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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9583275 No.9583275 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a case of diddled kiddie syndrome or something more deeply ingrained? I know it's anecdotal, but I've personally had overall positive, productive relationships with my high school STEM teachers.

>> No.9583301


That's because you're dumber than them. When you're vastly more intelligent than your teachers like I have been, they feel threatened and will treat you with contempt.

>> No.9583308

pure cringe, the post

>> No.9583310

this is why you manipulate the riskey ones.

BTW its not theyr problem they are half baked potatoes when they were born in a world run by psychopaths.

>> No.9583314


Your mother wasn't cringing last night.


Agreed. I often offered them one to one tutoring but they never took me up on it. Their loss.

>> No.9583318
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Tommy, please report to the office.

>> No.9583320

probably because they show us where we don´t want to end ourselves

>> No.9583321

Because /sci/ is underage.

>> No.9583327
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>tfw I got my math degree with the express purpose of teaching 12th grade math

>> No.9583640
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Dumb, drunk, umotivated and bully-enabling math teachers from elementary up to the local equivalent of HS destroyed my interest in math.
Because of them I was under the impression that I hate math and made me willingly ignore it, which led to big gaps in my knowledge.
It warsn't until uni that I regained appreciation for math.

>> No.9583745
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The only good high school teachers I've encountered were exclusively male History teachers.

>> No.9583751

Honestly this desu.

>> No.9583836

One teacher from the high school I went to actually got fired for diddling or sexual harassment. This dude had a shit ton of Britney Spears CD's in one of the cabinets in his classroom, and all of the hot blonde girls happened to make A's when I knew that they were dogshit at math. So I'm surprised he made it that long without getting fired.

I went to a very good high school too.

He's the type of dude who will take the urinal right next to you and try to start a conversation while trying to take a look at your junk. I can confirm this because he totally tried to pull that shit on me.

After 6th grade I didn't have any good teachers whatsoever. One guy was pretty cool but he couldn't teach for shit. Uni has been a different story though.

>> No.9583855

I don't hate the teachers as much as I hate that a disproportionate amount of time and effort is spent on the students on the low end of the bell curve.

I think that most of school is just busywork. Students do their busywork to show the teachers that they are working. The teachers show that they are working by showing that the students are doing the busywork.

>> No.9583865

For the same reason /sci/ hates everyone else, people here need to let everyone know about their supposed intellectual superiority

>> No.9583875

>I hate that a disproportionate amount of time and effort is spent on the students on the low end of the bell curve.
Bio teacher here. Both student performance and our jobs would improve dramatically if we were able to drop students who manifest zero aptitude/effort in their higher level coursework. Trim the fat, as it were.

You're not wrong.

>> No.9583888

>a disproportionate amount of time and effort is spent on the students on the low end of the bell curve.
I hate this elitist attitude. My teachers were always exactly the opposite which is what contributed to me doing poorly in high school. Because the teachers were more focused on chatting up the popular rich kids, holding their hand the whole way and showing them intros to limits and calculus at the end of grade 11 while I was allowed to fail the course because the teacher couldn't be bothered to teach an inferior retard like me the actual course material.

If you were really as smart as you think you are maybe your parents would have sent you to private school instead of schools with students at "the low end of the bell curve".

>> No.9583896

Mine were all good teachers but also all assholes, humanities teachers were always nice

>> No.9583902
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I will say that all of my high school History teachers were fucking incredible, due in part to the fact that they gave a shit about the subject matter.

>> No.9585551

I think a negative experience stands out more than a positive one. Its especially bad if they pick favorites but then just hate you. I was quiet and never interrupted. I slacked off a little like forgetting to do a homework or two, but I did well (except math) wasn't even the worst slacker.
It was a known fact that some teachers just hated me. My Cal teacher hated me with a passion and went out of her way to embarrass me. I'm not really mad anymore, I just don't understand how grown adults can just treat kids this way.