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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9550670 No.9550670 [Reply] [Original]

How is maths even useful? For example when you ask a mathematician what is the square root of -1 they will tell you it's some number that equals to -1 when squared, so they just tell you square root of -1 I'd square root of -1, or asked how many naturals are there they'll tell you it's omega, which they define to be the number of natural numbers. All modern maths is just telling meaningless and trivial shit and giving it fancy names. "A thing is a thing and nothing else", here, all modern maths summed up in one sentence, you don't need all the books and papers, since they contain nothing but this sentence worded differently

>> No.9550683


So you just discovered that mathematics is a human construct? Good for you.

>> No.9550717

Even worse, they say the square root of-1 is an IMAGINARY number! It's literally just there own made up rules!!! Math is STUPID!

>> No.9550723
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Mathematicians are like that annoying kid who always made up these fantastic counterfactuals.

You can't subtract three from two
You can't take the square root of two
You can't take the square root of a negative number
There's no number greater than zero but smaller than every reciprocal of naturals.

>> No.9550724

How old are you? What grade?

>> No.9550772
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ITT: autists make a convincing case for eugenics

>> No.9550793

solve x^3-5x^2+5=0
without i

protip: you'll have a bad day trying

>> No.9550849

>There's no number greater than zero but smaller than every reciprocal of naturals.
There isn't. Infinitesimals are just a meme and thinking "there's a positive number smaller than all other numbers" comes from poor understanding of Cauchy definition of a limit. God, teachers who say that epsilon and delta are infinitesimals, positive numbers smaller than all other positive numbers should be shot dead.

>> No.9550851

Hint: saying "the solution is whatever solves the equation" doesn't count as a solution, even if you use some fancy math runes instead of plain English

>> No.9550861

Nigger that's a cubic equation, it has at least 1 real solution, and if you look at it for 5 seconds it will have 3 real roots. But cardanos method uses imaginary numbers even if the result is real.

>> No.9550863

Why the homophobia

>> No.9550899

>that last one
I haven't seen any mathematical work that axiomatically assumes the existence of a rational that violates density within the reals; can you link me to something like that?

>> No.9550968

So called hyperreals, which allow infinitely small and infinitely large quantities. But hyperreals are just like wheels (that algebraic structure where zero division is possible) - a meme

>> No.9551141

>calls infinitesimals "a meme"
>proceeds to call others brainlets
gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9551158

>complex numbers have no real world applications
how does it feel to be this massive of a brainlet, there is literally no going back; the damage was done when you were born

>> No.9551159
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>responding with homophobia to nigger
how many levels of irony is that?