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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 555x537, modern physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9589096 No.9589096 [Reply] [Original]

depresses me

>> No.9589100

If you can resolve how shit behaves at micro scale and how shit behaves at macro scale, by all means come claim your fucking nobel prize jackass.

>> No.9589124

>nobody reads papers that aren't published in esteemed journals.
>esteemed journals won't accept submissions from people who aren't professors at esteemed institution.
>no institution will hire someone who wants to go back and fix stuff that everyone is already invested in.
nobody will listen. nobody cares.

>> No.9589199

>Only one can be right!!!!
When will this meme end? They're completely different theories that describe different phenomena.

>> No.9589296

When will this meme end?

>> No.9589306

>physicists will never be satisfied with having only hundreds of billions in public funds to spend on useless particle colliders and other junk so they can prove their dogmatic view of something is right
They can't keep getting away with it

>> No.9589355

>physics couldn't possibly be subject to corrupt influences because look at how much money we throw at it.

>> No.9589369

>there is one phenomenon in the universe
And what is that?

>> No.9589423

phase evolution

>> No.9589446

Field quanta vibrating at various frequencies

>> No.9589720

yep. now use that to explain what gravity is and you're there.

>> No.9589991

you realize that all modern formulations of QM USE relativity, right? that Pauli, Weyl, and Dirac were applying relativity to the statistics of fermions as far back as 1920? that all modern variants of QED/QFT formulations have relativity at their core?

You also realize that there were many, arguably hundreds, of branches off the "tree" from newton to the "sacred moment in history," but the reason we don't use or even remember any of them is that they were fucking retarded?

>> No.9590122

that's kind of the point of the "don't you fucking dare" arrow you brainlet

>> No.9590256
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, Flux-Capacitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about all this looks awfully familiar.

>> No.9590275

>fix stuff
What stuff needs fixing?

>> No.9590280


>> No.9590433

>Woah, when did this get here!

>> No.9590437
File: 110 KB, 400x272, q2tNth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly certain there are several mathmatical models that unify QM and GR but they are impossible to prove because of our shitty technology.

>> No.9590448
File: 53 KB, 200x200, smugest pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to calculate the momentum of a very fast moving particle
>use relativity to do so
What now OP?

>> No.9590470

but how do we describe the collapse phenomenon?

>> No.9590480
File: 116 KB, 578x594, TRINITY___SACRED_MOMENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no institution will hire someone who wants to go back and fix stuff that everyone is already invested in.

What if you model the whole universe as one quantum of spacetime and then describe "micro" as something much larger than "macro" where it is still far detached from the "meso" of everyday life

>Fairly certain there are several mathmatical models that unify QM and GR but they are impossible to prove because of our shitty technology.
No, there is only one model that unifies the disparate mathematical frameworks of the theories of gravitation and quanta

>> No.9590487

Well yes, kinda. You can formulate quantum gravity as an effective field theory and make predictions using that. The problem is they're only valid on scales similar to GR...I'm guessing you can see the problem there.

>> No.9590546
File: 136 KB, 1200x747, Higgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it depends on your semantic standard of unification. IMO, effective field theory does not unify the disparate mathematical frameworks because it allows you to make calculations by "effectively" removing the mathematical rigor from the "theory." I guess that also depends on one's semantic definition of "rigor" because i guess you can say, "let this hand waving change be allowed" and that is rigorous, but that undermines the fundamental goal of unifying the disparate mathematical frameworks without having to rely on that kind of step.

Here is an example of the two theories cleanly unified:
>Quantum Gravity

In this book I describe the general process whee gravity is equivalent to acceleration because gravity is acceleration through time:
>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

pic related, it shows how the method of my derivation in the QG paper is exactly the one Higgs used in his seminal paper. Why is his accepted and mine is not?
>scientology or something.

>> No.9590563

>Why is his accepted and mine is not?
Because Higgs' work is the product of a long and considered process of thought. Yours is some schizophrenic ramblings. Now fuck off back to Vixra Geometric Unity.

>> No.9590579

you sound jealous. I'm sure you can upload your initial condition data file and then press enter in your own research really well

>> No.9590590

>pic related, it shows how the method of my derivation in the QG paper is exactly the one Higgs used in his seminal paper. Why is his accepted and mine is not?

Completely ignoring the other ridiculousness, the "G_uv" on the LHS is the field strength for a weak field potential, it has nothing to with the Einstein tensor.

>> No.9590602
File: 205 KB, 659x525, 848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute brainlets thinking the problem with grand unification has anything to do with "macro" vs. "micro"
I want this meme to end

>> No.9590605

do you mean imply that all tensors labelled G are the same tensor?

>> No.9590609
File: 162 KB, 534x337, TRINITY____59f577dfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and me both fren

>> No.9590650

There's only one physical universe anon.

>> No.9590666

You're picture implies that.

>> No.9590738
File: 19 KB, 144x89, WhatsThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesn't.
you are stupid

>> No.9590804

what a delusional retard

>> No.9590841

you can still do research and publish it online. Perelman posted his proof on arxiv.

>"but I not affiliated with an institution"
>get endorsed
>"but I can't the peer review jews are against me"
>nope, you're just a brainlet

>> No.9590879
File: 31 KB, 690x343, TRINITY_fuckarXiv__762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get endorsed
arXiv doesn't do peer review but they do peer banning, peer censcorship, and peer fuckery.

Pic related, I uploaded to viXra instead and you can see the arXiv submission stamp. This submission is [math]easily[/math] better than 50% of arXiv submissions but the peer review nazis didn't like the name on the manuscript

>> No.9590887
File: 19 KB, 654x442, TRINITY___+_tmocwdmeo35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viXra upload: http://vixra.org/pdf/1712.0598v2.pdf

>> No.9591438

Using avatars is against global rules

>> No.9592299
