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9609141 No.9609141 [Reply] [Original]

My math class. Anyone else have to deal with this shit?

>> No.9609167

Are you studying in china? kek

proper institutions don't house non-whites, anon

>> No.9609170

>razer laptop

>> No.9609180

>using your phone to take pictures of other students on their phones while you're also on your phone
>caring about them not paying attention
>implying them not paying attention effects you

>> No.9609182



>> No.9609187

>proper institutions don't house non-whites
Unless Asians and Indians are white, you must love unemployment.

>> No.9609210

My Razer laptop is the best computer I've ever owned. I will never buy or build another desktop.

>> No.9609213


>> No.9609264

that's the proper usage dumbass lrn 2 english
>implying them not paying attention effects you
but it does, take for example

>professor asks question
>nobody answers
>professor waits for answer to question nobody listened to
>want to answer just to end this but professor is trying to make a point
>have answered the last five times he did this
>tried to answer this time but the professor stopped me and told me to "give the others a chance"
>half of the lectures are now complete silence as the professor stares disapprovingly at the students

>> No.9609276

It's proper if you mean that "them not paying attention" is a cause and "you" are the effect.

But the only thing you were effected by is your mom, faggot.

>> No.9609279

ah, that's actually true come to think of it. yea, fuck these idiots. why the fuck are they even there?

i mean, it's good for others because that's literally what you're competing against.

and I guess having that sort of uninvolved environment can be hampering and draining

>> No.9609297

>go to school to stare at a wall for 2hours
>get mad other's stare at their phones instead

>> No.9609514

Making universities essential for well paying jobs was a mistake.

ALL these kids that don't know why they're there are pulling back the rest and universities aren't helping by taking in as many people as possible. Doesn't help that the courses are made easier so that there are more qualified worker ants out there.

>> No.9609522

Let me guess. Lin Alg 2?

>> No.9609549

Never. Pretty fucking rude.

>> No.9609592

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

>> No.9609597

>lrn 2 english
Lrn2engrish fgt pls

>> No.9609598

they look asian to me

>> No.9609665

I do that when something is too easy for me.

>> No.9609673

I can pay attention and be on my phone at the same time

>> No.9609731

Hey, I'm the gook wearing all white. Delete this pic now

>> No.9610056

neither can they

>> No.9610090

Well yeah now universities just crank out retards with pieces of paper that say they're good enough to sit in a cubicle from 9 to 5. The universities are more than happy to bring everybody in regardless of whether they should be there or not since they profit heavily off the overpriced tuition.

>> No.9610095


They are asian. They already learned the material while they were in their mother's womb.

>> No.9610139

>why the fuck are they even there?
to get their middle class passport, a proof they're able to show up, sit through stuff they don't like and be a good goy, aka. a degree.

>> No.9610202

that's not insulting at all.

It's actually kinda cute

>> No.9610237

Effect is the noun. AFFECT is the verb. DUMB NIGGER

>> No.9610316

I do this in classes with required lectures where I already know the material. Half the time required lectures are a fucking huge joke and Id rather learn the material from the book.

>> No.9610318

rice niggers

>> No.9610335

I sit in the front row so it feels like it’s just me, the professor and other students who pay attention. I have to block out these back row types because they really ruin the vibe of going back to school for a second degree at 25.

>> No.9610723
File: 25 KB, 483x291, SAT Math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a big difference in how number-naming systems in Western and Asian languages are constructed. In English, we say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, so one might expect that we would also say oneteen, twoteen, threeteen, and fiveteen. But we don’t. We use a different form: eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fifteen. Similarly, we have forty and sixty, which sound like the words they are related to (four and six). But we also say fifty and thirty and twenty, which sort of sound like five and three and two, but not really. And, for that matter, for numbers above twenty, we put the “decade” first and the unit number second (twenty-one, twenty-two), whereas for the teens, we do it the other way around (fourteen, seventeen, eighteen). The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan, and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten-one. Twelve is ten-two. Twenty-four is two-tens-four and so on.

That difference means that Asian children learn to count much faster than American children. Four-year-old Chinese children can count, on average, to forty. American children at that age can count only to fifteen, and most don’t reach forty until they’re five.

The regularity of their number system also means that Asian children can perform basic functions, such as addition, far more easily. Ask an English-speaking seven-year-old to add thirty-seven plus twenty-two in her head, and she has to convert the words to numbers (37 22). Only then can she do the math: 2 plus 7 is 9 and 30 and 20 is 50, which makes 59. Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two-tens-two, and then the necessary equation is right there, embedded in the sentence.

By the age of five, in other words, American children are already a year behind their Asian counterparts in the most fundamental of math skills.

>> No.9610738
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>international students have to pay more than 2x what I pay
>grad classes still full of pajeets
This is what I get for going to my cheap-as-fuck state school in a major that makes money

>> No.9611030

>Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two-tens-two, and then the necessary equation is right there, embedded in the sentence.
Doing the counting requires the same amount of effort as it does for english-speaking children, though.

>> No.9611161

Affect and effect are both a verb and a noun, dumber nigger

>> No.9611168

That shit is normally indicative of a bad lecturer... One who knows they're bad and understands why students check out of their lectures.

One of my favorite professors has classes like this. Out of class and in office hours he's simply fantastic but god is he bad at keeping the classes attention. He goes off on random tangents and is sometimes completely incoherent.

People are going to check out in those situations doubly so if the course subject is easy. If you actually have a good lecturer teaching a challenging course that's sad, but those kids will fail.

>> No.9611235

>build another desktop.
Why not?

>> No.9611323

I'm so glad I went into ME. Not a single Indian in sight. I was so sick of those smelly, hairy, lazy, dumb fucks in all of my freshman classes. They never did any work in group engineering projects.

>> No.9611345

It was cool in middle school. But now only aging neckbeards build computers. My roommate still uses his desktop he built. It's a giant clunky box with loud ass fans and fucking LEDs everywhere. Cables protruding from every port. It randomly shuts off and overheats. It's dusty as fuck. Every diy desktop ends up like this.

Meanwhile my Razer Blade is a matte black Lamborghini on my desk. Sleek. Two cables. Power and HDMI. Its coming on 3 yrs old and its never let me down. It is powerful enough to run GTA5 on high graphics. Plus I can pack it into my bag and take it anywhere.

>> No.9611348

Ya, the hot chick is absent all the fucking time and it pisses me off

>> No.9611353

So your roommate's sloppy and poor and you have daddy's money to play with. Not everyone fits one of these two descriptions.

>> No.9611375

Ask the prof to tutor you on the side so you can get shit done. Lectures are bullshit anyway for more reasons than you have already stated.

>> No.9611386

Interesting, hadn't thought about that.

>> No.9611391

>second degree
Why would you do that to yourself

>> No.9611395

Most international students from China pass their classes through cheating. Chinese students form huge underground cheating rings where they help each other cheat in American universities.




>> No.9611402

Don't you ameriturds pay for your shit. If so then nevermind. They paid for it and can do whatever they want.

>> No.9611417

>implying being sloppy and treating something like shit isn't the real reason it's ruined
I clean mine once a year through and through. Cables are well organized. Your razer will eventually become outdated and you will have no options for upgrading the parts and be forced to let it go even if it's still in relatively good condition.

>> No.9611502

It's called cheap loans

>> No.9611596

based group identity, I bet the jews are fucking jealous

>> No.9611602

lol no.

>> No.9611607

>going to classes where the course subject is easy
why even take the course

>> No.9611669

My Razer laptop is the best computer I've ever owned. I will never buy or build another desktop.

>> No.9611679

When i bought it, my laptop was the most expensive thing I owned. Followed by my fishing gear. Then my guns. Then my car.

>> No.9611689

I'm taking a number theory class and there's only 4 of us. There was 5 but she spent all her time looking at shoes on amazon, then took pictures of the notes on the board.

I had her in a different 400 level class where she did the same thing. Makes me wonder why she was even there.

>> No.9611690

How much do you pay yourself for the hours you put into maintaining and upgrading your computer? What is the oppurtunity cost? I haven't thought about it in 3 years.

>> No.9611695
File: 136 KB, 2048x1586, 1519626900067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 years old
>can only count to 15

Dude wtf, I could count to 100 at age 4, and started learning basic algebra at 7. I'm not even asian, just a regular old white dude.

Granted I went to a private school for elementary and most of middle school though.

Your post is very interesting, I never really thought about that and it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.9611696

OR they are obedient little fuckers and their parents drill the fuck out of them.

>> No.9611711

I looked over during a lecture on discrete probability yesterday and the two dudes next to me had gotten out a fucking Go board and were playing.

>> No.9611723

>spending an hour every year cleaning
>opportunity cost
Also you said your roommates desktop got ruined by him being a sloppy retard, but you also said that _you_ were never going to build one again, so I'm guessing that your desktop faced a similar fate. Probably on account of you being too incompetent to take care of it. Also, being able to run GTA 5 on high is nice, but not something you really should brag about.

>> No.9611742

So you're saying that your time is worth about the same as a geek squad employees?

>> No.9611755

>being able to run GTA 5 on high is nice, but not something you really should brag about.
Ya, demolishing the synthetic benchmark highscores is all that really matters. I really do agree with you tho. Razerblade kid sounds like he's just too lazy or disinterested in computer hardware to build a system that doesn't crash and to clean a filter occasionally or blow a puff of air or 2 through a fan to remove the dust. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't mean he is somehow better than people who are interested in it.

Cleaning your shit computer isn't even worth a geek squad employee's time. Which is why they have to try and sell you warranties, antivirus, bloatware, and other hardware bundles and shit when you come in, so that they can actually make a profit on paying some guy to clean your fans, reseat some cables, or push a few buttons to reinstall your system

>> No.9611796
File: 443 KB, 1280x1024, 1521491506899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude if I had one of my camera guys follow you around for a week you'd be fucking exposed. stop talking like you value your own time, while you sit there at your desk auditing other people's time, over the internet on a goddamn anime board. what was the opportunity cost of you fucking replying to that guy? go make some fucking money if it really matters to you

but no, you won't, because you waste so much time as it is. fuck you and you fake fucking entrepreneurs.

>> No.9611800

that rayman dude was a genius

>> No.9611850

Diy desktop prices are a complete clusterfuck

>> No.9611858

No because I don't show up except for tests

>> No.9612077

Nope. No one in way in hell should this ever be allowed when a professor is giving a lecture.

>> No.9612663

Prove it. Use them as such.

>> No.9612686

Or they have a higher IQ on average and thus perform better at math. Oh no, that would hurt whitey's feelings, so it can't be true!

>thirty seven has to be converted to numbers
Yeah, that's how words work. They get converted to their fucking meaning.

>> No.9612698

effect as verb:
>implying them not paying attention effects you

>> No.9612735

You'll have the right to complain once you leave community college and start going to a real school.

>> No.9612878

kill yourself weeaboo

>> No.9612879

tf is your problem you autistic retard

>> No.9612920

i did this during my math classes and still had an A at the end.

>> No.9612931

What are you dealing with exactly?
I mean, they are not affecting you

>> No.9612945



>> No.9612947

>Kids these days and their phones amirite?
>Psh I'm not like them
>*Gets out phone and starts posting on 4chan*

>> No.9613182

Go back to /pol/ fag

>> No.9613203

I read books on my phone during my math classes cause I get easily distracted. Doing two things at once that are disparate helps me focus better on the topic. Unless it's a subject going quickly I need to do something while someone reiterates the same concept.

>> No.9613210

he's jealous that people not paying attention get the same, or better, grades than him

>> No.9613287


>> No.9614173

>complaining about people on their phones in math class
reminder that maths classes are aimed at the average person doing the course and if you have to pay attention in them you're average at best.

>> No.9614189

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9614706

Just be that one guy that never attends class and only shows up to take exams.

>> No.9614721

This conversation you are effecting is having the effect of affecting my affect.

>> No.9614732
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>> No.9614868

Doubling down on a vocabulary mistake....The best way to troll grammar Nazis.

>> No.9614873

Would it change your demeanor if my wiener was cleaner?

>> No.9614876
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i dont get it

>> No.9614888
File: 44 KB, 750x705, 1515307217387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math class

there is not a single mathematician in the class