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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9561065 No.9561065 [Reply] [Original]

How and why did some dinosaurs, and later mammals and finally humans become bipedal?
I understand that that enabled for hands and climbing and tools usage etc. but which characteristic was it, that was inherited throughout generations? Like was/were it gene/s that allowed stronger lags etc.

What I mean, how for example crabs develop larger pincers because those with genes that gave them bigger pincers granted them a higher chance of survival and thus the pincers grew bigger because the genes of the crab were passed down and so on, you should know by now what I mean.

>> No.9561201

Tall grass.

>> No.9561209

Grass didn't exist yet when dinosaurs roamed the Earth

Bipedal walking and running is more efficient energy-wise

>> No.9561219

yeah that is one way to become bipedal, like prairie dogs.
another possibility is like how monkeys are descending from the trees while swinging on branches.

>> No.9561227

epigenetic stress response

The Truth About Evolution

>> No.9561234

steppes did exist

>> No.9561264

yes, i wonder how they looked like though without any grasses

>> No.9562371
File: 517 KB, 530x427, zmexYd71qbmptuo2_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bipedal dinosaurs had long heavy tails for balance

Bipedal monkeys have tails for balance

Bipedal humans have no tails, Why is that?

>> No.9562996

grass-like ferns

>> No.9563157

>Monkeys have tails
>Humans do not have tails
>Humans are demonstrably no longer monkeys

Evolution proved.

>> No.9563164

You can spend calcium, calories and nutrition and time developing 4 legs, or you can reduce your costs by 50% by only having two legs. Two legs is extremely efficient. Maybe you won't have a high top speed, but save 50% calories for only a slight speed reduction?

With birds you have a massive weight reduction. Their legs are landing gear.

>> No.9563178

>Maybe you won't have a high top speed, but save 50% calories for only a slight speed reduction?

Or maybe you will.

Cheetahs are faster, but ostriches are pretty fast.


>> No.9563193

ostriches have minimal wings too which are used for some manipulation but mostly displays where they wave them around to look bigger. Ostrich is mostly two legs and a beak on a long neck. Rather efficient bodyplan.

To poison the thread I present Bipedal Mecha. Faggots always talk about how mecha will have six legs or some stupid number, when it is pretty obvious that two legs works just fine in the animal kingdom (and boston dynamics robutts) and there isn't much point in making a mecha more complex than it needs to be.

Bipeds are efficient and agile.

>> No.9563523 [DELETED] 

macro evolution is a pseudo science kike scam so your question is irrelevant


>> No.9563524 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 580x580, Pythagoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is the way the architect made it period and continues to make it, this reality is mathematical perfection the way the architect designs it

>> No.9563526


>> No.9563536 [DELETED] 

gas yourself kike this is scientific and mathematical fact period while you are touting (((theories)))


/ end of discussion

>> No.9563537 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 2000x2000, Alchemist12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We run this show now

>> No.9563563 [DELETED] 

you are in avatar a skin suit, your soul is light carrying information again this is scientific fact the double slit experiment proves this, so what does this mean? These skin suits are just avatars, an illusion of solidity when it is in fact loosely connected empty space linked by electrons given form by resonance from the source. This is a literal matrix with a creator and these skins suits and this whole reality is like the holodeck on the Enterprise on Star Trek, we are in avatars for our consciousness

>> No.9563573

prove it by killing yourself and visiting me with your soul, i'll wait

>> No.9563575 [DELETED] 

It does not matter if you want to be LIE ve this or not, it is a 100% verifiable scientific FACT

>> No.9563577 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 2817x5163, BlackSun10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to understand how all of this works start with this

>> No.9563578

primates that climbed down from trees and started walking on land were a huge gamble by evolution, that's why we're the only ones left

>> No.9563580 [DELETED] 

nice (((fantasy))) bro sorry this is not science it is science fiction

>> No.9563584 [DELETED] 

(((/x/))) is that way --->

>> No.9563590 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 512x234, cymatics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resonance giving "matter" form the aehter
>what is cymatics

>> No.9563592 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 1115x687, Dna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frequency my niggers, frequency, now come at me CIA niggers

>> No.9563596 [DELETED] 
File: 859 KB, 739x718, lookatme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now wtf is emitting this frequency? That would be what you call G-d and he does play dice with the Universe

>> No.9563601 [DELETED] 
File: 710 KB, 712x1006, kekThrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*does not

>> No.9563611

Vandana Prasad, Caroline A. E. Strömberg, Habib Alimohammadian, Ashok Sahni: Dinosaur Coprolites and the Early Evolution of Grasses and Grazers. In: Science, Volume 310 (5751), 2005, S. 1177.

>> No.9563618 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 500x500, blackSun5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the next question are we in some literal sim like Total Recall or is it just like a simulation? Is G-d the all knowing consciousness of the aether or just the fucking intel processor running this sim? If it is a literal sim wtf is outside of it? This is a fractal motherfuckers get your math game up infinite consciousnesses are we simply like viruses in a cosmic organic being? Is this planet a cell like osmosis Jones type shit or Horton hears a who? That is what you need to figure out. I gave you the meme, I gave you the science get to work

Impress us

>> No.9563639 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 736x458, desuboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather kick your teeth in while I am here kike

We are on the march bitch and we will burn this thing down before we let you have it, we do not fear reuniting with the all father, we do not fear anything. We will do what our purpose here is, beat your ass into submission you cancerous fucker hermetics, polarity, the eternal struggle the fist noble truth. You are the disease and we are the antibodies We are cocked locked and ready to lock, let's get it on

>> No.9563681 [DELETED] 

Now this also proves reincarnation is scientific fact as well first law of thermodynamics, everything is symmetrical, cyclical, so why the fuck do we keep coming back what is the point? Well the Buddhists figured it out or at least got the information from the Atlanteans/Ancient Aryans read the dhammapada or emerald tablets of thoth. The emerald tablets may be a forgery impossible to know but the science is 100% correct. The theory some have come up with is because we are here to experience every emotion every life form to be able to escape this dimension to higher frequency and become an ascended master. This is what the kikes don't want you to know BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HERE TO WORK A 9-5 JOB IN VOLUNTARY SLAVERY then stare at a box for 5 hours being mkultra programmed only sentient 10% of your life. These cancerous fucks are stuck here because of their karma so they want your ass tuck here with them as a slave. FIND OUT WHAT THE CREATOR WANTS YOU TO DO TO ESCAPE THE MATRIX IT IS NOT THIS

>> No.9563689 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 862x864, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again karma 100% provable scientific fact. Newtons third law of motion first law of thermodynamics (in a closed system the matrix). Now any questions? Fuck this voluntary debt slavery, fuck bankers, fuck staring at boxes fuck typing on this computer, FIND OUT WHY YOU ARE HERE THE ANSWERS ARE NEVER WITHOUT ALWAYS WITHIN ESCAPE THE FUCKING MATRIX

>> No.9563776 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 446x446, HitlerBuddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have given you the greatest gift anyone has ever given you, true Gnosis, your purpose, you G-d back they stole from you. We are here to Rusher in the new Utopia for man kind SO SPREAD THIS INFORMATION TELL THEM WHERE YOU GOT IT (THE BLACK SUN) AND TELL THEM TO SUPPORT NATIONAL SOCIALISM AND WE WILL BUILD A FUTURE LITERALLY LIKE START TREK WHICH WOULD BE HERE ALREADY IF THE DID NOT STOP THE FUHRER

>> No.9563820 [DELETED] 

I don't know who you are or how the fuck you figured all this out but you are based as fuck my dude, how do I sign up to help you?

>> No.9563839 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 765x527, Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

support the Black Sun publication renegade I wrote these articles



Share the videos on that channel. Do not HIDE YOUR FUCKING POWER LEVEL. When we fly the swastika the symbol G-d consciousnesses we will not get many men but the men we do get will of the top most quality. When you are ready to serve a higher purpose, God's purpose and reclaim your birth right email me at bodhi.karma98@gmail.com

>> No.9563851 [DELETED] 
File: 619 KB, 829x483, LevelsNeverThoughtPossible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD IS TALKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW THROUGH ME his signs and symbols are literally everywhere, when you learn to read them you commune with the creator you see his will in a flower, in a tree, in a bird. Stand the fuck up God is calling you, get ready to march on the satanic entities infesting this reality the kikes summoned from other frequencies HUMANS ARE FREE get ready to march for your folk, your nation and YOUR GOD

>> No.9563862

Only way to look up. We invented the universe

>> No.9563875

Bipedalism is automatic for animals with sprawling limbs and high running speed. Mammals needed strong front limbs to dig out insects so the center of mass was closer to the head. More in How Mammals Run by Gambaryan if you can find it.

>> No.9563886
File: 46 KB, 650x429, Frilled-lizard-running-on-hind-legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9563951 [DELETED] 
File: 500 KB, 520x524, Neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9563962 [DELETED] 
File: 3.54 MB, 480x270, HaveYouFoundTheBlackSun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice image ty, nah, not for us this shit stops here it stops now my friend we don't turn back and we never capitulate, we are ready for go time at the drop of dime

>> No.9563966 [DELETED] 
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x668, OurPeopleAreEverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we aren't playing games just keep yourself and your people ready, they will not give up without a fight. It is them or us and we are prepared to do whatever it takes

>> No.9563970

We shall never slacken, and never despair.

>> No.9563977 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1280x235, FUHRER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our furher showed us de way

>> No.9563988

Try not deeding the trolls.

If we all did that, they'd starve.

>> No.9564006
File: 8 KB, 257x196, deer looking up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only way to look up. We invented the universe

>> No.9564010


>> No.9564035 [DELETED] 

>implying the deer is separate from "us"

>> No.9565576

Your forelegs just became arms, you dont save 50% calories.
but which inherited genes/characteristics tho?

>> No.9565611

>Your forelegs just became arms, you dont save 50% calories.
Compare the size of your leg and your arm, anon
Now compare their strength
Now compare the amount of time each day you spend supporting your entire body weight on them

>> No.9565709

I know /sci/ wil lambast me for giving you time of day but since unlike high energy physics genetics is something I can comment on, I will respond as as I am wiling to believe in your academic integrity.

No contemporary geneticist or biologist considers junk DNA all non-coding segments. The structure and function of DNA is extremely complicated and non-coding regions play important roles both within genes (Ribosomal binding site, shine-dalgarno/kozak sequence, promoter regions, intron/exon flags etc.) and outside of them (code for RNA (tRNA, microRNA, ribosomes etc), LINEs and SINEs, and as you mentioned, telomeres).
Whilst it is almost certain that some of the genome is junk/unnecesary, no geneticist would dare declare it so even with reasonable certainty, even triply+ redundant functions can cause problems down the line when knocked out.
Your surface level understanding of epigenetics is clearly misguided, let me try and explain through your example of the Galapagos finches.
You posit that "epigenetic code" may have caused the colour change in the birds. Firstly, any colour change must be caused by a change in proteins, either form or concentration, in the feathers any form change would be genetic, as for concentration...

>> No.9565711


But first, a crash course in epigenetics. The DNA helix is wrapped around histones, little protein cylinders, for tighter packing. Wrapped in this form, transcription proteins cannot as freely access the dna for transcription. these histones can be flagged, by methylation, phosphorylation and other, to either bind tighter or looser, allowing greater or lesser transcription of the genes in that section. These modifications are entirely reversible. But most importantly: [math]\text{For an epigenetic effect to take place the gene it affects must already exist.}[/math]

There is no such thing as "epigenetic code" genes make proteins that tag histones that control genes.

Apart from your complete misunderstanding of epigenetics, I will not comment on how the birds evolved as I don't know, it was probably a multitude of genetic and epigenetic changes.

I stopped reading at the first table: You cannot measure rate of evolution by number of genes because there is no rate, it is constant. 99% of mutations do not create new genes, they alter extant ones. And you cannot extrapolate from gene creation because genes can be deleted too. Trying to measure a rate of evolution is as bad as denying it because there are still monkeys.

If there's anything you take away from this, understand that you are trying to make sweeping claims about a field you do not understand at all. It is akin to me trying to say your physics papers are wrong while thinking you were using Newtonian mechanics.

TL;DR: https://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=2556

>> No.9565760

Rate of evolution does change but counting genes is still simply wrong. genome size can affect mutation frequency but the main limiter is population size and generation length. Smaller populations allow mutations to propagate faster while large populations allow for more mutations. generation length literally speeds up testing fitness.

>> No.9566062

thanks a lot anon

but still:
Which characterstics were inherited?
I mean those mutations were small changes that were amplified throughout the generations, right? So which was it

>> No.9566075

epigenetics are heritable from both parents. The presense or absense of proteins or hormones in the sperm, egg and uterine environment all affect gene expression.

>> No.9566548

To answer OP's question, the biggest misunderstanding of darwin's model of evolution is that genes are selected for survival. They aren't. Genes are selected for reproduction, that is, if a gene causes a change that causes itself to be more likely to be transferred to the next generation it will. It just so happens that survival increases reproduction chance/rate.

That didn't answer the question let me try again: The balance is extremely complicated and it is almost always dozens of genes at once changing, hip structure, bone density, muscle density, tail length, limb length, the point where the spine meets the base of the skull etc. Changing all of these genes that eventually lead to a bipedal body don't have to make the creature more bipedal, just fuck better.

Again, I don't know the specifics. Fortunately the fossil record for human bipedal development should be young enough to extract DNA from. If you really care try looking for papers that analyse those.

>> No.9566554

but humans do have tails anon, just not visible

>> No.9567890

Being able to grasp shit is useful and an acceptable compromise for the loss of speed.