history about how each state formed and developed. Alongside that there's a fuckton of assumptions and projections peopke do here like some people in other threads saying that "africans don't take to education" despite schools being extremely overcrowded or families facing starvation to keep kids in school or ignoring how much progress and the length of time it took for east asian nations (and states like Portugal) to develop it's education and human capital.

>> No.9626761
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>china is communist still

>> No.9626768

>white IQ / Asian IQ 100+?

No it varies. Why the fuck is this even a >>9626753

>> No.9626771

>length of time it took east asian nations

You mean the multiple "miracle economies"?

Chinese growth, Japanese growth, and S. Korean all had very rapid economic growth periods of which China is still doing so.

The "Growth" in Africa is pretty much entirely exporting of goods usually with foreign entities doing the actual work.

>> No.9626774

I mean in the results of black IQ approaching higher, is white IQ above 100? Meaning the norm has shifted lower.

>> No.9626778

How many of you autistic morons believe that spamming threads on /sci/ is going to change anything? It's not going to change the fact that none of you understand genetics.

>> No.9626818


>> No.9626823

I hate that these kinds of threads always attracts nigger who cite cherry picked statistics and have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.9626828

communism is european, brainlet.

>> No.9626829

>How many of you autistic morons believe that spamming threads on /sci/ is going to change anything?
Eh. I want to redpill 1000 kids with IQs over 140. I figure they can cause plenty of chaos in the future.

>> No.9626832

No one from /pol/ even has an IQ over 100. That's why you fall for all this propaganda. You really think you're going to fool people that are smarter than you?

>> No.9626835


Let us farm in peace, soyboy.

>> No.9626839

Ignoring the first clause, yes, I unironically think I have convinced people smarter than me of many things.

>> No.9626842


It is true that race is a social construct. It is also true, as Dr. Lewontin wrote, that human populations “are remarkably similar to each other” from a genetic point of view.

>> No.9626846

>It is true that race is a social construct
Electrons are a social construct. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.9626851

No they aren't. They would exist with our or without people.

>> No.9626852

Hey guys, chairs are a social construct so you should turn them over and sit on the legs.

>> No.9626854

Measuring height is a social construct. We could easily measure from toes to end of the fingertips or other things and get different results.

Height is imaginary and not real.

- t. soyboy lysenkoist

>> No.9626855

So would races. Phenotypes are objective things. I don't will a black person's skull shape and melatonin levels. Electrons are just as much as a social construct as races. So are

>> No.9626856

>What makes Dr. Watson’s and Mr. Wade’s statements so insidious is that they start with the accurate observation that many academics are implausibly denying the possibility of average genetic differences among human populations, and then end with a claim — backed by no evidence — that they know what those differences are and that they correspond to racist stereotypes. They use the reluctance of the academic community to openly discuss these fraught issues to provide rhetorical cover for hateful ideas and old racist canards.
>This is why knowledgeable scientists must speak out. If we abstain [...] we leave a vacuum that gets filled by pseudoscience, an outcome that is far worse than anything we could achieve by talking openly.

>If scientists can be confident of anything, it is that whatever we currently believe about the genetic nature of differences among populations is most likely wrong. For example, my laboratory discovered in 2016, based on our sequencing of ancient human genomes, that “whites” are not derived from a population that existed from time immemorial, as some people believe. Instead, “whites” represent a mixture of four ancient populations that lived 10,000 years ago and were each as different from one another as Europeans and East Asians are today.

>How do we accommodate the biological differences between men and women? I think the answer is obvious: We should both recognize that genetic differences between males and females exist and we should accord each sex the same freedoms and opportunities regardless of those differences.
>It is clear from the inequities that persist between women and men in our society that fulfilling these aspirations in practice is a challenge. Yet conceptually it is straightforward. And if this is the case with men and women, then it is surely the case with whatever differences we may find among human populations, the great majority of which will be far less profound.

>> No.9626857


>> No.9626861

To get published in the times he had to throw some of his coworkers under the bus.

>> No.9626864

To understand why it is so dangerous for geneticists and anthropologists to simply repeat the old consensus about human population differences, consider what kinds of voices are filling the void that our silence is creating. Nicholas Wade, a longtime science journalist for The New York Times, rightly notes in his 2014 book, “A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History,” that modern research is challenging our thinking about the nature of human population differences. But he goes on to make the unfounded and irresponsible claim that this research is suggesting that genetic factors explain traditional stereotypes.

One of Mr. Wade’s key sources, for example, is the anthropologist Henry Harpending, who has asserted that people of sub-Saharan African ancestry have no propensity to work when they don’t have to because, he claims, they did not go through the type of natural selection for hard work in the last thousands of years that some Eurasians did. There is simply no scientific evidence to support this statement. Indeed, as 139 geneticists (including myself) pointed out in a letter to The New York Times about Mr. Wade’s book, there is no genetic evidence to back up any of the racist stereotypes he promotes.

I'll give you the TLDR off this article since none of you can read. There are very small measurable genetic differences between populations. Those differences may explain a very small part of the gap in traits between races, but not all of it. They do not justify racist stereotypes and do not imply that all differences between race are due to genetics.

>> No.9626870

This debate is getting sterile. Anyways, we'll see who's right in the coming decades. If blacks worldwide and especially in Africa start closing the gap with the rest of the world, then I'll happily concede that I was wrong.

However, if blacks continue destroying everything they touch, and if Europe continues declining due to having to support an ever increasing low IQ population, then I hope you will all have the common sense to put aside your ideological differences to fight the negro menace. Preserving civilization is more important than "diversity".

>> No.9626872

People from the middle east are PIE peoples and are far more genetically related to Europeans than Africans.

>> No.9626873

>They do not justify racist stereotypes
Do they justify other stereotypes? Is this just a coincidence that genes can tell us lots of things, just nothing that might be racist? Funny how that works out. It is almost like they start with their conclusion and argue around it.

>> No.9626876

>Arguing that no substantial differences among human populations are possible will only invite the racist misuse of genetics that we wish to avoid.

>But as a geneticist I also know that it is simply no longer possible to ignore average genetic differences among “races.”

- David Reich, Tenured Harvard Geneticist

>> No.9626877

Ok I'll give you an example. Let's say the old flawed IQ tests are accurate and the average black IQ is 85 while white is 100. Genetics only explains a small fraction of that 15 point gap, not all of it.

>> No.9626883

What % of IQ is considered heritable?
Do you have some info it's small?

The accepted norm in psychology after huge amounts of study is 50-80% heritable.

WE already can predict 7% of variation with just genetic prediction tests and that is EARLY results.

>> No.9626884

I don't think anyone is arguing there is zero genetic differences between races expect popular media. People who understand the subject realize the differences are not substantial, and do not equate to racial stereotypes.


>> No.9626886

>Genetics only explains a small fraction of that 15 point gap, not all of it.
Currently or ever?
My understanding is that the research is rather new an that already some of the IQ gap is being explained by genetics. So, your phrasing isn't accurate. It isn't that genes only explain a fraction of the difference. It is that we know that genes explain at least some fraction of the difference.

>> No.9626887

>Do they justify other stereotypes?
Not really. What other ones did you have in mind? A biological taste for fried chicken and watermelon?

>> No.9626889

>People who understand the subject realize the differences are not substantial, and do not equate to racial stereotypes.
How could they possibly know that?

>> No.9626890

>linking a lysenkoist argument

top kek

>> No.9626891

Like black people are more likely to be 100m sprinters.

>> No.9626892

>Genetics only explains a small fraction of that 15 point gap
It explains 80% of it, as per heritability studies.

>> No.9626897

How heritable a trait is does not imply differences in trait percents between populations are due to heritability. This seems to be the most difficult concept to explain to you imbeciles.

There are no 'early' results. We've been doing GWAS for years to try to find SNPs that correlate to intelligence, and we've found a very large number that explains a small percent. Any two random people in the world will only differ from one another by about 3,000-4,000 SNPs, and we can account for the majority of those. The idea that blacks and whites have different SNP frequencies on the order of hundreds or thousands of genes that we simply aren't detecting is outside the realm of possibility.

Also, if races really differ in genetic contributions of intelligence that much, we would have found those genes 10 years ago due to the statistical power of genetics now.

>> No.9626898

How heritable a trait is does not imply differences in trait percents between populations are due to heritability.

>> No.9626904

I love how lysenkoists act like the subject is earnestly studied and explored.

>we would have found all of these race differences and they would be scientific dogma if true
>no one should ever do this research, what a fucking racist for asking for funding to do it.

You can't on one hand cite lack of scientific agreement on a subject while at the same time understand such study is censored.

You are being dishonest in your arguments when you cite the lack of overwhelming evidence and GWAS studies, when such studies are effectively banned.

>> No.9626905

"Black" people are because there are genetic advantages in a select few African populations.

>> No.9626908

That's true, but I suppose the burden of proof is on you to expose the environmental factor which uniformily affects every single black and lowers their IQ by a standard deviation.

>> No.9626909

No studies are banned. They just don't produce the results you want.

Let's try to divide the world into races based solely on genetic similarity and difference.


Guess what? It doesn't produce traditional ideas of race.

If studies are "banned" then how did Reich do his? Is there a coverup, or is there scientific evidence of racism? It can't be both.

>> No.9626912

Yeah I'm pretty sure the majority black cities should be outliers if it's just white patriarchy keeping them down. It's odd it's so uniform across continents, countries, and regions.

IT's odd the asians in America didn't get suck in the same trap and somehow magically got high IQs.

>> No.9626914

>That's true, but I suppose the burden of proof is on you to expose the environmental factor which uniformily affects every single black and lowers their IQ by a standard deviation.
There's so many..... So so many....
Let's start with lead, poverty, and worse education.

>> No.9626915

>but I suppose the burden of proof is on you

>> No.9626916

>no studies are banned
You are absolutely dishonest scum.

>> No.9626920


>> No.9626921

I know they've got a large margin for error, but they're better than nothing, and it's actually highly accurate from what I know of my immediate ancestry.

>> No.9626922

Those are just buzzwords.
>poverty and education

Black children born in rich educated families perform worse than white children born in middle class families. How do you explain that? (Hint: it's due to regression to the mean)

It is. Why should the null hypothesis be the absolute equality of the races? That is nonsensical. Equality does not exist in nature, it's a social construct.

>> No.9626926

There's no reason to debate you when it's simple to anyone of reasonable intelligence. Such subjects are absolutely taboo for research and study and everyone knows it.

When in the face of someone who denies such a thing occurring it's pointless to debate. I can just call you dishonest scum and people will understand.

Even the proponents of lysenkoist will say in public and in writing that they don't approve of such study and it should not be done. They don't hide it. By taking the dishonest route you just prove yourself a moron.

>> No.9626932

>It is. Why should the null hypothesis be the absolute equality of the races? That is nonsensical. Equality does not exist in nature, it's a social construct.
Because those assumptions would defy what we already know about human genetics that has been studied since the 60s.

We have been able to measure the genetic variation and how it's distributed in humans for decades. The assumption that somehow all that data is wrong and a trait that might have 2,000 genetics associated with it is somehow several times more clustered than all data we observe now flies in the face of everything we know.

As I already said, any two random people will only differ by about 3,000 SNPs. Most of those are concentrated in the immune system. That makes evolutionary sense.

>> No.9626935

>How do you explain that?
Very carefully. Some good papers here:

>> No.9626938


Also how many of those are in common with a banana or chimp? Most of it is just carefully conserved or literally useless noise

reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_genome
for how much is useless. Those 20,000+ SNP differences account for a huge amount of variation.

>> No.9626939

If all of what you say is true, why do black people have denser bones on average than all other races?

>> No.9626943

That is the SNP total amount for humans. Any two random humans share the majority of their SNPs.

If you care so much about genetics, why not actually learn it?

>> No.9626945

Your post reeks of Lewontin's fallacy.

>Because those assumptions would defy what we already know about human genetics that has been studied since the 60s.
>We have been able to measure the genetic variation and how it's distributed in humans for decades.

You do know that the human genome was only decoded in the early 2000s right? And serious study only started in the late 2000s. It's only been at most a decade, without an 's'.

And what is this conventional wisdom from the 60s you talk about? The wisdom of such luminaries as Franz Boas and Margaret Mead?

The rest of your post is rehashing of Lewontin's fallacy. You know, if an argument has actually given its name to a fallacy, you can be sure it's wrong. Just sayin.

>> No.9626947

No, no, no, you can't weasel out by quoting lenghty article. I want to hear your own arguments.

>> No.9626951

Why so virulently opposed to reality?

Once we identify the problem it will be easy to fix with PGDw/IVF or genetic engineering. Soon blacks could have decent genetics, but evil people want to keep them (avg) stupid and violent.

>> No.9626952

Lewontin's fallacy is not a real thing. It's just a buzzword you're trained to parrot over and over like "global warming isn't real."

We were able to measure genetic variation starting the in the 60s. The entire human genome was only sequenced in the early 2000s. Those are two different things.

>> No.9626954

That is still decades or centuries away. You cannot simply edit the genome because you can read it.

>> No.9626958

The scientific papers help to explain it. My own arguments would be summerizing the papers, which could be a paper in of itself. It's too much. People spend years trying to understand these issues.

I could go into personal experience, which I have a good deal of. I spent a while living with a poor black family.

>> No.9626959

We are doing it right now in America, PGDw/IVF is used currently. We already have valid functions that predict EDUYEARS and Intelligence off of a Polygenetic score.

It's possible now and with the exponential growth in genomics we will have really good functions in 12-18 months.

IF you want to really help blacks the best way is to begin pushing for IVF clinics to expand and open The great thing is it would be a benefit to all of society.

Instead you will scream how it's not true and rich people will have the only access because genetics are "icky" .

>> No.9626962

>Lewontin's fallacy is not a real thing
Okay. I can't argue with fanatics. It's funny but you're the one akin to a global warming denier. In fact you're even worse: you're a creationist.

>and on the 6th day God created all human races exactly equal in cognitive capabilities!

>> No.9626967


>> No.9626968

Let me do a quick little rundown for the low IQ libtard in the thread. Even though he is better off not existing.

1. No genetic differences.
- Genomics technologies will allow rich to improve genetics even widening the gap more. The general hatred of genomics and refusal to view it as needed will result in even bigger gap.

Even on the case there is or isn't a genomic difference, the fact scientists have held up research into this and have stopped largescale genetic sequencing of black populations out of fear will also hold them back more. As the predictive functions only exist for white europeans at the moment.

In any case you're bleeding heart idiocy does nothing functionally good for blacks. Such lysenkoist refusal to believe reality or search for truth ALWAYS ends up worse than truthful honesty.

>> No.9626969

>I have an emotional bias that blurs reality

I don't know what to tell you.

My father is white, and I'm mixed-raced, and my father is smarter than me, and I'm smarter than my sister (and men have an average of 6 IQ points over women).

That's just life.

I meet black people in real life, and they have issues grabbing pens quickly and fluidly.

It's mental slowness. It takes all of their processing power to grab something. Imagine trying to think.

>> No.9626970

No, you just have no arguments. Posting articles and telling people to read them is a shitty cop out, since you know perfectly well I don't have the time or patience to read them.

And anyways, I just checked and they seem to be Raj Chetty papers. You do know that Raj Chetty does not study these problems, right? He's interested in social mobility.

So not only did you try to "win" the argument by flooding me with references, the articles you linked to are irrelevant to boot.

>> No.9626975

God, I hate arguing with niggers....


>> No.9626978

Edwards never said Lewontin's data was wrong, just that race was "something else." He never published any evidence for what that was, though.

>> No.9626979


- The liberal retards so hellbent on lying and saying things like "healthy at every weight" on the subject of race are doing nothing positive.

- The people that want to know the truth and explore it are doing the good thing. Largescale genetic studies of black people with regards to complex genomic traits can only help them. Regardless of what is finds.

- If you deny reality, fine, then societies and races that do it will only gain advancement over them.

The lysenkoists and goldberg "masters of the universe" have led us down a dark path and it's time to correct it with truthfulness in the face of hard truths.

>> No.9626980

It sounds like you literally have confirmation bias lol

>you know perfectly well I don't have the time or patience to read them.
So you'll never learn I guess. The first paper is not Chetty and that one alone is very revealing. Just read that one.

>> No.9626981


and I agree.
Black people are in a miserable industrial hell because people are treating them like they're their equals.

They should be aided by the government in finding employment because they're black, but such a thought is immediately dismissed as racist and hateful, and it's actually very damaging toward black communities.

I'd rather live in a racist society that helps its citizens than live in a "equal" society that hurts its citizens.

>> No.9626982

>The first paper is not Chetty and that one alone is very revealing
Authors of the first paper:
>Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie R. Jones, and Sonya R. Porter

Your niggerness is showing.

>> No.9626986

>Black mom that has been called a nigger before
>You have every reason to be racist

I actually don't.
I'm just accepting reality.

>> No.9626990

>Race denialists
>retarded /pol/fags
Why do people have trouble taking the enlightened stance acknowledging racial differences in IQ while also believing it doesn't matter because holding back individuals because of their peers is retarded?
We already have evidence how stupid it is with the America education system/no child left behind.
But /pol/tards seem to want to double, triple down on it except make it race based.

>> No.9626991

The beatings will continue until morale improves

That's basically the state of things right now. Lysenkoism was a great evil and it is continuing in the west now.

>> No.9626995

>Edwards never said Lewontin's data was wrong
Right, because his data is not wrong. There is indeed more variance within the races than between them. It was the interpretation which was fallacious, i.e. that it "proves" that race doesn't exist. Edwards shows that this is not true because the genetic information is hidden in the correlation structures of the alleles.

In other words, this is as if Lewontin said "the earth is flat, because the horizon is flat" and Edwards responding "it is not that the horizon is flat, it is that the earth is so large its curvature is very small which makes the horizon appear flat". But Lewontin would be still be right in that the horizon does appear flat.

>> No.9626997

>google Lysenkoism

typical /pol/

>> No.9626998

>Why do people have trouble taking the enlightened stance acknowledging racial differences in IQ while also believing it doesn't matter because holding back individuals because of their peers is retarded?
That would be considered a /pol/ stance.

>> No.9627002

Oops. Oh well. Look up how blacks are disproportionately punished from Pre-K through adulthood. Look up implicit bias and it's consequences. All black deal with some real shit man, that's just the way it is. Look up redlining, look up the war on drugs, idk why I have to do this.

>> No.9627004

>being so much of a brainlet you've never heard of lysenkoism

>> No.9627006

history is a great teacher. It's a great shame it has such poor students like yourself.

>> No.9627008

why would you want to integrate with low IQ violent populations? There is a reason every strata of society segregates itself, white poor from white rich as well.

>> No.9627011

No it isn't. Pol-fags use race-realism to back up pseudointellectual bullshit like ethnostates

>> No.9627012

interesting that such science was banned even before /pol/

>> No.9627014

yeah right dumb fuck

>> No.9627015

>Look up how blacks are disproportionately punished from Pre-K through adulthood
They're not disproportionately punished, they're punished proportionately to the amount of disturbances they cause.

>implicit bias
Literally astrology tier. I love how the rebuttal to cokd, hard statistical studies are wishy washy marxist inspired sociological theories with no experimental data to support them whatsoever.

>redlining, war on drugs
Wow, I've never heard those arguments before.

Yeah, I'm sure redlining 70 years ago is the reason why rich blacks score worse on the SATs than middle class whites. Retard.

>> No.9627017

what's your argument? that race realism wasn't accepted 90 years ago?

>> No.9627020

Looks like someone is triggered... anyways /pol/ is not one person, you faggot nigger.

>> No.9627022

That the original hatred of genetics and biology in intellectual circles is more because of ideological bias. The excuses for why usually just find useful scapegoats.

>> No.9627024

Ah, so you can eliminate the whole race thing. Yes, procreate with a nice smart girl. Don't rule out the black ones. It doesn't matter as long as your IQ is high.

>> No.9627027
File: 38 KB, 490x368, 6295092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are disproportionately punished though even though they do have a greater incidence of acting-out.

Racial bias is a very real thing, and you don't understand it until you interact with races that aren't your own.


I think it works both ways though.

In men, it's indifference, so it's very subtle.

>> No.9627029

Regression to the mean.

>> No.9627030

See, you didn't look up shit. Fuck you.

>They're not disproportionately punished, they're punished proportionately to the amount of disturbances they cause.
Look. It. Up.

>> No.9627035

Most blacks that escape poverty and enter the middle class unlike most demographics stay rather then move due to a variety of reasons such as redlining in the past and discriminatory mortgage lending policies, wanting to stay to retain ones friends, living near family etc.

So even if ones income goes up they still have the utilities and schools of poorer folk in many cases. It's pretty interesting to read about.

>> No.9627036

The Trump Concentration camps are in full swing now.

Perhaps the predictions of genocides and next hitlers should be examined carefully instead of held onto as dogmatic truths.

Especially when holding back important areas of scientific research and understanding.

>> No.9627037

Wow a washpo article, I'm convinced.

I ask you for quantitative data and you give me articles from newspapers. Really shows the strength of your position.

>> No.9627038

I thought IQ was so fucking genetic. That makes no sense. Regression to the mean would indicate societal issues against blacks.

>> No.9627042

Race can be construed out if any criteria honestly. The point is that race doesn't really have the rigor that using genetics does.

>> No.9627044

Inb4 le jew york times

>> No.9627045

I know crime rates, niggers are basically evolved niglets, so I'm guessing niglets are as bad when they're in school as nogs are when they're out of school.

But I'm specifically talking about the top 10% richest blacks, not middle class blacks.

>> No.9627049

And this

>> No.9627051

Regression to the mean is due to genetics you stupid nigger. Sheesh!

Not really, you can't create racial categories based on height for example, that would make no sense.

>I ask him to stop posting newspaper articles
>he responds by posting a newspaper article.

>> No.9627052

I'm not even that guy.
I'm just aware that human beings naturally belong in MONORACIAL hunter-gatherer tribes.

If you don't think in group and out group preferences played a role in human survival, you're absolutely wrong.

>> No.9627057

Heavier bones big woop and the study only targeted black Americans. Many asian ethnic groups have "rice" earwax

>> No.9627058

So washpo, nyt and the guardian. All you need now is to post articles from buzzfeed, the atlantic and salon.com and we'll be set!

>> No.9627059

Genomics in general especially when it comes to humans, intelligence, behavior, etc is extremely underfunded and held back regardless by people afraid of the results.

The lysenkoism is not narrow.

Compared to benefit of the field it is unbelievably under-served and under-funded. The pushback is there even if you look for IQ differences among a population or race.

>> No.9627060

>I ask him to stop posting newspaper articles
>he responds by posting a newspaper article.

The article discusses a study that they link to. Dear God you're retarded.

>> No.9627063

Don't forget the dailymail

>> No.9627065

Why don't you link to the article directly in that case? Or even better, post the main arguments of the article. Is it because you lack the brainpower?

>> No.9627066

>Bone deep developmental difference
>Big woop

I should've eaten more spinach, and I'd have a faster rate of muscle growth today.

>> No.9627072

>The "Growth" in Africa is pretty much entirely exporting of goods usually with foreign entities doing the actual work.

And they are diversifing their economies on top of many tech sectors being developed across the continent and entrepreneurs starting up.

>> No.9627073


>> No.9627074

>Regression to the mean is due to genetics you stupid nigger. Sheesh!

Do you understand what that even means? Try again.

>> No.9627075

Yep, you got me. Guess you don't have to read the studies now.

>> No.9627076

Do you? Stupid nigger.

>> No.9627077


>> No.9627080

Google it.
There's a lot of interesting startups on the continent.

>> No.9627083

Not really interested in cherrypicked articles. When it becomes a blip on their economy I'll care.

>> No.9627085

Well, it's not my fault you're so much of a brainlet you can't even summarize them.

>> No.9627089

The only thing growing in africa right now is its population. I read somewhere a few days ago that to avoid starvation Africa will have to quintuple its agricultural production by the end of the century.

I think we all know what's going to happen.

>> No.9627095

so just like Other oil states around the world. Also why ONLY use Nigeria?

>> No.9627105

This is another thing.
If we could all collectively agree that black people are unevolved, we could stop shit like this from happening in the first place.

>> No.9627107

If a man is 200 IQ and his wife is 210 their kid won't be 205 or 230 but he'll be like 140. He's lower then them but he still is way above the average and this isn't factoring in the potential kid being a freak of nature like his parents.

In your example the mixed race kid that is the offspring of two PhD's/high educational attainment parents won't regress to the mixed race or black means but that he will most likely be equal or sightly worse then his dad in economics or his Harvard prof statistics mom. Freaks beget freaks that are not as freaky but still freaks nonetheless.

>> No.9627125

they will increase their production, but most of it will go to China

>> No.9627131

So what you are saying is IQ is genetic until it means intelligent black people should be treated equal, then IQ is magical and not genetic and 120+ IQ blacks breeding together will eventually "regress to the mean" of 85?
But then how did humans evolve intelligence begin with? Why didn't we regress to the mean to stay dumb apes?

>> No.9627132

Not exactly although China being a place to export to is not that uncommon. Interstate trade will open up over the years as more infrastructure and changes are made. Of course increased production means more room to grow more profitable cash crops.

>> No.9627442

most bears will attack you but that doesn't mean you just kill every one you see on sight. At least see what kind of person they are first before you treat them differently. It's not like they are incapable of being intelligent, just more of them are stupid.

>> No.9627649

If you reintroduced living in tribes that are constantly on a knife-edge of being eaten or starving, and have to compete mercilessly with other tribes, then that freak gene would slighty improve one tribe's chances over tens of generations by elevating the mean of the tribe by a few fractions of a percent. And make that change permanent for that population.
But that doesn't apply to a few generations, there the freakish spike in a trait would regress towards the mean pretty fast.

>> No.9627673
File: 72 KB, 511x768, 511px-YaoMingonoffense2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yao Ming (Chinese: 姚明; born September 12, 1980) is a Chinese former professional basketball player who played for the Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) and the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). At the time of his final season, he was the tallest active player in the NBA, at 2.29 m (7 ft 6 in).
>Yao is the only child of 6 ft 7 in (2.01 m) Yao Zhiyuan and 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) Fang Fengdi,[6] both of whom were former professional basketball players.

>> No.9627855

WTF have you ever been to africa or any US town above 500k?

It MAY not be a biological thing based on race but a social thing based on race (which means they could have the same potential). But either way there's no way of both groups beeing on the same intelligence level right now.

>> No.9627864

>Never heard of Lysenkoism.

Why I'm not surprised.

>> No.9627915
File: 132 KB, 633x758, 1522296801136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious anon.
What's the endgame?
Like suppose tomorrow you win the battle. All of /sci/ agrees that IQ is everything and that racial IQ is stratified.
What will be your next move?

>> No.9627921


The end goal is to scientifically justify racial segregation and dehumanization based on race. It's morally easier subjugating someone when you consider them less human. It's an old tactic dressed in science.

>> No.9627966

I wondered about this.

Harris and Murray say that we must treat individuals as individuals, as the average cognitive abilities of a group doesn't inform you on the abilities of one member.

It makes sense until you consider that policies can hardly be individualized.

There's three possible kinds of policy : universal ones, category-based, individually-based.
What is most likely when we establish differences in ability between categories ?

Today, the problems that minorities and women face are largely explained by social issues.
So we're trying to fix those : to combat racism, sexism, etc.
But if we know that blacks are inherently more violent, or women inherently less ambitious... Won't we create acceptance for their problems ?
Won't people see high crime rates for blacks and think "well nothing we can do, it's just the way they/we are" ? Won't we reinforce prejudice among other groups, and demoralize blacks further ? and in that way create more obstacles to individual and social solutions ?

More generally I guess the question is : can we really assume that our democratic societies will in the future function according to reason ?

>> No.9628129

>most bears will attack you but that doesn't mean you just kill every one you see on sight. At least see what kind of person they are first before you treat them differently. It's not like they are incapable of being intelligent, just more of them are stupid.

If there were a group of bears 5-10x more likely to assault me and a group of bears 75x more likely to rape my white wife, I'd avoid that group of bears. I'm just saying.

You can't expect people to be open-minded saints when family and property are involved. It's a ridiculous double standard.

>Since said abuse/assholishness

Only that "group of bears" is dumb enough to demand free sex from prostitutes. Only that "group of bears" is dumb enough to waste money on white-owned corporate products. Filipinos? They buy within their neighborhood. Chinese? They buy within their neighborhood.
"Group of bears"? 2% of their money circulates in their neighborhood and the rest they waste on fucking trinkets sold by stores and corporations owned by non-"group of bears".

>Also leads to "Frieza" scenarios where the IDEA

It might shock you but maybe people have experienced "group of bears" close up and see that they have far less impulse control and far more of an entitlement complex than other people. Why the fuck should I give them a benefit of the doubt? Judging individuals as individuals? Funny enough, "group of bears" are all to willing to blame other groups for their fuckups. I treat individuals as individuals. I stay the fuck away from "groups of bears" though.

>> No.9628136

So we should hide some biological facts because they can be harmful to the establishment?

>> No.9628138

>Won't people see high crime rates for blacks and think "well nothing we can do, it's just the way they/we are" ?

Tough shit. Think for a godamn second, do you think blacks would treat you better or worse if they were in the same situation?

Hell. Fucking. No. My kids and my family come before I sing kumbaya with the world.

>Won't people see high crime rates for blacks and think "well nothing we can do, it's just the way they/we are" ?

Tough shit. Other ethnicities seem to be able to handle poverty and raise themselves up without being treated like fucking children.

>> No.9628150


Shut the fuck up. If you want to talk about dehumanization, look at crime rates. Look at the almost sociopathic inability in that community to take individual responsibility. If they didn't want to be "dehumanized" in the modern age, they wouldn't have a 75% fatherlessness rate. They wouldn't rape other races at 50-75X multiple. They wouldn't idolize literal fucking thugs who push around store owners.

Go live in a black majority neighborhood. You'll see how much of a farce "universal empathy" is when you see how little they give to other groups.

>> No.9628156

>Won't we reinforce prejudice among other groups, and demoralize blacks further ? and in that way create more obstacles to individual and social solutions ?

Why is it that there's only one group who needs all these special accommodations? Even Ethopians (people who have to cross a fucking ocean to get here) act far better than AAs and manage to operate and own successful businesses in the same town where AAs make up a lot of Skid Row.

>> No.9628170

>Go live in a black majority neighborhood. You'll see how much of a farce "universal empathy" is when you see how little they give to other groups.
I actually live in a mostly black neighborhood and it's quite nice here.

>> No.9628179


Zipcode of neighborhood. I'm almost positive it has higher crime rates than surrounding neighborhoods. I'm almost positive that crimes against other races is highly skewed. I'd be shocked if it weren't so. Of course my experience is West Coast based.

>> No.9628185

>Should we hide some biological facts because they can be harmful to society at large ?
Is indeed the question I am asking and I think it is worth thinking about.

>> No.9628188

>harmful to society at large

Are you motherfuckers serious? Rape and robbery are harmful to society at large. Why the fuck are you so willing to crucify yourself for a group of people that will NEVER pay it back?

>> No.9628196

Yeah but that works with all minorities. What if you told everyone that it is scientifically established that Ethiopians will always be less successful than whites on average and that it's in their genes?
Would they try then just as hard as they do now, and would people trust them as much as they do now, or less?

>> No.9628198
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It's higher than most majority white neighborhood for sure, it's just not that high though. It's a middle-class neighborhood.

>> No.9628203

>Would they try then just as hard as they do now, and would people trust them as much as they do now, or less?

You're looking at the wrong shit. When you have a community with a 70% fatherlessness rate, that's social apocalypse in slow motion. I'm not a tribunal of God seeking to impose absolute equality of races. I'm not Christ willing to crucify himself for the sins of all nations.

I'm a fucking dude who wants peace and quiet and safety for my family. But what I notice is that only that "grouping" of "people" require contortions of logic in order to make them sympathetic. Wanna know who the animal torturers and sociopaths were in my neck of Los Angeles?


Zipcode. Zipcode. Zipcode.

>> No.9628208

>Zipcode. Zipcode. Zipcode.
Nah. It would be misleading anyway. The zipcode spans multiple neighborhoods.

>> No.9628212


Think about this. For every other local and ethnic community in LA, you don't have to make the same contortions. People from absolutely dirt-poor war-ravaged conditions half a world away are able to flourish, even in that shitty city.

There's only one grouping of people that require special explanations and special rules for empathy in order to turn them into "protoganists" of life. Are there good individuals? Sure. There are many good individuals. And you spit on them when you make excuses for the shitbags. You stomp their faces on the dirt and tell them that they are equal to Tyrone in prison.


Fucking crosstreets then jesus christ. It's not like you live in Area 51.

>> No.9628218

I'm serious enough to have reluctance to answer to your excessive, hostile, and wilfully shortsighted posts.

But I will nonetheless indulge you for a bit.

So in your opinion blacks are inferior, dangerous and I should hate them. Ok, why not. But then what ? What do you propose to solve the problem ? Race war, genocide, deportation, enslavement ?
Or do you not want to solve the problem and are content to let it fester ?

>> No.9628219
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Look at all the reeee

>> No.9628224

>But then what ? What do you propose to solve the problem ?

You avoid living in black majority neighborhoods. Because my family goes before acting like a secular Christ.

>Race war, genocide, deportation, enslavement ?Or do you not want to solve the problem and are content to let it fester ?

I don't know. As I said, I'm not a tribunal from God. But I do know it's only going to get worse when AAs have a 70%+ fatherlessness rate. But that's not my problem. I have the problems of everyday life and provision for my family to deal with.

Are you worried about Muslims in the Phillipines? Are you worried about Buddhists in Indonesia? Are you worried about Dalits in India?

We're not saints and we all have our everyday problems (minus the top 2% who have a far different life experience from "the masses"). Why is it that only one group requires the pity train of other groupings?

>> No.9628231

>You avoid living in black majority neighborhoods. Because my family goes before acting like a secular Christ.
Idk, I just go by crime rate.

>> No.9628244


From my skid row adventures, the intensity and "randomness" of the crimes are amplified in AAs. There are definitely whites like that, I ain't going to lie. But not at the same percentage of AAs.

And I saw how literal thugs (Trayvon Martin) were elevated as saints despite the fact that they strongarmed fucking convenience store owners for trinkets like a box of cigars.

Why the fuck should I trust anything about AAs when people are so willing to excuse the fuckups?

You don't realize how such excuse making promotes racial fear. Because you see how crimes are "excused" under some silent social protocol of "the victim and the guilty socio-historical subject which created the victim" (blacks and whites respectively). It worsens the status of the entire AA community! It's fucking ridiculous how retarded the strategies have been.

Should we parade all the whites, all the asians, and all the hispanics who have been raped by AA perpetrators? Those are people who deserve some empathy and support.

>> No.9628255

I do care for people around the world. Just like most people, not (only) because we want to be Jesus but because empathy, as it happens, is in our genes.

And you won't get it out anytime soon, so first stop fantasizing about a world without empathy towards strangers. It won't happen.

But even you only care about your family it is your problem until you take them all to hide with you in Montana.
You say they're robbers and rapists. And a significant number of them are. This affects your family, as it means they have a chance to be attacked.

So "I don't know" is a cop-out. You sermon me, insult me, act all and mighty, but you don't know what to do ? That's unacceptable.
Take a consistent stance or shut up.

>> No.9628260

the unequal sentencing bullshit disappears when you normalize for IQ (as a predictor for proper court behavior) or when you normalize for prior offenses.

>> No.9628262

>So "I don't know" is a cop-out. You sermon me, insult me, act all and mighty, but you don't know what to do ?

How have I insulted you? If you come at me as an individual, I'll treat you as an individual. That doesn't negate the fact that AA dominated neighborhoods have more crime.

>empathy, as it happens, is in our genes.

You sneaky motherfucker, you want to talk about empathy. You want to talk about empathy. AAs and empathy outside of their group? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

You're a funny fucker.

>so first stop fantasizing about a world without empathy towards strangers.

I never said that you snake. Let me pick a random lineup of ten people. Random races. and then repeat a 100x. Examine which crimes and which behaviors blah blah.

I guarantee you that animal torture and rape towards other races will be perpetuated at a far higher level amongst AAs. It's what I saw growing up.

Don't blame me for the fact that the media excuses the fuckups.

>> No.9628264

>And I saw how literal thugs (Trayvon Martin) were elevated as saints despite the fact that they strongarmed fucking convenience store owners for trinkets like a box of cigars.
Nobody says he's a saint, simply that he was killed for no reason at the time he was killed. Zimmerman didn't know this guy stole cigars, and that wouldn't justify the death penalty anyway. How can you be okay with it?

>> No.9628268

>>>9627044 (You)
>the unequal sentencing bullshit disappears when you normalize for IQ (as a predictor for proper court behavior) or when you normalize for prior offenses.
The study factors in court behavior and prior offenses.

>> No.9628272


Because he was a thug who would've continued being a thug. People of other races with a shred of empathy don't bully convenience owners for trinkets. In all honesty, he would've been a waste of oxygen his whole life.

And yet because he was made a saint, I trust anything about the AA community even less.

>> No.9628282

>People of other races with a shred of empathy don't bully convenience owners for trinkets.
>People of other races don't commit crimes
Good lord

>> No.9628287

Isn't that an insult now ? And you keep implying that I'm a blind fool.

But no matter.
>it doesn't negate the fact that AA dominated neighborhoods have more crime.
Neither do I.
I am asking you : do you propose anything to solve this problem that unavoidably affects the people you care for ? Or do you tolerate it ?

>> No.9628292


Other races don't have crime at the same rate. What part of that is so hard to understand? A woman of ANY ethnicity, including AA, is more likely to be raped by a random AA than any other group.

It's almost as if you fail to see the point I'm making and deliberately misconstruing the points I'm making. In fact, you're taking it personally. Which you shouldn't. If you don't face the facts of the world, the facts end up robbing you and raping your wife.

>do you propose anything to solve this problem that unavoidably affects the people you care for ? Or do you tolerate it ?

I don't care. I honestly don't fucking care. Especially when dealing with a double standard that you're imposing.

What if whites had the higher rape rate? I'm almost 100% you'd change your tune and agree with me.

"I'm going to keep moving south to avoid those criminal whites"

>> No.9628296

>Other races don't have crime at the same rate. What part of that is so hard to understand?
I understand that. But you want law enforcement based on skin color alone. You have already admitted it.

>> No.9628304
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We need to make this sort of speech illegal.

>> No.9628306


It's as if AAs commit far more crime, per person, than other groupings. Racial profiling is 1/10th "duh evil whitey supremacy" and 9/10ths empirical observation.

There's 30,000+ white (just white) women a year who wish the cops were more stringent on racial profiling.

There are roughly 0 - 100 black women a year who wish the cops were more stringent on whites.

>> No.9628308

Shut up

>> No.9628309

This likely is the only time I will ever see this sentence.

>> No.9628314


Maybe the people who "hate speech" is directed to should stop being such massive perpetrators of "hate actions" like rape and robbery. Just a consideration

>> No.9628323

>I don't care. I honestly don't fucking care.
Ok. Then between the two of us, you're the one who is indulgent with black criminals, and I'm the one who wants them to disappear.

And I also want white criminals to disappear. No double standard for me.

>> No.9628325

That means punishing for nothing to prevent future crimes. Sounds fun and not against basic human rights at all.

Then again. Are you saying lifelong white criminals should be exempt? How can you predict which ones will be?

>> No.9628336

>That means punishing for nothing to prevent future crimes.

Well maybe they shouldn't rape and rob so much. Just saying.

>not against basic human rights at all.

The shit AAs do to other people makes your statement seem like a sick joke. The shit AAs do to other AAs make your statement seem like a sick joke.

>Are you saying lifelong white criminals should be exempt?

No. But when your group rapes and robs at a far higher rate than whites, then maybe more attention towards that group is warranted.

It's not a personal thing. You should be shaking your fist at your fellow "brothers" for making you look like a sack of shit for things you had no part in.

It's the way of the world. People judge groups on stereotypes. Instead of whining about it, maybe you should think and see that maybe there's some very rational reasons behind my sort of "racism".

>> No.9628341

>No. But when your group rapes and robs at a far higher rate than whites, then maybe more attention towards that group is warranted.
What's the point of punishing the white career rapists less than the black career rapists???

>> No.9628344


Did I say that? Where did I say that? I never said that.

But it's like trying to catch fish in a lake. There's areas where you're bound to catch something and there's areas that you could stay in for hours and not get a single bite.

And as I said, how does that negate the fact that, per person, any ethnicity is more likely to be raped by an AA (considering population)? If AA population went up to...50% representation, you'd have 90,000+ rapes of just white women.

The problem is AAs make up 14% of the population but do a lot more of the crime per person.

>> No.9628346

You were saying racial profiling is valid for when issuing punishment. What's the point of being more lenient on the white criminals? Because other whites commit less crime? Makes no sense.

>> No.9628350


and here's the crux.

You want me to pity 14% of the population. What about the other 86%? They don't deserve anything because they're not AA? They should be thankful for being raped by AA dick?

>You were saying racial profiling is valid for when issuing punishment.

Where did I say that?

>> No.9628355


Where did I say that? I'm referring to being caught in the process of a crime. And sentencing is skewed by the per person rate of AA repeat offenders. Don't fucking blame other people for the shit your brothers pull*

>> No.9628366

>Where did I say that?

>There's 30,000+ white (just white) women a year who wish the cops were more stringent on racial profiling.
>Racial profiling is 1/10th "duh evil whitey supremacy" and 9/10ths empirical observation.

>I'm referring to being caught in the process of a crime.
You said it was okay to kill Trayvon Martin who was doing nothing at the time.

>And sentencing is skewed by the per person rate of AA repeat offenders.
What does this mean? Study above shows whites are punished less for identical crime and criminal record.

>> No.9628377

>You said it was okay to kill Trayvon Martin who was doing nothing at the time.

I honestly think he was human garbage. That doesn't mean he "should've" been killed extralegally. But at the same time, he was a piece of shit made into a saint. You don't elevate pieces of shit into saints if you don't want people to notice your ethnic loyalty.

>Study above shows whites are punished less for identical crime and criminal record.

ooo a single study oooooo. How does that relate to the perpetration of crimes? Why is the rate of black on white rape so much higher than the reverse? Sentencing is far different from perpetrating a crime.

>> No.9628389

>How does that relate to the perpetration of crimes? Why is the rate of black on white rape so much higher than the reverse? Sentencing is far different from perpetrating a crime.
So you're punishing based on some predicted future crimes, or crimes committed by other people who look like you. That's racial profiling, and you're okay with it.

>> No.9628391


And here's the optics from the POV of other groups.

"Huh that large dude just bullied this asian convenience store owner for shit. He's kind of a piece of shit. But now he's being made into a boy who dindu nuffin'?"

The optics for that case, from the POV of outside groups, is fucking horrible. The vast majority of people don't bully asian convenience store owners.


I'm okay with it in the general sense that people judge groups by the reaction to the extremes of each group.

Who is elevated? Who is decried?

If your group elevates pieces of shit, other groups become more wary.

>> No.9628406

>"Huh that large dude just bullied this asian convenience store owner for shit. He's kind of a piece of shit. But now he's being made into a boy who dindu nuffin'?"
>The optics for that case, from the POV of outside groups, is fucking horrible. The vast majority of people don't bully asian convenience store owners.

Bro. He stole some damn cigars in the past. Then got killed for nothing. He didn't deserve that. Nobody said he was fucking Ghandi, idk where you get your info.

>> No.9628419

>He didn't deserve that. Nobody said he was fucking Ghandi, idk where you get your info.

For someone who wants to scream "have empathy!", you seem to be incredibly dense to how other people view things.

This might shock you but most people don't like bullies. If they see a smaller man, let's say a storeowner, being bullied by a dindu they don't look kindly on that dindu. Because if he's pulling that shit at 17, he's likely pulling that shit as he ages.

The psychology and lack of empathy it takes to bully around this smaller dude is alien to most people. I'm just telling you, he looked like a complete piece of shit. Why don't you see the reverse? Why don't asians roll up to black owned convenience stores and bully the black cashier?

There are far too many good people who are killed and/or injured to give a rat's ass about a piece of shit.

>> No.9628423

Let's kill all bullies then. Plenty of white ones.

>> No.9628432


Of course. But per person, there's a lot more AA bullies. That's the fucking point. They only make up 14% of the population but perpetuate crime at a far higher rate than any other grouping.

If the Goth kids at high school were known for raping, assaulting, and murdering at a far higher rate, compared to other groups of kids, they would be "profiled" much more stringently.

>> No.9628435
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I think we all agree that blacks are less intelligent and more violent on average than whites, latinos and East Asians. Why so many discussions on this topic on this board? /pol/ raiders?

>> No.9628450

You don't have to profile anyone. And you shouldn't. How is that fair to the non-bullies? Equal punishment for equal crime.

>> No.9628453

>You don't have to profile anyone. And you shouldn't. How is that fair to the non-bullies?

How is rape and robbery and assault fair to anyone? If your non-bullies elevate the bullies to sainthood, it stands to reason that other groups of non-bullies will eye you warily and with a lot of suspicion.

>> No.9628466

>How is rape and robbery and assault fair to anyone? If your non-bullies elevate the bullies to sainthood, it stands to reason that other groups of non-bullies will eye you warily and with a lot of suspicion.
I'm not saying that I don't understand where prejudice comes from, but it's still a flaw of human reasoning. Pre-judging non-bullies is not fair.

>> No.9628471


Being subject to a far higher possibility of rape, robbery, and assault by the plain fact that you live next to an AA community isn't "fair". But that's the world.

>> No.9628478

>but it's still a flaw of human reasoning.

>using limited information to make heuristics good enough to navigate the world is a flaw

Ladies and gentlemen, the excuse maker. It's another sick joke when AAs are more at risk of "rape, robbery, and murder" from other AAs than outside groups! If anything you should be rooting for racial profiling.

>> No.9628485
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>Genetically Puerto Rican
>Genetic IQ is about 95
>Mom is black and dad is white
>You get most of your intelligence from your mother

I think I'm screwed to be a brainlet.
I was as smart as a lot of white kids in school, but that was only because I had something to prove.

>> No.9628487

Ha ha, you funny man.

>> No.9628489

Who cares about fairness when it's potentially my own life at stake?
I'm sure there's vegetarian lions out there, but you don't see anyone sticking their heads in the mouths of lions hoping to find said vegetarians.

>> No.9628493

Punishing the innocent is worse than a crime against you.

>> No.9628501


Maybe if the community, the innocent lives in, would regulate their people from committing crimes at far higher rates (given population), then the innocent wouldn't be profiled.

Instead you dumb fucks elevated a couple of dumbasses to matyrdom and now every other group looks at even more suspicion towards you.

And jesus fucking christ you talk about empathy but don't realize that no AA would throw his wife to rape to avoid the chance of punishing the innocent. It's disingenuous to apply selective moral standards to other groups when your own group would not keep the bargain!

>> No.9628520
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>> No.9628526


And the thing you should be focusing on isn't profiling, it's the 70%+ fatherlessness rates. Especially when 90% of criminals come from single mother families. That has, and the effect will grow over time, an apocalyptic effect on communities. But all I see are variants of "blame whitey" and "blame the system"

>> No.9628767

Knowing Sam before I tuned out a couple years ago, it seems like he always had the same MO:
1. Poke a hornet nest
2. Cry about muh misrepresented argument and cast a shade on the intellectual dishonesty of his opponents
3. Be pretend martyr for free speech

This is not to say I disagree with him 100%. I think he was right on Islam, and he's clearly wrong on guns, the notion of american empire and its goodwill (vs. Noam Chomsky email debacle).

The race issue is a bit more blurry, there are intellectual dishonesty on both sides. Sam in his Murray podcast did not touch at all on Charles Murray's work regarding pulling out the social safety net program under people's rug. Before all the IQ nonsense, Murray was a harper on social safety net and still is to this day. This certainly cast a different aspersion than just a prosecuted scientist. For a note, the guy is not a biologist but a political science major. In all I'm just tired with Sam Harris crying and whining about muh character assassination. Just either man up, he has like 3 million drones on twitter plus however many on plebbit, or be a fag and don't poke the hornet's nest.

Rather than debating ideas, he always make it personal. Salon is bad, Vox is bad, Ben Affleck is bad, Reza Aslan is bad, Noam Chomsky is bad. Yawn nobody cares about his personal drama, argue on the merit of the arguments.

>> No.9628773

Perhaps the two might be correlated in one way or another, and in fact perpetuate each other?

>> No.9628793

I always thought he was an SJW.

>> No.9628819

Imperialism runs in the genes of the wh*Toids, it's only fair they get wiped out.

>> No.9628853

Lol'd. Finally this hack is done. Redditors on suicide watch.

>> No.9628901
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What should we do to help low iq people?

As a society and as individuals.

>> No.9628904

What an interesting coincidence! Peterson also happened to say something interesting on the topic the other day:
>different races have different average IQs
>these differences in average IQ can lead to differential broad-scale social outcomes


>> No.9628941

go away /int/


>> No.9628943

In all seriousness pol fags are destroying this board, if you can read through this thread and think this represents /sci/ then you are the cancer, anti-intellectual that is killing this board

>> No.9628949

you don't need to tell me, its been this way ever since moot brought /pol/ back

>> No.9629024

Or they forget the sheer impact of after school programs have? There's a REASON Japan really does its best to get school age kids in them.

>> No.9629031
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Yeah, the right is anti-intellectual...

>> No.9629032

>I think we all agree that blacks are less intelligent and more violent on average than whites, latinos and East Asians.

Here's the thing is that people always forget that statistics always have story behind them and people actually believe that trends can't change or that there is no variation withing groups if regions like how latin America is widely different in its crime Stat.

>> No.9629046

>if you don't like /pol/ and it's brood of election newfags you're a liberal
learn some fucking nuance, or is that too difficult for you wh*toid magapedes?

>> No.9629052

>In all seriousness pol fags are destroying this board (...)

No. Antifa terrorists like you are destroying this board with anti-science vitriol. Return to your den on tumblr and never come back. This is a board of peace, learning and polite exchange of ideas related to science and mathematics.

>> No.9629053

>look at what this FEMINIST/SJW said!
>posts cobbled together screenshot of some literal who
>I need to change my ENTIRE political ideology, and become JUST as crazy!
Welcome to /pol/

>> No.9629060

>N-no, YOURE wrong!
Fuck off. /pol/ bring these threads to /sci/. We don't want it.

>> No.9629103

>This is a board of peace, learning and polite exchange of ideas related to science and mathematics.

Climate change is real

>> No.9629108

Not everybody here is an SJW or a liberal. This is a diverse board, so stop pretending you speak for /sci/.

>> No.9629109

In fairness, the science wars were/are a real thing.

antifa probably dosen't fuck around on image boards,for the simple reason all the hot air about politics dosen't really have an effect on anything IRL.

The worst thing about nu-/pol/ is that its the biggest board on site.
I'll admit I had fun their 5-6 years ago, but now its filled with too many faggots that take themselves too way seriously.

>> No.9629114

Except for some kooks, I think nobody denies that. On the other hand, nearly all leftists deny evolutionary biology nowadays.

>> No.9629129

Some aspects of evolutionary biology.

>> No.9629138

>Except for some kooks, I think nobody denies that
There's not a single popular conservative pop e-celeb who believes in climate change. Not Ben Shapiro, not Steven Crowder

>nearly all leftists deny evolutionary biology nowadays.
Nice paraphrasing. Some leftists deny some aspect of evolutionary biology, albeit irrationally so regarding difference in male/female phenonype and racial differences in intelligence. The former is a settled science and the later is obviously not. If you put an umbrella term evolutionary biology as in belief in evolution, then even low tier lefty meme like the Young Turks belief in them.

>> No.9629146

>There's not a single popular conservative pop e-celeb who believes in climate change. Not Ben Shapiro, not Steven Crowder
Furthermore, there is not a single elected republican official in the party leadership who dare to say that climate change is happening and it's manmade. The best we got is Marco Rubio "I'm not a scientist bruv"

>> No.9629153

>regarding difference in male/female phenonype
>the later is obviously not

>> No.9629166

Neocons are just as retard as leftists. Lots of them are creationist too.

>Nice paraphrasing. Some leftists deny some aspect of evolutionary biology

Leftists are usually hostile to biology as a whole. Remember the resistance of the marxists to sociobiology in the 70s and 80s.

>> No.9629186

>I got 300 on SAT reading comprehension

>> No.9629222

>/sci/ doesn't even understand something as simple as regression to the mean
As expected of this board

"Regression to the mean" means that ON AVERAGE the children are closer to the mean than the parents. This ON AVERAGE is very important, because without it, everyone would be exactly the same height.
What makes your "argument" even more retarded is the fact that the average height has risen quite significantly in between the current and the previous generation (no, this does not disprove regression to the mean either, the mean is just changing for reasons other than genes)

>> No.9629227

>and is a neuroscientist
No he's not lmao

>> No.9629228

reddit spacing

>> No.9629755

More variety between individuals is a misleading statement. Yes, around more trivial loci but in some areas the differences between races are dramatic. Also you have to run a nation on averages, not hypothetical outliers. A proper democracy cannot function if the population average iq is less than 90.

>> No.9630123


...okay? This has nothing to do with topic at hand. I'm talking about their end goal not their reasons for it.

>> No.9630881

that is a silly thing to say

Indians, Arabs and Africans Americans all have the same IQ average at around the high 80s

Unless you have personal animosity towards one there is no rationale to believe one has a greater intellectual capacity over the other.