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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 1024x691, Fakebutcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9552248 No.9552248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That would be so weird
This is retarded but cool

>> No.9552911

Please fuck off and never post again in this /sci/entific board

>> No.9552913


Could be a cool setting for a sci fi novel

>> No.9553003

This is by far the most retarded theory I've seen. Never post this ever again.

>> No.9553011

The Nazis loved this idea.

>> No.9553038

This, though the op should take this to /lit/ or /tg/

>> No.9553202

If there are multiple such ponds, does that also imply multiple suns and moons orbiting the ice earth?

>> No.9553213

The gravity would be massive.

But Flat earthers don't believe in Gravity so...

>> No.9553339

>flat earth
>on a round earth

Basically, all they did was make Antarctica 1000 times larger.

>> No.9553345

it's hollow

>> No.9553347

The Earth part is flat

>> No.9553356
File: 6 KB, 211x239, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a sphere made up of flat planes

>> No.9553367


How big the planet is if the "known" Earth is almost flat?

>> No.9553384

it's density mate. You know wood is less dense than water hence it flows upwards

>> No.9553389

Most scientists agree that it's far more likely that earth is an infinite flat plane, rather than a huge ice ball.

>> No.9553396

like surrounded by ice? Why don't we go explore the ice?

>> No.9553414
File: 42 KB, 945x500, tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Antarctic Treaty prevents the public from exploring Antarctica. The best you can do is go on a "tour", which barely goes into Antarctica (pic related).

>> No.9553427

But who's going to physically stop an expedition. Just get together with your flat earther bros, hire a captain to take you out there. They won't waste the resources to try and stop you.

>> No.9553433
File: 72 KB, 1200x478, major-russia-arctic-military-exercise-ends-sowing-utter-bafflement-1426878394[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many countries have military bases there. You have to get permission and there are no go areas.

>> No.9553447
File: 11 KB, 276x182, newton gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gravity would be massive.

It LOOKS like ice, but it could just be Styrofoam.

>> No.9553461
File: 259 KB, 1280x910, 1396892424480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Occam's Razor come into play in insisting the Earth is flat, then attempting to resolve all the contradictions that creates by coming up with a much bigger sphere to set it on? Because I think that Occam's Razor comes into play in insisting the Earth is flat, then attempting to resolve all the contradictions that creates by coming up with a much bigger sphere to set it on

>> No.9553467


Occam's Razor would conclude the earth is flat, there aren't any contradictions to this.

The globe model is the one that has to resolve all the contradictions (spinning, wobbling tilted earth etc being just the start of it).

>> No.9553468
File: 265 KB, 900x600, circumpolar stars from Elephant Rock, Australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many countries have military bases there.

Many countries have military bases in EUrope, what does that have to do with anything?

>You have to get permission

OK, do that.

>and there are no go areas.
Even if true, you are looking for a giant ice wall that stretches for many thousands of miles.

Or even just a quick glance at how the Southern circumpolar stars down there work would be sufficient. If there are not any, you prove your point. Hell, you could observe THAT from anywhere in the southern hemisphere.

>But... but... many countries have military bases in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.9553472

>Occam's Razor would conclude the earth is flat, there aren't any contradictions to this.

Wait, here's one!

>Those lovely, lovely southern circumpolar stars.

>> No.9553496
File: 286 KB, 1176x602, spinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The motions of the stars prove we are not on a spinning spheroid.

>> No.9553506

Odd. You picture shows the exact opposite of what you claim.

>> No.9553532


The earth is supposed to be rotating on its axis, correct?

Imagine you were standing in that photo. Try to picture the earth rotating on its axis while the stars make those movements in the sky, does it add up? Or is something wrong?

>> No.9553549
File: 198 KB, 1200x659, ST_IMG_0134-IMG_0193_great_falls_startrails[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star trails at the equator also make impossible movements if the globe model is true.

>> No.9553555

>does it add up? Or is something wrong?

The first one.

>> No.9553557


Show how it makes sense to you.

>> No.9553581

No. Actually the earth's area is infinitesimal so that it is flat locally

>> No.9553596

Star trails over the equator are straight and around the poles are circular. This is exactly what one would expect to see on a spinning globe. Thanks for proving flat earth false.

>> No.9553612
File: 343 KB, 1485x659, spinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The earth is supposedly spinning in one direction - which direction is it spinning to create these movements of the stars at the equator?

>> No.9553626

It's spinning as your picture shows. Again, that spinning means that stars above the axis turn in small circles while stars above the equator turn in large circles around the equator. This produces exactly the picture you posted. Star trails at the equator are shooting straight overhead, while at the poles they are forming small circles. A small child can understand this, so what exactly are you?

>> No.9553655


Stop being a brainlet.

The north and south stars should be facing opposite to each other, not side by side. Those movements are impossible on a sphere spinning in one direction.

>> No.9553667


You... do realize that's a panoramic photo, right?

>> No.9553671

>The north and south stars should be facing opposite to each other, not side by side.
They are. You can't see the stars directly above both poles at the same time (unless you use an extreme panoramic view). You can however see a lot of the stars because they are at least several lightyears away from you, so you have a wide angle that the Earth doesn't block.

>> No.9553682

>this /sci/entific board

it makes me laugh when people pretend /sci/ has quality content

>> No.9553701


No it isn't brainlet, it's a long exposure photograph, a panorama would ruin the long exposure shot because you have to move the camera.

>> No.9553719


Eh, you've ruined the suspension of disbelief that you're not just a troll, I'm gonna go now.

>> No.9553743


Provide a "real" photo of the equator stars movements, I'd love to see it.

>> No.9553794

flat earthers are actually cointel to distract from the real truth that the sun is flat
that's why they tell you not to look at the sun, it's all a conspiracy

>> No.9553805

>movement in a static photo

>> No.9553810


Ever heard of long exposure? Come on brainlet.

>> No.9553833
File: 415 KB, 2128x1180, Globe earth geniuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sound like these all these other globe earth geniuses.

>> No.9553841

>Google panoramic star trail
>get millions of results



Get fucked, loser.

>> No.9553863
File: 69 KB, 960x320, 360-degree-3-hr-startrail-panorama-Vincent-Brady-Photographer-Logans-Pass-Glacier-Natl-Park[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


y u mad tho

Panoramas show there's at least three circular star movements going on at the same time.

>> No.9553886

No, that's a 360 panorama, so it's wrapping around one of them.

>> No.9553887
File: 434 KB, 960x320, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 360 degree panorama

>> No.9553921

>at least three circular star movements

I count 2.
One visible, and other not visible below the equator. (north and south poles)

>> No.9553928

Utterly BTFO

>> No.9553935


How do flat Earthers explain GPS!??

>> No.9553940
File: 202 KB, 2128x1180, spinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, the panorama has been edited, it should look like this.

>> No.9553997

has every panorama ever taken on the planet earth also been edited? This is a massive cover-up conspiracy you're unearthing. You must be something super special to figure this all out by yourself!

>> No.9554003

holy shit kys stupid faggot you can do whatever the fuck you want there as long as you don't contaminate or bring guns, that's the treaty

literally illegal to have a military base in antarctica

>> No.9554049

A 360 panorama on a globe would have two equator shots, you'll only ever find one.


How do you think the protected areas are protected? http://www.ats.aq/documents/recatt/Att004_e.pdf

>> No.9554091

This would be a perfect high fantasy setting if the ice was inhabited by some kind of lovecraftian entity

>> No.9554318
File: 396 KB, 960x320, Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 360 panorama on a globe would have two equator shots, you'll only ever find one.
Once again you prove to be completely incapable of thinking coherently.

>> No.9554429

>for as long as anyone can remember, humans believe entire planet is giant iceball with the only livable area is at one of the poles, heated by geothermal vents or volcanic activity
>legend tells anyone venturing into icy planes is snatched up and eaten by gigantic beasts
>land is limited, and tho nobody wants to talk about it resources are running out, and the population is growing too large
>later an explorer discovers, most of the planet is green and lush and perfectly inhabitable, except it's over run with giant carnivorous Cthulhu beasts
>the perilous ice belt near poles is only thing preventing the beasts from finding, eating and rendering all humans on the planet extinct, but every now and again a desperate/hungery/weakened giant predator wanders the ice out of desperation, picking off any human explorers
>the explorer who made this discovery of the entire planet being inhabitable, accidentally leads a beast to the human sanctuary
>more beasts follow
>entire human civilization must now flee the sanctuary, cross the perrilous frozen wastes, and make settlement in the lush habitable lands currently occupied by tons of Godzilla/Cthulhu sized monsters

>> No.9554434
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 200 IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of /sci/. Just delete this board already.

>> No.9554457

Just delete the entire fucking website. It's not making a profit. It's not making the world a better place. Just kill it.

>> No.9555153

Blame! is better.

>> No.9555211
File: 420 KB, 1260x720, 1492291553139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.9555215

Clearly all computers are part of the conspiracy and the signals are actually broadcasted secretly from normal cellphone towers. They use the same "explanation" for satellite tv.

>> No.9555219

this desu

>> No.9555264

They actually claim that it would be cheaper/easier to do TV with cables than with a satellite.
As if they have actually priced up wiring an entire country.

>> No.9555266
File: 97 KB, 850x872, 1509810647650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat Earth on an Icy ball? Lmao.

>> No.9555298

Just because you're a newfag, doesn't mean that every board is like /pol/ or /b/

Please fuck off

>> No.9556031

The stars aren't moving (obviously they are, but not by enough to make a difference), we are. That causes the stars to make that circular motion. That picture is taken at a pole, yes? So what's the issue?

>> No.9556043
File: 20 KB, 595x441, sections-solides-10 sphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be possible to have a sphere and then shave off a bit to make a flat spot.

>> No.9556047

It adds up. Why do you think it does not? If it's just "I don;t understand it," your ignorance is not data.

>> No.9556630

I doubt this is a real conspiracy theory since it just jams all the "what if earth was x" theories together.

>> No.9556641

I did not think it was physically possible to come up with a more retarded theory than flat earth and yet again OP has shattered my expectations.

>> No.9556866

One nice thing about the regular ice wall theory is that it's an easy resolution to the question about where all the water went after the flood. It could simply have been turned into ice and added to the ice wall.

Also, people always say that "flat earth can't work because you'd fall sideways when you go south", but that's nonsense. Anyone can tell that gravity work downwards, not sideways. Gravity is the same everywhere, no matter where you are, it falls straight down, not sideways.

>> No.9556891

yes, but for flat earth to work, gravity would have to be something different than a force attracting toward massive objects. If earth is like a checker board, then gravity would be heavier near the center of the board, where it's closer to the most mass, while at the edge of the board the gravity would appear to be at an angle, attracting toward the center of mass.
Unless gravity is caused by attraction toward an extremely massive object far distant beneath the flat surface making it appear that gravity is parallel.

>> No.9556939

Why do you assume gravity works towards mass? Your own experiences should tell you gravity works downwards. You have no personal experiences that tell you gravity works to mass, all your experiences tell you it works down. Why can't the people criticizing flat earth theory free themselves from the ideas they have been taught about gravity?

>> No.9556955

The "gravity = buoyancy" hypothesis doesn't work. Objects floating to the surface of water only happens because of gravity in the first place. You can't replace gravity with buoyancy, because buoyancy IS gravity.

>> No.9556970

yeah it works downward toward the big mass. And it works for calculating the motion of the moon around the earth. and worked for calculating gravity assisted slingshots of Voyager 2 in the Grand Tour
What otherwise makes "down" the magic direction for gravity?

>> No.9556995

>Why do you assume gravity works towards mass?
Because people have done experiments.

>> No.9557088
File: 179 KB, 600x317, spergcube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9557093


0 countries have military bases in Antarctica, don't lie

>> No.9557161

Not gonna lie that is an interesting picture. How could you get that in montana? Astronomy is a little demanding on the brain but I would assume you'd be able to see the swirl for the north pole, but I'd expect to just see one massive swirl that just gets bigger until it's at the equator and starts swirling toward the south pole. Not a flat Earther but yeah it's interesting at first glance

>> No.9557174

What if I was to say 'gravity' was a synonym for 'buoyancy'?

>> No.9557183


Are there military personnel there or not? Don't lie.

>> No.9557191

Then you would be retarded.

Buoyancy is a repulsive "force" and gravity is attractive.

>> No.9557200


The stars could not make those movements if the earth was a spinning globe orbiting the sun, and with the sun orbiting the galaxy all at once, year after year.

>> No.9557204

Gravity cuck

>> No.9557255

>sun orbiting the galaxy all at once, year after year.
>The galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, is the duration of time required for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Estimates of the length of one orbit range from 225 to 250 million terrestrial years.
The orbital velocity differentials of other star systems around the galactic center are quite timid, and the distances involved between them means there is extremely little apparent change in the short term. The heavens will not look the same after a full revolution around the milky way, but considering that you'll have to wait a quarter of a billion years the changes aren't going to be overnight. Humanity's more detailed observations of the stars has been limited to the last millennium, the most advanced being within the last couple hundred years. That's peanuts compared to cosmic time scales.

>> No.9557264

I hate these threads simply because of the false information regarding visiting Antarctica etc.

t. USAP expert / Antarctica enthusiast

>> No.9557301

Inside the ice ball

could be hollow like a balloon,
so gravity would be lower.

or it could be filled with some lightweight liquid or gel (less dense than rock or magma)

The continents are solid & dense but could float above the liquid just like Ships in Water.

Because the continents could be a porous rock filled with air, so they float above a less dense liquid/gel just like ships float in water.

>> No.9557327

Seismology proves the Earth is not any of those things.

Unless you believe seismology is part of the conspri- of course it is.

>> No.9559295

>don't bother me while i move this here goalpost

>> No.9560082

oooohhhh.... the styrofoam earth theory, that makes sense

>> No.9560651

The arrows at the celestial equator are pointing in the wrong direction.

>> No.9560686
File: 323 KB, 1200x659, trails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9560767

the final redpill

>> No.9560783


Where do military personnel stay? That's right, a military base. You are the one moving the goalposts.

>> No.9560800


Now add the sun to this picture, how can the sun make the movement it does across the sky east to west?

>> No.9560819
File: 628 KB, 1920x1080, fire and ice dark wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This would be a perfect high fantasy setting
I mean isn't that pretty much pic related, adjusted for scale?

>> No.9560823

The planet is rotating west to east so the stars and Sun seems to move east to west from our point of view.

>> No.9560862

The stars and Sun are in on the conspiracy! They're only pretending to be moving as if the Earth was spinning
Don't you see, it's all too convenient

>> No.9560941
File: 1.90 MB, 720x576, sun bigger smaller.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does it look like the sun is moving due to earth's rotation?


Hush it, NASA cuck.

>> No.9560961

>Does it look like the sun is moving due to earth's rotation?
Yes. I suggest that you download space engine and play around with it. Download Stellarium as well.

>> No.9561031


Have done, you can't show sunrise/sunset as it would look standing from earth. Not interested in CGI anyway.

>> No.9561036

>you can't show sunrise/sunset as it would look standing from earth

But you can.

>> No.9561046

Prove it.

>> No.9561051

>Now add the sun to the starry sky

>at Night

>> No.9561072
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, sun path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561074

It's CGI

>> No.9561082

strange how physical calculations of what you can see on a round planet rotating on it's axis coincides so well with the night sky and the sun movement, huh?

>> No.9561094
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, gfhfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you agree earth is spinning this way?

>> No.9561102

That is correct.

>> No.9561116


>> No.9561118

yeah, cant be that you cant display motion in a single picture

>> No.9561121

Now show the sun when it's at its highest peak.

>> No.9561133
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, sun meridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561142
File: 66 KB, 922x519, 1519678865762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know it's you Hillary.

>> No.9561143


>> No.9561153

You can't prove Antartic exists, have you ever been there?

>> No.9561160
File: 697 KB, 3808x1080, dfgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So how does that work?

>> No.9561164


Bullshit experiment using lead balls (static electricity).

>> No.9561167

It works because you fucking turn your head to the south.

>> No.9561169


So you don't believe it exists? Weirdo.

>> No.9561172

You can't prove Zimbabwe exists have you ever been there?

>> No.9561173


What are you babbling about?

>> No.9561174

Why even try convincing these people, they live on another world
You could take them into space and show the Earth is round and they'll still say it's VR or some bullshit

>> No.9561178
File: 920 KB, 1500x1000, 2297142898_8fae4627e7_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking moron. It's a round picture that's laid out flat.
His picture is misleading. It's distorted.

If you want a picture of the stars spinning you need a tripod, a camera with a wide angle lens, and you need to set it for a long exposure. Meaning the shutter just stays open for a while. Digital camera are limited to 30 second exposures so if you want an exposure that last longer you'll have to use film.

>> No.9561184
File: 7 KB, 475x379, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561185
File: 514 KB, 1920x1041, sun path2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561192

recreate it with a setting without this fault and send me a hell lotta pics fag

>> No.9561195

How does that work?

>> No.9561205

So give us the real scoop. What's going on down there? Are penguins assholes?

>> No.9561242


Thanks for proving that it's the sun that moves, not the earth.

>> No.9561248


You've seen it here first folks
Alert the astronomers!

>> No.9561259

>Digital camera are limited to 30 second exposures so if you want an exposure that last longer you'll have to use film.
OMG anon, what is bulb mode in a reflex digital camera?

>> No.9561266


Yes it's flat, get over it.

>> No.9561269

your head is flat

>> No.9561281


Good one!

>> No.9561649

I thought gravity was the distortion of spacetime, leading spacetime itself to propel you towards mass...?

>> No.9561693

lmao who you trying to fool kid

>> No.9561713

>muh pol bogeyman

>> No.9561808

>>9561185 >>9561178 >>9561160 >>9561133 >>9561094 >>9561072 >>9560686 >>9553549 >>9553496 >>9553468 >>9552248

NASA Images Aren’t Real, This Is How Space Artists Create Them

>> No.9562350

Bullshit, this place is one of the last beacons of free speech in the western world.

>> No.9562444

It actually is. Which is pretty depressing. What happens when 4chan dies? There's other chans but they're smaller and the communities are scattered. Other social media sites are moderated to all hell and free discussion isn't allowed.