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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 250x247, bugs not happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9598100 No.9598100 [Reply] [Original]

>So, what kind of chemicals are in th-
>No, no, no. There are no chemicals in it. It is all organic.

>> No.9598167
File: 55 KB, 480x406, 1520667706037-sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in love. it's all, like, chemical reactions in your brain bro. it's not real

>> No.9598169

>shit normies say

>> No.9598170

>science proves that free will doesn't exist

>> No.9598177

>I don't eat GMOs because I don't want cancer or weird genetic diseases

>> No.9598181

this. simple logic prove that it doesn't, not science

>> No.9598191
File: 49 KB, 1137x640, 1521284972321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well according to the many worlds interpretation there's a universe for everything!

>> No.9598197

That's what social science is for

>> No.9598208
File: 13 KB, 641x397, chemical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are different meanings for words depending on context, OP. You were in the wrong there.

>> No.9598215

this is the best definition of a chemical:
>a chemical is a molecule

>> No.9598231

>these rubber boots ground me

>> No.9598236

God this annoys the shit out of me, especially when it’s the only interpretation they known of

> hurr durr my rick n morty

>> No.9598237

>is scared of "nuclear radiation"
>doesnt wear sun cream outside

>> No.9598249

>plants RoundUp ready crops
>pours a shitton of RU
>uses protecting gloves and mask
>it's totally safe, guys, though
>fucked up aquifers

>> No.9598477

>free will doesn't exist because muh butterfly chaos theory

>> No.9598496

No, normies say the opposite

What is this? The national christian shitposting day?

>> No.9598503

free will does exist because 1.57 != 1.62

>> No.9598506

This is a big one.
I've been dragged into a bunch of heated arguments because of it.
My own fault, I know, but still.
Bitch, are you actually unaware of what you're made of? We all had biology and chemistry when we were fucking 10.

>> No.9599539

People like that piss me off the food is made to be better for you you absolute brainlet

>> No.9599542

>I don't like this because it seems like you're playing God.

>> No.9599557

>X is right because Science™ says so

shit said by retards for retards

>> No.9600379

Cool, but that's better than the opposite extreme

>X is right because Bible™ says so

>> No.9600403

Science is the new, lactose-free religion for reddit tier pseuds who think cucking is hip

>> No.9600416

Absolutely, but religious cucks didn't disappear overnight either

>> No.9600419

wait, isn't love chemical reactions in your body?
What's wrong with that?

>> No.9600423

Wait, isn't eating a delicious steak proteins entering your digestive system?

>> No.9600424
File: 79 KB, 600x760, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything you think and feel is chemicals in your brain so basing the realness of love on that is pretty stupid

>> No.9600426

It is a retarded nihilistic argument, that ultimately makes everything in your life meaningless.
If "happiness" isn't more then "chemicals in your brain", you have reduced human emotions into meaninglessness.

>> No.9600429

>sun cream

>> No.9600441

>GMOs are bad for the planet and are not ecologic

>> No.9600443


>> No.9600446

That's not nihilism. That's science. You know we can actually measure the chemicals that cause happiness right? We're not all in on some elaborate ruse, that's literally what it is.

>> No.9600448
File: 49 KB, 662x625, 1519845760486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fun allowed philosophy is scientifically right
sure, pal

>> No.9600451

almost gotcha, predictable faggot

>> No.9600459

Is this one of those:
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
posts I keep hearing about?

>> No.9600461
File: 189 KB, 450x472, lmaoing at your life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using philosophy and science in the same sentence

>> No.9600462

pretending to disqualify feelings and qualia due to the physical systems that sources them is the same as disqualifying feelings and qualia because a desert jew book tells you is wrong to like it and/or want it

>> No.9600463

>If "happiness" isn't more then "chemicals in your brain", you have reduced human emotions into meaninglessness.
You're retarded.

>> No.9600469

>pretending to defy logic disregarding the semantics that separates concepts

>> No.9600472

No. One is a natural process built throigh millions of years of evolution. The other is a Jew book. They're not even remotely the same.

>> No.9600482

both are poor excuses to dislike what other people like, and tell them they are wrong to like it.
You seem to have difficulties with allegories and comparisons, Anon. What age are you?

>> No.9600488

25, you seem to have problems with basic brain chemistry. How old are you? Want my addy next so we can fuck?

>> No.9600499

>25 years old and believeing in love cocktails
take a load off this guy
>I-If I were to add a bit more of serotonine when I see boipucci, I will like it
You don't seem to know the basics of anything.

>> No.9600504

I don't believe in love cocktails. Where did you pull that?

>> No.9600507
File: 165 KB, 720x681, 1520213352683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I tell earlier, friend, you seem to have a problem with comparisons. Maybe you're a bit autist.
Good day, sir

>> No.9600514

>You didn't I made it up
Just say that next time. You won't look like an idiot who has to put words in other people mouths to set up your own argument. There's a logical fallacy for that I believe. But of course it uses logic, so it might be slightly above your comprehension.

>> No.9600551

>I'm bad at taking tests

>> No.9600553

Honestly it's not better than that. In fact, it may even be worse. At least with relgious fanatics, they are limited, more or less, to what is in their religious books, such as bibles and kurans. As >>9600403 said, this Science™ is a new religion that has no bounds so it can be used to attack and 'discredit' anything.
Either way, they are both fucking retarded

>> No.9600579

>The Earth orbits around the sun
>The nearest star is Proxima Centauri

>> No.9600627

>There are billions of stars and solar systems in the galaxy
>solar system

>> No.9600640

I don't get this one. How is it wrong?

>> No.9600647

"Solar" means "of, and related to Sol".
Sol is the name of our star, and our star only.
The correct term is "star system", because there is only one "solar system" in the universe

>> No.9600717

maybe he's german

>> No.9600722

yup, every normie afraid of chemicals knows the definitions and is making an informed decision of which one to use

>> No.9600729

There is literally nothing wrong with religion. Anti-religion memes were just proto-SJW-ism.

>> No.9600734

I don't even know what you're trying to get at there, but the original point is just that it's 100% acceptable to use the word "chemicals" in that way.
Also if you really had an interest in linguistics you probably wouldn't be a filthy prescriptivist.

>> No.9600746

If you honestly believe in religious degeneracy you need to be gassed for the good of humanity. Believing in dogma is much worse than being one of those left-wing faggots, because at least in a generation they will all hop on to the next fad

>> No.9600753

im saying that being correct by accident doesnt mean shit

>> No.9601117

>like univers is really big guys xD
>omnipotent moral arbirter is incapable of caring about our moral decisions because universe is like sooo big guys

That image is so fucking dumb.

>> No.9601126

newnormie tard sperg teen detected
> robot ejection security force activated
buh bye

>> No.9601139

u athey spergtard bots are the newnorm
get used it nothing you can do or say to change a god damned thing anyway you fucking zombie

>> No.9601143

>I'm lactose intolerant

>> No.9601145

we still outnumber you worthless zombies, by a lot
>the dick dribbles don't even have 10% of anything

>> No.9601744

Love is a feeling, an experience. Saying that love is not real because of chemical reaction, would be the same as saying that there are no experiences at all, because you can trae them back to a chemical reation.

>> No.9601748

Oh man, I miss being 12. No, I actually don't and I cringe evertime when I think back of this time were I made dumb comments like that.

>> No.9601927

But you being wrong on purpose is somehow better?

>> No.9601973

Slap him and then say, "that pain isn't real, it's just chemicals and electric signals in your nerves!"

>> No.9601987

reductionism leads to illogical conclusions
>i don't believe love exists
>also love is just a chemical reaction
therefore he doesn't believe chemical reactions exist

>> No.9602635

Normie is a verb now.

>> No.9602641
File: 108 KB, 357x368, 1475362840684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chemical reactions arent real
Truely the patricians viewpoint on nihlism

>> No.9602644

How is it an accident? If you use a word correctly you use it correctly. They probably learned how to use that word like most everyone learns all the vocabulary they know, by hearing someone else use it that way.

>> No.9602653

>the food is made to be better for you
Betabrain spotted

>> No.9602690

These statements are actually true

>> No.9602694

Well yeah. Thinking was never the strong suit of humanity

>> No.9602755

>xtxehfb theory from (((this article))) affirms x-person's theory written in an astrology book 500 years ago.
>We were fools for not believing in him, he was way smarter than all of us.

also all the people who use love fellating Nikola Tesla's decomposed body as he got used by Edison. And using his underrated place in history to confirm that every thought about physics he had was true and everyone else was just low iq ppl.

>> No.9602758
File: 142 KB, 600x842, i_got_something_nice_right_here_for_you_buddy_suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tensor is an object that transforms as a tensor

>> No.9602761

>tfw no qt laplace demon gf

from my experiences with meme cat it starts off "rick and morty parallel universes" then they all start to feel smart as they "figure out" that meme cat is just a metaphor for hidden variables

>> No.9602774

No, you wanted the shit we say thread over that way.

>> No.9602778

Fucking kek mate.

The earth orbits around a barycenter, that is the center of mass of the sun and earth.

The nearest star is the sun...

>> No.9602780

No, the Earth orbits the center of mass of the Earth-Sun system.
The nearest star is the sun.

>> No.9602785

The nearest star depends on where you live, retards. Here in LA it's probably Ben Affleck I guess?

>> No.9602787
File: 532 KB, 680x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn beat you by 13 seconds

>> No.9602800

The same way you care about that one electron that just changed orbitals in that one atom in that one molecule in that one organ in your body right?

You've missed the point of the idea. Don't be an idiot please.

>> No.9602804

>STEM jobs will be all automated
>Humanities & Arts will not.

>> No.9602807
File: 78 KB, 500x582, Tesla fucked Pigeons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla was the greatest Scientist

>> No.9602827

>>9598100 shit normies say :
>Math is Useless
>High School Algebra is so hard.
>Why I need Complex numbers
>Calculator make Mathematicians obsolete

>> No.9602832
File: 137 KB, 900x900, Stephen Hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen Hawkings was the greatest scientist after Einstein.
>What was his contribution?
>Did he invented Black Holes?
>Now Neil deGrasse Tyson is the greatest scientist in World

>> No.9602863


>> No.9602961


>> No.9603038

>The earth orbits around a barycenter, that is the center of mass of the sun and earth.
which is located inside the sun, you pedant.

>> No.9603176

So, we're Gods now? Christcuck, everyone.

>> No.9603202

I think the point of the image was to point out that it's a bit absurd

>> No.9603213

>>like univers is really big guys xD
If you honestly believe that the scope of the universe and it's implications in philosophy are trivial, then you are a mouth breathing moron and should probably stick to interior design or culinary arts, and not stem

>> No.9603221

>Science is relevant today, whens my next government check coming?
>Shut up! Its really made of strings!
>No wait, its all a computer game! Wubber dub dub!
>Tesla is the next Brunei! He doesnt need the govs help
> What do you mean 1 doesnt equal 999.9! MY TEACHER PROVED IT!

Seriously, I hate normies

>> No.9603228

but .999... = 1.
representation != number

>> No.9603247

>quantum physics says observation changes the state of a particle, so that means we can literally control the universe with our minds

>> No.9603249

Glyphosate is not toxic to anything but plants

>> No.9603270
File: 149 KB, 700x700, 1234567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9603273

>this shitty clickbait story is based on a scientific article so it must be true and cannot possibly be stupid and retarded. i sure love science and think eveything that has "science" slapped on it is awesome because i am smart.

>> No.9603283

>wow bro you can do advanced thermos dynamic equations? You're a fucking genius!
All you need to know is transposition.

>> No.9603284

Except thinking can be rational yet there is no way to justify or describe love in a logical way.

>> No.9603314

yeah that's true as well?

>> No.9603317

implying reality has to give two shits about logic which is bound by human measly intellect

>> No.9603333

a thermos?

>> No.9603334

> What do you mean 1 doesnt equal 999.9! MY TEACHER PROVED IT!

>moron unironically fell for the /sci/ meme

>> No.9603338

Spbp and \end{thread}

>> No.9603346

>T. I don't know why being a couple could possibly be incentivised in natural selection

>> No.9603366

because we're not "omnipotent" like the moral entity he's referring to. Our attention is directed on objects we select, of which there are way more interesting candidates than electrons in our buttholes.

>> No.9603373

>Well what about nuclear pow-

>> No.9603487

>He thinks roundup is only a herbicide
>He doesn't think roundup is a pesticide
>he doesn't know about the degradation products of roundup lasting in soil
Beta Brain

>> No.9603522


>> No.9603696

I actually heard some IRL unironically use the "then why are there still monkeys?" argument

>> No.9603753

I hear this once in a while
I constantly hear astrology bullshit and people trying to 'scientifically' defend it with "but you can't know" argument

Last week I found myself listening to how evil spirits came to a persons house and their elderly nanny had to breathe away (?) the spirit
I was seconds away from ordering a helium tank

>> No.9603757

and you're a retarded pseud

>> No.9603760

Wrong, you complete subhuman.

>> No.9603768

yeah and I'm sure you are a fucking genius, pal

>> No.9603770

uhm yeah I am
I'm taking calc 2 in high school

>> No.9603814
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1507081530789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It can't be harmful because it is natural

>> No.9604134

Oh fuck that one, I hope whoever came up with that one eats some fully natural Destroying Angels or Death Caps

>> No.9604175

t. "temporarily inconvenienced genius"

>> No.9604204

Easy to deal with
Just tell them that bacteria, cyanide, arsenic, wild fires, cancer, >>9604134 poisonous mushrooms, earthquakes, and solar radiation are all natural and that'll shut them right up

>> No.9605345

yeah it'll shut them up for now but they'll repeat the same shit the next day

>> No.9605808

>why are you spending so much money on [expensive but useful experiment/rocket] when there people in this country/Africa that are literally starving???
>ok so you just explained to me the value of this important scientific discovery in advancing our knowledge of the universe, but if there's no immediate practical benefit then what's the point???

>> No.9605815


>> No.9605863

They aren't correct in their usage though. Something can be 100% organic and still have contents that meet either definition of "chemical"

>> No.9605887

That's when you go to their house at midnight and murder them, then blame it on the blacks

>> No.9605949

No anon, 1.57! is not 1.62

>> No.9605967

Fucking this

>> No.9605974
File: 67 KB, 600x338, 1f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That food contains chemicals
>my food is natural

>> No.9606126

I don't believe in life. It's just, like, a bunch of sets of self-sustaining chemical reactions on a planet bro. It's not real.

>> No.9606136

gmo's are usually safe and don't deserve 90% of the bad press they get, but the "roundup ready" shit is seriously dangerous. glyphosate is most definitely toxic to mammals in large doses-- several farmers have died from being exposed to it. in smaller doses it acts as a mitogen and increases the risk of cancer.

>> No.9606322

>I never eat hot dogs. You wouldn't either if you knew how they made them!

>> No.9606414

This board and website literally houses some of the most undesirable people on the planet personality wise.

Its almost funny. I don't know how you people do it and wonder if there are limits to how unlikable you people can be.

>> No.9606514

Can I pay you money to go fuck yourself

>> No.9606978

this better be bait.

>> No.9606990


Fat is bad and low-fat items are better.

You have to do a million reps of a million retarded aerobic exercises in a million minutes in order to get fit.

"I'm going to the treadmill machine" - there is not a more wasteful and stupid machine as the treadmill. Fucks up your gait and has the audacity to have calorie counters, even though a couple of cokes obliterate any caloric deficiency cause by the exercise.

"Pascal's Wager makes sense" - Retarded normies that never played around with groups and/or sets in their heads.

>> No.9607005

This one irks the shit out of me too

But Hebrew dogs are pretty good. Even if theyre for the swine

>> No.9607006


"You need to do aerobics anon!" - Retards who don't realize that their heart muscle doesn't regenerate. There's a reason long-distance runners have a higher rate of dying suddenly than non-runners. I'd rather weight-lift and be able to do explosive sprints.

"You need sunscreen!" - Only applicable in environments where you have to stand for hours outside. Otherwise most sunscreens are carcinogenic and skin cancer is a lot easier to observe and treat than other cancers. It's why sailors (used to) have something like 8x the rates for skin cancer but a 60% reduction on risk for other types of cancers.

"You have to use body lotion, shampoo, conditioner in the shower! And you have to put on deodorant!" - I'm hedging that most people are retarded and don't realize how "foreign" modern chemical agents are to human bodies.

>> No.9607012


"You have to calorie count" - Want to know how they calculate the calories for a piece of food? They use a caloriometer on each ingredient by itself. Fucking retarded. And then the body treats macros differently so a high-carb diet will raise insulin, promote the storage of more fat, and block Leptin from actually working.

>> No.9607016

so a high-carb diet (well most of them. There's tribes who feed on plants that have a far different effect than grain monocultures)

>> No.9608056

What terrible bait.
Heres your shitty (You)

>> No.9608099
File: 634 KB, 960x1299, caveman science fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this

>> No.9608112
File: 88 KB, 500x345, 8f0198e6ade389eeddbfd6145ce8a0e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i once got in an argument with my manager at work because she didn't believe that eating enough apple seeds could kill you because they're natural

>> No.9608113

>No, see, MY work is important for its own sake regardless of whether it benefits anyone else because it's KNOWLEDGE
Glad to know my tax dollars are hard at work satisfying your curiosity.

>> No.9608568

I hope you peasants rot on a potato farm when us elite escape to the orbital saturn colony

>> No.9608621

>"happiness" isn't more then "chemicals in your brain"

So is every other feeling and everything you sense you fucking dumb normie cunt

>> No.9609518

Shouldn't it be Muslim cream then?

>> No.9609527

$0.99999999 = 1$

>> No.9610319
File: 7 KB, 228x221, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't eat food with ingredients you can't pronounce

>> No.9610323

You know what it means, don't be fucking thick

>> No.9610326

What does it mean aunt clair?

>> No.9610469

It's true
Buy item from 99¢ store
Store actually charges 99.9¢ for it
Costs you one dollar
Therefore, 0.99 = 1

>> No.9610957

No, you stupid fuck
There are already words that describe that, like
or if you are really horny

Misuse of words leads to confusion and ignorance

>> No.9610961

chemicals is short for artificial chemicals in normie speech because >>9603814

>> No.9610977

you are unironically fucking retarded

>> No.9610983

>I study math
>oh so you like numbers?

>> No.9610984

>tfw no one gave a crap when Wheeler died

>> No.9611600

Unless you hold them at gun point to demand your penny, in which case .99=.99

>> No.9612895

Have you tried this?

>> No.9613011

Jokes aside I always demand our equivalent of a penny. They are highly rare, and banks and supermarkets are the only ones who's got em

>> No.9613235

Science has fuck-all to do with meaning. It is not science.

>> No.9614503

Second post best post

>> No.9614659

“Communications won’t land you a job, bro.”

>> No.9615092


What's bait? It is easier to lose weight on a high-fat diet than a high-carb diet. Because you actually let your hunger hormone, Leptin, work instead of being suppressed by insulin resistance.

>> No.9615098

i'm a total n00b, how do you define a tensor?

>> No.9615100

they mean its not a narcotic like heroin, it doesn’t cause mind shredding withdrawal syndrome

>> No.9615123
File: 517 KB, 888x634, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're an engineer anon? you must make a lot of money!

>> No.9615124

>science dehumanize us

>> No.9615135

To be honest there is a critical lack of knowledge regarding evolution in some circles. A girl recently asked me that one as a question rather than as an argument, but I still didn't really expect it from her.

>> No.9615136

>that's *your* truth

>> No.9615140

>everything is subjective

>> No.9615168

This is objectively true

>> No.9615255

Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals. All knowledge is ultimately based on that which you cannot prove. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.9615258
