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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9624238 No.9624238 [Reply] [Original]

Quick Rundown-
Genomics is advancing far faster than Moore's Law
We are rapidly understanding poly-genetic causes of complex traits.
This will lead to huge revolutions in ideological beliefs and the technology will intrude into new areas of humanity like reproduction choices.
Many ideologies and entire fields of study will be "ran over" by Genomics.



Explanation of Genomic prediction of complex traits

>> No.9624255
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The cost decrease in sequencing is unbelievably fast. The impact is that it's almost incomprehensible to prediction. People saying we would take 100 years to identify intelligence genes are now watching as it reaches 7%+ poised to only double in the next year.

This has huge implications in medicine, hygenics, and every field of biologically related endeavor. The cost to install genetic sequencing into airports and airplanes to prevent spread of disease will soon be affordable. Diagnosis of strains, genetics, etc will lead to revolutions in medicine.

>> No.9624398

What does this mean for already-born brainlets like me?

>> No.9624416

Well if they can create an artificial virus that Changes the dna a blind dog to make him see again, they could maybe tack on a few iq points to you in like a hundred or so years

>> No.9624420

Gene therapies work in adults. They are just much, much more difficult to do. The application on embryos is easier but it will eventually impact adults.

Just think of the cell # difference in an adult vs embryo to understand why. We can also test embryos and just throw away failed experiments whereas you don't want a failure in an adult.

>> No.9624621

no amount of genetic magic is gonna make you too lazy to fucking study anon. You only need genetics if you want to be literal genius tier

>> No.9624630

behavior is heavily genetically influenced

>> No.9624651

>believes in magic 'unfuck' button

>> No.9624749

Gattica kind of society

>> No.9625242


>> No.9625290


>> No.9625440
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so you're saying that science man will make me more smarter with magic pills

>> No.9625806

Only China will upgrade people because muh rich privilage and muh equality.

>> No.9625815
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>Many ideologies and entire fields of study will be "ran over" by Genomics.
Genomics will be ran over by AI. It takes 18 years to raise 1 generation of genetically engineered people, whereas a recursively self-improving AI can modify it's code in 18 seconds.