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9608690 No.9608690 [Reply] [Original]

Whats exactly in the brain that makes some people so much smarter than the majority? And how hard is it to modify our brains so everyone can be smarter?

>> No.9608699

Determination and Patience

>> No.9608702

More neurons.

>> No.9608705

>just work hard bro lmao, like just stop being lazy and you will be another einstein eventually

>> No.9608707

I think some people's brains are just wired to be better at certain tasks. I have a 118 IQ (no I'm not a physicist) but I get cold sweat thinking about the driving test retake I have to do in three weeks, and if I fail that I might have to wait four months for another retake.

>> No.9608708
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1520738376471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its true
>mocks anon

>> No.9608714

*insert bait pic*

>> No.9608720

>*fucks off*

>> No.9608723

It’s true, he didn’t ask how to become the next Genius. But being smart is a combination of both being determined with enough self control to learn or study along with patience. Patience being what so many people lack. They get frustrated once and they’re out

>> No.9608728

How do you even know you are smart anon? Did your neighbor tell you how smart you are when you were four and could count to 100? Or maybe that time when you spend hundreds of nights trying your best to have good score on atest only to find out that some dirty kike can do all that without any kind of previous knowledge?

>> No.9608731

Thats wisdom you are talking about anon. And u said so much smarter, not just smart

>> No.9608732


>> No.9608733
File: 5 KB, 221x250, n2ofaaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some dirty kike can do all that without any kind of previous knowledge?
Ah yes, the omniscient Jew.

>> No.9608736

>coping this fucking hard

>> No.9608740


>> No.9608744

>so fucking wut m8?

>> No.9608746

working hard is definitely part of it. but drive to work hard comes from desire, and desire comes from perspective, and perspective is shaped by understanding, and capacity to understand comes from both environmental and heritable factors. Different people can arrive at the same end by different means; some have raw capacity from genetics, others are fostered by great teachers, some come to profound wisdom by life experiences, some people just know what they want.

if you work hard and use your brain regularly and strategically, either because you were taught well or you're a natural, you'll function well and build skills that increase future success. The person who has real desire won't stop when they hit a wall; they'll go through it. The person who lacks that desire will quit.

If you want to modify brains to be smarter, identify gene variants in high performers and consider altering the genomes of embryos of future humans to match them. Alternatively, encourage exercise to release more BDNF. Give folks coffee. Challenge them to think in new ways, learn new subjects (I think math/science and languages, including computer languages, are probably good).

>> No.9608749

>projecting your academic insecurities onto le jewish boogeyman

>> No.9608763

Again, what u r talking about here is about just slightly brighter than the everage joe. What i mean here is full on absolute geniuses like Newton or Einstein and there is ofc there is no way norman can ever be half as good as them

>> No.9608766

Just an ex anon, it can be about any other race. Chill out brainlet

>> No.9608774

Maybe, I dunno, but sometimes I get the feeling we overhype our geniuses because it makes us feel secure about not having worked as hard. "Oh he's a GENIUS so it's ok I didn't do as well as him"

But I don't exactly examine brains for a living so, I dunno