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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9567810 No.9567810 [Reply] [Original]

>Get in here:

>> No.9567831
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>> No.9567837
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>except in Scandinavia
>for some reason


>> No.9567844

I anecdotally don't believe this.
Instead I think humanity is getting better at doing IQ tests.

>> No.9567848

Either that or the fact that it's hard to measure IQ precisely, it's not like measuring nation's average height. Could be a matter of people selection as well.

>> No.9567850

Isn't the test designed such that the median and average is always at 100? IQ is meant to be relative to the average, so this doesn't make sense.

>> No.9567859

No, it's calibrated to be 100 on the reference population.

>> No.9568127
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IQ means nothing anyway.

>> No.9568151

It is. The absolute state of social """""sciences"""""

>> No.9568947

Germany's is going up so it's probably not your hypothesis
Nice try though

>> No.9568962
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>generalizing Norway to all of Scandinavia

>> No.9569123

Maybe conscription iq tests raised their standards making it harder to get higher IQs. A lot of countries don't have conscription, and a lot of people that take IQ tests in other countries may be the people with higher IQs.

>> No.9569141
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New Zealand scientist James Flynn has discovered the alarming trend which shows that Norway and Finlandhave seen their median IQ drop by a point every four years since 1995, Swedish science journalForskning & Framsteg

Is this seriously serious?

This bloody article is saying "hurrr 10 IQ points dropped per generation", it's not even remotely safe to make that statement. Bloody journalist picking the scariest numbers they can find just to in some abstract roundabout fucking way to make another cheap jab at Trump.

>> No.9569147

It's calibrated to be 100 in the USA general population, with a variance of around 15 points I think.

>> No.9569307
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>> No.9569319
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>> No.9569334

The irony.

>> No.9569361
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It is due to globalist programs that destroy countries. These countries are bringing in inbred muslims from the middle east. Many can't read or write. Their religion also supports religious superiority where it is ok to kill and terrorize non-followers.

>> No.9569366
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>/pol/tard reading comprehension

>> No.9569375

The study in article:
>Key findings include that IQ gains vary according to domain (estimated 0.41, 0.30, 0.28, and 0.21 IQ points annually for fluid, spatial, full-scale, and crystallized IQ test performance, respectively), are stronger for adults than children, and have decreased in more recent decades.
So this study in fact suggests flynn effect is getting weaker

>> No.9569379
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Sand niggers. Europe has been importing too many from poor countries. Only a small percentage will benefit the local economy. The rest will live off welfare.

>> No.9569382

you seem very confident of your opinion, so why dont you go ahead and do the math?
check the current percentage of muslim immigrants in norway, for your convenience let's assume that their IQ is 30 and then calculate how much of effect they have on national IQ
not so high huh? besides, if you'd read the article you would've known that the declines have been reported since 1990s, were they caused by immigrants too?

>> No.9569390
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The European Union was formed in the 1990's. They are the main globalist organization behind flooding western countries with islam.

>> No.9569392


Did you miss the part where it said,

>Norway and the other Nordic countries have seen an IQ downturn, admittedly from relatively high levels, even while intelligence measurements in the rest of the world continue their long upward rise.

Which means other developed/developing countries are still experiencing a net increase despite the spread of globalism.

>> No.9569395
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>> No.9569400
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Syria, Afghanistan, Libya.. These are war torn countries. I highly doubt you can measure intelligence reliably in these areas.

>> No.9569404
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>Test difficulty has been reduced to allow for gender and racial equality in test scores.

>> No.9569410
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One principle of western society is freedom of religion. We should make an exception for violent cults like Islam.

>> No.9569430

so you do refuse to check the math for yourself
never expected more from a polposter

>> No.9569436

The degradation of western Europe is well documented. I personally don't care what someone believes in as long as they don't force others or commit acts of violence. Globalism is bad for countries and its results are laid bare to be seen by everyone.

>> No.9569441
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>> No.9569459

Do you not have any clue what mass immigration is doing
10 points a generation is the young turning close to 40% non-white, something you already see in places like France

The average IQ of the west is plummeting

>> No.9569464

The main of the scientific community is now againsts you on this one. Perhaps you would feel more at home on a different board; one that cares about your feelings.

>> No.9569471
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It's not about skin color. We are discussing two vastly different cultures that will never mix well. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion is banned in Islamic countries. It is no coincidence that they are often shit-hole societies. Just living in a constantly stressful shithole country is enough to bring down IQ.

>> No.9569472

Absolutely no
The Flynn effect ended decades ago, in places with more shitskin immigration they have seen greater decreases in IQ
Such as USA, Germany, France, Britain, etc

Yes non-whites have arrived since 1990's and before... Also widespread degeneracy/dysgenics have been promoted.

>> No.9569476

Why would you bring up skin color in a topic about race & genetics
Their culture is a product of their IQ's.

>> No.9569496
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Intelligence comes usually from the mother but it is possible to improve it based on the local environment. Iodine for example can help promote increased intelligence. Stress is also known to decrease IQ so environment does matter! Indoctrination into death cults like Islam does not help humanity and is very difficult to fight. Just say no to cults.

>> No.9569510

You can make small improvements in IQ, perhaps, by optimizing diet & living habits. But you will swiftly reach your limit which is set by genetics.

These shitskins cannot and will not be a 100 IQ population, ever.
Also this is one of the fantasies of liberalists, that non-whites live so differently from us, that they lack all education, that their lives are so difficult or horrible.....

All school systems are the same all over the world, theres no magic schooling to raise kids intelligence.

>> No.9569532
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The old white supremacist idea. Hate to break it to you but you share the majority of your DNA with those of darker skin tones. You and your family live in the western world and has had plenty of time to adapt. Many immigrants are not as privileged as you but can also adapt if given enough time. Another way to raise IQ test scores is by studying for it and relevant life experiences.

>> No.9569534

Where on the map did Scandinavia touch you?

>> No.9569535

>Talks about "Western World" as if its something seperate from the white race

>> No.9569537

Fuck off back to containment.

>> No.9569540 [DELETED] 

>>9567837 >>9567810
Dumb Noggers and Muslims leaving 3rd World and immigrating to Scandinavia.

So Scandinavia IQ drops. And Africa & Middle East IQ raises (because the high IQ Noggers and Muslims stay)

>> No.9569547

>>9567837 >>9567810 (OP)
Dumb Noggers and Muslims leaving 3rd World and immigrating to Scandinavia.

So Scandinavia IQ drops.

And Africa & Middle East IQ rises (because blacks and Muslims with higher IQ stay on Africa & Middle East)

>> No.9569548

You people are so fucking supremely ignorant about history, about politics, about the world, and about what you are doing to it.

You know we are right too, you will just refuse to admit it because you are delusional utopian dreaming nuts

>> No.9569564

IQ isn't even standardised. Tests differ, evaluations differ, methodology in deriving averages differs.

>> No.9569588

France too.
And this isn't only about browns moving in. Smart people are having less children too (the Idiocracy effect)

>> No.9569592

IQ is literally normed. And all G-loaded tests highly correlate (like >.8). Even tests like the SAT correlate at like .6.

>> No.9570020

We also share the majority of our DNA with all mammals.

>> No.9570055

Subsaharan Christian Africans and Christian Latinos have a lower IQ than Muslim populations like Iraqi and Turks whilst they also have better free speech laws.

You're not making any sense. China is a totalitarian shithole when it comes to free speech and they're doing better in scientific pursuit than freer countries.

>> No.9570057

IOW: Europe is the dumping grounds for the dregs of their society. Fuck that shit. It's their mess. Let them clean it up.

>> No.9570133

Both Germany and Sweden took over a million migrants but Sweden's population is around 8 million while Germany's population is around 80 million
So his hypothesis could be true

>> No.9570153

Niggers are getting education?

>> No.9570290

>IQ scores rising
>IQ is relative to the average person, so by definition can not rise

>> No.9570420

You right, what I assume is that they are just testing a different pool of people that allows for a higher ratio.

>> No.9570558
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No bulli...


>> No.9570581

>The European Union was formed in the 1990's.

>> No.9570587

Why are reactionaries so retarded?

>> No.9570741

The experience of walking through China is just like any other large western city minus the fat obese Americans. They have modern sanitation, reliable utilities, and store fronts. The government sucks but quality of living there is very good if you ignore air pollution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQK13IAJi54

>> No.9570747

Nice false flag /pol/tard. Almost convinced me.

>> No.9570752

Reverse flynn effect been around in scandinavia since the 90s. It's just our BLACK brothers finally caught up to wh*Teoids, making 100 IQ correspond to higher intelligence.

>> No.9570758

What makes you believe human evolution has stopped? It's an ongoing process. Environment plays a very important role.

>> No.9570771

Only leftists think that human evolution has stoped.

>> No.9571160
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>> No.9571196

Can't confirm. Graduated school ten years ago, and absolutely everyone I've been talking to about the topic says that current school graduates are dumb as bricks.

>> No.9571202
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It's interesting that decades ago, the Right was the creationist/obscurantist faction. Now, it's the Left.

>> No.9571229

Because it already is at the top silly.

>> No.9571232

Also everywhere else in the world is getting better.

>whilst they also have better free speech laws.


>> No.9571396
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They’re taking over

>> No.9571578

Not really, you see explosive population growth of the lowest IQ's throughout the world

This is what has destroyed civilizations in history, the low IQ groups growing while the high IQ groups shrink.

Once upon a time Egypt, Iraq, Italy, India, etc had high IQ groups who maintained civilization there.

There is nothing new about these communist views of the left, this is the egalitarianism that they proposed 300 years ago.

>> No.9571643

Forget immigrants, lets talk about the native shitskins in white countries being dumb fucks compared to the white majority. Affirmative Action is the only reason intelligent blacks even get jobs in the first place since we have far more intelligent whites than them.

>> No.9571652

They did not denied sex and race differences in the URSS.

>> No.9571656

*did not deny

>> No.9571734
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>> No.9571897
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>> No.9572070

This but unironically

>> No.9572090

once you hit the max level, you stop leveling.

>> No.9573033

O hay look, another IQ thread on /sci/

>> No.9573571

>This is what has destroyed civilizations in history, the low IQ groups growing while the high IQ groups shrink.
Ahem women destroy civilizations, prime example Rome, next example Germany/Sweden

>> No.9573823

women are low iq, so you're both correct... and wrong: it's actually the jews that cause societal collapse

>> No.9573911

Would a change in Scandinavian IQ have anything to do with recent changes to the population in Scandinavia?