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9592947 No.9592947 [Reply] [Original]

So spacrX gets to launch cars into space, but people all around the world and Africa are still starving?
How the fuck is that ethical?
>Billions of taxpayer dollars going to elons person space advertisement
>Those taxes could have helped millions of people in need
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.9592962

it's almost like capitalism is inherently unethical and harmful...

>> No.9592966
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>he thinks saving retarded niggers is more important than space exploration

>> No.9592980

Am I incorrect to say that no taxpayer dollars went directly to spacex? Let alone billions.

>> No.9592981

what good has saving people done?

did you not learn anything about evolutions and populations. more people = more competition, more competition = more wars, more wars = extinction

>> No.9592984

Clearly this is bait, but I'll respond to it anyway because I'm an idiot.

The exact same argument could be made about any spending on anything that isn't absolutely necessary. Every smartphone, every toy, every pair of designer shoes, is also a representation of resources not being used to feed those who are starving. Unless you intend to block people from buying any kind of luxury goods, then you are simply artificially singling out space exploration among the thousands of different types of discretionary spending that dont go to african hunger relief. Why arent you donating every cent to this if its so important?

>> No.9592987

Ethics are spooks, africans are worth shit nothing, they are inherently inferior.

>> No.9592993

>So spacrX gets to launch cars into space, but people all around the world and Africa are still starving? How the fuck is that ethical?

The same way doing any of the other million things we do, that are not feeding Africa, are ethical.

>> No.9592997

Not really, but it depends on how you define your terms.

>> No.9592999

Feeding clothing and giving medicine to Africa is unethical.

>> No.9593345

Billions of dollars already goes towards helping people, both in America and worldwide. Putting space dollars into that would be pennies more and do literally nothing. Space dollars (NASA) does more for poor people by putting stuff in space than it would by sending them food, water, and blankets.

SpaceX is a private company so they get to do whatever they want with their money. Asking why they spending it on rockets instead of helping people is like asking why you bought a smartphone while some kids somewhere are starving. How is that ethical? You shitposting on 4chan with running water while some kid has to spend all day walking back and fourth to some well just so he can get tape worms from the nearest water supply instead of dying from dehydration in 3 days.

>> No.9593366

Are there charities that specifically provide irreversible birth control for Africans? Asking for a friend.

>> No.9593378

hey look guys, a philosopher is trying to get attention in a science commune again.

>> No.9593387

The problem isn't the few billion over almost a decade that went to spacex

The problem is widespread ineffective resource allocation. One individual having billions and one starving is not right. The government using the pool social resources it has to encourage new tech is. The answer is a bigger pool to be effective allocated.

>> No.9593400

Their rockets are also a massive environmental hazards after recent study shows they cause large holes in the upper atmosphere disrupting GPS and who knows what else.

I think some regulations are in order.

>> No.9593410

>More than $500 billion in foreign aid - the equivalent of four Marshall Aid Plans - was pumped into Africa between 1960 and 1997.
>In July 2005, Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission revealed that a succession of military dictators stole or squandered $500 billion - equivalent to all Western aid to Africa over the past four decades. Even when the loot is recovered, it is quickly re-looted.
Facts that make you go hmmm general?

>> No.9593412

>One individual having billions and one starving is not right.
that retard could have stopped starving if he was not genetic waste

>> No.9593422

>Sending money to Africa fixes their problems

Unless every dollar of that goes towards building an infrastructure that will last and enable them to care for themselves, which it won't, and the West isn't even capable of doing for themselves, those dollars are going to be irrelevant in twenty years.

In fact, the children who don't die from starvation now will have children, and when we stop sending them that money, either from frustration or our OWN failing economy, one starving kid becomes ten. You're advocating putting the ethical burden on the shoulders of your children, rather than accepting the burdens of today. You're no better than a Boomer.

>> No.9593423

I, too, like to trigger people. Not on /sci/, though.

>> No.9593446

Judas Iscariot whined about that problem

>> No.9593450

Chad Elon Musk vs Virgin starving kid

>> No.9593466

Two africans walk into my office.
African A:
>I'm starving. I want money so I can buy food. I'll be back tomorrow.
African B:
>Looks like you have a problem going upwards. I'll get you there if you pay me some money to build a vehicle.
Who would you spend your money on?

>> No.9593467

Throwing money at Africans is just a means of controlling them and sabotaging the continent desu.

>> No.9593470

Africans don't get any of the aid we send. Unless it goes to an aid group that goes out there and digs a well for a village, it goes right to the governments that hold the common people in contempt, and use our aid to just ignore their constituency. Why should they have to care about the poverty and suffering of their people? Who cares if there are no factories turning out a GDP? Who cares if fields stay unplanted, and the people suffer? If they didn't suffer, the leaders wouldn't get that sweet, sweet money from dumb, guilty westerners!

We enable lazy, ineffectual, corrupt governments by just sending them money. If we actually CARED we'd send them advisors, teachers and raw material to build nations. But that's expensive, their awful leaders don't want that, and the common American voter doesn't understand, nor honestly care. But China does, and they have every intention to turn Africa into their little pet project.

>> No.9593480


The less black one.

>> No.9593501

>the world and Africa are still starving?
We sent africa food production, food, wheat grains etc - we've been doing it for decades - their population has EXPLODED, now there's more starving than ever before - and if the gibs are stopped, half a billion or more will die

We can't just keep giving that stupid hole the means to over populate with starving populations so jackasses like you can "feel good you made sure another half million africans were constantly on the edge of death"

Really, you're inhuman.

>> No.9593502

Yes, you are.

>> No.9593511

It wasn’t for exploration, also yes, space exploration on a whole is useless

>> No.9593515

You see what your STUPID SHIT has wrought ?

" Africa's population has rapidly increased over the last 40 years, and consequently, it is relatively young. In some African states, half or more of the population is under 25 years of age. The total number of people in Africa grew from 221 million in 1950 to 1.2 billion in 2016. "


>> No.9593519


>but people all around the world and Africa are still starving?

I never knew Africa is located outside of the world

>> No.9593525
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"do-gooders" destroy a continent, untold inhuman suffering...before assholes like OP started their shit, Africa was just fine- self sustaining.

>> No.9593533
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World hunger is a logistics problem. Meaning we have enough food, but it isn't being transported to the people who need it fast enough. Rockets can reach places in super fast time. The VTOL rockets SpaceX is developing can literally be used for transporting tons of food around the world in under 40 minutes.

On the other hand, I hope no one helps people in need. People in need are not worthy to live.

>> No.9593535

imagine how much good we could do if we spent those space bux on deposing and colonising Africa and stoppping them from fucking their own shit

>> No.9593542
File: 737 KB, 770x768, space x feed africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spaceX vs feed Africa

>he thinks saving retarded niggers is more important than space exploration

>We sent africa food production, food, wheat grains etc - we've been doing it for decades - their population has EXPLODED, now there's more starving than ever before - and if the gibs are stopped, half a billion or more will die

>> No.9593549

oh, you mean like the british.

>> No.9593550
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Or carpet bombing all the cities and villages then turn the deserts into lush wilderness parks scattered with gentrified hamlets.

>> No.9593557
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They pulled out. China is doing that work now, but in a more soulless demeaning way.

>> No.9593672

I saw the estimate of 4 billion black africans by 2050, up from 1.2 billion, with 3 billion on a starving diet.

>doing good in the world

>> No.9593684

they need to make sure the numbers drop back to .2 billion instead of exploding for 4 more decades to 4 billion

Something has to be done or this planet is goners -

>Earth epitaph: do gooders destroyed the world while bitching about everyone else

>> No.9593704

well wait till the extra billions start flowing from the continent thanks to idiots like OP - who whine about everything and then the result of their actions make everything worse!

you ready for billions of em invading every western nation on earth because if OP gets his way...

(better get with it ! better get close instead of 5x exponential worse!)

>> No.9593709

I hate collectivist assholes.

>> No.9593716

if we don't get off this planet OP's Africa will consume it along with china and india
there's not enough time to bring the entire world up to westernized low or reverse population growth and stop the 10 billion or 20 billion feeders coming...

The earth will be ravaged and picked clean then the tens of billions colonies will start dying en masse, people like OP will make certain - as it occurs they will blame everyone but themselves, it is already happening and look at OP - he's entirely oblivious !

>> No.9593721

>Facts that make you go hmmm general?
they did enough to make sure a billion feeders have starvation reproduction levels

>> No.9594062

oh despite any evidence to the contrary you know you'll never get the internationalist do gooders to ever admit bellies don't go empty all night long in wakanda

>> No.9594080

This is correct

>> No.9594082

fuck the poor

>> No.9594084

I dunno.

How is cruising around in my lexus shooting pennies at the homeless, before binging on filet mignon, coke, drug addled sluts, and champagne ethical?

It just is you leftist faggot. And if you have a problem with that then I'll smash your fucking face.

>> No.9594092

>pay for white genocide REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i already pay for white genocide in germany. stop being so greedy jesus...

>> No.9594103

Why don't everyone just leave Africa and let the natives sort them selves out?

The Tribal Africans are unironically better off than the ones relying on gibs. Even the genocides happen because conflicting ideologies from Mudslime and Christcuck missionaries. Pull out, let them fight it out, and who ever comes out on top gets claim to Africa. Maybe in 1000 years when they make their own cities we go back to help them.

>> No.9594110

they could eat steak and pizza and bacon cheeseburgers for all of em, if they fenced sme cows and planted fields/ its not our fault they dont work the land enough

>> No.9594147


no, NASA paid them 10 billion just in development contracts - on top of that they paid another 10 billion for the actual commercial cargo launches.

>> No.9594152

If africans starving is such a big issue to you, why don't you spend all your money and time helping starving africans, shitposting instead on kyrghyz yak-milking forum?
Entitled millenial sissy, clean your room.

>> No.9594165
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sadly most of the money sent to africa gets funneled into militias

>> No.9594877

this, africa has some of the best lands in the world for crop cultivation
too bad they're as stupid as the rest of the wildlife there

>> No.9594880


>> No.9595107





>> No.9595113
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>> No.9595130

I eat Yam based food, ogogoro and Attiéké.

>> No.9595132

Thread theme:


>> No.9595144

>ethics discussion on sci
theres a fucking board for this guys

>> No.9595158

Did you know that in the early 1900s the United States had;

>No regulations on Food and Drug safety standards
>No factory safety standards
>Child labor
>Child Soldiers
>Substandard housing
>Lack of medical care
>Poverty that would be a human rights violation today

Africa is in a development state, like 1900s America. They are late but they will rise, Ghana is the fastest growing economy right now. But >>9595107 aid is not dey wey.

>> No.9595161


Sick name calling dude, your brain cells must be firing on full cylinders.

>> No.9595181


except that America was settled by high intelligence anglos and germanics while Africa is inhabited by peoples on the brink of being officially mentally retarded

human resources is by far the most important factor for development

face it, Africa will just end up a Chinese colony

>> No.9595205

>Fucking 1900 America
>At a time where the video damn Congress library was built
>Anywhere similar to Africa

>> No.9596373

The United States had to develop independently
They did not have the entirety of the developed world showering them with perpetual gibs

>> No.9596384

But America had like 300 years to develop so it's a trade-off really.

>> No.9596434

Why does Africa need to develop lightning quick, why are they too good to do things themselves
Why do I have to shower them with my bloody tax dollars

>> No.9596454

>How the fuck is that ethical?
Liberal here... listen..
It is ethical on a personal level. For example, is it not fine for you to be shitposting on a PC while there's children starving in Africa who could eat with the money you spend on your PC and internet?

It is also a good idea on a practical level.
Please understand OP, the African continent is the "nightmare mode" of Earth. Blindly sending our resources there is not the answer.
- Deserts in the north, laterite soil to the south, few rivers, no salt deposits inland. Basically impossible to grow anything.
- Malaria kills millions every year, with many strains causing brain damage in those who survive. (Fun fact: several of the major sub-saharan IQ studies were taken in hospitals from malaria-diseased children.) The parasite is carried by mosquitos which makes it near impossible to permanently contain, and the parasite itself genetically mutates constantly, thwarting any chance at immunity via natural selection, as well as development of vaccines. The bubonic plague that devastated europe was a joke in comparison.
- The land mass of the african continent is as big as India, China, USA, and Europe, combined.

So we actually should focus on scientific advances if we really want to help them in any way that will last. Faster travel, better agriculture, better medicines, these are the key.

>> No.9596586

I would honestly be fine with starving 85% of the world’s population if it meant we could allocate more resources to space research


>> No.9596594

Socialist Capitalism, or rather, Corporatism, is what Space X is.

>> No.9596595

We don't do millions of 20 billion dollar things.

>> No.9598141

then they might actually leverage their resources.

you know 95% of the manganese used in steel production is mined in Africa.

>> No.9598172

> Africa
> people
you sure about that?

>> No.9598179

>we'd send them advisors, teachers and raw material to build nations
Also if we tried that, half the country would start screaming "muh imperialism"

>> No.9598195

Sending a car in space drives up public interest.
Public interest makes it easier to fun space travel and colonization ventures.
Space travel and colonization ventures will probably generate way more wealth than the cost of sending that car into space.
You actually shortchange yourself pretty badly by trying to buckle down and only spend on what's absolutely necessary. That's the kind of shit that makes economic downturns become compounding vicious cycles where nobody spends because everyone's afraid of the bad economy so the economy gets worse because nobody's spending.

>> No.9598242

>they think the "help" "sent" to Africa was done so without strings attached
you know most of the money given by the US govt over time is given to US organizations and comes back to the US, right? you do know that "aid" is given to governments that repond to political impositions, and that some of that money has gone to dictators and other nice people, right?
this is made very clear in the armament industries: contracts are made so that the countries that receive military help have to buy from US companies...

>> No.9598257

you are retarded if you think those dictators weren't put there by the US, or other world powers, on purpose, and that those $500 billion were not their payment...

>> No.9598274

>Maybe in 1000 years when they make their own cities
Pretty optimistic considering it was still 10,000BCE in Africa when it was the 16th century in the rest of the world

>> No.9599448
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>> No.9599560

But millions of us can do a few hundred dollar things that add up to 20 billion.

>> No.9599574

>spacrX gets to launch cars into space
SpaceX launches one car into space
>but people are starving
and people are starving
>muh taxpayer dollers
...are clearly not going to taxpayer education.

>> No.9599582
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>Saving niggers

>> No.9599584
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>Stupid nigger can't afford shit and wants other people to abandon their efforts to give him shit

>> No.9600837

>but people all around the world and Africa are still starving?
And what are you proposing should be done about that?
Give them more food, so that their population can more rapidly increase and they need EVEN MORE help?
They are already starving because their farming methods couldn't keep up with their population growth, do you want even more starving people?

You can't just shove down money somewhere and expect to make things better.

Because "capitalism" is as fault here LOL.

>> No.9600903

This Africans are k type. They don't value their offspring in the same way that we do. Stop projecting your white values onto niggers and let them nig in peace.

>> No.9600915

Every single leftist in the world will deny to their death the fact genetics & IQ actually exist
They will pretend that non-whites live miraculously different lives, as if thats a total explanation for their perpetual failure at being first world people

>> No.9600937

checked, Prime Directive ftw

>> No.9601327

Who fucking cares

>> No.9601346

Rhodesia -> Zimbabwae is your historical example as to why.
South Africa is your contemporary proof as to why we should send zero food aid to Africa.

>> No.9602494

Africans starve because they aren't capitalist, embrace capitalism or starve.

>> No.9602662
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They were relaunching the satellite he fucked up months ago.

>> No.9602684

they launched A Car into space
that money could not have fed everyone, even the money from all their launches could not have fed everyone
the work that's gone into space research has given us satellites that help with things like finding where to grow crops and which ones to grow and how bad a drought is and how bad a coming drought will be

>> No.9603248



Feeding and fixing the niggers so they breed to obscene amounts is going to cause far more damage in the long run.

We should probably nuke Africa until it's cleansed.

>> No.9603468


>> No.9604691

Exactly, we waste so much on aid instead of invading and saving all that land before it's ruined

>> No.9605071

Why do people talk about this ACES thing from ULA as if its real or will do anything special? It's not like refueling in orbit lowers their launch cost.s..

>> No.9605119

The biggest problem with Africa is that birth control didn't come with the food.
Families used to have to reproduce more often because children would get sick and die. Now the survival rate is much higher but they have 7+ children when they only need 3 or 4.
Education campaigns are ongoing but it's fighting a cultural ideal, so progress is slow. Some women get year long contraceptive shots behind their husband's back because they won't be able to get him to wear a condom and sex is his decision.
Aid workers focused much on the problem in front of them they didn't see the potential problem arising. One of the hands that reached out to them for food made two more hands reaching out for food.

>> No.9605318

>If only this white savior came in, that'll solve all the problems!

I see these "aid workers" as worse than the blacks.

>> No.9605325

Aid has already been tried and didn't fix africa.

>> No.9605329

>muh starving africans
cringe. go back to the early 2000s

>> No.9605347

/pol/ needs to fuck off already.

>> No.9605365

>SpaceX buys cheap factories in a literal fucking slum

I guess for tech stuff it pays to be liberals, they get retard hipsters who don't mind living in areas that are shit but also expensive
And cheap properties right next to the ghetto

Of course none of these libs supporting "GO SCIENCE" understand that they created this immense ghetto & slums.

>> No.9605544

why is /sci/ so full of polkids now?

all this flawed logic is making me sad

>> No.9605550

>Billions of taxpayer dollars
The same government bailed out commercial banks for over 20 TRILLION dollars during the last "financial crisis".

Not to mention that people who own central banks have literally infinite money in the current era of Fiat money.

>> No.9605802

Great, as if their infrastructure wasn't falling apart already, now they get Chinese highways and plumbing.

Seriously tho, it's one thing to build a sewage system or a school. It's another to maintain it. The sad fact is, a lot of Africa is untrainable nignogs that don't plan for the future. Building them a sewage line would mean training them to dig, build, and maintain. These fucks left a John Deere tractor in the streets cause they couldn't figure out engine oil and it froze up before they plowed their first field. We teach them every year what fertilizer is, and every year they keep asking the white man to go do it for them. If the white man shows tough love and doesn't, the African shrugs his shoulders and the field produces at 1/10 rate. Every. Year.
It's hopeless. We have no desires to build and send engineers to maintain it for them. That is truelly expensive and financially irresponsible to invest future generations like that.

So yeah, at best they get white guilt funds in nothing more than stacks of cash and pallets of moldy bread. Anything else is just a chore we'll have to do ourselves.

>> No.9605807


>> No.9605833

>How the fuck is that ethical?

Propose a system that would produce a better outcome when implemented IRL

>inb4 you can't

>> No.9605855

The Chinese are building good roads because they transport the resources China wants from the countries.

>> No.9606103

universal basic income

>> No.9606114

Aggregately, yes we do, many times over.

>> No.9606122

Launching the car cost exactly zero. The rocket needed some mass to simulate payload, the usual practice would be to launch a big chunk of concrete.

They didn't even go out and buy a car for this, they used one (f)Elon already owned.

>> No.9606125

Internationally? Not sure there is any way to do that irl.

Intranationally? Then not sure that makes a difference to the starving Africans.

>> No.9606181

Because if they did you would accuse them of being inclusive kikes stockpiling their resources

>> No.9606197
File: 357 KB, 522x928, Screenshot_20180320-115352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make good arguments because I really really want to
Want and desire has nothing to do with talent and know how. Even the guys that want it have nothing to do with building it, and the guys building it have nothing to do with wanting it.
C'mon, you know their infrastructure team is meme level, even if they want to do a good job. Just Google Chinese road collapse.

>> No.9606406

It's not zero, they still had to build an adapter to attach it to the rocket

>> No.9606440

>One day colonies will be established on Mars
>Because of the differences in gravity, the sparse population, the extreme cold environment and other factors unique to this environment mas becomes a massive new economic draw
>New technologies are developed by the think tanks and research labs built there
>These new technologies help to improve the quality of life for everyone on both planets
>A new push to colonize the moon and the asteroid belt commences
>Idiots: but we still have so many problems on earth and mars!!!!

>> No.9606446

Dysgenics will destroy civilization long before we get anywhere

>> No.9606450

>universal basic income
That would unironically probably be the worst option. Like billions of people committing suicide or falling into self destructive habits brought on by depression.

>> No.9606458

Africans can't maintain shit. The Belgians built roads in the Kongo and ever since they've left, the roads have been going to waste. Until the Chinese have taken on the burden.
We need a new education system built for Africans and only to be used by Africans because they can't manage to follow instructions.

>> No.9606464

>Just leave lol
We already have, retard.

>> No.9606474

They wouldn't use condoms either. They're way too backwards for that.