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9594948 No.9594948 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to scientifically analyse why the poor sod in pic related offed himself.

He lived in a first world country, had a fairly large room to himself implying he was middle class, and by the looks of it, his parents didn't kick him out of the house at 18, implying they still cared for him. But instead, he spent his endless free time engaging in self destructive behavior watching anime and shitposting on places like /b/ and /r9k/.

Why...? If he really was socially inept, he could have atleast spent that time putting it into good use like learning a programming language or even electronics by buying an arduino kit. If he wasn't scientifically minded, he could have always got into something creative like music production which requires 0 investment because all VSTs can be torrented for free.

Which leads me to conclude there was something seriously off in his brain circuitry; which could either be due to genetic reasons or environmental factors such as physical/mental abuse, rejection, or bullying building a toxic entrenched neural circuitry of self loathing and depression over a period of several years.

So why does the brain do this to itself if its primary goal is to survive at all costs?

Isn't depression entirely counterproductive evolutionary wise?

>> No.9594982


some people see life for what is is

>> No.9594989

Maybe some people are just intelligent enough to see life for the meaningless painful piece of shit it is?

>> No.9594993

Probably shut himself into his own little bubble too tightly. Then, learning things like programming is worthless because it's impossible to see the bigger picture.

18-21 or thereabouts is a pretty hard age.

>> No.9594995
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Evolutionary psychology is entirely speculative and posits conclusions retroactively, but there could be any number of reasons depression may come into play. Could be a colony collapse overpopulation prevention mechanism, energy conversation, or the like. In the end, much like birds, we just don't know.

It does, however, seem to happen primarily among social mammals with hierarchical instincts. Depression maybe a form of submission, which is a critical mechanism for a social mammals to function as a group. In this case, it's a counter-productive response, but well, so is running off a cliff or eating until you're too fat to move - evolution isn't perfect, and we've altered our natural environment far more quickly than it can hope to compensate for.

And, of course, modern society, while it provides all manner of escapisms, doesn't provide a whole lot of reasons not to escape. We've arranged things in such a way that it is much simpler to run away from life than it is to live it, all built on religions that suggest that this life is a meaningless pitstop on the way to eternity anyways. Blend all that together, and it's kind of amazing that there aren't a whole lot more NEETS than there already are.

>> No.9594998

>Isn't depression entirely counterproductive evolutionary wise?

Evolution isn't sentient. There are no "should be"s. This is why social darwinism is wrong.

>> No.9595006

Low status people have to sacrifize their life for successful people.
And success is luck. You get successful because of your genes and environment. If your arent smart enough you cant make it, if you had a bad environment you will never be able to reach your potential.
So you end up seeing people getting everything, while you have to work a shit job with no ressources and therefor less power and women etc.
And if you cant make money with a passion, life is pretty worthless.
Also you get constantly told by society that it is your fault that you arent successful, that you are worthless.

Really gets my neuron jogging how someone like that could kill himself.

The real question is how is it that not more people kill themselves. It is a marvel because most people´s life is objectively not worth living, Just watch all the asians.

>> No.9595015

Did the guy state why he was offing himself?

>> No.9595019
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>> No.9595021

does it get better after 21?
a-asking for a friend

>> No.9595028

Maybe? Or perhaps it was 23 for me. Depends. Well, 21 is a milestone nonetheless. Stuff starts making at least a bit of sense. It's not by chance that 21 is a legal age limit to buy guns and hard alcohol in some countries.

>> No.9595032

Not if you stay shut in your own bubble too tightly, no.

>> No.9595035


As someone who is 28 with an MSc in Physics...



>> No.9595044


>> No.9595050

When you grow up, your heart dies.

>> No.9595105

Darwinism is just a new form of Leibnizianism.
"Survival of the fittest" means that a bitch who was born with daddy's money and becomes owner of his company when he dies was among "the fittest".
Reality is survival of the richest.

Suicide is not productive, but having scapegoats makes everyone else feel better.
Often people who suicide young were the victims of the big pharma lobby and were heavily drugged.

You seem to know nothing about his life, so "he could have become a music producer because it costs nothing" seems pretty short of a real explanation.

Suicide is a social murder. Why do we murder some outcast people? Well, why not? Laziness, I guess. My first idea in the morning is not "hey, let's try to reach out to outcasts who might off themselves today!".

The means of production have become ever more complex, so now social support systems are only the workplace and family. Durkheim explained it in the beginning of the XIXth century, claiming that suicide, far from the most individual decision, was a social fact that remained constant in most countries and told more about a country than GDP.

Without a church, without a decent job, you only have your family in case of big trouble. If you have no family, you end up the prey of big pharma.
It's obvious that drugheads don't have a long life-expectancy.
Investing in big pharma dow jones is always a good idea. I don't see it crashing soon.

>> No.9595110

>Depression maybe a form of submission, which is a critical mechanism for a social mammals to function as a group.

>> No.9595112

>Also you get constantly told by society that it is your fault that you arent successful, that you are worthless.

>> No.9595122

how do i get out?
the only thing that has helped me to date were xanax pills
i'm sure i could get legal medication from a psychiatrist but i'm scared of finding out i have autism or something

>> No.9595148

Church, crossfit, YMCA and other sports programs,

Church and church groups can help with socializing (they'll accept you and be your buds), crossfit's expensive, but the exercise is great for the brain, same with YMCA and other sports programs, great for the brain, improve mental state of well being from what I've read.

>> No.9595390

Actually, society is entirely willing to blame itself for your shortcomings, and constantly criticizes itself for failing its citizens. If it blames anyone, it's those already at the top. The rest it considers of no consequence, and either an annoyance or mere victims of its machinery (depending on the color of your tie).

Which, in the end, is part of the problem. No one is accountable for their own actions anymore. This only compounds the impression of the meaninglessness of life and the feeling of disempowerment.