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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.62 MB, 1500x3174, women_only_1500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9540659 No.9540659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do MTF transsexuals really have female brains or are they men with fetishes?

i'm asking because this comic(see pic) keeps being posted here:

>> No.9540661

Homosexuality is a mental illness.
Trans**** is a mental illness.
Atheism is a mental illness.
Feminism is a mental illness.

Now get the fuck out.

>> No.9540664


>> No.9540729
File: 254 KB, 959x714, mtf_brain_scan_differences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9540738

Ok, but how much deviation is there from that trend? Surely not all brains are the same, or else there wouldn't much of a debate.

>> No.9540743


I love how nobody engaged in these discussions realizes that this is simply a matter of definitions.

>> No.9540744

This isn't /pol/, it's /sci/. These are just assertions with no basis.

>> No.9540747

False dichotomy.

There aren't "male brains" and "female brains". There are a number of brain traits that are correlated with gender, but the correlation isn't strong, and everyone ends up with a combination. There are people with XY chromosomes, prenises, and identify as men but have neural characteristics that line up far better with the averages we see in women, and vice-versa.

Gender is a performative act defined by the society in which the individual lives. People tend to divide people into two groups (men and women) and treat them differently based on which group they belong to. MtF people want to be seen and treated as women in a social sense.

Some people see wealthy people and say "I want to be wealthy so people treat me like that" and they try to become wealthy to receive that treatment. But is there a "wealthy brain"? That's the wrong question, really - the kinds of things that made someone wealthy 500 years ago isn't the same thing that makes people wealthy now.

Or, you know,
Two legs good, four legs bad, right fellas?

>> No.9540769

>nothing about number of subjects, whether transitioned at all, age of transition, years on hormones, etc
Useless image. Anyhow I'm not going to trust any study that doesn't clearly separate early and late transitioners because you can say whatever you want about Blanchard's typology, but there's clearly something to it and that is obvious to anyone who has spent some time in /tttt/ or transgender/mtf subreddits.

>> No.9540773

also I forgot but those are stained histological slides and not MRI images, not that I understand how anyone believing themselves to be competent enough to post on a science board about neurobiology would be unable to see the difference

>> No.9540819

Oooooooh, what a buuuuuuuuuurn
Dude whatever. You've got some fucking slides. Some shitposter (the reddit mentions give it away buddy) baited you and you fell for it and dug yourself way deeper. The point the shiposter was hinting at is your real worry - you're claiming there's scientific consensus on this issue and there just isn't.

Did you make those slides? No? Who did? What do other scientists think of their work? If you're an expert, enlighten us. Or do you just play one on 4chan and know just enough about the subject to feed obvious trolls?

>> No.9540952


>> No.9542949


>build moment on excluding safe spaces
>when you're, inevitably, not allowed in one it's suddenly problematic
This trigger me.

>> No.9543147

Interesting I wonder if lesbian one looks like that of a heterosexual males?

>> No.9544250

>But is there a "wealthy brain"?

...yes? there's also a brain that's good at math, attractive, good at sports etc

do you want to be transwealthy? as if suddenly youll possess the characteristics that made someone wealthy? it's inane.

>> No.9544285

They suffer from delusion. Maybe they have homosexual tendencies or are more feminine than the average man. Couple that with a classic case of delusion or deep, irreconcilable insecurity and you will have a small group of people who pursue things like "being a woman" to try to "solve" their mental state.

People will do so many crazy things, that we accept as crazy, and yet here we are in the absurdity of 2018 trying to act like being "transgender" is an actual, objective thing with any basis in reality.

>> No.9544292
File: 1.02 MB, 1470x992, The difference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an obvious difference between the normals and the fucked up.