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9569914 No.9569914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are young people secretly conditioning themselves away from ideal women shown on TV and magazines?

>> No.9569916

/pol/-esque discussion topic tbfh

>> No.9569922

>Less people being persecuted for being gay/bi
>More people open to experimenting with gay/bi sex
Sexual attraction is heavily influenced by society, as society becomes more open, ideas previously viewed as deviant become acceptable and therefore more common.

>> No.9569923

They're making the frogs gay !!!

>> No.9569926

They aren't.

>> No.9569981

It's a chemical imbalance in the brain.

>> No.9570097

Protip: Hollywood standards of beauty are semi-arbitrary. As soon as you do worldwide studies that control for exposure to Hollywood, then we see that the Hollywood standard of beauty is something that must be learned.

There are undoubtably some things about human preferences for certain human body shapes, but it's far less precise than what you think it is, and Hollywood beauty is definitely not some genetically determined ideal.

>> No.9570271

It's actually pretty fucking weird how much kids rate themselves as being on the spectrum. I thought people were overwhelmingly bimodal in gender things. At least that's how all adults appear. Are kids brains just getting mutilated by tumblr or something?

>> No.9570301

Gender identity is learned

>> No.9570395

It's physiological.

>> No.9570398

we are trying to transcend our biology

>> No.9570402

You spend way too much time on 4chan

>> No.9570403

Lack of Morals

>> No.9570410

>Are young people secretly conditioning themselves away from ideal women shown on TV and magazines?
Traps embrace gender stereotypes and hypersignal them, making them more attractive than the average woman who does not try very hard to look feminine.

>> No.9570411

>As soon as you do worldwide studies that control for exposure to Hollywood, then we see that the Hollywood standard of beauty is something that must be learned.
math is something that must be learned
physics is something that must be learned

so what

>> No.9570445

>being this delusional

>> No.9570579

We live in a mentally retarded society. People wanted to be engineers, mathematicians, physicists, teachers, etc. But now they want to be a woman/man.

>> No.9570585
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>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics
what have you done to my board

>> No.9570761
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What a man finds attractive in a woman and what a woman finds attractive in a woman doesn't usually line up very well, and the same goes the other way
Therefore traps quite literally are better women than women to men

>> No.9571009
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I told you man. You gotta force the captcha people to make the users solve complex equations to preserve the sanctity of the board.

>> No.9571033

It's for the most part learned. Physiology will determine you physical sex but gender identity, gender roles, and to an extent sexuality, are mostly cultural. The reason we tend to mostly see binary genders and sexuality is because of simplicity and that anything deviating from the norm in primitive societies are very brutally beaten back into place.
>Be Ubuntu
>Fall in love with another man
>Tribe finds out
>Rather than getting to adopt the orphaned son of Nikinama and live a happy life I get my dick literally skinned and husband killed by having fire ants poured down his asshole.

>> No.9571057

>gender identity, gender roles, and to an extent sexuality, are mostly cultural
i dunno man. it doesn't seem right that all the kinds of activities i like or dislike, or all the people giving me raging boners or making me wanna puke, all have little to do with genetics and physiological development.

>> No.9571067

Activities, most definitely cultural.
Sexual attraction, a combination of genetics and culture.

>> No.9571081

As someone who is actually into traps and has done some serious introspection and meditation on the subject, I believe that it's because men like myself are embittered by the various rejections and failures we've had with women. It's more of a power thing: by preferring traps I am not allowing a woman to have control over me, even if it is through porn.

I mean, I've had sex with 3 different women, but I've never had a girlfriend and I know that I hate women for what my ex did to me.

>> No.9571083

sorry, meant to say a good girlfriend. My ex cheated on me while I was out of state and I haven't dated since.

>> No.9571095

I just like dicks and boobies. I have a gf with a vagina tho.

>> No.9571098

Sorry to hear man. Too many people are soulless. Interesting anecdote tho. In retrospect, even if you didn't have any relationships, do you think you'd find traps somewhat arousing? In other words, was it always there, and just more intense now?

>> No.9571108

Probably so. I've read another theory that it's about asserting your dominance over a weaker male, which definitely makes sense.

>> No.9571115

If a standard of beauty must be learned, then that's pretty good evidence that it's not "ideal" in the sense of the OP.

>> No.9571118

That doesn't apply to me (>>9571095) at all. I see them entirely as women. Maybe it's the taboo aspect, or the power associated with a dick. For me at least, everyone has their own thing.

>> No.9571126

You just said you like dicks. Whether you consciously realize it or not, you symbolize that with masculinity.