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File: 128 KB, 360x360, macs_ad_hoseleg_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9575469 No.9575469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are low wage workers supposed to do when all their jobs are ultimately replaced by robots?
Everything seems to be moving forward to a future where it's not a "what-if" scenario but a definite. And that definite is coming at an alarming rate.

t. a fagget who has been working at Walmart for 15 years and shitposting on 4chan for about as long with the notion that everything would be fine.
Even after people I knew who left for factory jobs ultimately came back to Walmart because their once-900-employee-company had downsized to 40-something because of automation. Retail just felt "safe", but with the onslaught of automatic label-scanning machines and backroom truck throwers, the Walmart ship is sinking exponentially.

I'm scared of the future, and I know it's my own fault, but I'm also pissed because all I hear is this talk of automation, but no clear answer for what the fuck those people in the retard job sector are going to do?

>> No.9575477

To be honest, dont worry about it. Worrying about it now makes no sense.
You dont really know what will be in the future.
If robots really replace a really high percentage of jobs, society will change. It happened in industry before, it will happen in other places.

>> No.9575480


mass exploitation/culling or more optimistically a return to smaller enterprises where people simply choose to make their own goods, do their own thing, and ignore economics of scale. the amish have been doing it for centuries.

>> No.9575489


unfortunately, the sort of goodwill, civic pride, and self-control (and yes, i will admit, religion) required to live this way has been ruthlessly beaten out of us for the past several decades by jews who think they know better.

>> No.9575495
File: 13 KB, 680x299, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up jews even on /sci/

>> No.9575497

to think that weird, catholic, mildly anti-semitic, even-weirder-than-me techy kid in high school was the only one with a clue... christ. we're fucked.

>> No.9575503


my power is maximum

>> No.9575510


well what do you think then?

>> No.9575517

universal basic income. it might not be fair, but it would be more moral than to let millions of people starve because nojobs

>> No.9575519

>has been ruthlessly beaten out of us for the past several decades by people who think they know better.

>> No.9575522

I'll be running for President in the future and I'll create a policy that if your job gets replaced by a robot then the government will pay you a lifelong salary so you don't have to work any more.

>> No.9575526


and even if most people have it in them to live this way without a massive global economy and maintain a somewhat modern standard of living, i doubt that the majority of blacks will be able to cope well. more likely than not, we'll see a lot of authoritarian policies and media spin to prevent this sort of collapse.

>> No.9575539

>What are low wage workers supposed to do when all their jobs are ultimately replaced by robots?

Starve to Death

>> No.9575543

Maybe I'm just not seeing the bigger picture, but how has it happened before in such a way that would reflect the future?

I could understand things like the invention of tractors making life easier, but taking the place of a bunch of farmhands. Or the invention of the printing press - the ability for books to be readily mass-produced more easily as opposed to a bunch of guys painstakingly hand-copying books or someshit.
Things like that may have replaced those kinds of menial jobs, but you still needed people to kind of operate said tractors and printing presses.

Here, you've got people who basically only know how to flip burgers or stock shelves (the retard sector of jobs). If they're replaced by burger-flipping, shelf-stocking robots, are you going to expect those in the retard sector to get properly educated to run complex machinery that has replaced them?

I feel like I'm missing the big picture in all of this.

>> No.9575546

>universal basic income

who's paying for UBI? you can't stop people from living the way they want to live. if people are forced into a lower standard of living than they can carve out without the help of the government, they will go their own way, make their own things. just look at the "off the grid" and "prepper" trends that whites love so much. that's what you're gonna see. those people aren't going to pay for UBI.

>but it would be more moral than to let millions of people starve because nojobs

people aren't going to starve because of nojobs. we can, and have, made our own way without a massive global economy for millennia.

>> No.9575557

The thing is industry jobs were "retard sector" as well, all the people who got replaced by robots there were not well educated, they were simple people like the service sector workers today.
But somehow their children and grandchildren got into other jobs and I might be too optimistic but I believe that will happen again.

>> No.9575559


buy stocks of companies dealing in automatization

>> No.9575570
File: 20 KB, 640x262, 2ndgrader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont do this!
Very few of these companies are safe bets. Its like solar energy etc. Very risky unless you bet on already big companies who also got into automatization processes.

>> No.9575575


in other words, people will tend toward living the sort of lifestyle they can maintain without help beyond the help they can get from their neighbors.

to force UBI will bring untold suffering. i'm all for helping out my neighbor, i'm all for charity, i'm all for the sort of tight-knit self-reliant communities. what i'm not for is an enormous authoritarian government siphoning the life out of people who are just trying to make their own way.

>> No.9575578

>low wage workers
the robots will replace the CEOs and whatnot

>> No.9575594

>>has been ruthlessly beaten out of us for the past several decades by people who think they know better.

let's not beat around the bush here. we all know it's jews. it's spelled out, clear as day in "a culture of critique". the book clearly explains the reason behind so many disturbing trends i've observed over the years. trying to find those answers is what led me back here in the first place.

>> No.9575597

But back then you could go right out of high school and get a job in a factory or mine or something where you could work for 40 years and retire. Even if it was menial work, a lot of people were on the same level at that point.

Now you need years of post-high school education and 2+ years of experience to pursue a particular field of interest to even get close to that feeling of getting that 40+ year career and retiring with benefits and severance and shit.

But at least there was the retard sector to fall on.
High school diploma or hell, a drop-out? Work at the gas station, pour coffee, bus tables, at least there's something.
But from the sounds of things, there are people who want to get rid of that entire sector of jobs in lieu of robots.

For years the internet meme of a robot uprising was in the Terminator sense - at least that was scary in an exciting way.
But it's like that world is becoming a reality in a different-scary way.

>> No.9575605
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There is a book about it, it must be true.
I expect these things on /pol/ or /b/ but not on the SFW Boards.

>> No.9575611


>> No.9575612
File: 142 KB, 453x366, Muslim family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9575517 >>9575546
>universal basic income

Aka giving free money to Blacks, Muslims & Single Mom Sluts to have 9 or more kids.

This Pic's Muslim couple living in Europe have 11 kids by the way.

>> No.9575613


and i don't even mind "socialism" necessarily. but that's not what i'm seeing here. i'm seeing people being taken advantage of, people being told lies.

>> No.9575620


at some point, something's gotta give. i definitely don't want to be in the way of that something when it does.

>> No.9575626


This is about Zionism, there are of course good Jewish people too.

>> No.9575633


yeah i know. some of my favorite professors are jewish. i have nothing against them, they're great.

>> No.9575652


Culture of Critique was about how capitalism degrades culture and exploits people, not about how to control the world and destroy civilization.

>> No.9575660

i'm sure the real picture is much more complicated than i understand too. how the USA will deal with it and how other countries will respond, that sort of thing.

>> No.9575661
File: 56 KB, 590x350, royal-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9575633 >>9575626
/pol/ often blames the Jews
>and cnn often blames Russia.

But in fact the richest elite in the world aren't even the Jewish Bankers.

Jewish Bankers are just Employees of the True Elite.

The True Elite are the Royal Families of United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, and former Austro-Hungarian Empire & France.

The heirs of former Austro-Hungarian Empire & France live in the German & French part of Switzerland by the way.

They are more powerful than EU, USA & Vatican.

And their huge wealth make Jewish bankers look like Hobos.
And remember Wealth is the true Power.

>> No.9575670
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I wouldn't be so sure about that.

>> No.9575671

>who's paying for ubi?
taxes of people who own all the robots

>> No.9575675


specifically, it was about the self-serving tendency of jews to be poor citizens by refusing to assimilate and asserting harmful political and cultural influence.

>> No.9575677

Service industry jobs probably won't be going anywhere any time soon. The jobs to worry about in the near future are white collar data analysis type jobs.

>> No.9575678
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Wealth is the true source of Power.

Because Wealth can bribe Politicians and keep them under control as Puppets / Employees.

>> No.9575691

Universal income, you'll be given an allowance that will provide decent living due to the fact that nothing will cost much anymore due to the machines doing everything for us.

>> No.9575701
File: 80 KB, 634x416, UK Blacked Single Mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9575691 >>9575612 >>9575517 >>9575546
>Universal income

>‘I can’t survive on £500 a week benefits!’: Single mother-of-eight says her children may end up on the streets after she had her benefits capped
>A single mother with eight children who receives £2,000 a month in state handouts has complained she is struggling to make ends meet.
>Marie Buchan, 31, whose children range in age from 12 to two months, lives in a three-bedroom housing association house in Selly Oak, Birmingham, but says it's not big enough and has applied for a bigger one.
>And she says her benefits payments, which were reduced from £582 a week to £500 a week in September after the government introduced a cap on handouts, are not enough for her family to survive on.


>> No.9575710
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>>9575691 >>9575612 >>9575517 >>9575546 >>9575701
>Universal income

>> No.9575711

Who cares, if anything you are a burden for the future society and eliminating you would be for the better.

>> No.9575715


so they'll pay us for nothing out of the goodness of their own hearts? that's awfully nice of them.

>> No.9575723
File: 21 KB, 600x647, 4ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But everyone will just get jobs servicing robots

>> No.9575724

what's the point of these posts? just because I despise someone and their ways of living doesn't mean I think they don't deserve to live because I'm not a raging sperg

>> No.9575727

>The government is going to hit me with a tax for using robots in my business?
>Time to move my operation then

>> No.9575730
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, Sam Hyde Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are low wage workers supposed to do when all their jobs are ultimately replaced by robots?

Doomsday Prepping until the upcoming Civil War when everyone will fight for survival,

Killing each other with guns, reducing the surplus of population, where only the strongest remains.

>> No.9575731

>implying they need universal basic income to live.

perhaps they do though, and perhaps that's the point of all of this. but i sense danger.

>> No.9575732

>implying you'll be able to escape the hands of the nanny superstate by then

>> No.9575735

Unironically more plausible than half the 'answers' presented.

>> No.9575748
File: 68 KB, 500x380, Top Shooting Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9575730 >>9575735
battle royale, death match., mortal combat

>> No.9575749


is this honestly a better solution than simply coming out and saying, "hey, we're gonna blacks to have fewer kids and everyone else to have more if this is gonna work".

>> No.9575775

I never said it was a good solution, simply that it was very plausible.

>> No.9575776

it's why we young adults should not graduate in easy subjects such as History and Biology anymore.

We Young adults should pick hard subjects who are more valuable to employees such as Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Applied Math or Solid State Physics

If you wanna become a Medical Doctor pick a BSc Physical Chemistry as Premed Major instead of Brainlet tier Biology.

The future is uncertain. But 1 thing is clearly certain, there will be a lot more competition for fewer jobs.

>> No.9575787

>there will be a lot more competition for fewer jobs.

precisely why mass immigration is toxic. importing talent or labor deprives one country and promotes ruthless competition in the other. it's evil.

>> No.9575822 [DELETED] 

It's evil.

Large corporations only want cheap labor force for profit, bribing politicians to push cheap immigrants on West.

What get's me mad it's because isn't a natural process, it's forced & imposed by our government who should protect us.

There will be ruthless competition.

The only thing we can do besides participating in a larger political movement is to qualify ourselves enough to the point that our jobs can't be replaced by others or by machines (for awhile).

>> No.9575827

It's evil.

Large corporations only want cheap labor force for profit, bribing politicians to push cheap immigrants to the Western countries.
What get's me mad it's because isn't a natural process, it's forced & imposed by our government which should protect us.

There will be ruthless competition.

The only thing we can do besides participating in a larger political movement is to qualify ourselves enough to the point that our jobs can't be replaced by others or by machines (for awhile).

>> No.9575875

right wing death squads

>> No.9575887

America just starting working on the fix. They just ok labs to work with cold and flu virals to create new ones that are extremely contiguous.Depopulation is the easy answer.

>> No.9575896

How about you make an effort and learn a skill you fucking retard

>> No.9575931
File: 2.50 MB, 292x376, Ebola AIDS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depopulation by Virus
Nice. But do you have enough money to buy the antidote/cure?


>Could Ebola and cold viruses combine to make some sort of supervirus?

>> No.9575937

Nature does by her self all the time. Dog flu witch humans can not get sick from just made its way to canada this year. But the virus can still infect a human and if that human has a cold the two viral exchange dna and create a new virus no human is immune to.

>> No.9575939

The economies that have the highest percentage of automated work are sweden, germany, japan and korea. All of these have very low unemployment rate, while an economy with much less automisation like greece suffers heavily from unemployment.

Robots increase productivity, not unemployment.

>> No.9575940
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We will need to create a democratic socialist society. Think about these corporations making use of automation. Does the CEO know anything about artificial intelligence and robotics? Do the shareholders have even the slightest clue about what a DNN is or how to even implement a fucking Bubble Sort?

No, they have no idea. Their "achievements" are completely and utterly firmly rooted upon the shoulders of millions of giants who were paid petty wages.

Once we enter a post-scarcity society, the ethics of the government situation will start to surround one fundamental question:
>Who gets to be in power?

The people, or people who were born into wealth or built things upon the shoulders of long-dead giants? I say the people, I say humanity, I say all life itself.

Does this mean everyone should receive equal pittance wages for their work? No, but it means that life on Earth must be provided for if it can be, and then what remains can be distributed to the most successful and ambitious people.

I say this as a high earner who likely makes significantly more than most people in this thread by the way

>> No.9575944

China makes everything you moron you can not use China as a example for the rest of the world.

>> No.9575948

So nothing will change except people might not go hungry. No thanks.

>> No.9575952

Infact that creates populations to sky rocket. Double no thanks.

>> No.9575955

Only if you allow conservatives to routinely spread propaganda regarding safe sex procedures and limit access to sexual healthcare for women, like abortions and free condoms and birth control.

>> No.9575958

I see you want a one world government. Day of the rope for you then.

>> No.9575964
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If we're talking about a world where unskilled labor has 0 value...
It's about what the upper class will do.
>Weath sharing reforms combined with sizable population control measures intended to give the worthless and unskilled a modest life while preventing too many of them from ever existing
Where anyone who wants to hop off the welfare state and make some emone has to get a university education and become useful to the machine in some way.

Or, killing the poor. Which i'm extremely worried about. Because it would require no overt action on their part. They are not sending bombs to the slums. They will simply create their own highly insular communities where CURRENT private property laws completely defend their right to hoard the bounties of automation. They live in gated, guarded communities where the streets are paved with gold. The stupid and the unskilled live in our slums, where they could be arrested at any time, get sick and die, simply starve. No one will hire them and they have no material means to provide for themselves. Even if they started a business, there is no one to buy anything. The Engineer class will live somewhere in the middle, probably as Knights once served kings, STEMfags will serve the masters of automation.

The scariest part about scenario II is that it is already happening and we have been moving towards it since, I think, the end of WW2.

>> No.9575965

I'm pretty sure I never said anything like that, but have fun with your straw man arguments you mentally deficient troglodyte

>> No.9575967

The complete opposite, babyboomers going into retirement means lots and lots of really nice jobs that need to be filled.

>> No.9575970

Been the plan all along.

>> No.9575974

But for that to work they have to have a one world goverment or they will eat each other trying to rise to power. Thier is not a other way. Unless they plan to fight it out for the Thorne.

>> No.9575976

>Implying that Baby boomers current jobs will not be automated and replaced by robots instead of younger people.

>> No.9575977

Love you to :3

>> No.9575979
File: 31 KB, 560x372, Geriatrics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geriatrics is booming. Lot's of new jobs for Nurses wiping the shit from Babyboomers asses.

Also brace yourselves for Life extension medication that will prolong the life of Old people making them retire later.

>> No.9575981

The retarded ones would simply have a non-automised economy on their own. The lords of the robots will probably not own 100% of the land, so there is plenty of space where non-automised markets will emerge.
You will have super highly-developed markets with lots of robots that are extremely wealthy and most people can follow self-fullfillment jobs (like blogger or photographer) and then you are going to have underdeveloped markets where most people are substinence farmers.

Oh wait, this is exactly what the global economy already looks like.

>> No.9575984

AI is more of a threat to jobs then robots. Countless jobs can be job with algorithms. And they are being created right now and are way better at doing the job of a human.

>> No.9575992

Ai will take over media photography pays shit allready so no. Farming will be fully automated in green houses. But hey nice effort sweety.

>> No.9575995

t. Luddite

>> No.9576015


Luxury Automated Gay Space Communism

>> No.9576021

>arguing with libertardians

>> No.9576029

how are you going to have small farmers when big corpos own all of the resources?
there are us towns that lose lawsuits against nestle for access to a water source in this day and age

>> No.9576040

Fight back now or lose everything. Simple as that.

>> No.9576043

not sure whether I should lament your naïvety or congratulate you on your optimism

>> No.9576047
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How though. Just saying "fight back" doesn't dissolve the corporatism legal system, doesn't magically grant you property or liberty, and doesn't stop the cops from shooting you when you defy the rules.

Ruby ridge.

>> No.9576048

Its ture and you know it. If we dont the future will be quite shitty.

>> No.9576051
File: 552 KB, 988x604, Yacht Fishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishing / Catching food from Sea.
Just buy a boat/yacht/ship and learn to swim & fish.

Fish is a healthier protein & omega 3 source

Companies could own Ocean, pollute & overfish it though.

>> No.9576052

Stop going to work by the millions take the power back goverment is rotten to the core. Once they dont need us we are dead plain simple truth.

>> No.9576055
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>Or, killing the poor. Which i'm extremely worried about.
>The stupid and the unskilled live in our slums, where they could be arrested at any time, get sick and die, simply starve. No one will hire them and they have no material means to provide for themselves. Even if they started a business, there is no one to buy anything.

Now you see why the time is right to start questioning the left's recent obsession with the encouragement of unbridled immigration, which results in a bunch of unhappy foreigners mooching off the "gibs" handout system.

Here in the US, we have our own dumb, talentless citizens to worry about employing in the face of automation.

>> No.9576057
File: 101 KB, 900x472, Large Fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9576051 >>9576029
If you can't own land then own the waters instead.

>> No.9576058

good luck mobilising millions of people, most of whom have families to feed, to stop going to work for a greater cause

>> No.9576060

new jobs
when cars were first invented, nobody knew how the fuck they worked
now any redneck retard with a wrench and two working hands can fix his truck

>> No.9576062 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 800x450, Ocean-Blue-Fishing-Adventures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9576051 >>9576057

>> No.9576068

They starve also. Its a lose lose and theu only way. Trust me they are evil as fuck and once they have the ability to no longer need 10 billion people the PURGE down to a few million begins.

>> No.9576078
File: 79 KB, 421x325, don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: lazy millennials talk about evading the Coast Guard eating mercury-tainted fish as a substitute for doing some basic research, getting off their asses, and learning a fucking trade.

>> No.9576088

>Government taxes based on citizenship instead of residency.
>Government signs agreements with other developed countries to uphold that policy regardless of where their citizens are.
>Only way to escape is to either live in a literal failed state or be a stateless vagabond.
>Both conditions leave you worse off than if you had just stayed put.
A future with widespread unemployment because of robots is a future with widespread powers of tax collection.

>> No.9576096
File: 343 KB, 468x688, Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 6.12.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the coast guard guards fish


>> No.9576099

>>9576068 >>9575730 >>9575875
Let the purge begin

>> No.9576101
File: 631 KB, 500x493, 1518951063232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't aware of the inverse relationship between resource availability and fecundity as a means of ensuring survival.

>> No.9576102 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 314x445, The Purge 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9576099 >>9576068 >>9575730 >>9575875

>> No.9576113
File: 328 KB, 602x376, South China Sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9576096 >>9576078 >>9576062 >>9576057 >>9576051
*China seizes international waters and blocks your Sea shipping route*

>> No.9576120

why do you post like this

>> No.9576123
File: 244 KB, 660x340, Owns your ocean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9576113 >>9576096 >>9576062 >>9576057 >>9576051
Oceans are already owned. You gonna pay taxes anyways.

>> No.9576155

>but you still needed people to kind of operate said tractors and printing presses.
Sure, but you don't need the same people or anywhere near as many.

Pre-tractors, a big farm took hundreds of unskilled manual laborers to operate. Post tractor, that same farm now takes one skilled person to maintain and operate the tractor. Some 50IQ retard is smart enough to swing a hoe. He's not smart enough to fix a tractor.

>> No.9576158

>Government signs agreements with other developed countries to uphold that policy regardless of where their citizens are.

Lmao governments can't agree on fucking anything

>> No.9576162

>what is the eu

>> No.9576164

That better be a fucking joke. A very bad joke.

>> No.9576165


>TPP (minus america)
>One belt one road expanding everyday
>Western patent law is enforceable in 75% of the world

If there's profit to be gained, governments will collaborate.

>> No.9576194

the point is they don't have to agree on every issue when they're in an alliance of sorts you fucking underage "the eu is going to fall any time now" brainlet

>> No.9576243


>330 million people use the euro everyday
>an additional 200 million use currencies pegged to the euro

lol fuckin eu am i right so fake and gay haha lol

>> No.9576461

>The only thing we can do besides participating in a larger political movement

there are no grassroots political movements anymore, or at least none with significant influence. there's only the circus that the media puts on for us to watch, and the people behind it pulling the strings. a centrally organized propaganda strategy.

>> No.9576478


the show is political busywork for the middle class. something to make it feel like we're being represented when it's really just a /dev/null to shunt our energy.

>> No.9576481

the media tells a story, and everyone else plays along

>> No.9576482

a thoroughly depressing state of affairs

>> No.9576498

So basically like the Industrial Revolution except you're being a big pussy about it and fear mongering because your brain can't figure out how to stimulate itself otherwise.

Seriously though, how do you have this question and not think, maybe this has happened before.

>> No.9576499

>a centrally organized propaganda strategy

in fact, this is pretty much certain when you read the manufacture of consent. the two-party system is an illusion. two sides of the same coin. reddit's show, "r/politics vs the_donald" is a perfect microcosm of this and 100% artificial.

>> No.9576507

you know, i've always had a funny thought. what are all those political science majors/researchers doing? surely they've caught onto this by now. chomsky and a few other jews here and there can't be the only ones to have seen through this. or perhaps its just an obvious open secret that anyone with an iq above 110 knows and simply accepts as a fact of life in america.

>> No.9576511

>you know, i've always had a funny thought. what are all those political science majors/researchers doing?
Mostly arguing with each other about what exactly constitutes "political science."
t. last-minute major change

>> No.9576512


it's weird. i don't usually spend so much time wondering what others think

>> No.9576516

>Mostly arguing with each other about what exactly constitutes "political science."

woah, and i thought java classes were a waste of time.

>> No.9576522


it's also rather frightening in a way. if everyone else does understand, why haven't they told me? do the people who talk about it end up at the bottom of a lake? to what degree are local politicians and academics aware of this?

>> No.9576524

If all people without at least X smart points are economically useless, then these people are culled or pitied and taken care of. If it's the latter, their offspring will either have to study harder (and believe me, people can work fucking hard if they're born for it) to not be powerless, or their offspring are genetically doomed and their would-be parents will be either soft-sterilized, hard-sterilized or their children will be biologically engineered to be on par with the work-capable parts of society. This process would probably crawl further and further up the intelligence ladder as automation becomes more and more powerful, and maybe boosted intelligence will race alongside it. Either indefinitely, or AI becomes better than the best human. When that happens we're solidly in sci-fi territory, and making further predictions right now is pretty pointless.

>> No.9576526
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When I was 15 I went to a Chomsky talk at the local unitarian church and thought the world was about to change. Then I realized he'd been saying that shit for decades and nothing changed. Most people don't care or don't want to understand. Unironically, I believe that state and corporate propaganda have done their job drugging the masses.

I still like to read him. I just wish it mattered.

>> No.9576529

I thought this is pretty well known and public? Maybe they think it's too far in the future to really start caring about in a "shit, there's no way to compensate for this" way, maybe they just ignore the consequences and focus on whatever their pet projects are, but I feel like I've seen this being discussed in public a lot.

>> No.9576537

Global Gay Luxury Space Communsim

>> No.9576541

The industrial revolution didn't really change that much. A farmer doesn't have much simpler tasks than a proletarian factory worker, maybe the reverse. The industrial revolution just made machines that multiplied output, AI is threatening (in the long or short term) to raise the skill floor of entering the labor force. If you are FUCKING STUPID and can only work with like, picking up trash with those grabbing claws, what happens when someone invents drones that fly around and do that at 10x your speed and 1/10th your hourly wages? Can you educate yourself? Maybe you can't, maybe human intelligence is relatively fixed in its distribution and a portion of society will always be fucking stupid. What happens when a portion of society is made unemployable?

>> No.9576542

(((They))) release a nanovirus to control the population

>> No.9576543

>I thought this is pretty well known and public?

it seems like there are a lot of people who take politics seriously and don't really understand. not that i do, but they really just go by what they hear and see on cnn, reddit, or the_donald.

>Most people don't care or don't want to understand

not someone who's normally inclined to political activism, but my toes are being stepped on. i wouldn't give a shit if i were content with the way things are and the way things are going

>> No.9576545

>by people
but thats wrong

>> No.9576554

>When I was 15 I went to a Chomsky talk at the local unitarian church and thought the world was about to change. Then I realized he'd been saying that shit for decades and nothing changed

chomsky doesn't even have the nuts to call 9/11 a false flag.

>> No.9576555
File: 242 KB, 1568x454, LPS_Lamp_35W_running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because I'm here and doing nothing on a Saturday night I'm dumping important links:

Good intro





>> No.9576558


chomsky seems to be more concerned with the rest of the world than with us. no, i'm bitching because i don't like the way things are here, not over vietnam or the middle east.

>> No.9576565




>> No.9576568

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVqMAlgAnlo&t=2s [Embed]

lol, that's pretty good, "behavioral problems".

>> No.9576569

The field of political science degenerating into petty politics always gets a smile out of me.

>> No.9576578

>>9576516 >>9576511
>Mostly arguing with each other about what exactly constitutes "political science."

So is political science the science of arguing?

>> No.9576615

The virtual / mixed / augmented reality industry needs people since it's experiencing rapid growth. Learn Vuforia, Unity, Blender, etc. so you can make virtual objects for the industry. Even if it doesn't work out, lots of media industries need people with experience in 3D art, so there is a backup industry to fall on just in case.

>> No.9576622
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1503305379016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got the philosophers, the behavioralists, the legalists, the classicists, the systemics, the optimialists, and the marginalists. Every single groups hates every other group and they would fight each other in the street if it were allowed. Political science has not changed one iota since Ancient Greece.

>> No.9576624

>people follow this advice
Good end:
>it works
Bad end:
>all those people fall-back on 3-d modelling
>that industry gets oversaturated
>worker pay goes down

>> No.9576643

You just described the exact cycle that happens every 15-20 years when kids start graduating and influencing each others' career decisions.