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File: 134 KB, 833x337, QC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9594859 No.9594859 [Reply] [Original]

How come everyones quantum computers look exactly like each other? Pic related, IBM vs Rigetti

>> No.9594879
File: 56 KB, 770x400, microsoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9594887

because its a farce. a quantum computer just rotates a atom or proton thats suspended by a magnetic field . atoms and protons have poles and naturally align themselves with the magnetic field. at last check they can read 1 of 3 positions caused by a radio or microwave signal being emitted and it rotating the atom or proton

but this is only good for storage and reading it isnt fast. you do not make a single computation with this aspect of a quantum computer . the conventional cpu does that and the signal is created and transmitted

and by international review china has the most powerful computer a parallel processing super computer array. japan is making one to be even stronger than chinas. it dwarfs the quantum computers specs that nasa put forward that it built with googles money

so what is qbits really? processor power skimming. cloud computing. its why they tried to force every one to windows 10 and did these odd firmware updates witch screwed performance for smart phones claiming the latter was needed for security reasons and they needed to patch a problem. the government is stealing your processor power to try to hack china and russia and every one else... and failing. thats why they pushed the patch and they are still failing because of latency. skim the nations cpus for some horsepower but they have to be given a problem to work on and then tell you what the answer was and americas internet is worse than south africas

>> No.9594895

Those are quantum annealers, and they do not offer the robustness that an true, full quantum computer would. I personally believe in ion traps being the face of qc in the next decade or so.

>> No.9594900
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>> No.9594903
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>> No.9594904
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Acer. Makes you think, innit

>> No.9594925

>n-not a real quantum computer!!!!111!!1oneone
This meme needs to stop.

>> No.9594947

It's time to remove the tin foil hat

>> No.9594951

Depends on the implementation. Superconducting quantum computers look like that because the chips need to be cooled in a dilution fridge.

>> No.9595237

They look like art deco chandeliers

>> No.9595397

So scifi maymays aside, realistically, how far are we from these being actually usable? How far until a new kind of dystopia where modern cryptography collapses?

>> No.9595406

Were already in the dystopian simulation. Open your eyes man

>> No.9595431

We'll just switch to quantum resistant cryptography before that happens

>> No.9595548
File: 19 KB, 262x236, 1511381443938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from your retarded conspiracy theory you arent even clear on the fundamentals of quantum computing.
>Can read 1 of 3 positions
No, a qbit is the same as a normal bit except with an amplitude somewhere between state 0 and state 1 as part of its identity.
> it dwarfs the quantum computers specs that nasa put forward that it built with googles money
The quantum computers being built right now are not intended to be usable devices, they are test beds for proof of concept because currently no one knows if its even possible to construct a quantum system large enough to perform relevant computations on. Additionally even if it is possible to construct a quantum computer of relevant power, there are tasks that classical computing will still be superior at and vice versa.

>> No.9595557

>How come everyones quantum computers look exactly like each other? Pic related, IBM vs Rigetti

Most cars have the same number of wheels because most cars are trying to solve the same problem.

>> No.9595560

It's not a quantum computer.
Would you call a machine that can only perform one very rigidly defined optimization problem solving algorithm a "computer?"

>> No.9595583

Bristlecone is gonna steal your bitch

>> No.9595616

Yes, by definition you dolt its called a special purpose computer.

>> No.9595638

My QC professor says the most likely scenario will be quantum coprocessors like GPGPUs, so talking about quantum computers is retarded to begin with

>> No.9595643

looking like they're made of brass =/= art deco

>> No.9595712
File: 39 KB, 374x347, 1446476010241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dilution fridge

>> No.9595733

Well if you want to be autistic about it then fine, *general* quantum computers don't exist. I doubt anyone would try to sell a special purpose machine by labeling it a "computer" though. Unqualified use of the word "computer" is normally interpretted as referring to general computation, not some very narrowly defined optimization problem solver.

>> No.9595751


>> No.9596071


>> No.9596232

Using a given word correctly according to its definition is not autistic in any capacity.
People absolutely sell special purpose computers all the time, they are literally everywhere in modern life one of the simplest example being vending machines. Furthermore semantics isnt the point of contention here ; you claimed if isnt a quantum computer because it might only solve one problem, which is entirely false.

>> No.9597165

What you're looking at are the fridges the computers live in. Those are all commercial fridges from a company called bluefors. Hence they look the same. The computer is a small chip housed in the fridge.

>> No.9597351
File: 24 KB, 244x209, 1352732496690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based finns

>> No.9597379

Quantum computer is above the photo. Those are just the connectors into them.