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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 290x388, 1274128281359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
960406 No.960406 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.960440

These creationist comics make good arguments against creationists.

>> No.960444

...I don't get it.

>> No.960528

is that a mac?

>> No.960534


>> No.960535


No. Mac power outlets are on the side of the base, not the back. That appears to be a generic "trendy" laptop.

>> No.960538


>> No.960541


>> No.960544

let's fucking raid this cartoonist's wiki page. Either that or a fatwah on him. both seem to work

>> No.960545

with the latest...

...youtube video containing yet another religion vs atheism argument.

Ed then took his deagle brand deagle and shot himself in the right temple after being filled with utter contempt at humanity as a by product of science.

>> No.960553

Except creationism is just an assumption which doesn't even make it remotely science related.

>> No.960559


I think it implies that any creationist idiot can use a computer, which means they understand science, and therefore evolution is wrong

>> No.960562

Mac electricity comes in bags

>> No.960568
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Stupid scientists doesn't know logic.

>> No.960578

I sometimes wonder if creationists are just trolling.

>> No.960582

me too

>> No.960591
File: 130 KB, 453x343, Fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the number of animals and the size of the ark aren't unknowns.

Is After Eden actually a troll? It's hard to tell with Christfags.

>> No.960604

There are Christians who do believe in evolution. Most early Christians never treated Genesis as being literal.

>> No.960606

Creationists' main representant believes that The Great Canyon was carved by the huge flood. Yeah. He believes that a mass of water can carve a canyon. IN STONE.

>> No.960609

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction” ( Proverbs 1:7)

Stupid scientists think that they are the one who started the fire of knowledge that have been consuming the whole world.

>> No.960610

wasn't the ark like 300 cubits?

>> No.960613

According to Genesis 6:15 that the ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet deep.

>> No.960617

the americans in WWII built a ship like the noahs ark and it killed a lot of japanese ships and they were told to run from it

>> No.960619

>implying anyone back in those days wasn't christian
Dude, being anything but christian was essentially a death penalty in itself back then.

BURN THE HERETIC etc. Ever heard of it?

From the unofficial Religious Debates For Dummies:
>The Bible must be interpeted literally, but when an Atheist corners you, you can reserve the right to claim a passage to be non-literal.

>> No.960623

Well, maybe the God just, you know, shrunk the animals and Noah.
See, there is no hole

>> No.960624
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>> No.960632

Man, /sci/ is so easy to troll

>> No.960636

Yeah, It's a troll comic.

>> No.960635

actually, the Titan Prometheus is the one that started the fire of knowledge jackass, don't shove your religious beliefs down my throat blasphemer.

>> No.960646
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I mean, we are humans, and other creatures are dirty animals.

>> No.960653

maybe, but did he also make all their food shrink too?

>> No.960658

http://www.danltoons.com/ is this dudes website, just googled it. It's pretty entertaining.

>> No.960659

This cartoon baffles me. How can you NOT know that humans are apes?

>> No.960662

Im pritty sure that he was ment to have taken extra sheep, pigs, cows and chickens... or something like that.

>> No.960664
File: 42 KB, 290x388, after 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.960670

No weatherman ever says they're 100% sure of anything unless it's happening at that moment. Also "Hurr hurr if they're wrong once then they're always wrong, religion is never wrong"

Oh look, two tailless monkeys acting like the cartoon image of all primates being used against science. And why are you so vehement against being related to chimps, orangutans and gorillas, dude, they're stronger and more manly than any human.

>> No.960674

The arc could have been a spaceship for all I care. What I want to know is how did all the plants on earth survive being underwater for 40 days or how all the fish survived the salinity changes involved.

>> No.960676
File: 145 KB, 700x300, Kingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the faggots email. feel free to do whatever, I'm not going to bother to do anything but send him this

>> No.960677
File: 83 KB, 256x192, phoenix-thinking(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This comic: lol! Scientists get the weather wrong, so they get everything wrong. We shouldn't trust science so much.
>This comic: Of course we trust science! Look at how much technology we use.

>(Something's up here. I just know it.)

>> No.960679

Maybe. Animals shrunk + foods stay the same = unlimited bread works.
And as for the carnivores, in-vitro meat.

>> No.960684
File: 16 KB, 314x319, 1273023739247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to know how the earth suddenly doubled in water content which then disappeared after a few days of sun.

>> No.960690

>From the unofficial Religious Debates For Dummies:
>The Bible must be interpeted literally, but when an Atheist corners you, you can reserve the right to claim a passage to be non-literal.

Don't tell me what I do believe or don't believe you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.960691



>> No.960692


troll'd so fucking hard. You fail guys.

>> No.960698

names are arbitrary, yet I recall no classification system which considers humans as apes

>> No.960704

God made it so they didn't have to eat. He put their body processes in stasis lock. There were also dinosaurs on the Ark, but after the Flood they had no air to breathe and became stupid and were annihilated by humans who thought they were dragons.

According to creationists, God created all of the similarities between different animals and plants to test humanity's faith.

>> No.960706

Ohh.... but do you have the evidence to back up your claim?

>> No.960728

This is why the american schooling system sucks.

They actually call the neanderthals etc "apes" so idiot christians think that the apes of TODAY are the exact as those we evolved from.

You can't argue with a creationist because (s)he doesn't even understand what they're trying to disprove.

>> No.960730

Would you mind telling me in what way humans are not apes?

I know you are trolling, but I'm curious about what you'll come up with.

>> No.960739



>> No.960737

Don't blame the schools for everything. There's still people who think we came from monkeys.

>> No.960741

No because we are 3% more evolved.

>> No.960747

lol, you're kidding right? lrn2 taxonomy

>> No.960751

Ok, now I wish I could strangle people through the internet.

I'm out.

>> No.960752

Pfft, easy.

Being called an ape insults me, so you must stop calling me an ape.

/christian_mode off

Creationism is about faith. Science is about theory, experiment and a conclusion. Oh, and repetition of experiment to further validate the conclusion.

One cannot put something to a vote and therefore claim it scientifically true.

>> No.960754

>more evolved
>I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about

>> No.960757

lol 1.33 ghz

clearly at the forefront of technology

>> No.960759

"Ape" is a more generic term from "primate" which describes humans, our ancestors, and modern primates like chimpanzees, gorillas, etc.

>> No.960760
File: 27 KB, 800x528, miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backing away from the argument, Mr. Wright?
All the evidence points to creation.

>> No.960764

See these problems would not exists if all of you would join the good old Christian religion.

>> No.960765

Well yes, because some idiot taught them that way.

Because big words are too fucking difficult for them to comprehend.

>> No.960773

I believe you mean "3% more DIFFERENTLY evolved".

Evolution is not a ladder leading to perfection, it is a branching tree with different species that have adapted to different things in different ways.

>> No.960780

I don't believe in fairy tales.

>> No.960783

>more evolved

please leave /sci/ and don't return

>> No.960777

All these problems would be nonexistend if you ditched your imaginary friends. Your faith is less believable than that of muslims.

>> No.960794

Also, why SPECIFICALLY christian?

Yeah that's right, I'm asking a legitimate question to which you cannot give a legitimate answer. Trying to prove ONE religion to be the only "right" one is even worse than trying to claim that a religion at all is scientifically true.

>> No.960797

Thanks and sorry for my error.

>> No.960809
File: 14 KB, 220x160, phoenix-deskslam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just because the witness has failed to give adequate testimony, it doesn't mean that there's no flaws in his argument! Nobody could work with this testimony! Not even Von Karma!

>> No.960813
File: 26 KB, 468x515, LEVIATHAN..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.960819

>I don't believe in fairy tales.

Oh... never worry, I will always pray that Allah enlighten your soul, and know that Jesus is the saviour.

>> No.960823

You're getting your religions mixed up.

>> No.960825

Japan : Manga
US : Creationist comics

>> No.960826

The Creationists have crafted a model completely independent of scientific rationality and logic, based instead on emotion and faith. Trying to argue against it is like trying to argue against someone who thinks he's the only person and he's special and we're figments of his own imagination (it's a well known fact women can't think)

>> No.960832

Oh my god, you assholes are so easily trolled.

>> No.960835


I bet you 10000 internets allah fans believe in jesus

>> No.960836

I see no mixup of religions here. He's just mixing up his languages, that's all!

>> No.960841

>implying you aren't all figments of my imagination and won't disappear once I finally wake up

>> No.960845
File: 29 KB, 418x803, f9grqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.960849

Muslims believe in Jesus, but not as the son of God.
They think he was a prophet and was saved and another put in his place before he was crucified.

>> No.960858
File: 38 KB, 290x339, chritfags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us stop this silly arguing and go back to laughing at creationist comics.

>> No.960860

Allah is Arabic for God, so technically he's still correct.

>> No.960868
File: 87 KB, 469x428, trollface_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus be praised! I should have come to /sci/ earlier

>> No.960872
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>> No.960885

So creationists act like sports fanatics.

>> No.961082

I am confused. What is he trying to say here?

>> No.961162
File: 120 KB, 600x431, 1242705128101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sarcastic comic by the way

>> No.961170

I say we show god who's who and once we hit the singularity, WE create a world in just FIVE days.

>> No.961173

To all of you talking about relgion

this is a science and mathematics board, religion has no place here

if you would please GTFO, we who are here to talk about scientific topics would be very thankfull

>> No.961186
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>> No.961194
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>> No.961220


>> No.961934

>implying creationism isn't taught in science classes

>> No.961950

what the fuck kind of science classes are you used to?

>> No.961977

Hahaha what the fuck am I reading

>> No.961984

Ed is using a Mac, that is his problem. No Mac, no problem. Problem solved. OP is entirely a faggot

>> No.961996

Obviously the American kind, lol Americans

>> No.961998

100% truth

>> No.962006

so who was proud of a 1.33ghz processor in 2004?

>> No.962124

Only the Bible Belt of America. Most states are fine and don't teach creationist bullshit.