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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 396 KB, 1011x1484, Elon_Musk_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9578749 No.9578749 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ hate him so much?

Is he literally not the embodiment of what this board is?

>> No.9578753

4chan is contrarian by nature.
Normies & reddit love and praise him.
That's enough reason for 4chan hating him.

>> No.9578755 [DELETED] 

Reddit love CS undergrads & Social media

It's why /g/ is filled with High school drop outs who hate CS undergrads & Social media

And /sci/ is filled with Science majors who hate CS undergrads & Social media

>> No.9578756

Because is an annoying poser camwhore

>> No.9578766

He's doing what they never will
It's the nature of /sci/ to be brainlets

>> No.9578781

sci doesn't hate him, it's just prime troll town

>> No.9578787


what are you talking about 4chan absolutely loves this guy there is a thread about him every day on various boards

>> No.9578789


/sci/ is tsundere for him.

>> No.9578792 [DELETED] 

Just like mathfags are jealous to every other STEM major.

$70,900 Computer Science & Engineering
$70,300 Chemical Engineering
$67,800 Electrical Engineering
$64,000 Mechanical Engineering
$60,800 Structural Engineering
$58,200 Nursing
$58,000 Physics
$54,200 Mathematics <-- lel

>> No.9578796

Just like pure mathfags are jealous to every other STEM major.

$70,900 Computer Science & Engineering
$70,300 Chemical Engineering
$67,800 Electrical Engineering
$64,000 Mechanical Engineering
$60,800 Structural Engineering
$58,200 Nursing
$58,000 Physics
$54,200 Mathematics <-- lel


>> No.9578799

he is a vulture capitalist (privatize profits, socialize r&d and losses) with a history of building companies only through hype and then dumping them when they fail (solarcity, soon tesla, and spacex after that)

>> No.9578812
File: 641 KB, 600x826, 1481679514577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thunderf00t is still here whining
Loving every laugh

>> No.9578854

Holy shit just remembered that faggot exists

>> No.9578885

This board is packed with angsty pretentious retards.

I'm going to be famous in the near future and there will be mass hatred towards me from this site without a single valid reason.

>> No.9578890


>> No.9579051

>Is he literally not the embodiment of what this board is?
He is not the problem as much as his fans are
People treat him as if he has the second coming and ignore everyone else working on his projects, his name gets thrown around for hype purposes and manny end up getting fed up with him.
I see him the same way that I see candidates of an election, he may do some good, but don't go around telling that he alone will fix every single problem we have and that whatever problem you have HE will fix it, and if you do not agree than you are either jealous of completely hate him. Thus I want him to fail so I can see his cock-suckers sperg out
>tl;dr: Because he's popular

>> No.9579179

jealous impotent mouth breathers
can't improve themselves
instead try to tear others down

>> No.9581281 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 300x168, spaceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon used to be my hero until he pulled the fraudulent spaceman + car in space stunt. Too many discrepancies in the original spaceman video that they chose to hide. Here are a few problems: bubbles in space, earth glitch, no land mass, and windshield got fogged up. How the fuck do these things happen in space?

The military industrial complex are working overtime to cover it up by posting conspiracy videos conflating the real fraud with kooky stuff like flat earth.

We are left with one question; why? Why go through all of this trouble to fake space missions? Is there something going on that makes space inaccessible to us? Is it just about the billions in $$$ ? We may never know.

>> No.9582331

he talks too much and promises big

>> No.9582366

I'm drowning in debt while he's leeching off tax money that could help me instead.

That's why.

>> No.9582375

>Putting stuff in orbit for 50M instead of 1000M
He's saving the government boatloads of cash you shivering useless pos.

>> No.9582395
File: 6 KB, 369x311, 1518069551541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9582401

>bubbles in space
The oxygen heating up has to be vented out and so you get small amounts leaving the second stage. They're not bubbles.
>earth glitch
Video encoding, learn it.
>no land mass
Pacific is huge.
>windshield got fogged up
No, that was just a reflection of the Earth in the windshield.

>b-but the video i saw on youtube told me those were valid problems!
Because they can't think past "I know it's fake". They don't look for logical explanations, anything they don't understand they think fits their conclusion.

>> No.9582410

Has owns and operates a successful youtube channel. He has nothing to envy that musk fraud for

>> No.9582455
File: 436 KB, 500x270, ome67Ji[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The oxygen heating up has to be vented out and so you get small amounts leaving the second stage.

>> No.9582460
File: 119 KB, 1024x595, 1502422405529m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich, fit and popular. Yep, that's /sci/.

>> No.9582468

>likes to build clocks
I died

>> No.9582535

If you're not aware, they use cryogenic oxygen in the stage. This shit is really fucking cold, which is why it's vented constantly and topped up before launch, because as it heats it expands.
Even in space, especially while the stage is in the sunlight, it's being heated enough that the LOX is gaining temperature and expanding. They need to vent it off as it does this or it will burst the tank.

>> No.9582838
File: 23 KB, 485x443, 1520680936284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt understand elementary fluid dynamics and states of matter

>> No.9582842

this made me laugh heartily, thanks for that

>> No.9582918

Who is this guy?

>> No.9582957

I'll accept the oxygen tank explanation. What kind of video encoding would make the whole earth shake(background) while leaving the spaceman+tesla car(foreground) in place? Yes, the windshield evidently fogged up toward the end of the video.

>> No.9582961

Spaceman and the tesla are static and only the earth moves in the frame so if a key frame is lost it retains the last known key frame and refreshes when a new one comes in in tact.
Spaceman and the car don't get the artifacts because they are (in a smaller time interval) constant around all the frames and key frames.

>> No.9582976

Great explanation, thanks. That leaves the fogged windshield issue as the last problem to solve.

>> No.9582982


Pulling shit right out of your ass.

No gas would remain spherical in a vacuum, take your meds.

>> No.9582993

Windshield is in a shallow angle, the "fogging" is the reflection of the earth, the sun or the on board lighting depending on the camera view and which way it was facing during it's rotation.

>> No.9583086

What did mathematicians ever do to you?

>> No.9583091

Well that infographic isn’t a blatant strawman and certainly doesn’t undermine its own point with a clearly biased non-argument.

>> No.9583092

Like attracts like

Surface tension

Bubbles form in space for the same reasons they do on Earth.

>> No.9583246

bubbles have a liquid shell to contain the gas within

>> No.9583521

I didn't say anything about it being a gas.
They pressurize the tank with Helium as the LOX is consumed, so any expansion would be bad. Liquids become more dense at lower temperatures, so when the LOX starts to increase in temperature it expands and they need to vent a bit.
It's still liquid at this stage.
Surface tension will keep it spherical.

>> No.9583656

this but unironically

>> No.9583674


>> No.9583687

Taking credit for other peoples work?
Hyping things?
Being a space freak?
Being a blatant liar?

Good reasons to like him.

>> No.9583693

>lets take the nuke rockets and replace the nuke with people lul
>that's gonna work
>gib money
>save planet 'n shiet

>> No.9583948
File: 836 KB, 512x288, 1520719159724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ sends its regards, you cucks


>> No.9584030

Reminders that only leddit fags and brainlets follow him like some kind of new age personality cult. Fuck off

>> No.9584031

basically this, so succinct

>> No.9586658

Pfft whatever, nerd.

>> No.9586954

Wtf happened to this country. Why is this pay shit so low? When my dad walked out of high school he landed a job with a comparable purchasing power of 80k/yr. I'm looking at MAYBE 60k/yr after finishing Mech Eng. What went so horribly wrong?

>> No.9587040

I've never been able to really summarize my feelings about him, but this is basically it. if he wasn't such an attention whore it would honestly be easier to like him.

>> No.9587049

Isn't he just a walking wallet that hires smart people and takes the credit for their work?

>> No.9587060


>> No.9587065

Well, he designed the Falcon 1 himself.

>> No.9587078


>> No.9587080

Globalisation. It's not a bad thing at all.

Really the problem lies with inflation and cost of living. Everyone assumes Americans are rich and suck every penny worth. Only in America were land is plentiful and materials are cheap does one pay 600k+ for basic human necessities on a 60k salary while in """"shithole"""" countries you get a 35k-50k salary and only pay 40k-90k for a similar lifestyle.

T. Expat living in shithole Mexico living the good life and loving this shithole more than jew-s-a

>> No.9587084

He is basically a more modern version of black science man. He has some knowledge in a few very specific fields but he also likes to share his retarded opinions on outside topics in which he has next to zero knowledge like AI. His idea of using space to travel to destinations within Earth is probably the most retarded thing that anyone has ever imagined and the hyperloop is a fucking meme. If anything it shows that he himself knows jack shit and rides the fame dick off of the engineers that actually create SpaceX shit.

>> No.9587088

Yeah, designed.
You didn't know about that?

>> No.9587105

Red scare dies -> Bourgs increasingly emboldened -> Prole sustenance gradually goes

>> No.9587214

He really didn't

>> No.9587255

>Highest average wage:
>$70,900 Computer Science & Engineering

What retard only makes this much?

>> No.9587268

That's for B.S. brainlet niggers. Ph.D.s make 300k, starting.

>> No.9587297

>And the reason that I ended up being the chief engineer or chief designer, was not because I want to, it's because I couldn't hire anyone. Nobody good would join. So I ended up being that by default. And I messed up the first three launches.

>> No.9587743


>> No.9587754

So he designed the Merlin, but that doesn't mean he designed the Falcon 1.

>> No.9587776


>> No.9587909

Just because you're too much of a brainlet enough money doesn't mean you should blame the gov't spending a measly 50m vs 600bn on defense for your stupid debt that they wouldn't help you with anyways

>> No.9587921

Defense research actually gets shit done.

Not just in developing new technology, but the largest pure mathematics grant in human history (the geometric Langland's programme) is also funded through defense.

Elon crashes a few rockets every year. I could've done that for free.

>> No.9588004

Give any program 600bn and as long as the people running it aren't dead the program will get shit done. Giving the money to pure research and not defense would advance humanity on a much higher scale

>Elon crashes a few rockets every year. I could've done that for free.
Thats like me saying: The us army has only invaded a couple countries, I can do the same in risk

>> No.9588030

>Giving the money to pure research and not defense would advance humanity on a much higher scale
That's what I'm telling you you idiot.

Defense is an excuse to give billions of money to pure research without normies complaining.

We've been doing this for decades. Only fucktards in popular science who's never written a successful grant proposal think otherwise.

Why do you think serious, non-tv/reddit scientists and mathematicians aren't complaining about it?

>> No.9588077


>> No.9588127

>Defense is an excuse to give billions of money to pure research without normies complaining.
except 99% of the money isn't given to "pure research"
the geometric landlands program wasn't a grant nor did the us gov't have anything to do with it

Defense isn't an excuse to give money to scientists, it's just a way for the us to wave it's dick around boasting about its huge military. it's fueled by american nationalism

>Why do you think serious, non-tv/reddit scientists and mathematicians aren't complaining about it?
We don't hear from them because they don't have a public voice. There is no "mathematician's union" or whatever, that would go and complain to the senate.

>> No.9588229

>the geometric landlands program wasn't a grant nor did the us gov't have anything to do with it
>DARPA grant number HR0011-09-1-0015

Think again you stupid fuck. Stop trying to google things you know nothing about.

>We don't hear from them because they don't have a public voice.
> There is no "mathematician's union" or whatever, that would go and complain to the senate.
There literally are several such institutions.

>> No.9588238

thundercuck makes some pretty big and blatent errors in the video, specifically when he fails to apply cube-square scaling from his steel ball in a glass tube to the scale of hyperloop. I hyperloop is pretty out there with some major engineering challenges but thundercuck is so obessed with scroing points that his analysis falls apart

>> No.9588240

Doesn't know shit about machine learing yet brags about it every time he gets a chance.

>> No.9588269


>has a rocket company ill never have
>has a car company ill never have
>has fame ill never have
>has a girlfriend ill never have

Why do I not hate him?

>> No.9588276

Let's be honest with ourselves here.

Everyone that's capable of using a scientific or optimization library knows just about everything there is to know about ML.

>> No.9588502

Wow the military gives a little bit of their money to mathematics research! Surely that justifies all the money wasted on everything else

>There literally are several such institutions.
name them
they probably do exist but have little no no bearing on legislative decisions

which scientists favor the high defense budget?

>> No.9588557

I visited /sci/ today because stephen hawkins... was disappointed but I taught I was the only one to hate him ... >>9578756
this and because he is a business man posing as some fuck kind of saviour of humanity and christ.

>> No.9588802

I assume it's all the manchildren wanting to "work for video games" and take any 40k job they are offered that is dropping the average.

>> No.9588821

/sci/ doesn't like the idea of trains being the future as they love their chadcars, specially since nerds like to kill inside cars by strangling their victims with their fat and hairless thighs.

>> No.9588847

>Is he literally not the embodiment of what this board is?
Is he a dropout underachiever that jerks off to cartoon horses all day LARPing as someone involved in STEM?

>> No.9588955
File: 463 KB, 960x911, Cali_-_Arroyo_Grande_-_Walker_Co_-_Buckskin_Girl_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the reconstructions they do for unidentified bodies.

>> No.9588971


Both true, overall I think he his more + than -

>> No.9588975

/sci/ doesn't actually hate musk, they just hate his fans so much that they think they hate him

>> No.9588977

SpaceX, if you read between the lines, seems to be a cult. On it's surface it's just a private space company that is granted tons of corporate welfare, but reading Musk's totally wacky political theories you quickly understand he wishes to not only colonize Mars, but install himself as Autarch and totally engineer it's society.

He also recently got in shit for using his position at OpenAI to personally profit by stealing away their best researchers so he can fine tune Tesla's shitty autodrive.

>> No.9588999

I don't get it. Were they prostitutes, junkies or what? How can a girl disappear and no one even comes out and say "I haven't heard from my daughter, sister, cousin, girlfriend, friend in a long time, I wonder if she's alright"? Why does this sort of thing seem to be way more common in American than western Europe?

>> No.9589055

My guess is their relatives are either dead or completely stupid bums, or people just thought they moved out of the trailer park or living off the grid somewhere.

Also it's possible they just got lost in the system somewhere, someone is reported as missing in one state and a random corpse turns up in another.

>> No.9589059

Also these are ones that are by now notorious for still being unidentified.

Some may be illegal immigrants too.

>> No.9589080

>embodiment of this board
>the difference between Musk and the average user of this board

>> No.9589082

Assuming that he is decently intelligent, that would imply that he knows the hyperloop is just a meme yet he hypes it up anyway.

>> No.9589115

We need a crime board on this shitsite. That would be interesting and better than most.

>> No.9589139

How long till it would devolve into anons posting about their perfect crime projects on one half and conspiratard retardation on the other?

>> No.9589144

Just report them to the police ;)

>> No.9589149

might be fun actually, the party van can stop by regularly

>> No.9589163

Jealous losers who will never amount to 1/100th of Musk.

>> No.9589166

>hey /cri/ how do you frame someone for a murder? Just asking out of curiosity. I already know how to do prosthetic fingertips.

>> No.9589218

Tesla literal pay shills on reddit.

>> No.9589246

fuck off, I may be a /pol/tard, but I hve every reason to love musk.
At least he wastes overnement money on cool stuff, instead of financing LGBT parades, or abortion rights for gay otherkin retards

>> No.9589259
File: 67 KB, 330x559, 1452854663870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Chad businessman makes virgin STEM neets insecure

>> No.9589278

Tesla is a bad buisness

>> No.9589279

>Crime greentext stories
Might be cool

>> No.9589301

>and ignore everyone else working on his projects

Yeah I know when you watch a kubrick movie that you say "That was a nice movie by Kubrick + all the names on the credits"

>> No.9589359

They claim they have a marketing budget of 0

>> No.9589360

> successful youtube channel
> successful on youtube in 2018

>> No.9589375

This would be pretty good
They really need to purge half the boards on this site too. So many are completely empty and shit

>> No.9589383

you better not fucking touch /ck/ you asshole

>> No.9589405

100% accurate. FPBP

>> No.9589524

It depends on the situation really. It could be a junkie, prostitute, broken home situation like you described. It could also be that they are immigrants (legal or not) that have no family or friends to report them missing, since they're all in some different country. Also, all their relatives or friends might be dead. They also can fall through the cracks so to say, like >>9589055.

It probably does happen in Western Europe a lot more than you think, they might not be as publicized though. Here's two cases as examples.

I'm also going to link in to what I think is a particularly interesting case of an unidentified person.

>> No.9589549


>> No.9589593
File: 547 KB, 320x240, 1503392353977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wastes gov money
>I MAY be a /pol/tard

Making one post on /pol/ doesn't make you a /pol/ tard. If you really are, you would be vehemently against anyone taking gov money to pump up their PRIVATE business. I see you leaf.

>> No.9590306

because elon musk put a car in outer space and hiroshima nagasaki will never let us do that

>> No.9590328

>People treat him as if he has the second coming and ignore everyone else working on his projects

Lots of engineers working in the rest of space industry. Yet only SpaceX manages to significantly decrease costs. Musk and his management is the main reason for that. Without Musk there would be no cheap reusable rockets.

>> No.9590739

SpaceX just won 5 launches in a single day, including 3 from the government...

>> No.9591300

>le freemarket will solve it xDDDDDDDDD
>still has government contracts and subsidies

>> No.9591321

>le government will work toward improving space travel xDDDDDDDDD
>cost of launches has consistently risen over time while capabilities have decreased

>> No.9591327

>implying the government and private sector can't cock things up long term

>> No.9591371

Pretty much this, but I'd still rather live in the US than any other country I've spent any amount of time in, especially since this whole """""600k""""" for basic human necessities shit is a meme.

Get out of the city. I make $54k a year with barely $20k in living expenses an hour outside a San Antonio, TX, and I don't have to live in Mexico to do it. We can pretend like the U.S. is as bad any any of the Latin countries, virtually all of which are a hair's breadth away from being failed states. We might have school shootings, but you don't find mass graves with 50+ beheaded university students whose family couldn't pay the ransom popping up outside major resorts every other month. You can't walk down any given street in the U.S. and see a murder while knowing there's no reason to call the cops since they are on a cartel payroll, and the ones that aren't are so underfunded and under trained compared to the literal ex-special forces narco assassins that it won't make a difference anyway. Our politicians might be influenced by corporate greed, but they aren't literally and openly on the payroll of mass murderers who dump babies in vat friers and slaughter entire families for refusing to grow drugs.

tl;dr you've got a good point about globalization, but you're delusional if you think you aren't living in a shithole or that the U.S. is worse than anything south of Canada

>> No.9591728

He's full on /r9k/

>> No.9591766

It’s a combination of issues but primarily the real culprit is advancements in technology/automation. It might not seem like it but automation actually affects even the higher ups such as engineers in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9591836

>embodiment of what this board really is
Brainlets and talentless hacks?

>> No.9591986

accurate but you're forgetting pseuds trolling pseuds that applies to both

>> No.9591996

Because They are Envious. They don't like hard work and innovative thinking. They aren't innovative or imaginative. The only thing they have to show off is a piece of paper written in fancy fonts. I feel bad for some people, they can learn so many things and never feel inspired or motivated by it on a much deeper level. I literally can't pick up a book or learn something new without getting ideas of how to apply the knowledge and skills learned on how to make my own and other peoples life better. That's what Elon was, a dreamer, an innovator. He was an immigrant with a dream. He studied business and economics as well as physics. He knows how to organize scientists and engineers to get the job done. And even when given a big problem he reads every book he can get his hands on to find out how to solve the problem.

>> No.9592008

> innovative thinking
One of his "imaginative ideas" was the vaccum train concept that Robert Goddard had conceived of a century ago with a new coat of paint, an noone in their right mind would ever build because it would either be massively impractical or a financial bust even if did work.

>> No.9592047

Yeah and Adam Smith made the ideas for the assembly line but Henry Ford made it into a reality. And in that case, there weren't as good means of production in his day as their are today. And there were no incentives really to build such an advanced machine. An idea is worth nothing without a strategic plan to make it happen. We need people like Elon in the Scientific and Engineering community who act as businessmen making high end tech products look very attractive. Without them the world will continue to belittle us as just nerds who only do the math and coding.

>> No.9592064

Reminder that Elon Musk was fired as the CEO of Paypal because he wanted to move their UNIX backend to Windows 2000 Server.

>> No.9592074

>high end tech products look very attractive
There's no point in creating hype for over engineered and impractical bullshit, and the Hyperloop is exactly that.
Normal maglevs aren't commercially viable to begin with, but Musk goes one step forward and wants to put them and a track into a giant vaccum chamber, with all the complications there of. There no incentives to build such a machine because its comparable to building a submarine out of bread or a road out of solar panels. You innovate when there's a need to innovate,and not for its own sake; the has proven to be a good way to misallocate investments.

>> No.9592114

>specially since nerds like to kill inside cars by strangling their victims with their fat and hairless thighs.

Wow, i really should thought about this sooner. I've just been shooting them.

>> No.9592119

you fucking leave /po/ alone

it gets enough shit being next to /pol/

>> No.9592130

Soo...4chan is a bunch of hipsters?

>> No.9592615

>4chan is contrarian by nature.
No it's not you faggot

>> No.9592646
File: 45 KB, 300x200, cut-chard-stems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except 99% of the money isn't given to "pure research"

Well yeah, some of the defense budget is spent on guns and soldiers and defense stuff.

You seem tot hinkif we pulled the research part out of their budget,it would then be possible to get it handed to "pure" researchers that don;t hurt your feelings. Knowing how governments budget things, I think you're wrong. It would be folded into other programs like agriculture subsidies or whatever.

But I love you anyway; here, have some cut chard stems.

>> No.9592649


>> No.9592651

But it's a damn good scam.

>> No.9592658

This is true. Nobody ever goes to a movie and likes the job the director did, and likes the cast, and remarks on the soundtrack or the effects or anything being well done. You never heard anyone mention Tom Cruise, or John Williams, or ILM -- all they ever mention is how great Spielberg is.

>> No.9592660

We should send him a copy of "The Roads Must Roll." Just to see what happens.

>> No.9592662
File: 57 KB, 460x617, Your_argument_is_invalid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is.


>> No.9592860
File: 473 KB, 640x360, 7749585_orig[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>road out of solar panels


>> No.9592886

Case closed, you can shut down the thread now

>> No.9592895


>There no incentives to build such a machine

There could be, using vacuum tunnels enables much higher speeds on the order of thousands of km/s, because it eliminates air resistance. You dont even need a particularly good vacuum for that.

Hyperloop may be impractical currently, however I would not be surprised at all if something like that will end up being the ultimate evolution of train technology. Musk is not stupid, more like ahead of his time with this idea.

>> No.9592934


>Normies & reddit love and praise him.

reddit has a certain sizable community of braindead marxists who are really butthurt that a self-made billionaire is finally pushing spaceflight industry forward while making NASA look like a bunch of incompetents, completely at odds with their moronic ideology

>> No.9592940

>thousands of km/s
>literally all the complications of space travel as a train
At best he was saying about 700 mph, granted that's double current speed of the best maglevs. But thing is maglevs are much cheaper and easier to build and operate, yet there's still not a demand for them despite the technology being well developed and understood. Frankly if he really wanted to revolutionize transport he find a way to make maglevs commercial viable, not complicate them

Reddit also a certain community of popsci brainlets who also think he's le real life tony stark

>> No.9592951

It's jealousy of what they will never achieve themselves.

>> No.9592969
File: 737 KB, 770x768, space x feed africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9593448

It's not the same tho. In my country most of these John and Jane Does are immigrants from Africa or eastern Europe, prostitutes, hobos or very old people (probably no relatives alive), while it seems many of these UIDs in America are kids who ran away from home and their parents don't give a crap. I don't know if this running away thing is still a thing in America, but here it really isn't, and if a child does run away the police will look for it

>> No.9593453

(it's funny because elon is african which is how he knows that theres nothing worth feeding on that continent)

>> No.9593727

>wastes gov money
>offers 5 times cheaper rocket launches

>> No.9593977

Fuck off tard
>government won't fund my research and gibmedats for useless shit
>my work has no real applications

>> No.9593995


>fed africa
>population explosion
>things got worse

turns out you can't prop up civilizations with charity

>> No.9594273

But you can prop up civilisations with Elon Musks!

>> No.9594297

That would be envy, actually.