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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9612196 No.9612196 [Reply] [Original]

With the passing of Stephen Hawking, is /ourguy/ NDT officially the smartest man on the planet? Does anyone else even come close right now?

>> No.9612199


>> No.9612217


>> No.9612268

I hate when people try to make troll threads/ironic threads and they're not funny in the slightest. He may not be the smartest man on the planet, but I would easily be willing to bet he is significantly smarter than anyone who goes on /sci/ or anywhere 4chan. He is highly intelligent, but this post will be disregarded heavily because he is a science educator who interacts with "Normies" as you people call them.

>> No.9612289

No. NDT is a science communicator, he explains scienctific shit to the public, he doesn't research shit anymore.

>> No.9612293


>> No.9612476

James Gates is way smarter than Tyson.

>> No.9612482
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>> No.9613399

Neil degrasse tyson isn't even in the top 5%

>> No.9613407

One of these two or Elon Musk or Jordan Peterson or Trump. Can't decide. Need to get them all to take an IQ test.

>> No.9613408

Christopher Langan. Imb4 "he isn't balls deep in academia, he's not really smart."

The fact that he's not in academia makes me even more intrigued by his work.

>> No.9613422

The smartest person in the world is probably working some mundane stress-free job, doing whatever the fuck he wants in his spare time. It's not raw computing power that makes you famous enough for 4chan to have an opinion about you.

>> No.9613428

I'm surprised he hasn't started a cult by now.

>> No.9613460
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The amount of satire in this statement is making my dick fire off like a SaturnV.

>> No.9613500

What has this guy done besides winning 1 vs. 100?

>> No.9613505

I appreciate this post.

>> No.9613520

are you guys for real ? why not Shinichi Mochizuki ?

>> No.9613570

Honorable mention for Eric Weinstein

>> No.9613577

NDT is very bright but he ain't on Hawking's level by any stretch.

>> No.9613591

>German on an English imageboard
Okay, so it's not you. One down, seven billion to go.

>> No.9613595

>Jordan Peterson or Trump
Jordan Peterson is a hack. "Clean ur rooom!" is not profound. Jared Kushner is Trump's owner. Trump is a useful idiot for the intelligent and attractive Jared "Phenotype" Kushner.

>> No.9613707

Both are most likely smarter than 90% of this board anon. Especially Trump who is a multi-billionaire who made his fortune in construction (a notoriously competitive sector).

>> No.9613781

Who? I thought we were talking about BSM.

>> No.9613829

Mochizuki sensei obviously.

>> No.9613978
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>> No.9613984

Neil "always smoking" deGrasse Tyson

>> No.9613987
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>> No.9613993

>Jared Kushner is Trump's owner
Stop it, your stupid is showing.

>> No.9614282

Roger Penrose

>> No.9614286
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>is black science man the smartest person on the planet?

>> No.9614359

No, me

>> No.9614366

Youre not wrong, welcome to the cringe that is /pol/ influnced /sci/
>tfw "race realism" says NDT cant be smart

>> No.9614370

>he doesn't research shit anymore.
Im under the impression that this os at least partially untrue. Regardless he may not be the smartest out there but hes well above the average /sci/ user and then some.

>> No.9614372

I am smarter than everyone named in this thread but I am very likely not the smartest man alive. I don't know who it is either.

>> No.9614373

>he thinks he's smarter than Vsauce

>> No.9614374

>its a just a fishing pole thrown in the water.

>> No.9614376

Hes not for real.

>> No.9614378

>Trump who's father was a multi-billionaire who made his fortune in construction
Also back to

>> No.9614395

Trump is likely smarter than Elon.

>> No.9614402

>Also back to
upvoted my fellow reddditor

>> No.9614412

>Christopher Langan
Fraud. If he was as intelligent as he claims, he would be the richest man on the world right now. Instead he is a theist, worked as farmer and construction worker, came up with bullshit theories, idolizes Hawking and so on.

>> No.9614414

Cry more.

>> No.9614415

Yes, I like BDSM

>> No.9614417

t. nig

>> No.9614787

You could at least finish making your baseless racist remark. Sad.

>> No.9614793

I like Kaku better, he actually sounds like he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
I enjoy the honesty.

>> No.9614810

Good point. There aren't any intelligent poor people.

>> No.9614851

>Neil Tyson, Michael VSauce, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson or Trump.
Lmao. This must be an Irony / Sarcasm / Joke.

>> No.9614856

Don't forget Steven Seagall.

>> No.9615247
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>> No.9615254

M*th brainlets need not apply

>> No.9615366


>> No.9615374

Wolfram is a good choice because of the breadth of his research. ComSci is science. He has legit work in many fields and is the closest thing I know of a polymath today.

>> No.9615482

Mike Tyson lmfao.

More like byllnie,

>> No.9615494
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Terrence Taou

>> No.9615513

Worst answer so far.

>> No.9615520

Trump's father was not a billionaire. He did leave a huge 240 million dollar fortune that was split between all the kids and charity. After taxes, Trump probably inherited 30 million in the late 90s after he had already become a billionaire twice (Trump lost a lot of his fortune in the early 90s but rebounded).

Trump is probably the smartest US President IQ wise. If not, he is top three.

>> No.9615523

>smartest US President IQ wise
Why do you let your political biases blind you?

>> No.9615534

Most normies do believe this because he is on there favorite episode of Big Bang. Most people think Bill Nye the "57 genders of heinz ketchup" Guy is a scientist.

>> No.9615537

Why do you? Clinton probably has a high IQ too. Trump had a sterling academic record while playing multiple sports and being a turbo Chad. He also excelled at very complex business tasks (the type of construction and management he does is pretty high level).

>> No.9615540

He either is a genius or the people he hired was a genius to actually beat the Clinton political machine in an election that was rigged from the start in here favor (Bernie was absolutely fucked over in the Dem primaries with all the superdelegate celebs voting for her and the DNC collaborating with her). How he won takes at the very minimum, an IQ that atleast grad students have. His vocabulary is more than meets the eye if you think he actually talks like a 5 year old in private.

>> No.9616277

Grigori Jakowlewitsch Perelman

>> No.9616328
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>> No.9616334
File: 347 KB, 650x560, there-are-more-jews-that-died-in-the-holocaust-than-atoms-in-the-universe-neil-degrasse-tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9617182

NDT isn't that bright, I'd place his IQ in the 110 range.

>> No.9617280
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memes aside im actually curious what you guys think

also what is with [math]PHENOTYPE[/math] ? Does he have an unusually large head or wtf is it about?

>> No.9617288
File: 577 KB, 1367x960, e1fe877d80acf587e0864d953b181362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magnus carlsen #9 smartest in the world
weeeew lads, had you heard? Lets get mr chess to solve our physics problems

>> No.9617297
File: 299 KB, 798x787, Ed Witten Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[math]t. \ \mathcal{PHENOTYPE} [/math]

>> No.9617372

That's bright for a nigger.