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9552269 No.9552269 [Reply] [Original]

What if aliens are made of antimatter?

>> No.9552312

Then they won't be landing here.
Won't even be approaching our galaxy -- or any galaxy we can see.


>> No.9552318

Then they'll blow the fuck up because of all the regular matter absolutely everywhere.

Even intergalactic space has enough regular matter to blow them up.

>> No.9552321

Is the galaxy racist against antimatter aliens? How can we correct this injustice?

>> No.9552326

>>9552269 >>9552318
They would blow up if they touch the Earth's air, water or ground.

>> No.9552347

Question for you: why do lifeforms have to be made of solid matter? What stops gas people from evolving on Saturn?

>> No.9552351

What holds them together?

>> No.9552355

I cannot stop laughing at pic related. My guts hurt. I am bleeding internally. What the actual fuck are these guys?

>> No.9552369

Critical theory based justice needs to be implemented for the cosmological constant.

>> No.9552373

A living being made of only Gas is impossible. Since a cell need long molecules sticking together forming DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, etc.

However there could be Bacterias and Viruses floating on clouds. Because there are Microbes floating in the Earth's atmosphere.

But Venus is too hot & poisonous for bacteria.

Uranus, Neptune & Saturn's moon Titan are too cold for bacteria.

Jupiter & Saturn are mainly made of Hydrogen. No life detected there. But there could be life on the icy moons as Europa.

>> No.9552375

The Bogdanoff twins iirc. Slav businessmen. They're big in the cryptocurrency world.

>> No.9552377

>gas people

what does that even mean? why do u think we are carbon based

>> No.9552384

I think he means like Elzar, that sentient cloud of gas from the Star Trek episode of Futurama.

>> No.9552387

Wait, his name was Melllvar.

>> No.9552394

>Then they'll blow the fuck up
Like drake?

>> No.9552400
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>Gas people
Fucking BRAPfags have gone too far.

>> No.9552404
File: 108 KB, 950x633, CzSUvuwUUAA_2Bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bogdanoff Twins

A PhD in Math & a PhD in Physics
Deformed by (failed?) plastic surgeries.

There is a meme that they could be 215+ IQ psychic Aliens controlling International politics.


>> No.9552407
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Bog Call

>> No.9552416
File: 177 KB, 602x1088, Bog Call 1 option.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9552407 >>9552375
When the Bogs call, you have only 1 option

>> No.9552444

Satoshi and Dorian Nakamoto, the inventors of Bitcoin.

>> No.9552454

That's what the alients wonder about us too.

>> No.9553432

I fully understand why they prefer to carry out all transactions anonymously.
If I looked like that, I would too!

>> No.9553451

We need to blow ourselves up to show solidarity with antimatter-kin and not let our matter privilege oppressive them or keep them from getting jobs. #anti-matterlivesmatter

>> No.9553459

a phony degree

>> No.9553497
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French tv stars. Too much plastic surgery. same thing that happened to mickey rourke

>> No.9553531
File: 61 KB, 808x468, covering3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Bogdanoff created as a meme to be associated with "frobenoid geometrie" to derail any inquiries into my own research regarding the modified cosmological?

>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model
MIRROR 1: http://vixra.org/abs/1712.0598
MIRROR 2: http://2occatl.net/1712.0598v2.pdf
MIRROR 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sXrFZhMo9OjoauL0SgAvpSxD_8qaAYi0/view?usp=sharing


>> No.9553571

The Bogdanoff twins are professional trolls.

They submitted a physics paper full of complete science jargon and it got accepted and published. They exposed the the pseudo-scientific establishment for what it is.

>> No.9553589

Bodanoff Affair

>In 2002, University of Tours physicist Mx Niedermaier emailed University of Pittsburgh physicist Ted Newman claiming that the Bodanoff twins had spoofed their PhD theses.
>Rumors began circulating that the twins deliberated orchestrated the hoax to bring attention to faults in the peer review system within the academic community.

>> No.9553595
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>The controversy began in 2002 when Max Niedermaier, a physicist at the University of Tours, emailed Ted Newman, a physicist at the University of Pittsburgh, alleging that the twins—who had previously had celebrity status for a science fiction television program in France—had spoofed their PhD theses.
>Rumors spread on Usenet newsgroups that the work was a deliberate hoax intended to target weaknesses in the peer review system employed by the physics community to select papers for publication in academic journals.
>While the Bogdanov brothers continued to defend the veracity of their work, the debate over whether the work represented a contribution to physics, or instead was meaningless, spread from Usenet to many other Internet forums, including the blogs of notable physicists.

>> No.9553604
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Bog Pill > Red Pill > Blue Pill

>> No.9553609
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t. bog pill