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File: 122 KB, 800x614, secondEugenics_congress_logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9578037 No.9578037 [Reply] [Original]

We know there are two main things that effect a childs chances of success.
It's simply not fair that some children are born with 2 parents and some with only 1. It's also not fair that some children are born simply with the potential to be smarter, stronger, ect than others.
Most fathers who don't take care of their kids didn't want kids to begin with and most parents who do have children obviously want their kid to have the best chances of succeeding in life.
It is not only possible not likely in the near future that both male birth control and gene therapy will improve to the point of allowing parents to not just choose when to have children, but to also make sure their children are most "fit" they can be.
Both /pol/ and liberals are always complaining about how dumb people keep having children, the best solution to me seems to just increase social acceptance of advanced birth control methods and Genetic Therapy which to many is seen as evil because it's technically Eugenics.
It's simply unfair that some people are born with 2 loving parents and good genetics while others are not and making sure everyone can have it will truly be an amazing achievement.

>> No.9578042


>> No.9578058

no politician would ever risk their career for something this controversial (again). why risk comparisons to hitler when you can make a career lobbying for industry. cute idea though

>> No.9578064

Genes aren't fully understood yet and so it would be foolish to fuck around with genetic engineering now.

>> No.9578068

>______ is too dangerous to mess with so we'll just chill until we know more about it
said no one that ever made any significant changes to science ever

>> No.9578105

And that's how climate change was caused.

>> No.9578123

>destruction of earth
>selective grooming of populations
Sort of a false comparison

>> No.9578152

We are literally doing this with plants and animals right now with great success and it is being tried in some countries with humans too.

>> No.9578154

>liberals are always complaining about how White people keep having children


>> No.9578156

That is why you don't call it Eugenics and simply say you are for "Gene Therapy".

>> No.9579747

Would every baby be a success if every other baby was an Aryan genius too?

>> No.9579791

Yes, obviously. In a world where everyone is born with limitless potential the only difference between people is their environment and their will.

>> No.9580479

Daily reminder that the fathers of modern statistics were all eugenicists.

>> No.9580483

That was before the jews destroyed the social sciences.

>> No.9581739
File: 10 KB, 473x216, HoloceneTemperatures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change
What a fucking brainlet

>> No.9581741

Is that you Sam Hyde?

>> No.9581764

>fake graph
What a brainlet.

>> No.9581785
File: 88 KB, 645x729, 1512047745019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9581853
File: 52 KB, 410x266, Holocene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9581869
File: 66 KB, 1024x661, regemcrufull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confuses one ice core in Greenland for global climate
>confuses present with 1800s
>probably doesn't even represent the one ice core it's based on accurately, but we'll never know since the graph has been plagiarized and mislabeled so much by retarded deniers it can't even be sourced

>> No.9582082


>> No.9582215

You don't have to gas anyone or fuck with genes to make eugenics work. Let me lay it out for you

>Offer one time lump sum payment of say, 20k in return for sterilising yourself
>This eliminates the entire next generation of welfare parasites, single mothers and other genetic refuse
>Compile a list of genetically well matched humans with traits you want to keep in both the father and the mother, while working to breed out shitty traits
>Offer financial incentives such as percentage mortgage reductions or lump payments for each child produced by a matched couple

Wow that was fucking hard. I'm sure I'm still Hitler for suggesting it though.

>> No.9582226

>Both /pol/ and liberals are always complaining about how dumb people keep having children
That's because they both think that "dumb people" is only the other side. Little do they realize they're both the dumb people who shouldn't be breeding.

>> No.9582248


>he thinks he can eliminate the welfare state in a capitalistic society that fetishizes economic winners and losers while forcing everyone else in the middle to be consumer zombies digging themselves deeper in debt with cars, houses, medication, school, spouse/parent death or abandonment eventually the cycle of welfare generation a new.

>> No.9582915

Implying eugenics isnt a thing in the west RIGHT NOW.

>> No.9583380

Ciencia & religión = superstición
La gente deforme siempre existirá. Aumentará o disminuirá en proporción a los cambios cosmológicos. no a las necesidades “humanas”

>> No.9583393


>> No.9585175
File: 51 KB, 720x766, 1517463331969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because for eugenics to happen you'd need to kill off 95% of the entire's earth population of sub 130 IQ brainlets so they dont reproduce and make more brainlets
Good luck hitler

the elite feed on dumbasses who can't control their money and spend on dumb shit. If people start becoming super smart then they're gonna realize all the bullshit going on and take the powerful elite out. So before you can even begin your gene editing campaign the media will start fear mongering on how your "Genetic War" will necessitate for BILLIONS OF FEELING HUMAN BEANS to die, and the masses will eat it all up because living creatures fear death.

t. Brainlet you'd kill for your genocidal campaign
Take the blackpilll and realize this world is wicked, unfair and disgusting and you'll start to get insight on why we'll never advance as an species and why we haven't found aliens yet.

>> No.9585301

wubba lubba dub dub