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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 620x310, 0FA52E0B-5D17-492D-94DC-5C84118F0E84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9562782 No.9562782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Brainlets like those who believe in flat earth and anti vaccination conspiracy theories are like a disease of humanity. They should honestly be gassed before they reach a critical % to actively influence public perception. How can we eradicate these vermin in the most efficient way /sci/?

>> No.9562784

back 2 pol

>what!?! how did u kno i post there??!

>> No.9562787

>posting a round earth and pro-vaccinations thread on /pol/

>> No.9562866

The earth is a cube

>> No.9562900

start by offing yourself
oh right you're an eternal virgin anyway

>> No.9563073
File: 41 KB, 700x325, 1515271826768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is a torus you close minded brainlet.

>> No.9563083

The question isn't if the earth is flat, but just HOW flat is it really?

>> No.9563084

Easy, if they believe in anti-vaccination, their children are more likely to die. A campaign to promote homeopathy would also work too. A much more evil way of doing things is to exploit the nocebo effect. Tell the brainlets that something ubiquitous like wifi is making them sick. The brainlets will actually become sick due to the nocebo effect! We can make them sick with memes!

>> No.9563136

now this is a conspiracy theory i can get into

>> No.9563140
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>> No.9563152
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>> No.9563155

>Easy, if they believe in anti-vaccination, their children are more likely to die.

But so are the children of their neighbors. You understand herd immunity, right?

>> No.9563227

"The poor you will always have with you" (Matthew 26:11)

Same applies to the Stupid!! (If anything, their numbers seem to be increasing.)
Only in Lake Woebegone are ALL the children above average.

Read "The Marching Morons" by C.M.Kornbluth Cynical & depressing, but possibly prophetic.

>> No.9563479

You globecucks will one day realise that YOU are the brainlets.

>> No.9563501

>How can we eradicate these vermin in the most efficient way /sci/?

Why is /sci/ so racist?

>> No.9563506

>Eugenics doesn't work, IQ tests are racist
>How do we eradicate brainlets from the genepool

Pick one.

>> No.9563512

If you think about it, everything in life is faith-based.


>> No.9563518 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 781x691, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccination fucking peope up is not a flat earth tier a conspiracy rabbi

It is is scientific fact. I am guessing this a mkultra psyop. Subtle reinforcement. Associating flat earth with vaccines as "CRAAAAAZY". Nice try shlomo if anyone wants to know all about vaccines go to hunansarefree.com

>> No.9563522 [DELETED] 

sorry humansarefree.com I meant or even the renegadetribune.com will prob have some good articles on it

>> No.9563529

Flat earth is scientific fact

>> No.9563532

this you want this in your kids youre welcome. Oh thats right ur too ((("smart"))) to have children.

Nagalase, squalene, polysorbate 80, glyphosate (Roundup), e-coli, MSG, antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (cancer causing and used to embalm), aluminum (associated with alzheimer’s disease and seizures), glycerin (toxic to the kidney, liver, can cause lung damage, gastrointestinal damage and death), lead, cadmium, sulfates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone (used in nail polish remover), neomycin and streptomycin. And the ingredient making the press is thimerosol (more toxic than mercury, a preservative still used in many vaccines, not easily eliminated, can cause severe neurological damage as well as other life threatening autoimmune disease). These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissue, like monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of forcibly aborted fetuses), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain (1, 2).

>> No.9563560

>Brainlets like those who believe in flat earth and anti vaccination conspiracy theories are like a disease of humanity.

I agree. The same goes for creationists, race-denialists and postmodernists.

>> No.9563731

requirements to go on the tism spectrum have been lowered. why? ask /pol/

>> No.9564642

Aww, is someone upset that people are challenging the validity of their science god?

>> No.9564658

Normies get so angry over flat earth, you get so much vitriol for saying you believe the earth is flat you would think you just said something /pol/-tier abhorrent.

I don't believe in flat earth because I'm not a brainlet, but it's entertaining to get such a harsh reaction out of a benign statement.

>> No.9564665

We don't. They're good for the economy. They happily toil away their entire lives for their overlords, spend their earnings on essentially worthless shiny garbage - enriching the same people they work for, and produce many offspring who are as dumb if not dumber than themselves.

>> No.9564973

Just hope that global warming is going to be a much bigger problem than we realize. Extreme global famine should weed out the brainlets.

>> No.9564975


>> No.9564997

So what do you want? A list of ideas that are considered off-limits, and anyone who believes them should be silenced or killed? Who controls that list?

>> No.9565214
File: 161 KB, 2269x1710, nasaglobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believing in theoretical math and nasa cgi with no proof

>> No.9565410
File: 144 KB, 590x495, 1518303199232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all motherfuckers aren't even close to being woke

>> No.9565414

Education and time.

>> No.9565431
File: 28 KB, 480x270, 1515271617941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice CGI you NASA shill.

>> No.9565433

map projections and coordinate transformations and shit like that and you'll understand pleb

>> No.9565443

The problem is that if you want to replace a model or knowledge that is currently accepted as fact you need to provide a new model or knowledge that better explains what we see or experience.

The globe Earth, heliocentric, gravitational model is the simplest explanation of what we observe. Flat Earth attempts to replace this with a hodgepodge of explanations for different phenomena, some of it contradictory, some of it not matching simple observations.

As for vaccinations, they have been extensively studied for decades and we have seen the affect of their implementation in the near eradication of various diseases in our populations.

>> No.9565598


I understand that shitposting is necessary and fun but posting this crap is what brought the flat earthers here in the first place, please don't encourage stupid behaviour.

>> No.9565605

omg I'm hyped.
how far can we take the flat earth meme?
seriously I'm dying laughing every time someone mentions anything to do with flat earthers. just the fact the term "flat earthers" exists in the time I'm alive just tickles me to death kkkkkkkk

>> No.9565608

Well they got Texas right in 2012

>> No.9565620

Not the worst point. I don't think the average above average person would hate stupid people as much if they knew how to use them.
At the same time, my biggest peeve with them is how many of them are in my way. I'd still like to eradicate a good chunk.

>> No.9565650

You can't do it legally. We need a savior. Someone who's willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
I'm thinking private polling stations, but many multi-booth ones. You gotta put them all out on the same day cause people will catch onto them.
It polls you on your thoughts and can start out innocent enough like it's just asking political questions like were collecting data for election runs (do you agree or disagree with this new policy blablabla) but it sneaks in the questions like do you believe vaccines are bad / flat earth / Ben Aflack was a reasonable choice for Batman / etc and if you answer yes to those questions it'll gas you or stab you, but either way it drops you down a trap door into a pile of dead bodies.
This has to be built with quality. Soundproof private booths. Separate entrance door and exit door so no one notices that you didn't come out. And the fuckers better be dead. Can't have someone climbing the mountain of bodies and banging on the trap door.

>> No.9565654

You kno what? Fuck it. Flat Earthers Cruise so you can see the flat horizon out in the ocean. And then sink it Titanic style.

>> No.9565682
File: 59 KB, 479x640, Chad Virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad genocide

>> No.9565683

With any luck they'll all go missing in the Southern Ocean as they attempt to research the ice wall.

>> No.9565684

It might send alot of them underground, but lynching would send a pretty clear message

>> No.9565696

>oyvey there were never any conspiracy
earth is flat and vaccine companies bribed govs in europe into false pig flu and avian flu for monies
youre welcome to research both topics before shitposting

>> No.9566042

You don't get to a new model without a period of questioning the old system. During that period, OP is proposing to silence everyone who dares to questions established beliefs.

>> No.9566067

b-but it's fake CGI
>faking CGI video 24/7 for years

kill yourself moron, spare us the embarrassment of your existence

>> No.9566098

I'm not taking a stand on flat earth or vaccines because what I think is not relevant to the question I'm asking. I asked this question: >>9564997

It seems that anyone who questions anything is now a "flat earther".

>> No.9566132

Kek, that's not even a live stream and it definitely isn't 24/7. Hope you realise that tin can piece of shit is supposed to be going 17,000mph so around every 90 mins it should be in darkness.

Show me a video of an "astronaut" flying from earth to the ISS, with no editing. Would love to see that.

>> No.9566138
File: 154 KB, 1278x716, iss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that scene can easily be done with cgi. it's not a 24/7 feed. it goes dark or offline for hours at a time.

next, at the altitude the ISS orbits, you might be able to see some curvature but not anything like that ISS stream shows. If you imagine the earth is a ball that is 8cm across, and then imagine if you are a tiny person that is floating just 2mm above that ball (rough equiv of ISS orbit), you would not really be able to make out that there is a huge ball below you, your entire field of view would be consumed by the ball surface up to the horizon line.

So clearly they are using some sort of wide angle or fish eye lens to get that effect of the earth being a huge ball below them.

That doesn't mean the earth is actually flat, it just means the ISS live feed doesn't prove that the earth is a sphere, because they are clearly using a very wide angle lens, as evidenced by the curved solar panel in pic related, taken from that feed a few minutes ago.

So maybe you are the moron for blindly believing what you see instead of questioning it.

>> No.9566148
File: 1.07 MB, 1914x552, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fuckery

>> No.9566257

lol the ISS tracker shows the ISS is currently on the night side of Earth and has been for a while, but the so-called "Live" feed has shown it is on the daylight side for the last 30 minutes. Maybe it's just a loop of past videos

>> No.9566322

Gene therapy.

>> No.9566342
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We lure them all into a big rally.
>Get a proxy leader to head the rally.
>We Julius Caesar the guy on stage.
>One of us will come out wearing full battle armor while the rest of us dress like ayy lmaos
>They all have a heart attack and die of shock as their worst fears come true.

QED All the brainlets are dead.

>> No.9566448

It was the Catholic church that really spread the heliocentric model.

>> No.9566478

Earth is a line
You may not realize, but the path you take in life is just a corridor with images projected around you to simulate a 3D space, but you are just following a set path with nothing truly existing outside your reach
Wake up sheeple

>> No.9566523

>After a century repressing it because it threatened The Popes absolute power and domination over scripture.

What is your point?

>> No.9566572

My cock ring

>> No.9566581

True. On the other hand their very existence drives up the price of essentials like food, shelter, and land. Economists are still split on the question of moron eradication.

>> No.9566661

But something needs to be wrong with the old system first.
You can't just propose a new system with broken ideas to replace an old system that is working fine. Sure, investigate it if you want, but you can't present it as fact and try teaching it to people when it can't explain or predict things the old system can, when it makes claims on things that don't match observations.

The problem with Flat Earthers isn't that they are investigating the "flat Earth", but rather that they are trying to convert people to a patched together system that just doesn't work.
We have a working system with no major problems, what are they trying to fix? They're trying to fix their inability to comprehend scale. That's all.

>> No.9566718

We really need to give up this extreme cynicism or we're all doomed.

>> No.9566724
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>We have a working system with no major problems

Wrong. There are so many issues with it.

Here's a simple one. Long rivers that turn sharply in different directions. On a globe, this would mean the water would have to flow upwards as well as downwards, which is absurd.

>> No.9566727

Have you run a fluid dynamics simulation which supports that theory?

>> No.9566747

>On a globe, this would mean the water would have to flow upwards as well as downwards, which is absurd.
Up relative to what? Up as in North rather than South? Or up as in gaining altitude rather than losing altitude?

>> No.9566752

I mean you're just splitting hairs at this point. Overall the squiggles in the river are of no consequence when you're riding through the universe on a turtle.

>> No.9566779

You don't need to, you can use real life water. We know how it behaves.


What makes a river stream in a certain direction?

>> No.9566785

What makes you think water can't flow upwards?

>> No.9566791

>How do we eradicate brainlets from the genepool?
deadly drugs

>> No.9566799

>What makes a river stream in a certain direction?
Direction is determined by gravity, so from higher altitude to lower altitude.
What PATH that takes is basically least resistance. Usually that would be a straight line, but flowing within the river's banks is usually less resistance than making a direct line (short term) so things like erosion can change the path of the river.

>I mean you're just splitting hairs at this point.
No, I asked a very important question.

>> No.9566819

The properties of water.

Gravity pushes water up a higher altitude?

>> No.9566823
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Globe Model: Lies, CGI, and false theories

Flat: Real world observations and repeatable experiments


>> No.9566838

Throw them all under the launch pad before a rocket launch, start with the morons in this thread

>> No.9566845
File: 33 KB, 879x193, howstufftwerks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9566860

>Gravity pushes water up a higher altitude?
Water pressure can do that. I don't know why you are saying that though, we never determined it was gaining altitude.

>> No.9566868


>> No.9566884


That's not how rivers work.

>> No.9566895

Are you or are you not stating that some point of "down river" is at a higher altitude than some point of "up river"

>> No.9566900

That's what the globe model must conclude

>> No.9566901

Why is that?

>> No.9566911

Because of the nature of a sphere

>> No.9566913

And which way is down on a sphere?

>> No.9566919

Opposite of up.

>> No.9566923

So towards the center, cool. Now why does a twist in the river indicate that the river is flowing away from the center?

>> No.9566936

Are you implying the earth is a perfect sphere?

>> No.9566947


>> No.9566957
File: 2.71 MB, 283x260, 1518229822413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual shape of earth, crazy how nature do that

>> No.9566959

Then you have to conclude the earth is flat.

>> No.9566965

Please explain.

>> No.9566992

Because as rivers traverse the earth, they will be moving away from the "center of the globe", which is the opposite to gravity.

>> No.9566994

What why?

>> No.9567009

If the earth is an oblate spheroid for example, a river crossing the equator would be moving away from the center of the earth.

>> No.9567021

But what about the centrifugal force?

>> No.9567036
File: 126 KB, 1080x720, 1967to2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much progress and fakery from "scientists"

>> No.9567039


>> No.9567040

Isn't that assuming that it is crossing the equator at a level altitude so that no other effect is present?

>> No.9567057

He's complaining about us not havinh rockets better than the Saturn V now, when they were required for landing on the Moon and we stopped landing on the Moon.

I could point to an analogy with cars, we don't have many 6 litre V8s anymore because we don't need them to get that kind of power anymore.
We have more agile and efficient rockets now. The Saturn V was a brute force rocket to give us the thrust needed to get to the Moon.

>> No.9567060

Oh. Well shit he's a fucking idiot.

>> No.9567081
File: 318 KB, 1793x1891, Atmosflat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we still havent put man outside the van allen belts, the pic shows rocket tech in 1967 and spacex

>> No.9567085

>still havent
Except in the 60s/70s.

>a-apollo doesnt count because it was faked!

>> No.9567092

Former NASA data visualizer finally admits it's flat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u2RpK7K7Ww

>> No.9567093

And then remember that nasa's current operating budget (and I don't mean just shooting rockets) is currently only three times the cost of a single saturn 5. We are no longer in a space race.

>> No.9567097

Fuck I laughed.

>> No.9567114
File: 548 KB, 1705x2048, celestsphere2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

southern pole doesnt exist, southern cross does


>> No.9567160

Where is earths magnetic south pole then?

>> No.9567162
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>> No.9567165

How fucking high are you?

>> No.9567179
File: 2.36 MB, 1949x6192, origin of earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expanding universe and gravity all took over after ww2, nasa began shortly after and all other theories were dismissed, why did we take Einstein and von braun

>> No.9567185

Do you not know how wars work?

>> No.9567230

>southern pole doesnt exist
What? Just because we don't have a nice bright pole star like Polaris?
What do you think the Southern Cross rotates around?

>> No.9567238
File: 620 KB, 3834x2121, celestialsphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a celestial sphere exists, earth sphere does not

>> No.9567253
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>> No.9567255
File: 241 KB, 932x944, 1520237606075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general relativity is correct

>> No.9567322

Actually a hypercube.

>> No.9567460
File: 93 KB, 640x489, zfr2NTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not believe this, but the earth is an oval, its not perfectly round

>> No.9567502
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>> No.9567526
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>This thread

>> No.9567544
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>> No.9567551

what's he listening to?

>> No.9567594
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>> No.9567612

To Zanarkand

>> No.9567899

This is the point at which the flat-earther realized he fucked up and goes dark.

>> No.9567903

We don't know how, intelligence is not 100% inheritable. Furthermore, I'd be extremely wary of tinkering with humans' cognitive ability until we know without a shred of doubt how the entire genome works (ie never).

Just more intensive campaigns of education and ridicule ought to suffice to keep people from joining flat eart cults or kekistan.

>> No.9568098

Can't have a celestial sphere without a spherical surface. On a flat plane you would have a celestial DOME with only ONE point of rotation.

>> No.9568198

Well, you can but you wouldn't be able to see the opposite pole of that celestial sphere from the top of the flat plane.

>> No.9568204


>> No.9568218

>Indeed, for nearly three quarters of a century no such difficulties were raised on theCatholicside, althoughLutherandMelanchthoncondemned the work ofCopernicusin unmeasured terms. NeitherPaul III, nor any of the ninepopeswho followed him, nor theRoman Congregationsraised any alarm, and, as has been seen, Galileo himself in 1597, speaking of the risks he might run by an advocacy ofCopernicanism, mentioned ridicule only and said nothing of persecution.


Try again faggot

>> No.9568251


Says the brainlet that thinks rivers can run upstream as well as downstream.

>> No.9568268

>flat-earther has to build a strawman and win against that
>at the same time believing in the biggest and most retarded conspiracy theory
funny stuff, keep it up

>> No.9568289

>the earth is a sphere so rivers don't ever go up or down no matter how long they are or what path they take

>too brainlet to understand the benefit of lying about the shape of the earth

>> No.9568344

>ancient Greeks realize the Earth is round and calculate it's circumference to within 10%
>2000 years later brainlets fall for the flat Earth "theory" meme

hah, like i said, funny

>> No.9568374

>totally believing ancient history/thinking sticks in the ground prove the earth is spherical

>> No.9568441

push them off the edge, duh?

>> No.9568457

Ain't no edge kid

>> No.9568482

So you must be good at science huh?

>> No.9568488

if woman stop breeding with weak faggots

>> No.9568489
File: 3.00 MB, 1080x1080, source-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is not flat, obviously.

>> No.9568493
File: 290 KB, 866x878, More_Africans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we eradicate brainlets from the genepool?

Why do you want to eliminate 90% of all non-whites? That is just racist.

>> No.9568505


i definitely don't want to gas anyone, but i don't want to live in a madhouse where common sense and decent behavior are rarities.

>> No.9568508

there's plenty of evidence that the Earth is spherical, but when you spin everything to only suit your beliefs and anything you can't spin you ignore or is "faked by the conspiracy", you can believe in anything you wish

>> No.9568509

>a madhouse

figuratively speaking, i mean.

>> No.9568512

and flat earth theories are just a little more dubious than concerns about vaccination, wouldn't you say.

>> No.9568513

>you can believe in anything you wish
That's the beauty of it all. I truly believe that I'm a Lucario in human form and no one can tell me otherwise. Be yourself.

>> No.9568516

there's a name for this, delusion

>> No.9568571


Everyone who subscribes to the flat earth theory were once globalists for the same reason you are. It just turns out much of what we think of as space is CGI bullshit, you can't argue that it isn't.

>> No.9568614

if you can't read up and understand what you're looking at when you see a "space picture", that's your problem, you can find all the information free online
also, it's not really "CGI", but whatever, pointless to argue semantics

>> No.9568650
File: 99 KB, 960x686, Blue_marble_nasa_inconsistency[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These look real to you?
Come on, you must think something fishy is going on here.

>> No.9568659

you should read up on cameras and the differences between them, there's alot of them

cameras are not human eyes, not even close

learn about reality, or continue believing your bullshit conspiracies, your choice, i don't give a shit

>> No.9568669
File: 86 KB, 1600x900, Pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable to discern cartoons from reality


>> No.9568675
File: 48 KB, 480x360, iuLDGBUH79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean sterilizing massive amounts of Afircans?
Pic related
Don't forget that it's more about all individuals who throw endocrine disruptors in the water on PURPOSE

>> No.9569186

It's not even just that.
When it comes to digital photography different people do different post processing to try and bring out certain colors or give their photos a certain feel.
It doesn't make the subjects of those photos fake, even if I don't agree with the level of post processing that goes into some of the images.

The size of the continents vary due to how close the satellite (when satellites were used) was to the planet and how many images they used for the composite.

>why is their never any real video of the earth spinning?
Well, for anything that is in orbit it needs to be higher than GEO to be orbiting slower than the Earth rotates and needs to be about a million miles away to watch Earth rotate at natural speed.

If only we had a satellite sitting in a Lagrange point called DSCOVR watching Earth spin and sending several high definition photos per day.
Oh, but you would call that fake if it did exist.

>> No.9569249


>Oh, but you would call that fake if it did exist.

The fact it doesn't, doesn't alarm you?

>> No.9569275

I'm not particularly worried about not being able to watch a video of the Earth spinning very slowly.

>> No.9569365
File: 1.01 MB, 1255x5234, control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a global control system, you cant rise up and launch missiles if your calculations arent right, easy way to siphon tax $ to black projects and pockets

>> No.9569389

Then you're part of the problem.

>> No.9569394

At least I wouldn't call it fake if it was available.

>> No.9569396

Come on girls.

Flat Earth is a psyop made in 2009. Earth isn't an oval, it's a sphere. No, satellites aren't real.

>> No.9569403

Problem is you wouldn't call it fake if it was obviously fake either.

>> No.9569457

>it's not really "CGI"
It's literally photoshopped.

>> No.9569463

The best way to get rid of brainlets is to teach them.

>> No.9569493

computer generated and composite are not the same

>> No.9569507

As someone who is from /pol/ no we do not believe in flat earth I think that title belongs to /x/

>> No.9569518

It's the unadulterated cynicism that drives people to seek something greater than them, eventually leading the most susceptible among us to fall into this trap.

>> No.9569536

define composite image

>> No.9569550

Multiple photos combined into one image.
Like when you take a panorama photo with your phone.

>> No.9569553

Camera takes a bunch of pictures, you line them up, make one picture.

Or bunch of cameras take a picture, you overlay.

Most fucking pictures are composite tbqh. It's just the nature of ccds. But I'd bet my left nut you have no idea how a digital picture works.

>> No.9569587
File: 2.16 MB, 1720x8208, funked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9569666
File: 99 KB, 450x271, globe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debunked, this is your best ball earth proof?


>> No.9569672

>"perfectly flat" table has visible seams and warping
This video is pretty funny.

>> No.9569674
File: 2.02 MB, 2088x5888, rightleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's because it curves right over distance, so it appears curved from the left side!"
>"wait, no, please don't look at the right side. i promise i'm not an idiot. no need to check for yourself, just b-beleive me!!!"

>> No.9569684


>> No.9569690


>inb4 my drafting diagram that's based on the world as it is anyway.

>> No.9569704

nice meem

>> No.9569709


you mean the epic Lulz?

>> No.9569712

>stop believing in ancient history
>his whole worldview is based on one of the oldest book ever

>> No.9569717

That's the whole point of this flat earth business. Just rope in every other conspiracy theory with flat earth. Its a vial of well poison.

>> No.9569718

https://phys.org/news/2018-02-workbench-virus.html become an hero op purge

>> No.9569722

>false dichotomy

>> No.9569725

nice psyop, Satan

>> No.9569729
File: 75 KB, 460x645, 1518354224835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant post proof without cgi or unreplicable in the lab "theories"
break your programming
>doesnt know how a mechanical gyroscope works

>> No.9569734
File: 82 KB, 1200x1496, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it actually matters if they are in a completely straight line

>> No.9569743

>rolled satanic trips

The Lord is not happy with you

>> No.9569757

The Flat Earth movement was BTFO before it even got off the ground


This is so deadly to Flatearthers, they wont even comment on it most of the time, since they'd rather live in Cyberpunk fantasy land.

>> No.9569770
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 27579697_1547045738678477_8976817072700915712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9569797
File: 122 KB, 868x904, blueball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the "big" guys are actors, planted damage control, some of their "facts" they present have obvious pitfalls to discredit the true ones, we know the current fe model doesnt represent the position and size of southern continents but neither does the mercator and google earth is a cartoon above 400 miles . Lig

>> No.9569799

okay, then find a different shape and we can simulate that as well. Flat it is not.

>> No.9569804

It looks more like a heart to me

>> No.9569806

I don't think it's that simple.
There's plenty of smart people who believe different, really dumb shit

>> No.9569815

>There's plenty of smart people who believe different, really dumb shit
*Cough* YouTube Skeptic Community *Cough*

>> No.9569876
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me again how oceans curve

>> No.9569887

tell me again why you ignored this?


>> No.9569900
File: 366 KB, 3783x1741, SouthPoleHalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That model is wrong, different ppl are working on working accurate model, the sun and moon we see are a refraction of the true sun through the upper atmosphere, explains rainbows sun dogs, eclipses and many other visual anomolies

The google earth model isnt perfect either, and when you can control all the raw data since ww2 >>9569365

>> No.9569908

Nobody is seriously suggesting google earth is some sort of cosmology program. Its just something that you use to find your way to the job interview you have at Wendy's tomorrow.

>> No.9569912

It's not a genetic problem it's an ideological problem. The internet coupled with massive disinformation campaigns and the active promoting of vehement factionalism has destroyed society already, it's effects are late to, but the die has been cast.

>> No.9569913

*Effects are latent

>> No.9569924

>That model is wrong
>let me show you a video of literally nothing to back up my point

>google earth is wrong
>let me show you a video of literally nothing with some annoying asshole talking over it to prove my point

Wow I now believe you.

>> No.9570063

This is hilarious. Just mashing shit together hoping to get a working model.

>dunno if the sun goes in a straight line or in circles
>dunno if the earth is a circle or a rectangle
Has he even considered how difficult it will be to explain the Sun reappearing at the start of a new day on the rectangle Earth?
Has he even considered that even with a refraction explanation it doesn't explain why the Sun and Moon have a consistent size in the sky throughout the day/night?

It's like the proverbial blind leading the blind. None of them know what they're talking about, they're just mashing together ideas in attempts to make something work.
It won't be long until one of them has the brilliant idea to make the Earth a sphere to solve all their problems.

>> No.9570083
File: 85 KB, 1178x692, mirage 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only image globalists have, pretty pathetic really, it's all due to mirage.

>> No.9570092
File: 330 KB, 540x637, 1488527816897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charter a boat to sail around the antarctic circle.
Then charter a cheeki breeki expedition team (or a plane) to do the same in the artic circle.
One of these trips should be much much longer than the other if the earth was flat.

>> No.9570108
File: 108 KB, 1178x692, mirage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's a mirage.
But that mirage isn't affecting the fucking top of the pylons.

>> No.9570114
File: 278 KB, 1300x876, mirage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's called fucking perspective.

>> No.9570130

Perspective dictates that they remain straight until the vanishing point if the plane is flat.

But nice try.

>> No.9570135

Someone PROVE to me that the earth is not flat.

>> No.9570143

I see a bit o curve hmm wonder whyyyy

>> No.9570159
File: 59 KB, 450x440, laws-of-perspective-drawing_newspaper-art-word-text_Picture37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9570160

If Mother Earth was flat, her motherly children, women, would all be flat as well
Since women are curvy, Mother Earth must curvy, and as the Mother of all mothers, also have the most curves, and a sphere is the curviest object possible.
Thus, Earth must be spherical.

>> No.9570163

Yeah, and it doesn't show a curve on that as a flat plane.
Unfortunately, >>9570108

>> No.9570167

Its a "vanishing point", not an "overlapping point" dumbass

>> No.9570180
File: 27 KB, 530x358, angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how they're spaced out brainlet. Also, the tall pylon at the very end (very faint) should be at angle if it's on a curve, but whaddya know? It ain't.

>> No.9570186

If it is on a curve the predominant angle should be away from you.
Are you expecting it to curve left or right?
That'd be retarded.

>> No.9570194

Shouldn't be straight up brainlet, do you know what going over a curve means? It's not like the picture is taken straight on.

>> No.9570207
File: 24 KB, 451x432, 1519127967509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it have to do with race? Do you even know what a racism is? Jesus, you wouldn't believe how much you brainwashed dumbshits trigger me, always when someone say some kind of edgy joke one of you idiots come over and say "wow that racist". Ironically, this thread is about IQ (more or less)

>> No.9570209

It should be very close to straight up from your perspective, because while it is not directly in front of the camera it is very close to in front of the camera, so any lateral curve would be tiny.
It takes miles for the curve away from you to become apparent, from that row of pylons, so why wouldn't it be logical that it would require miles of lateral distance for a lateral curve to become apparent also?

If something is angled away from you it will still look straight, especially if you have no other points of reference (the rest of the pylons also look straight, they are just lowering in height due to the curve, they don't actually look curved or on an angle).

>> No.9570219

God I hate brainlets. Fucking slow the class to a crawl. Doing basic thermodynamics and the fuckers can't even transpose. Pure joke.

>> No.9570230


I thought the picture was supposed to prove curvature, and now you're saying you can't actually see the curvature)? Can't be both.

>> No.9570249

That's not what I am saying and I don't understand the logic that led you to that conclusion.
We see the effect of the curve on the heights of the pylons as they get further away from you.
We don't see the pylons actually change angle because the angle is away from you and it is difficult to see when an object changes angle towards or away from you, especially when they are very distant objects.
To see the effect of the curve in the angle of an object laterally it would need to be a considerable distance laterally away from you, aka you can't be looking directly at it.
We could use a wide angle lens to capture this, but wide angle lenses also introduce distortion, which you quite rightly point out when wide angle lenses are used to "prove" seeing the curvature and aren't properly corrected.
The problem is, if I took such a photo and properly corrected it then it would still be difficult to convince you that it isn't still suffering from distortion, so I am not sure I should bother trying.
There's also the issue that wide angle lenses are not very good at taking photos of things that are very far away.

>> No.9570268
File: 177 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-the-line-of-electric-poles-with-cables-of-electric-and-internet-in-the-part-of-rice-field-with-big-779150227[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We see the effect of the curve on the heights of the pylons as they get further away from you.

What makes you think this isn't simply perspective creating this effect? I mean, how can it not be?

>> No.9570272

>What makes you think this isn't simply perspective creating this effect? I mean, how can it not be?
Because I fucking told you and you posted a picture demonstrating it. >>9570159
As you can see they are straight lines.

>> No.9570280
File: 102 KB, 700x700, he2mxg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is obviously a sphere, but we don't live on the outside of it, we live on the inside, with the sphere center representing space infinitely far away.
Wake up sheeple

>> No.9570281

Kek. Depends how it's spaced out brainlet, as well as how far you can see. Because the ocean is composed of flat water (when it's still), there's nothing blocking you from seeing the tops of the pylons for miles (but the mirage will stop you seeing the bottoms). If there was no mirage, you would still be able to see the bottoms of the pylons not going over any curve. It's so obvious, stop denying reality.

>> No.9570296
File: 738 KB, 480x270, giphy_gas_normies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9570302

Looks like the pylons are pretty evenly spaced out to me.

>b-but theyre not!
You have no proof of that and if you look on Google maps they appear to be consistently spaced.
So unless you're going to go out there in a boat and measure distance between each of the pylons to prove otherwise the safest assumption is that they are evenly spaced and you're not right.

>If there was no mirage, you would still be able to see the bottoms of the pylons not going over any curve. It's so obvious, stop denying reality.
If you had evidence of this then you would present it.
But instead we have cases with no mirage and the bottoms of the pylons becoming obscured by the curve >>9569674
But you deny it because it doesn't confirm your model.

>> No.9570313

we're aware that terrain exists and that not everything is going to be perfectly flat and level.

>> No.9570322

Well that's a surprising admission.

>> No.9570324


Yes they likely are evenly spaced out, that's not the point. The point is they are spaced out, this is what creates the curvature effect.

The further away the pylons get, the more bunched together they become, further increasing this "curvature" effect.

Any picture of things going off in the distance across the ocean will be affected by a mirage line which is naturally created by the water, even if you can't see it clearly, it's always there.

>> No.9570326
File: 23 KB, 1178x528, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Earth is flat and the Moon is close how come we see the same side no matter where we are in the world? One observer who sees the Moon at zenith will see the same part of the Moon as another observer who is much farther North. If both observers see the same part of the Moon that can only mean that it's far away.

>> No.9570328

>Yes they likely are evenly spaced out, that's not the point. The point is they are spaced out, this is what creates the curvature effect.
>The further away the pylons get, the more bunched together they become, further increasing this "curvature" effect.
That makes perfect sense, on a curved Earth.
On a flat Earth there is no reason why that would create a curvature effect assuming a flat surface (like a lake).

Of course, the irony of a flat earther arguing "there's no evidence of a curve it just looks curved" is not lost on me.

>Any picture of things going off in the distance across the ocean will be affected by a mirage line which is naturally created by the water, even if you can't see it clearly, it's always there.
Not quite, air conditions contribute greatly to it.
And if you cannot see the mirage, is there a mirage at all?

>> No.9570329

Fuck even better, if the Earth is flat and the Moon is close then why does it have the same fucking size from Moon rise to Moon set.
They'll fuckin claim to have video of the Sun changing size but do they ever show an example of the Moon, which is far easier to capture the true shape of?
Nope. Strangely absent from their arguments.
The night sky continues to mock flat earthers.

>> No.9570336
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20171106_173324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moon rise to Moon set.

Moon rises and Moon sets are so beautiful. Took this image of a Moon rise back in November. Had a pair of binoculars with me and it was really cool to look at.

>> No.9570359


I bet you think ships disappear over the curve as well, but when you zoom in on the ship they come back again. Here's an excellent video explain how the water's mirage + perspective creates this effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWsuFLdgBs

>> No.9570361


Show me a video of the moon setting "behind" the ocean.

Looks pretty small to me.

>> No.9570370
File: 137 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_20171106_173945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks pretty small to me.

Well, my phone has a field of view of 43.7° x 77.7° and has a pixel resolution of 2160x3840 and the Moon has an angular size of 0.53° so it will only take up about 26 pixels on the sensor.

>> No.9570375

>Show me a video of the moon setting "behind" the ocean.

Or you can get your ass off the computer and watch one for yourself.

>> No.9570380

They will eventually disappear entirely thanks to the curve.

You make it sound like they didn't use telescopes when they originally made these observations. Losing visual sight of things that are still within telescope range is a pretty well known phenomenon. It's not at all unexpected.

>> No.9570383

>Show me a video of the moon setting "behind" the ocean.
The Moon sets every day. Sometimes even during the day.
You can pick a day when it will set, or rise, at a suitable time for you and go out and observe it. What would it matter if I posted a video? At best you would pick at some minor thing about it and at worst you'd just call it fake.
Use your own eyes.

>> No.9570391


Can't find one brainlet.


Oh so people who say they see boats going over a curve are actually lying then?

You need to see it with direct line of sight to fully see it set.

>> No.9570407
File: 33 KB, 500x380, fat alberto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't find one brainlet.
Too bad.

>> No.9570413
File: 1.30 MB, 2385x1580, DSC_2861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh so people who say they see boats going over a curve are actually lying then?
Yeah, most of them who aren't using a telescope are.
I mean, it needs to be a long way away, and a really big boat most of the time. Because of the nature of water it can often cause those mirages as seen in the video and some of the photos, so if you're seeing the boat sink over the horizon then it's likely you're just seeing the effect of the mirage.
But not once you have a suitable amount of magnification.

>You need to see it with direct line of sight to fully see it set.
Yeah, but you don't need to see it set fully to the horizon to be sure that it isn't changing size at all.
Apex to close to the horizon should have some visible change in size. And I have seen the moon rising out of the sea, which is basically the same thing.

>> No.9570417



Oooh, so the boats do go over curve, it's just you can't actually see that happening, even though it looks like it does. Or maybe they're just not going over any curve? Seems the simple explanation.

The size will change most dramatically nearer the horizon it gets.

>> No.9570444
File: 86 KB, 814x1056, Moon angular size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took two images of the Moon. One when it was 0.31° above the horizon and another when it was 16.63° above the horizon. No change in angular size.

>> No.9570448

>it's just you can't actually see that happening, even though it looks like it does.
>But not once you have a suitable amount of magnification.

>The size will change most dramatically nearer the horizon it gets.
But it doesn't.
That's the point.
Not only is there no visible change from apex to close to the horizon, there is no dramatic change as it nears the horizon.

>> No.9570458


Not the same size brainlet.

>> No.9570465
File: 56 KB, 1210x544, moon rise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.31° above the horizon

I should add that 0.31° is measured from the horizon to the middle of the Moon so the gap between the Moon and horizon is much smaller than 0.31°. The gap was 0.053°.

>> No.9570473
File: 27 KB, 450x278, perspecttive-angular-450x278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If perspective was the cause of the Moon appearing near the horizon then the angular size of the Moon would have decreased to a tiny point. Does it look like a tiny dot?

>> No.9570492

How does fe explain away the apparent 15 degree per hour change in the sun's position?

>> No.9570493
File: 97 KB, 1200x802, DQMOc2VW4AAMtM3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't pretend you even know what the moon is brainlets. It's not the same as the sun, it produces its own light which is colder than shade.

Also, how can pic related occur on the globe model, impossible trajectory.

>> No.9570500

citation needed.

YouTube doesn't count.

>> No.9570509

>Also, how can pic related occur on the globe model, impossible trajectory.

Nope. Not if the Moon is near the celestial eqautor and you're near the Earths equator.

>> No.9570511

It is impossible on a flat Earth though where the Moon circles above it.

>> No.9570520
File: 83 KB, 853x855, 1520471733225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>produces its own light

>> No.9570522


Mainstream science is scared of it because they can't explain it. Do the experiment yourself.


This is the blood moon, it's not the same moon.


Yes it does brainlet, can't believe you actually think it's reflecting the sun light.

>> No.9570525

>This is the blood moon, it's not the same moon.

It's not a blood Moon. The Moon appears more red near the horizon because the light from it has to travel through more atmosphere so blue light gets scattered more. The same reason why sunsets look red.

>> No.9570526

you are aware that our most accurate science tool is spectrography right?

>> No.9570528
File: 113 KB, 296x210, Moon-crater-Plato-nov10-2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes it does brainlet, can't believe you actually think it's reflecting the sun light.

Why do we see shadows in the craters then?

>> No.9570571

>It's not a blood Moon
Yes it is brainlet, reverse image search it.

>you are aware that our most accurate science tool is spectrography right?

That's an assumption.


Because the moon is illuminating itself from the left side.

>> No.9570590
File: 73 KB, 678x740, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the moon is illuminating itself from the left side.

Is the Moon glowing or is it like a magical force field shaped like half a sphere that illuminates it?

>> No.9570599

assuming what?

>> No.9570629


*right side brainlet

>> No.9570633


You're assuming spectrography is accurate for everything that emits "light". You don't actually know that.

>> No.9570648

we're better at it than we are at doing the calculations

>> No.9570656

By educating them

>> No.9570669


Doesn't mean spectrography is always going to be accurate.

>> No.9570676

Moon is transparent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f3v9xQkLzk

>> No.9570681

>>It's not a blood Moon
>Yes it is brainlet, reverse image search it.

It's an image of a Super Moon taken in Nairobi, Kenya on the 3rd of December 2017. Nairobi is 1 degree from the equator which is why the Moon is rising vertically.