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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 537 KB, 2550x3507, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9593584 No.9593584 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a serious debate about the earth being round. (Side note, I don't believe in the flat earth theory.) Humans have known for centuries now that the earth is round. Aristotle actually noticed the shadow on the moon was always round. And the only shape that always has a round shadow is a sphere. The earth has to be round. A man actually measured the circumference of the planet. How could the earth be round if at mid day of the solstice on the equator we don't have a shadow. But 500 miles away there is a shadow of 7.2 degrees. That would mean the earth is roughly 25,000 miles. What about the hundreds of astrolabs that claim to be able to send signals to the moon. There is a device on the moon from the last moon landing that we can contact. We can find it's location even during the day. Suppose the earth isn't a sphere. Where would the drop off be? The atlantic or the pacific ocean? Are the hundreds of sailors and pilots that go through these every day liars also? What about the engineers at nasa and the government officials? That is a lot of people to be sworn to secrecy for the earth to be flat.

>> No.9593622

There is a small elite group of physicists who discovered the "real laws of gravity" which allowed them to put objects in space--which you can verify by buying a telescope and looking up--and managed to keep this a secret from 1 million other physicists.

Furthermore, some secret society had the tremendous intelligence to create a completely bogus mathematical consistent model of the world which is remarkably capable of predicting planetary motion across the skies.

"They must be true because, if they were not true, no one would have the imagination to invent them."-Hardy

>> No.9593630

That still doesn't explain where the drop off of the planet would be.

>> No.9593651


sugar rockets can get high enough to see the curvature. there's no need to debate with people who aren't intelligent enough to google "gopro camera".
i don't care about your shitty websites sponsored by people who can't afford to bathe. none of you have the stones or grey matter to see the truth for your own eyes. go back to your circlejerk online hovels & rot.

>> No.9594477
File: 960 KB, 1600x929, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the debate is over.

>> No.9594500

>water doesn't go downhill naturally
Doesn't prove the earth isn't spherical, you're just proving that water sinks, which Isaac Copernicus proved in his Principia Discordia

>> No.9594642

>water sinks

>> No.9594764

Side note: I don't believe in flat earth theory.

>Humans have known for centuries now that the earth is round.
The word "known" is used questionably in a situation in which you're attempting to discuss something you consider to be "known".

Also, no argument.

>Aristotle actually noticed the shadow on the moon was always round. And the only shape that always has a round shadow is a sphere.
Well, this one can't really be explained using a flatearth model, unfortunately, so you're right.

>A man actually measured the circumference of the planet. How could the earth be round if at mid day of the solstice on the equator we don't have a shadow. But 500 miles away there is a shadow of 7.2 degrees. That would mean the earth is roughly 25,000 miles.
Nope, if you assume the sun to be tiny and very close to the earth, the calculations still add up. It's not conclusive.

>What about the hundreds of astrolabs that claim to be able to send signals to the moon. There is a device on the moon from the last moon landing that we can contact. We can find it's location even during the day.
Have you tried it yourself?

>Suppose the earth isn't a sphere. Where would the drop off be? The atlantic or the pacific ocean? Are the hundreds of sailors and pilots that go through these every day liars also?
Misconception on your side given your unfamiliarity with the actual proposition of modern flatearth theorists. The northpole is the center, according to their model, and the world border is the south pole. Look it up if it sounds confusing.

>What about the engineers at nasa and the government officials? That is a lot of people to be sworn to secrecy for the earth to be flat.
Indeed, a lot of them.

The probably best argument against flat earth, however, is the existence of lunar eclipses. Unfortunately, you didn't bring that up.

>> No.9595728


>Humans have known for centuries now that the earth is round.

Appeal to the majority fallacy.

>Aristotle actually noticed the shadow on the moon was always round.

According to modern cosmology, the moon's shadow is cast by the sun hitting it, not the earth.There is also strong evidence to suggest the moon illuminates itself.

>A man actually measured the circumference of the planet. How could the earth be round if at mid day of the solstice on the equator we don't have a shadow. But 500 miles away there is a shadow of 7.2 degrees.

Due to a localized sun circling above the earth.

Scientists were bouncing lasers off of the moon before the moon landings ever happened.

>Where would the drop off be? The atlantic or the pacific ocean?

We don't know, we don't even know if there is an edge,

>Are the hundreds of sailors and pilots that go through these every day liars also?

No, why would they be? They're just travelling.

>What about the engineers at nasa and the government officials?

Engineers don't go into space, they're decieved like everyone else. Government officials lie.

>That is a lot of people to be sworn to secrecy for the earth to be flat.

Nope, only those who need to know, know.

>> No.9595740
File: 466 KB, 1930x734, not curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Debunked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5_efcyCjBo

>> No.9595750

jesus man, whatever you're on - take a breather

>> No.9595752

>Let's have a serious debate about the earth being round.

Explain how if its daytime/nighttime now, you can call someone on the other side of the world and they'll tell you its nighttime/daytime.

(Sorry if my /'s made things a bit complicated for you...)

>> No.9595760
File: 1.90 MB, 720x576, sun bigger smaller.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because the sun is much closer than 93 millions miles away, it acts like a kind of spotlight as it moves around the earth, lighting up only a portion at a time. As it gets further away it moves down to the horizon and disappears taking the light with it. This is due to the atmosphere acting like a curtain, light cannot travel forever through and the more atmosphere it has to travel through, the less visible it will become to the observer.

>> No.9595781

>A man actually measured the circumference of the planet.
Assuming Earth is a sphere and rays of sunlight are parallel to each other. So you can't claim he proved the Earth was round, only showed that IF Earth is round then it will have circumference he calculated

>> No.9595799

Wow look at the curvature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQITXbcz2hg

>> No.9595800

Have you ever seen a sunset or sunrise in your life?
You should try it sometime, it invalidates everything you said, especially if you talk with someone who has the Sun high in the sky at exactly the same time, and with someone else who's watching a sunrise at the same time.

>> No.9595822


Skip to 11mins globecuck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WXVV2WAgPI

>> No.9595830

maybe get out of your basement at some point and actually watch the skies, deluded flatearther

>> No.9595841


Typical globecuck response, ignoring the evidence.

>> No.9595850


>> No.9595855

are you retarded? that just proves the Earth is round
why would the sun even approach the horizon on a flat Earth? it would always be high in the sky

>> No.9595860

hey redditor. you don't need to put line breaks after greentext

>> No.9595877


Because it moves further away, things that move further away move towards the horizon line.

Think about when you look out at the ocean, you see the sky and ocean meeting at the horizon line which is at your eye level. But the sky isn't lower than you, it's perspective forcing thing towards a central meeting point.


Way to ignore all the arguments newfag. Been here since 2006 so try again.

>> No.9595880

25,000m / 18m = 1,388.88
360/ 1,388.88 parts of a circ =

.25 of a degree, one quarter of a degree

I'll say " DEBUNKED MY ASS "

>> No.9595887
File: 160 KB, 565x600, fuck off sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's have a serious debate about the earth being round.

There is nothing to debate. This is a troll thread. Do not feed.

>> No.9595901


The fuck are you babbling about autist?


>Oh no an alternative scientific theory shut it down it's a troll

This kind of dogmatic attitude is what's ruining science.

>> No.9595904

>But the sky isn't lower than you

Yes, it is actually.
Also you could never see the disk of the Sun go under the horizon in your model, and if you actually go watch a sunset/rise you can see exactly that.
Also there would never be night, because the Sun would be clearly visible in the darkness however far away you want it.

>> No.9595907

some ideas are indebatable because challenging them at this point of scientific advancement is an insult to science as a whole

>> No.9595924


Do you seriously not understand how perspective works? This is elementary level stuff. With your logic, the ocean is the same height as your eye level too, I mean come on.

The sun doesn't go "under" the horizon, it merges with it until it's far away enough to reach the vanishing point. As stated before, the earth's atmosphere acts like a curtain, and the more atmosphere light has to go through, the less visible it becomes. Maybe this video will help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aA0yfQkfqw

>> No.9595926

umm... watched but what did it prove?
where are the globe locations that prove the light incorrect ?
it proved he could call two friends?

>> No.9595930


What's insulting to science is not challenging science. Science is never a closed book, stop treating it like a religion, and treat it like the tool it's supposed to be.

>> No.9595933

>more atmosphere light has to go through, the less visible it becomes

It would still be visible in the night, any point of light is clearly visible in darkness.
Completely disappearing behind "more atmosphere" is absurd.

>> No.9595940

if the earth is flat, explain lunar eclipse

>> No.9595943

axis of earth is tiled 23 degrees to orbit /the sun the plane dumb shit ... so at north and south pole and some distance from each all 24 times zones are present...


>> No.9595945

Also, if you go watch a sunset you'll see the Sun's move at about the same rate as it goes below the horizon, if what you say is true it should be moving slower and slower, slowing to a stop.

>> No.9595951

this is only proof if the axis of the earth is perfectly vertical to the plane of rotation around the sun... and the time zones being equally divided of course...

>being nigger dumb with no brain spatial awareness
>get a god damned globe with the tilt and shine a fucking flashlight on it cunt

>> No.9595962


Think about the location of England, USA and Australia, how could the sun be visible in all these places at once on a globe? Not possible.


You only think it's absurd because you believe you can see stars trillions of miles away. You need to come to reality first.


Moon is self-illuminating. Watch a lunar eclipse and imagine it's the earth casting the shadow which is conveniently exactly the same size as it normally is. If the earth was a globe, it'd be far to big to cast such a sharply curved shadow like that, the shadow also comes in at the wrong side, and disappears at the wrong side.

>> No.9595974


I think you're confused brainlet, I'd love to see you show this using a 3D globe.


Why would it do that when it's constantly getting further away?

>> No.9595977

Why does the Sun move at about the same apparent speed in the sky throughout the day?
Strange huh, if it's coming closer and going away you'd think it would be moving fastest when it's close by and slowest when it's far away.

You can see a single candle light up in the darkness of the night from 30 miles away, you should be able to see the Sun from 15000 miles away with no problems even if it's much weaker.

>Why would it do that when it's constantly getting further away?


>> No.9595978


Prove your nonsense using a 3D globe.

>> No.9595996
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1200, FLAT EARTH FUCK FOR BRAINS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL u mad as hell flatty ?
LOL u fat as hell fatty ?

>> No.9596005

that's how moron

>> No.9596030

>Why does the Sun move at about the same apparent speed in the sky throughout the day?
>Strange huh, if it's coming closer and going away you'd think it would be moving fastest when it's close by and slowest when it's far away.

Are claiming to know it's speed throughout the day? It's speed would also speed up on the globe model too.

>You can see a single candle light up in the darkness of the night from 30 miles away,

Prove it.


Perspective slows thing to a halt?

>> No.9596043


The fuck is that? Your arrow is completely missing the UK.

>> No.9596045

>Are claiming to know it's speed
hey, you can do that yourself, every day a new chance to open your eyes

>Perspective slows thing to a halt?
things father away appear to move slower than things close by

>> No.9596064
File: 669 KB, 1585x961, flat earthers fucked I WIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FLAT EARTHERS BTFO takin it up the big round ass and lovin it (hey when yer getting penetrated think of the attack angles of the hot burning sun stick ramming up your chutes !)

>> No.9596067

gives ya whine room when theres light on the right

>> No.9596075

>hey, you can do that yourself, every day a new chance to open your eyes

Maybe you should practice what you preach.

>things father away appear to move slower than things close by

But how much faster? With your logic, the moon should be moving really fast.


I think you missed the part where the sun was overhead of the person in the USA

>> No.9596084

>Maybe you should practice what you preach.
I already know 100% the sun has the same apparent speed in the sky during a day, but since you won't take my word for it maybe use your own eyes and brain?

>But how much faster? With your logic, the moon should be moving really fast.
you're the one with the retarded, braindead, moronic Earth model, figure it out

>> No.9596085

so it's the opposite seasons big deal

>> No.9596091


You know that 100%? There's conflicting evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz_jBGga0js


Kek, mind showing this?

>> No.9596095

>>>9595880 (You)
>The fuck are you babbling about autist?

despite the shitty fish eye or flattard cams
a simple calculation proves one is looking for a visual quarter of one thee hundred and sixtieth of a degree "curvature"

In other words, your human eyes won't ever be estimating that with visual acuity (seeing a spot 18 miles away) as your head bobbles around on your spindly neck...

draw a circle and put 1,388 equidistant lines from the center - LOL - at the edge that's your "birds eye view of curvature" so to speak

A human might be able to pick up a 5 degree difference with some practice, but a quarter of one degree ? I don't think so.

>> No.9596097

one quarter of one degree of arc

there, now you have the sciency wording

>> No.9596098

use your eyes fucking moron
or kill yourself already

>> No.9596102

kek mind showing me the video guys arn't lying ?

Yeah I think I've done plenty for you MORONS already -- first it was no to those 3 spots onthe earth EVER being on a half face

now you've begged up more after being proven wrong

>> No.9596130


Your math is based on the assumptive axiom that the earth is a globe 25,000 miles.

You must also conclude that the image of the pylons purportedly going over a curve actually aren't because our eyes aren't good enough to perceive this.

>> No.9596131

We need an all powerful Technocracy and a new Hitler for at least a few decades to cleanse us of all this idiocy.

>> No.9596135


Globecuck is mad.


>proven wrong

You've only proven yourself wrong, the fact you can't show the sun above the USA also being visible in the UK and Australia is testament to this.

>> No.9596337

>You must also conclude that the image of the pylons purportedly going over a curve actually aren't because our eyes aren't good enough to perceive this.

no shit sherlock what do you think shitty fisheye cam meant ?

>> No.9596343

yeah, nope - I'm taking a 75% win>>9595996
+20% calcs>>9595962

Think about the location of England, USA and Australia, how could the sun be visible in all these places at once on a globe? Not possible.

LOL - the always changing flattards
+5% for proving your errors

>> No.9596346
File: 406 KB, 757x431, flattard cunt whine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot use your mind or your own fingers or both and not on your dick u faggot

>> No.9596352

in order for something to be debunked you have to actually prove it wrong. it seems to me that you are just yelling "DEBUNKED!!!!!" and hoping nobody realizes that your """""""""""argument"""""""""" is complete and utter trash.

>> No.9596385
File: 1.31 MB, 800x1035, mubalishu belieb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I examine flattard claims, I often find errors...
When I examine the trad globe model claims, no errors are found

>why is that flatheads ?

>> No.9596388


Do you know what a fish eye cam means? The picture of the pylons isn't taken with a fish eye.


Intellectual dishonesty from the globecuck here. The context of the challenge was based on the video where the sun is above the US and still visible in Aus and the UK. If you can't reproduce that you're in trouble.

>> No.9596399


Stop using a flat map globecuck, that's cheating. I want to see this on a globe that you love so much.

>> No.9596407


Talk about projection. How about you debunk the evidence?


You suffer from cognitive dissonance and are unable to think critically.

>> No.9596408
File: 21 KB, 400x400, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm... watched but what did it prove?
where are the globe locations that prove the light incorrect ?
it proved he could call two friends?

>>9595926 (You)

Think about the location of England, USA and Australia, how could the sun be visible in all these places at once on a globe? Not possible.

>it was probably you anyway dumb shit liar

>> No.9596417


bazillion people take ammetuer videos of the curvature.

one person takes a single video in the most god awful conditions that fails to capture the effect.

>> No.9596428
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1200, FLATTARDS BTFO AGAIN AND AGAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact you can't show the sun above the USA also being visible in the UK and Australia is testament to thi...


>> No.9596435


I can't even see the UK in >>9596064
globecuck, try again.

>bazillion people take ammetuer videos of the curvature.

Prove it.

>> No.9596442
File: 500 KB, 1466x824, FLATTARD TROUBLES BILEOA QUEERS UAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9596444


I had no idea Australia was so close to America.

I asked you to prove your nonsense using a 3D globe. The irony of you using a flat map is not lost on me.

>> No.9596449


And that proves what?

>> No.9596451
File: 118 KB, 802x644, FLATTARD UK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9596457
File: 165 KB, 979x641, FLATTARDS ARE NOW FUCKED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9596463


This is called globe psychosis.

>> No.9596471


>> No.9596477
File: 942 KB, 1920x1200, FLATTARDS LOSE THEIR GAMBIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roflmao !!!>>9596449

>> No.9596483
File: 8 KB, 320x220, 1519099164327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9596499

Oh, BTW faltering flattards....
>be me
>EXTREMELY high IQ - mensa 99%'ile +
>white U S A
>Male Hetero
>Blonde Blue TALL
>McMansion homeowner PAID OFF
>hottie is here
>TRUMP u bitch suck it lol
> not sad dumb fuck robot atheist LOL
>Athletic TROPHIES = many !
Now fuck off sad sacks !
oh fuck....LOL hahahahahaha fuck

>> No.9596508

oh that figures - BTFO that's all that was left... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.9596531

>Forgetting that the moon is 1/6 of the mass of Earth, and so is large enough that a curve would be very visible
I think you should grow some more brain cells before trying to make arguments here.

>> No.9596532


The absolute state of oblate spheroidians.

>> No.9596545
File: 27 KB, 1024x415, mark-tegethoff-supermoon_eclipse_1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinks this is the earth's shadow

>> No.9596571

Earth is hollow.

>> No.9596624


No one has dug deeper than 8 miles.

>> No.9596646
File: 13 KB, 514x286, D17235A6-43C5-47E7-B13F-56DDE76B79E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you don’t even have enough brain cells to be able to draw straight lines either

>> No.9596671


>> No.9596673

That's not how light works.

>> No.9596674

>stop not disregarding everything but what I say!

>> No.9596679


>thinks the earth's shadow can turn the moon red because of some bullshit about light going through the earth's atmosphere

>> No.9596681

You just walked into an art gallery and took a shit on the floor and are now screaming at the cleaners as they destroy your "art."

>> No.9596734

Why do you insist on opening the door to flat earthers to come into our house and shit all over the place...have a sense of decency....don't let a flat earther in...you will come to regret it

>> No.9596744


>> No.9596768


You think you're in an art gallery? This how delusional globalists are.


>blindly believes

>> No.9597035

lmao looks scale to me !

>> No.9597055

>Side note, I don't believe in the flat earth theory.
I empathise with the OP. I too, feel, that the earth is round. But I can't understand why people think it isn't hollow? I thought it would be obvious that if the earth is round it must be hollow, but people think it's full of lava? Can anyone justify this fact?

I personally feel that it is hollow, and waiting to be filled (with !).

>> No.9597138

retrograde motion of planets and stars

>> No.9597391

ok retard

>> No.9597393

the sun is circling the earth

look ata flat earth map

>> No.9597561

so like are flattards freaking out about global warming ? I mean that ice ring around the flattie ... are we all going to drown ?