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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 150 KB, 619x425, cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9550047 No.9550047 [Reply] [Original]

Post examples of CS crackpottery.

I'll start:

> functional programming

>> No.9550051

Stop confusing codemonkeys with actual computer scientists. Not all of us yelled "WHY DO I NEED THIS" when we took calc 1

>> No.9550054


>> No.9550059

This. The amount of queers talking down on OOP is surprising on this board.

>> No.9550071

That's because OOP is shit. There's a reason it's not used in n high performance code like games and embedded systems like the rover.

>> No.9550082
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Everything the blue guy says

>> No.9550096
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>tfw want to major in cs but /sci/ always makes fun of them
f-fuck you guys

>> No.9550099

functional programming is actually good though

>> No.9550105
File: 66 KB, 691x682, compscidegree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad you said this, OP. I read a book on haskell a few years ago and decided it was retarded.

newState = someFunction(state)

there. do this and it makes testing easier because you don't have to mock everything. all the monad functor bullshit is just intellectual masturbation.

>> No.9550110

> newState = someFunction(state)

Oh my god, did you just use a VARIABLE? BLASPHEMY!!!

>> No.9550112

There's literally nothing wrong with intellectual masturbation enginigger.
Problem is, CS is pseudointellectual masturbation.

>> No.9550121

Computation is a dynamical system, and changes of state are at the cornerstone of every algorithm and other mechanism. Functional and object-oriented programming are two different ways of hiding this simple fact behind empty abstractions, when all you need to know about a computer system is how it changes over time and reacts to different scenarios, and you instinctively consider such cases when you want to test the behavior (again a dynamical construct) of the system.

>> No.9550134

That's literally what the state monad does. Maybe you should have kept reading, apparently you didn't understand it very well.

>> No.9550149

It's a meme.

>> No.9550153


>> No.9550155
File: 266 KB, 665x574, am i retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freshman year of college starts in August
>originally picked cs major
>change to ce with cs track available at my school because I'd rather be a code homo erectus than a code chimp

>> No.9550166

>not used in games
really makes me think

>> No.9550169
File: 5 KB, 221x250, brainlelele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this retarded

>> No.9550170
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>> No.9550193

>math is all about proofs
Undergrads need to fuck off.

>> No.9550194

Guess I'll just do ce

>> No.9550197
File: 132 KB, 396x385, 1519074277934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing math without knowing how to prove anything

>> No.9550202

>that follows from my statement
At least proofs are good to teach you how to think logically.

>> No.9550214

I feel like I find a new meme in this image every time I see it.
>NP-complete RSA

>> No.9550230

I'm not sure what you are implying here.

>> No.9550264
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x1200, 1519683130607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proofs are good to teach u how to think logically
>arduinos are good to teach u electronics
i-i mean... its not wrong

>> No.9550294

Category theory

>> No.9550305


>huurrrr what is C++

>> No.9550308

transferring to uni in fall for cs major and chem minor.
this is gonna be a wild ride

>> No.9550314
File: 466 KB, 698x698, lol no generics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time sci talks shit about CS remember this astounding display of cluelessness.

>> No.9550408
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>> No.9550417

>linear algebra like Gaussian elimination

This is like saying "We did a lot of geometry and topology, like coloring in different shapes in coloring books."

>NP-complete RSA
This doesn't even make any sense; algorithms can't be NP-complete, only the decision problems that they attempt to solve. And RSA is not an attempt to solve the integer factorization problem, and the integer factorization problem is most probably not NP-complete.

>not following your passion because of some first- year autists shitposting on a imageboard that's otherwise used for hentai and Nazi memes

>> No.9550428

what display?

>> No.9550431

>algorithms can't be NP-complete, only the decision problems that they attempt to solve

t. Clueless CS major example number 1.

>And RSA is not an attempt to solve the integer factorization problem

t. Clueless CS major example number 2.

>This is like saying "We did a lot of geometry and topology, like coloring in different shapes in coloring books."
>problem is most probably not NP-complete

That's the whole point of the joke, brainlet. The fact you didn't mention anything else strongly implies you didn't see anything else wrong with what blue said; which is highly troubling but expected of cs majors...

>> No.9550441
File: 65 KB, 1448x154, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 6.00.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, I'm math major. What was actually wrong with what I said, other than your false attempt at guessing what my major is?

If you're at all fucking literate, you can see the phrase "decision problem" in the following screenshot.

The text in the image is reflective what a non-CS major thinks a qualified CS person would say, but given the numerous objectively incorrect errors in the text, it's clear that the person who made it has zero clue about what he's saying, much like you probably do since you spend your life shitting on random academic subjects on /sci/. At this point, claiming that "uhhh the mistake was the JOKE brainlet" is like saying "yeah haha i was being retarded on PURPOSE troled much?"

>> No.9550445


Also, you call me clueless for saying that RSA is not an attempt to solve the integer factorization problem.

But how the fuck is RSA an attempt to solve the integer factorization problem (or, more precisely, EFFICIENTLY solve the integer factorization problem)?

It's a cryptosystem designed to explicitly use the difficulty of efficiently solving the integer factorization problem in order to develop a psuedo-trapdoor (psuedo because, again, integer factorization is in BQP).

God, I need to get off this fucking board. All it is is fucking undergrad brainlets calling other undergrad brainlets brainlets because they don't like their choice of major, and then I get angry when some fucking brainlet calls me a brainlet. Even if I were a brainlet, you certainly would have no authority in the matter. God. Fuck this shitty fucking website.

>> No.9550449
File: 15 KB, 343x383, 45b1cd5a4ba41598d65eb4dc722c66ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In computational complexity theory, the complexity class FNP is the function problem extension of the decision problem class NP.
>Many problems in NP, including many NP-complete problems, ask whether a particular object exists, such as a satisfying assignment, a graph coloring, or a clique of a certain size. The FNP versions of these problems ask not only if it exists but what its value is if it does. This means that the FNP version of every NP-complete problem is NP-hard. Bellare and Goldwasser showed in 1994 using some standard assumptions that there exist problems in NP such that their FNP versions are not self-reducible, implying that they are harder than their corresponding decision problem.

>> No.9550461
File: 117 KB, 2142x254, Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 6.26.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I'm responding to this brainlet because I have better things to do in my time.

You randomly link this Wikipedia page (because you're most likely NEET who pretends to understand the Universe because you sit in your basement reading Wikipedia pages) as if it proves that there are complexity classes based on non-decision problems.

But function problems can be trivially made to be decision problems. If you can find any specific answer, obviously you can say whether an answer exists or not.

Maybe the complexity class changes upon transformation, but I never said it didn't. In fact, all I said was that an algorithm that SOLVES a problem can't be NP; the problems THEMSELVES have to be in complexity classes.

Please stop posting anywhere on the Internet, immediately.

>> No.9550465
File: 222 KB, 950x744, CS math knowledge so wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The text in the image is reflective what a non-CS major thinks a qualified CS person would say, but given the numerous objectively incorrect errors in the text, it's clear that the person who made it has zero clue about what he's saying, much like you probably do since you spend your life shitting on random academic subjects on /sci/. At this point, claiming that "uhhh the mistake was the JOKE brainlet" is like saying "yeah haha i was being retarded on PURPOSE troled much?"

Everything the blue guy says is wrong. CS does not learn more math than other stem majors, CS is not a superset of math, that math he cites is all trivial day 1 topics showing how shallow CS math education is, his own knowledge of CS is incorrect by saying RSA is NPC, QC are trianary, thinking the singularity is real, and so on.

And it's not "what a non-CS major thinks a qualified CS person would say" strawman; these are all things I've actually heard cs majors/grads say and I've heard even worse.

>Also, you call me clueless for saying that RSA is not an attempt to solve the integer factorization problem.

The RSA Problem reduces to Integer Factorization but the RSA problem is NOT equivalent to integer factorization.

>the RSA problem is at least as easy as factoring, but it might well be easier. Indeed, there is strong evidence pointing to this conclusion: that a method to break the RSA method cannot be converted necessarily into a method for factoring large semiprimes. This is perhaps easiest to see by the sheer overkill of the factoring approach: the RSA problem asks us to decrypt one arbitrary ciphertext, whereas the factoring method reveals the private key: thus decrypting all arbitrary ciphertexts, and it also allows one to perform arbitrary RSA private-key encryptions. Along these same lines, finding the decryption exponent d indeed is computationally equivalent to factoring N, even though the RSA problem does not ask for d.

>> No.9550466

Most CS professors and books use NP and FNP interchangeably. Especially in the context of approximation algorithms. It looks like you're the neet that learns CS by only reading Wikipedia articles...

>> No.9550469

I always find it funny that sci wants people to think they're the ones that don't care about cs (the sci guy is supposed to be the uncaring one) but instead its the opposite. Just look at this thread where the uncaring /sci/ went out of their way to talk about cs (again) all while acting like they somehow know better (they don't). Its a funny obsession from a group of people that "don't care".

The fact someone sperged out to the point they made this image and the tons of other images that keeps getting reposted by the drones shows how butthurt /sci/ gets over cs. If you really believed you where better then why do you need to constantly attempt to reaffirm to everyone and yourself that you are better? That shows that you're actually insecure and feel inferior. Its a rightful insecurity, you are inferior.

Success breeds jealousy after all. Hell this post alone will get massive butthurt from the unemployed math fags and the homo engees. I can already smell the false memes like "you don't take enough math or physics" when the truth is far different. I guess you have to lie to yourself to try and feel better when you're clearly not. Keep seething but no matter how much you try and lie to yourself you will always be inferior :^)

>> No.9550513


The value of a degree is pretty heavily weighed on the salary it can get you. CS might be easier than other degrees but when you're getting paid more it's pretty retarded to hate the CS grads.

Math grads are pretty good coders, but they have to put in effort to learn more outside of their course to be really employable. Not so much for CS.

Source: Math and CS grad

>> No.9550531
File: 29 KB, 450x450, c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Math grads are pretty good coders

>> No.9550722

I agree that OOP is shit in 99% of cases, but as a professional game developer, I can say with utmost certainty that OOP fits game-design perfectly. It is the only place in programming in which the OOP allegories like dog.bark() will ever exist. Additionally, it's used fucking constantly in game development. If you think otherwise, you're just retarded.

>> No.9550725

haha u sure showed him!

>> No.9550739

This. Math majors as a group somehow manage to write less-optimized and less-readable code than engineers. I was reading a Math major's code a week ago, and this man was slapping together no-indents PHP code that had glaring security holes and had reinvented selection sort.
The only field that has competency in programming outside of CS/CE is physics, since their field is based on logical conclusions and not opinion-centric axioms.

>> No.9550848

>tfw you realize that """"coding"""" is for plebs

>> No.9551205
File: 141 KB, 800x600, 1451033246293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this strawman again

Math majors and physics majors don't take coding classes. If they don't care enough to spend time learning how to program, their code is going to stick. This does not mean they can't be good nor CS majors are super special elites for mastering the mysterious art of fizzbuzz. A math major that spent the time to get good at programming is always better than a cs major.

That said, CS majors as a group somehow manage to write horrible code when they don't have an excuse to explain it away.

>> No.9551612

>cs majors are bad coders because this meme images says so

>> No.9551636

>The value of a degree is pretty heavily weighed on the salary it can get you
not on /sci/

>Math grads are pretty good coders
fucking lol

>> No.9551639

i read teh thread but y'all are motherfuckers so im ignoring you

even if you ignore 99% of what functional programming has to offer, closures are just way too fucking useful. learning enough FP to get when you'd use them and how is a huge improvement for most programmers.

>> No.9551654

good luck doing distributed computing without functional programming

normally it's shit, though

>> No.9551658

They are.

>> No.9551672

i keep trying to read about what functional programming is and all the definitions seem vague to the point of being meaningless

>> No.9551690

I love psychoceramics

>> No.9551693

insane pottery?

>> No.9551752

And what the fuck is wrong with functional programming that denigrates it to the level of crackpottery?

>> No.9551777


>> No.9551807

The fact that you typed all this out shows how insecure you are. I respect CS but out of all the major STEM degrees it deserves maybe the most ridicule

>> No.9551814

I think the problem is literally anyone can learn computer science with practice and there just happens to be a demand for it right now. It makes your options feel like contributing to a legitimate field or being a sellout, I'm saying this as someone being forced to choose between doing what I love with no job options or going into a field that relies entirely on programming.

>> No.9551913

Not more than other majors, frankly. Most students in all categories of engineering got in just because it pays good and they got a good score on their high school diploma. They chose whatever they thought was cool enough for them but are lukewarm as fuck about it. Very few CS majors even learn another text editor than whatever they were taught during freshman (i.e. Emacsimumgarbage). Very few EE majors own a soldering iron or Raspi at home to tinker with. Very few ME majors use MATLAB for anything beside homework. Very few science students in general download and read scientific papers just to keep in touch with the research past the "just buy the Times magazine and read the science column" level (it's already a fucking miracle when they don't use Khek Academy and the only reason it works better than class is because they don't pay attention in class). That's just the way it is, and just because your major involves more math doesn't mean students are smarter (at best they're more used to stupid shit they don't care about and will forget the day after graduation).

You've seen nothing yet. I've seen such things as "Dairy product BSc." Also, telecom engineers are notoriously incompetent fuckers. In my school, the only things they're famous for is being lazy faggots, partying as hard as possible to have an excuse to skip class the next day, organizing buffets during company events to feel like they worked hard and deserved it and sucking the administrator's balls to appear more relevant. The only time I've ever seen someone defend them is when an EE student got autistically sour grape over CS (btw, did you know that in reality, EE majors are not capable of programming as good as CS majors, who are already pretty mediocre on average, and that's why they hate CS?).

>> No.9551945

>"Dairy product BSc.
i said major stem degrees

>did you know that in reality, EE majors are not capable of programming as good as CS majors

>and that's why they hate CS
i don't think so

>> No.9551972

>shitting on DBA
Databases are badass, fuck you

>> No.9551988

I learned how to solve 3x3 systems of linear equations using Gaussian elimination in community college and thought/think that it is really easy!!!!!

>> No.9552081
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Why is /sci/ so anti intellectual all the time? I don't understand the point of limiting yourself to one and only one field of study. Why not be well versed in everything? Since when is computer science the enemy of math and physics?

>> No.9552114

it's basically about constructing your functions so that there's a very, very predictable relationship between input and output. your function takes a single input data point and returns a single input data point. every function does one thing and one thing only. you have no variables floating around that can vary at any point in time and might affect function output.

it's easier to define it by comparison as well. in OOP, you can run into a situation where you have an object with several methods and several variables, and the behavior of each of those methods might vary according to what variables are defined and what their values are. in FP, instead of that, you would define a single function that performs a certain operation and then you'd construct other functions that take that function and give it different parameters.

consider the difference between:

class Type:
def __init__(self,x1,x2):
def m1(self,x3):


def addx1(y):

def addx2(y):

def add3(y):

this contrived example is convoluted and at first glance it might seem like the OOP approach is way easier to write and maintain. however, there are certain use cases (parallel execution is the best example) where it's more efficient to do the FP approach

>> No.9552143

>tons of post in /sci/ attacking cs
>make a post to point out its actually the cs haters who are insecure because of their inferiority
>"t-this shows you're the one thats insecure!"

kek, did I hit a nerve?

>but out of all the major STEM degrees it deserves maybe the most ridicule
Why? Try and answer this without resorting to /sci/ memes. You can't, because memes are the only thing you know about cs.

CS is very important in the modern age. It may be one of the youngest fields but it has heavily contributed to modern society. The field is still growing, to claim it deserves the most ridicule only shows your ignorance.

>> No.9552158

>It may be one of the youngest fields but it has heavily contributed to modern society

CS is not Computer Engineering. Also you're quoting the 6th line from >>9550082 nearly verbatim :^)

>> No.9552176

>CS is not Computer Engineering

I never said it was the youngest but one of the youngest but thanks for showing the obvious that you're illiterate.

>Also you're quoting the 6th line

>stating the obvious to show the field isn't just some abstract fuckery means I'm quoting
I get you're not that bright but at least put in some effort to mask your stupidity.

>> No.9552189

What's a "computer scientist"? A brainlet who couldn't make it into maths?

Software engineers create something at least.

>> No.9552207

>>>/g/tfo monkey

template<typename T>
class Type{
T x1;
T x2;
constexpr Type(T x1,T x2) : x1{x1}, x2{x2} {}
constexpr T m1(T x3) const { return x1+x2+x3; }


auto addx1 = [x1](auto y) constexpr { return x1 + y };
auto addx2 = [x2](auto y) constexpr { return x2 + y };
auto addx3 = [](auto y) constexpr { return addx1(addx2(y)); };

And realistically you would use function that returns a function if you're creating similar functions differing by a capture.

constexpr auto capture_n_add = [](auto x) { return [=](auto y) {return x+y;}; };
constexpr auto addx1 = capture_n_add(x1);
constexpr auto addx2 = capture_n_add(x2);
constexpr auto addx3 = [](auto y) { return addx1(addx2(y)); };

>CS majors can't into real programming languages

>> No.9552208

>A brainlet who couldn't make it into maths?
Oh look, its this meme again. Isn't it funny that every single of one your ""arguments"" against CS are basically memes? Its almost like none of you have anything substantive to say against it.

Also math is far easier then physics. Math fags don't have to take physics so they never realize that. Math fags in the end are brainlets who struggle taking basic physics classes.

>Software engineers create something at least.
Software engineering jobs are given to computer scientist. Try again kiddo.

>> No.9552211

fuck off asshole, if he was asking for a basic understanding of FP there was no way he'd know anything but python

>> No.9552214

>Since when is computer science the enemy of math and physics?
Since the day the mathematician and the physicist had to go to the unemployment line while the computer scientist found work easily.

>> No.9552215

My very early work


>> No.9552216

STEM majors don't fuck around with python. They either learn Matlab or C++.

>> No.9552220
File: 21 KB, 391x400, black programmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think is what monkeys seriously believe

>> No.9552221

>i don't think so
Success breeds jealousy. Just ask the math and physics majors.

>> No.9552222

>Since the day the mathematician and the physicist had to go to the unemployment line while the computer scientist found work easily

You guys are essentially interpreters for machine language. That's it. It's laughable that many of you think you could replace any of these scientists. Hell, its laughable that you think you are scientists in the first place.

>> No.9552225

>post another meme because you lack actual arguments
You just can't help yourself can you brainlet?

>> No.9552229
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>> No.9552235

-Infinity minus a finite number is finite.
-Integrate functions that cannot be integrated cuz I dunno nature lol.
-Look at some shit and just plaster math on to it and get the number you want.

-Not just flailing your hands everywhere.

>> No.9552237

kek did I hit a nerve?

>You guys are essentially interpreters for machine language
"y-you're just interpreting, its trivial"
kek. Good display of your ignorance btw.

>It's laughable that many of you think you could replace any of these scientists
Who thinks that? Where did I say that?

>Hell, its laughable that you think you are scientists in the first place.
Who thinks that? Never met a cs major who claims that, its always the brainlets like you who say that while having no clue what cs really is.

>> No.9552243

I hit a nerve didn't I? You replied to me initially bootyblasted, is it because my comment struck too close to home?

>> No.9552246

Learn to greentext, fag.

>Infinity minus a finite number is finite.
I have no idea why you think that's accepted as valid because its not.

>Integrate functions that cannot be integrated cuz I dunno nature lol.
I don't know of any, could you give an example?

>Look at some shit and just plaster math on to it and get the number you want.
Now that's you just being belligerent.

>> No.9552247

>insecure triggered math fag

>> No.9552253 [DELETED] 

>Since the day the mathematician and the physicist had to go to the unemployment line while the computer scientist found work easily

Assumes computer scientists are doing the work of physicists.

>Who thinks that? Never met a cs major who claims that, its always the brainlets like you who say that while having no clue what cs really is.

Did I hit a nerve? Are you resorting to anecdotes about your own life to defend an entire field?

>> No.9552257

>Since the day the mathematician and the physicist had to go to the unemployment line while the computer scientist found work easily

Assumes computer scientists are doing the work of physicists.

>Who thinks that? Never met a cs major who claims that, its always the brainlets like you who say that while having no clue what cs really is.

Did I hit a nerve? Are you resorting to anecdotes about your own life to defend an entire field?

>> No.9552263

Are you saying that math PhDs are NOT making 300k starting???

My uncle has a PhD in biology and he works a great job at a hospital for $100,000 AUD per year and he only has to commute 6 hours every day to get there.

Here I am, being a brainlet with a bachelors graduate program working for the Australian government at $80,000 AUD + Super + benefits. If only I was intelligent enough to do a science degree

>> No.9552314

The fact that you typed all this out shows how insecure you are
>kek, did I hit a nerve?
quit projecting bro. it's embarrassing
because most of them end up as codemonkeys and because so many CS curriculums are watered down

i'm not the guy you're replying to here but you're clearly the asspained one friendo

>Did I hit a nerve
lol how many times you gonna say the same line ITT. you are getting so asspained here

>> No.9552316

like we have STEM majors on this board, almost everyone here is first year undergrad, they haven't even picked majors yet.

>> No.9552330

>implying he's wrong

Yes yes, STEM majors learn java because c++ is too hard just like the cs majors.

>shit /g/ says

>> No.9552334

yo I'm trying to go back to school for CE, what math books do you guys recommend to relearn all the way up to calculus? I want to at least get placement in calculus 1

>> No.9552337

nobody mentioned java you butt

>> No.9552342

Lang's Basic Mathematics
Hamming's Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics

>> No.9552343
File: 7 KB, 211x239, 1509035776566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take math courses
>methods aren't well defined
>methods aren't rigorous
>methods are taken for granted as defacto despite being relatively worthless towards solving any real problem
>extended version of algebra with a variable that doesn't even make sense as a number
>can do nothing but become a math teacher

>> No.9552425

can someone post 'the number is false' picture please

>> No.9552431

Why is functional programming crackpottery? Do you even understand it?

Yes it is...? Retard

>> No.9552434

>Assumes computer scientists are doing the work of physicists.
You're illiterate aren't you? Your physics degree isn't the only reason you can't find work.

>Are you resorting to anecdotes about your own life to defend an entire field?

>spouts ignorant shit
>claims I'm using anecdotes while being too stupid to realize you did the same thing.

Looks like physics majors aren't too bright.

>> No.9552436
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>> No.9552450
File: 9 KB, 1029x87, CS rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9552457
File: 188 KB, 1294x912, so wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9552463

CS plebs do not understand, design, or manufacture computers

>> No.9552476


>> No.9552483

>T-the fact that y-you typed all this out shows how in-insecure you are
So says the guy mocking the superior major to make themselves feel better. At the end of the day one of us is going out of their way to shitpost over the other, that's you and your ilk in this thread. Success breeds jealousy. The fact you do that shows your glaring insecurity. Rightfully so.

>because most of them end up as codemonkeys and because
CS majors from decent schools enjoy great jobs, I hope you enjoy your teaching job.

>and because so many CS curriculums are watered down
You're somewhat right, liberal colleges and some unis make a mockery out of CS. Even then those are few and far between while many schools give great CS degrees that are anything but watered down. CS isn't too well defined so of course there would be differences in programs but in recent years they've attempted to fix these problems by creating new classifications like information systems. You only focus on a minority while ignoring the whole. I get that's the way you justify your hate to feel better about your major yet when compared to an actually decent cs degree your argument falls flat. Of course you're not gonna care for that because your childish insecurities prevent you from seeing reality. Keep being butthurt.

>lol how many times you gonna say the same line ITT
>Being too retarded that you can't tell that's a different person

Clearly the fact you tried replying to me multiple times shows I did hit a nerve. Reading that must make you mad

>> No.9552491

holy shit before i even read your wall of text, just know how embarrassing this is. please stop.
> I hope you enjoy your teaching job.
nothing wrong with teaching, but that's not what i do. i guess believe that if it makes you feel better
>you justify your hate to feel better about your major yet when compared to an actually decent cs degree
i don't hate CS. i even said i respected it. and you don't know what my degree is in
>Of course you're not gonna care for that because your childish insecurities prevent you from seeing reality. Keep being butthurt.
keep projecting bro
>I did hit a nerve.
he did it again! the absolute mad man! lol

>> No.9552502

return (num % 2)

>> No.9552512

Applied Physics fag here.
2 semesters of Java
4 semesters of Python
Add all the numerical methods and simulations classes too.
Tell me again how we never take programming courses.

>> No.9552521

return (num & 1) == 0

brainlets btfo

>> No.9552525

>return (num % 2)
>cs pleb plz

template<typename T>
bool is_even(T num) constexpr {
if constexpr (std::is_integral<T>) return num&1;
else return floor(num/2)*2==num;

>> No.9552571

>i even read your wall of text
>a couple lines and a small paragraph is a wall of text
Do two short paragraphs hurt your small brain?

>nothing wrong with teaching
Teaching is fine but many physicist and mathematicians have false delusions of grandeur that are quickly crushed
>but that's not what i do
You're right, you're still a high school student.
>i don't hate CS. i even said i respected it.
You literally said
>I respect CS but out of all the major STEM degrees it deserves maybe the most ridicule
So you don't hate it then, you where just stupid enough to fall for /sci/ memes. Gotcha then
>you don't know what my degree is in
what is it then? I won't laugh.
>keep projecting bro
You literally did what I said.
>he did it again!
Getting you mad is fun.

>> No.9552579

i hate a phd in ece. keep crying dude

>> No.9552610

>phd in ce
>claims cs deserves more ridicule while literally having studied watered down cs combined with watered down ee
I can see why you're bitter now. Carry on.

Why the short reply btw? You sound mad. Looks like I really did hit a nerve.
Oh, and I know that line gets you seething, which is why I keep repeating. Try not to cry.

>> No.9552613

this is getting embarrassing dude

>> No.9552614

>Applied Physics

That's not a real physics major, it's one of those garbage spin offs like engineering physics, physical oceanography, and astrophysics.

>> No.9552615

>"p-pls stop bullying me"
Don't pick a fight you can't win then.

>> No.9552616

you viewed this exchange as a fight? just shows how mad you are

>> No.9552669

>>9552436 In a real functional language, this function could count to infinity. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.9552691

template <typename T>
struct BrainletAnalysis
template <T Value>
using IsEven = std::bool_constant<Value % 2 == 0>;

template <T Value>
using IsOdd = std::bool_constant<!IsEven<Value>::value>;

>> No.9552734

Proper OOP way:

class IsEvenChecker
int value;

public int GetValue ()
return value;

public IsEvenChecher (int value)
this.value = value;

bool cached = false;
int cachedResult;

public bool IsEven ()
if (cached) return cachedResult;

cached = true;

ModuloTwo m2 = new ModuloTwo(value);
ToZeroComparator zero = new ToZeroComparator();
return cachedResult = ToZeroComparator.EqualsZero(m2.GetResult());

>> No.9552756


>>>/g/tfo pajeet

>> No.9552766

>Knowing so little about programming that you didn't realize he was joking to make fun of Java
Kill yourself

>> No.9552820

ausfag here what job u got m8

>> No.9552882

Crackpot psychology

>> No.9553000

>high performance code like games and embedded systems like the rover.
It's literally perfect for them. The main issue is over-use of OOP for very small things, especially when it doesn't fit very well, basically obfuscating code when it doesn't need to be. OOP is necessary for much of serious development, and it excels at particular project types (the ones you mentioned, for example). Only peasant programmers bitch and moan about it, as they have no deeper knowledge on the topic or engineering knowledge/experience.

>> No.9554020

none of these quotes are worth screencapping

>> No.9554111

every time you call a function with the same arguments you get the same answer

congrats it's functional

>> No.9554115

C++ is for games not serious software

serious software uses C, lisp/ocaml/haskell, or fortran

>> No.9554117

lol an infinite loop

>> No.9554121

the one that shows the person doesnt understand floating point numbers is a good example of shit cs degrees though

>> No.9554123

Just major in Computer Engineering instead, dude, then be like me and post on threads about how bad CS is compared to CE

>> No.9554152

Why do you assume it's a variable? One can't even say that for sure in:

newState = someFunction(oldState)
newState = someFunction(newState)

Naming values != making them variables.

>> No.9554156

Then use a language that doesn't use monads and be enlightened.

>> No.9554184

and eax, 1

>> No.9554572

>t. cs major that doesn't see anything wrong with them.

>> No.9554579

>>>/g/o home monkey.

>thinking that's the only problem with that code

>> No.9554752

I'm not a physics major, dweeb

>> No.9554767

games yeah but i'd be very surprised if the rover is doing OOP

>> No.9554800

There was a certain point where you needed to realize you were arguing with someone who was failing the retard Turing test.

>> No.9554893

>letting the opinions of virgin NEETs on the internet determine the rest of your life
I sincerely hope you’re joking.

>> No.9554932

>t. retard cs major

>Also, you call me clueless for saying that RSA is not an attempt to solve the integer factorization problem.

Nobody mentioned the integer factorization problem but you. And you're clearly clueless for not knowing RSA is its own problem.

>> No.9554936

Is it all that different from taking out debt that will come to define a large part of your life because of the college experience meme?

>> No.9554989

Bullshit, it may be used to separate large parts of games a little, and for some reason indie gamedev are obsessed with it, but in AAA games OOP is used very seldom. Any good AAA studio will fire you inordinately if you use interfaces, inheritance, virtual methods or any other retarded OOP constructs. The only thing they do sometimes use are pure data containing objects, without all the encapsulation shit like member properties, getter, setters or whatever people can think of to make code slower. OOP is designed to separate the programmer from what's actualy happening, while for AAA games they need to know exactly what is going on, even to the extent that they will edit the assembly to squire out any performance they can't using C++.

>> No.9554996

Any serious software uses a performance-optimized subset of C++, which is "C with classes and templates". Virtual function calls are rarely a performance bottleneck unless they're used on leaf node computations, and there is essentially never any use case for inline assembly in C++ anymore as a general use case scenario - the exception is in heavy computation leaf nodes, and this inlined assembly is ALWAYS heavily wrapped with OOP constructs to avoid the introduction of regressions through programmer fuckups.

The fact that you separate "interfaces, inheritance, and virtual methods" into their own topics to avoid when they're all literally the same thing - virtual dispatching - demonstrates how you have no idea what you're talking about, as well as your weird wording of "they will edit the assembly" as opposed to "inline assembly"

It's good that you're using a performance mindset here but you're prematurely optimizing and making false optimization decisions. The prime performance bottleneck is basically always algorithmic complexity, not virtual dispatching

>> No.9555002

>t. CS major who thinks C++ is the same as Java and that C is low level

>> No.9555003

That's something they avoid for entirely different reasons, a large codebase like a game will use templates extremely rarely because it increases compile times a shitload. Game studios use text transformations to create 'templates' pre-compile time.

>> No.9555004
File: 52 KB, 1200x734, Node JS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555051

>serious software uses lisp

>> No.9555057

>He has never heard of separating code into separate compilation units which can be cached
>He doesn't compile things exclusively on remote clusters
>He doesn't understand that compilation time doesn't matter nearly as much as performance and results
Never gonna make it.

Enjoy those runtime branching costs, I'll stick with compiletime

>> No.9555095

Please contact @insomniacgames and let them know about this, their head programmers seem to not know about any of this, I'm sure they will appreciate you increasing their runtime performance and lowering their compile times past what they could manage.

>> No.9555126

why is this place so OBSESSED with CS majors? is it because they're the only STEM major that gets paid immediately after undergrad?

>> No.9555145
File: 31 KB, 500x375, 1396318586803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is this place so OBSESSED with business majors? is it because they're the only STEM major that gets paid immediately after undergrad?

Nobody here gives a shit about salaries and jobs.

>> No.9555299

> Be a sci faggot
> Think Edsger Dijkstra is a brainlet
> Why doesn't anyone hire me, I studied physics, the PUREST science, not like those CS brainlets

>> No.9555304

> Be a sci faggot
> Think discrete math isn't math
> How come no one will hire me to write muh proofs?

>> No.9555310
File: 1.79 MB, 2738x1749, cs discrete math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks this is hard

>> No.9555318

Saying that is easy is like saying calculus is easy. Nobody but middle schoolers are impressed by your blatant lies.

>> No.9555320

Every fucking post in this thread

>> No.9555325

I didn't say it was anything of the sort.

>> No.9555328

If they did, they'd study CS. :)

>> No.9555329

You called it math. It's remedial "math" for retards.

>> No.9555335

>implying you need a CS degree to get software jobs

Freshman cs babies are so clueless.

>> No.9555366

CS PhD student reporting. My story is like this:
>they teach me all things related to software engineering
>they teach only very little math
>then, when I go to PhD program, I suddenly can't do shit, because all is math.

That's my perspective of CS studies in Poland, in one of the main universities. I have a very hard time now, because nobody required me to actually understand any mathematical proofs before. I like programming, so I liked the SE classes, but something's not right with this.

>> No.9555373

Don't worry, even on PhD student level, the math needed in CS is pretty babby-tier. Take introductory courses on calculus, probability, linear algebra and statistics and you'll be OK.

t. CS PhD student in Finland

>> No.9555382

What's your area of CS bro? I'm getting into quantum computing

>> No.9555490

Discrete optimization

>> No.9555506

>I don't know of any, could you give an example?
Not the anon you were talking to, but I think he refers to the dirac delta distribution (sometimes misnamed as a function), as well as other distribution-like behavior in functional problems that were used by physicists and engineers before the development of functional calculus.

>> No.9555530

Eh, well it depends on what you want to do. You need some formal math for TCS (e.g. algorithms, complexity theory, language theory), but for the rest some basic engineering math is sufficient.