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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9603394 No.9603394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Scientific facts are social constructs."

"Facts don't care about your feelings."

Wow. You gotta admit there's some truth to this.

>> No.9603407

Does it really matter what the alt-* thinks about "facts" when they just make them up as they go along?

>> No.9603512

a counter to this

>doesn't believe in determinism
>many believe in demons and wizards and shit
>many are creationists
>fabricate racial science when it suites them and ignores studies where it doesn't
>climate change deniers
>technologically illiterate, Alt-Tech failed miserably, biggest users still get more views on youtube
>thinks race war and blindly supporting capitalism/feudalism whatever will magically fix all their problems

>> No.9603519

No /pol/, those social constructs you misinterpreted as real things aren't facts

>> No.9603524
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The backbone of the movement is evolutionary biology/sociobiology.

>> No.9603541

Ok tell me what "scientific facts" the alt-left denies. I fucking swear to god, OP, if it's just your autism unable to understand the definition of a concept (ie. thinking gender = biological sex, when the left clearly defines both to avoid confusion)

>> No.9603544

>this thread
Fucking brainlets, I've reported all of you.

>> No.9603557
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Democrat here. Have to admit this guy's right. If Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton had won, we'd be in outer space RIGHT NOW while all the rural and suburban retards would bitterly regret their bigotry.

>> No.9603560

>he thinks evolutionary biology or sociobiology offer explanations that are testable and verifiable and not also just heavily influenced by the sociopolitical influences of the time of the author of the paper.
>He doesn't realize it's not bordering pseudoscience

>> No.9603566


the alt-left are people like zizek who think SJWism is a cancer, they're on the exact same wavelenght as /pol/

where do you think the concept of nazbol/national bolsheviekism comes from

>> No.9603575

It's obvious if you look at the genetics and the evolutionary science that God created white people to be evolutionarily superior and also these extremely cherrypicked statistics no I don't want to see yours.

>> No.9603577
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pic related is a fair assessment of leftist academics misrepresenting science. there are plenty of people debunking right-wing creationists and climate change deniers too, but not a lot of criticism like this book.

spoiler: it was written by a left-winger. now read it and STFU

>> No.9603578
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>babby's first philosophy of science

>> No.9603580

Daily reminder that Zizek does not believe in dinosaurs.

>> No.9603591

The anti-science theses of (((Thomas Kuhn))) are still very influential in pop Phil Sci.

>> No.9603611

This might have merit if not for the direct observation of it on short time scales.

>> No.9603616


neither does most of /pol/

>> No.9603620

"Facts are a fake news Jewish conspiracy."


>> No.9603633

there are differences between people of different races
there are differences between men and women
chromosomes determine your gender

to name a few

>> No.9603637

To be fair, this is the "theoretical" basis of the Alt-Right

And KMac's Culture of Critique, of course.

>> No.9603646

1) true in some small aspects, but by that logic all people with blue eyes would be a race, or all people with brown hair. what the alt-right tries to imply that less than 10000 years of evolution has some impact on intelligence is so retarded its not even wrong.
2) yes but similar to 1) not in a way the alt right uses that fact
3) scientifically wrong, i wont even bother explaining this, just read up on the state of research regarding that (no, john "i suck alt right dick to get money" is no credible source in that field)

>> No.9603649

Why most SJWs are so ugly?

>> No.9603651

WTF? I appreciate the work of Hitler now

>> No.9603673

Nothing to lose from changing the status quo

>> No.9603675

Because people here who spend their time being angry at SJW's here don't pick good looking pictures to represent them.

Do you put this little thought into everything you say?

>> No.9603690

The nazis were also anti-science obscurantists.
Cultural marxists are not the only science haters.

>> No.9603692

why THE FUCK isn't there a Technocracy on this planet yet? I'm tired of the retardation of both lefties and righties

>> No.9603703

>there are differences between people of different races
You are misrepresenting your opposition. Scientist just don't find races to be a useful distinction in biology. Geographical groupings is a much better, less general and more useful way to group people. Its funny that you bring this up in a thread about science denial.

>there are differences between men and women
No one but the most extreme would deny this. What they are really against are claims that
certain social traits belong to the sex'es. As we have been progressing toward a more equal society we see that more and more of our normal gender roles disappear, so it would be a bit strange to just say that what we got now is how far we will ever get.

>chromosomes determine your gender
You can define the word however you like, but it does seem a bit redundant to have two words for biological sex. When people are finding it more and more useful to use gender as referring to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The right will get very upset when you distinguish between the two though.

>> No.9603704

Khun gave a really concrete, logical, and powerful ibterpretation, that your average continental SJW missread him is no reason to dismiss a giid interpretation.

>> No.9603706


science is a social construct
blame white males
praise arts, hate STEM
feminists &/or communists
Simone de Beauvoir & Karl Marx

science is a conspiracy /hoax
blame jews
praise religion, hate STEM
natsocs &/or libertarians
Adolf Hitler & Jesus Christ

Both hate science & both are wrong

>>9603620 >>9603649 >>9603690

>> No.9603709

Hillary would have us all living in space colonies by now. Fuck drumpft.

>> No.9603710

>*tips radical centrora*

>> No.9603711

Highly theoretical considering your average alt-righter would not get past the first paragraph.

>> No.9603715


>pop Phil Sci


>> No.9603717

Science should be NEUTRAL.

Equations of math & physics don't have ideology.

1+1=2 everywhere in Universe.

Evolution is real & there are only 2 biological genders.

>> No.9603720

I would say the US is a technocracy since Henry Ford started making cars and corporations have held defacto control over the US government policy. Also said government is staff primarily with technocratic bureaucrats.

Corpratism is basically Technocracy, except the technocrats are represented by businessmen.

I think the ideological left vs right shit is just political masturbation. All any side cares about is money and technology is the key to creation of wealth.

>> No.9603722
File: 49 KB, 983x376, Le Radical Centrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9603706 >>9603710

>> No.9603723

>1+1=2 everywhere in Universe.
Except it doesn't.

>> No.9603726

You will find some good critiques of Kuhn in David Stove's Anything Goes: Origins of the Cult of Scientific Irrationalism and Tim Maudlin's Kuhn defanged: incommensurability and theory choice.

Anyway, his incommensurability thesis is false.
See: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/structural-realism/

>> No.9603732

Most Antifa SJWs also would not get past the first paragraphs of Sartre, Adorno or Habermas.

>> No.9603734

>radical centrist
>faces towards the rightwinger and back towards the leftwinger
this is proof that if you're a "centrist" you're just a tacit fascist supporter. fucking racists

>> No.9603736

I would say that your argument is true for the Space Race USA where a culture of aggressive scientific expansion is present along with a willingness by the population to have their taxes spent for that, but far from the truth for the modern one, especially with its recent 180 from science thanks to based trump. And I don't think that the government is technocratic bureaucrats, at least not to the extent of the EU or especially China. If we consider the senate as a part of the government, it's even far from that

>> No.9603748

Really? So show me a proof.

>> No.9603749

nu-/sci/ (/pol/) will deny this.

>> No.9603751
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>>9603722 >>9603706

>> No.9603758
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>> No.9603778

>2 biological genders
SJW's typically agree with there being 2 sex'es (With rare exceptions to this). The common disagreement however comes from the belief that social and cultural genders traits exist on a spectrum. And that these traits is what should determine what you should call someone.
This isn't science denial or that radical of an idea since we usually already do this(typically we don't know what genitals or chromosomes someone has when we talk to them.) Don't straw-man so hard man.

>> No.9603800

also it's interesting to consider other historical cultures with different gender norms/roles to our well known, "standard" western ones

>> No.9603813
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I don't know when it's a real sjw or a satire anymore.

>> No.9603815

Other historical cultures also pulled people's hearts out while they were still alive. Maybe we shouldn't look to ancient foreigners for how to run OUR society.

>> No.9603819

lmao triggered poltard

>> No.9603822

There's no perfect interpretation obviously, and I don't personaly belive in Khubs view, but he has been massively fucked by retards who take everythibg out of context and extrapolate without reason.

>> No.9603830

I agree with you on that.

>> No.9603831

Try to engage with the arguments instead of doing this obvious fallacious shit.

>> No.9603832

t. Aztec who misses pulling people's hearts out

>> No.9603836

Best answer so far: https://bloodyshovel.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism/

>> No.9603840

Anything I agree with is fact.
Science doesn't care if you believe.

>> No.9603855

no, that's the radfems/terfs.
Third wave feminists/SJW's say that trans women are LITERALLY female women and trans men are LITERALLY male men.

>> No.9603861
File: 68 KB, 600x977, Stormtrooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alt-Right: Anything I agree with is fact
>Scientists: There are more than two genders and race is not based on IQ

>> No.9603869

Lrn2base-two pleb
1 + 1 = 10

>> No.9603874

the far alt-right went to the moon
ur fucked

>> No.9603876

I'm pretty sure they don't believe that transwomen are capable of getting pregnant or having periods.

>> No.9603883

They just say "some females can't get pregnant. Are women who've had cervical cancer who can't get pregnant not real female women??".
They truly believe that trans women are ACTUAL female women and vice-versa.

>> No.9603884

I'm sorry, but you are not going to convince me a significant portion of SJW's belive trans women are biologically female. I think you are misunderstanding their position based on what is ment when referring to a woman or a man. If it's gender or sex they are talking about.

When trans people and Terfs are fighting over them being women or males, they are fighting over genders. Terfs will say that you can't be called a Female unless you are one biologically(Bleed, give birth, etc.) while people who oppose them will say that social genders are fluid and calling a trans person what they prefer is alright.

>> No.9603894

again - that's basically arguing semantics and what constitutes a "female" for each group

>> No.9603896

You are totally misunderstanding the argument. They are saying that the possibility of getting pregnant or menstruation isn't necessary to be called a female since not all biological females do. So if someone has other female traits then that should be enough.

>> No.9603906

>looks at africa
>looks at detroit
"race is not based on IQ" <looks at retarded statement
>looks at nobel prize jew%

more than 2 genders ? are you a hermaphie fucktard?

you just crucified yourself
obviously races do have IQ differences
there are only 2 genders

jews do have too much control

fuck off moron, if that's alt right they are right

alt right /tea party was stop gov overspending stop corruption

>> No.9603909

>i went to /pol/ and now i'm an expert on politics

>> No.9603916

>looks at the deep south
>looks at spain, portugal, eastern european countries
woah I guess whites are subhumans

>> No.9603918

>Spain, portugal

>> No.9603921

But they make that argument for every trait. The only thing that matters to lefties is self-identification.

>> No.9603928

Look how many blacks there are in the deep south.

>> No.9603931

hey, where'd the goalposts go?

>> No.9603939

>races aren't a social constru-

>> No.9603941

Sick strawman senpai.

>> No.9603952

>Race is a Biological construct
>Racialism (Racism) is a Social construct

>> No.9603958

They say they are biologically female I'm not misrepresenting them.
A female is the ovum producing sex, that's how the TERFs and biology define it.
No I'm not misunderstanding them, these are the things they say.

>> No.9603963

SJW belive genders are socially constructed, so yes, if someone self identifies as a female they think they should be granted that, disregarding their biology or what typical female traits they are missing. Some women who are biological female look more male than some trans women anyway, I really don't see the big problem. Especially with how following strictly biological genders isn't doing anything to help tarns people's gender dysphoria.

>> No.9603973

To add, there are no other 'female' traits than having female genitalia and producing ovum.
Long hair, being shorter than males on average, acting 'feminine' are NOT female traits, they are social constructs, other than shortness, but secondary sex characteristics are not defining aspects of a sex. We could easily make it that females are larger than males in our species (as is the case in the vast majority of animal species on the planet) but the females would still be just as female and males just as male.
The problem with the trans people is that they are actually solidifying gender roles. There is no such thing as a 'woman' other than being an adult human female, and there is no such thing as a man other than being an adult human male. It's not about feelings or identity or behavior characteristics.

>> No.9603977

A large advantage of science is to help all people the believe the truth of things in the community so proper decisions can be made for all, advancements for all etc.

When in /sci one throws in the towel and claims someone's delusion should be coddled ... we wind up with quantum improbability or 52 genders

>> No.9603985

>Especially with how following strictly biological genders isn't doing anything to help tarns people's gender dysphoria.
Their suicide rates are similar both pre-op and post-op.

>Gender is a social construct
>you can be born the wrong gender

>> No.9603989

>No I'm not misunderstanding them, these are the things they say.
I agree with you that these are the things they say. But I'm saying you don't understand the meaning of it when they say this. You have not understood the argument they are making when they bring up stuff like "not all women bleed".

They are saying is that certain biological facts are not intrinsic to being a female because some females don't have it. Therefore saying "you are not female because you dont bleed" is a bad argument.

As an example; Not all cars have headlights even though its very typical. But you would never make the argument saying a car without headlights is not a car. This is because headlights is not what makes a car a car.

Its not s discussion about biology, its what it takes to be a gender, if biologi is part of that or not.

I hope this helps.

>> No.9603996

see >>9603973
I know what they're saying, they play the semantics game to justify their ideology.
In the end it doesn't matter: the female is the ovum producing sex, and the male is the sperm producing sex.

>> No.9604018

Yeah, omg can these racists plz go be NAZIS somewhere else

White people don't deserve to defend themselves or their societies amirite cause that would be raycis

>> No.9604024

Gender dysphoria is very well established in physiological literature and we know very well what works and what doesn't work to treat it. Calling it a delusion is denying everything we know about it. Its basically telling depressed people to just feel better. It doesn't work that way.

>In the end it doesn't matter: the female is the ovum producing sex, and the male is the sperm producing sex.
You are presupposing that we should use gender pronouns to refer to genitals and chromosomes. But this isn't something we even do today. If you see enough convincing female traits on someone you will call her a female even if she really has a penis. Because you have no way of knowing that. You wouldn't have the balls to call someone female looking in a dress "he" just because you for a second thought you saw a bulge or an adams apple. This are established social norms.

>> No.9604030

"Facts I don't like a a Jewish conspiracy"

>> No.9604036

>implying there isn't a Jewish conspiracy

I get that some of these yards are science deniers but its more or leas obvious at this point that Jews are quietly acting in unison and undermining white interests.

>> No.9604042


>> No.9604050

10 brains cells shy of a dozen

>> No.9604062

>As we have been progressing toward a more equal society we see that more and more of our normal gender roles disappear
source on that. last time i checked sweden, one of the most liberal societies, saw an increase in traditional gender roles, especially in job distribution and family roles.

>> No.9604069

Depression rates drop by 90% in here

QOL assessments show improvement here

They still have higher depression and suicide rates than the GENERAL population, suggesting hormone therapy is not sufficient in all patients, but the drop suggests it's pretty efficacious

>Gender is a social construct
This relates to sociology's distinction between the words "sex" and "gender"
Whether you want to draw those distinctions in your use of the words is irrelevant, but by "gender" they tend to refer to social and identity aspects of i.e. women vs men. The question isn't whether XX or XY chromosomes exist or predispose phenotypic make-ups, which is obvious-it's whether helping change that phenotypic make-up on people who self-report as wanting to be another type thereof makes for better outcomes.

>> No.9604070


>so Sex means only male or female?

>Then gender is only the Gender Identity and Role?

Can someone please explain to me how there are more than 2 genders (scientifically), or where I can find the answers?

>> No.9604086

>or where I can find the answers?
In this thread

>> No.9604097

nothing in that post is wrong

>> No.9604101

>sperging out over the direction he's facing
>thinking the orientation of his face has any meaning


>> No.9604112
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>finding answers
>on a 4chan board...

>> No.9604123

Society is a biological construct.

>> No.9604127

Leave this board.

>> No.9604130

Is it?

>> No.9604132

>The guys who think soy can turn you gay and make you liberal are right

There are alt right fuckolds who think lead poisoning is harmless and won't cause brain damage. I've even heard one say lead paint and gasoline was only attacked because "they" needed to excuse black criminals and retards

>> No.9604138

Yes. Humans are biological systems.

>> No.9604140

>"Scientific facts are social constructs."
Big brains believe this actually. Not the left nor right. Nice try lil' baby brain.

>> No.9604146

Nobody denies the impact of lead paint. The problem is that it is used to explain the low-IQ of blacks as if whites and asians were not also exposed.

>> No.9604153

No philosopher of science or metaphysicist would say that. Only leftist retards.

>> No.9604173

Its a pretty mainstream view from my understanding. It comes down to different systems of logic I belive. How we prefer causality over other things. But in theory you could construct different methods than science for other value systems.

I really don't know any philosophy well enough to properly make the argument, I'm probably butchering it.

I'm that anon btw. He could be referring to something else.

>> No.9604180

I'm NOT that anon btw*

>> No.9604212

are you just completely brain dead or what

>> No.9604213

>implying all of political thought can be defined through a left-right spectrum
brainlets, brainlets everywhere

>> No.9604215

>Nobody denies the impact of lead paint.
Steve Sailer does and there's a ton of others who say neurotoxins are a meme

Also you're assuming blacks absorb lead at similar rates when compared to whites. Blacks will accumulate more lead in their bodies than whites at similar levels.

>> No.9604217

>big brains believe it
>therefore it must be true
Think for yourself sometime

>> No.9604225

>someone who thinks differently than me must be a mindless sheep.
Lil betaBrain making excuses

>> No.9604249

Take political discussions to >>>/pol/.

>> No.9604258

Wow, I'm sorry.
There are probably plenty more mistakes all over 4chan that you can point out. Everyone appreciates it.

>> No.9604277

>ender dysphoria is very well established in physiologica
till you jackass anti /sci banned reality and the truth

>> No.9604287

they are actually solidifying gender roles.
It's not about ... behavior characteristics.
>directly contradicts "it" self in same sentence

are an it are you not ?

>> No.9604297
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>It doesn't matter if I'm wrong. People should be able to decipher my broken English so I don't have to put in the effort to think.

>> No.9604298

Don't forget the following:
>Demands an end to peer review.
>Compares funding for scientific pursuit to welfare.

>> No.9604303

>Big brains believe this actually
oh boy
facts are not facts again...
modern sci lies posited as fact for tax money grubbing and ad hits msm = the current social constructs

So big brains are lying too (pc conformance money performance), or your lying to skid by on the fraud mentioned

>> No.9604309

>The problem is that it is used to explain the low-IQ of blacks as if whites and asians were not also exposed.
Theu werent, not at comparable rates in america. Alos, ive litterally never seen a single person try to use lead paint exposure as an "excuse" for black people.

>> No.9604327

Why does this thread exist? Did the election never end or am I missing something here? This is just another blatant pro-right post trying to claim their view is objectively correct vs the left within the context of /sci/.

You are not objective about anything you say. You or the far left. You are a right wing memespouting idiot that is trying to get their opinions validated by what is considered a community of objective reason. Let this be a daily reminder that /pol/ has coordinated efforts to try to “red pill” /sci/ during the election season. Looks like that shit never got old.

>> No.9604330

>2 biological genders
This is definitionally wrong.
Biological gender is a misuse of terms, sex refers to biology, gender refers to our thoughts and attitudes surrounding the typical roles men and women (the biological sexes)

You dont know how to communicate clearly.

>> No.9604352
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>rural and suburban retards would bitterly regret their bigotry.

Look up the state where the fucking rockets that ARE going to Mars are made.

I'll give you a hint: Its a state that voted for Trump

>> No.9604466

>Also you're assuming blacks absorb lead at similar rates when compared to whites. Blacks will accumulate more lead in their bodies than whites at similar levels.

Now races are not social constructs. Very convenient.

>> No.9604468

Oh God this thread is still going...

>> No.9604470


>> No.9604473

>Biological gender is a misuse of terms, sex refers to biology, gender refers to our thoughts and attitudes

Thoughts and attitudes are biological processes.

>> No.9604490
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>Now races are not social constructs. Very convenient.

>> No.9604505

It's funny how SJWs invent all sort of stories to justify the negro dumb behavior.

>> No.9604526

>Evolution is real
is theory, and unproven

>> No.9604531

Are you a liberal creationist (aka race denier) or an old school creationist?

>> No.9604536

If just one kind wasn't bad enough now we have the right-wing and left-wing versions of creationism.

>> No.9604550

"Blacks" are more genetically diverse than the rest of humanity is to the black population.

You're a bumbling sack of idiocy if you think that you can just say "the blacks have lower IQs" when their internal race is more diverse than the difference between white and yellow skinned individuals.

Skin color is not an indication of anything but melanin production.

Obviously none of this will actually change your opinion. You want to have the world be simple and races be pigeonholed. But hopefully others won't fall for your idiocy.