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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 600x599, spacex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9533353 No.9533353 [Reply] [Original]

Launch begins at 9:17AM Eastern US, about 50 minutes from now. No booster recovery this time.

In addition to launching the PAZ radar observation satellite, two test satellites for SpaceX's satellite-based broadband internet service "Starlink" will be launched.
Starlink discussion here: >>9532428


>> No.9533357


They are doing fairing recovery with this launch

>> No.9533362

Is the rocket landing on the ship or not? That's literally all I care about. Please let me know so I can clap and fire my Smith & Wesson into the air

>> No.9533367

Thread theme: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7lTOnPc9h-c

>> No.9533368
File: 766 KB, 3322x2134, Fairing-grabber-2-Reddit-user-vshie-e1513734085764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but as >>9533357 mentioned they are going to attempt to recover the fairing using their boat with a big net on it.

>> No.9533375

It's worth mentioning this is the first launch with an updated fairing design.


>> No.9533378

>still putting "tires" on the sides of a ship

Is there really no better design?

>> No.9533383
File: 79 KB, 500x522, 1517141210570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/aco/ reporting in

>> No.9533386

It's simple, cheap, and recycles old tires. Why change it?

>> No.9533388

they're cheap and effective

>> No.9533398

Terra forming Mars is impossible due to lack of magnetic field.

Even if you pump breathable air in Mars Atmosphere. It would be readily stripped away by solar winds, due lack of protective magnetic field and low gravity.

>> No.9533403

In hundreds of years probably.

>> No.9533409

>"reusability is a dream"
>"no geo capability"
>"launch limited"
>t. richard bowles arianspace aka the guy who was so btfo by nightmares he was replaced few days after the FH launch

Excellent (not so) old video. Puts things into perspective.

>> No.9533413

>It would be readily stripped away by solar winds

Rapidly meaning over thousands of years

>> No.9533417

Just like all these people who were saying electric cars are not the way of future.

>> No.9533433

Fuck. Scrubbed due to wind.

>> No.9533435
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>8m left

>> No.9533438


>> No.9533442
File: 154 KB, 250x382, imperial guard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 hour delay

see you boys tomorrow

>> No.9534554

So, trying again tomorrow at 9:17am?

>> No.9534711

Yes, Feb 22 9:17AM Eastern US

>> No.9534720


>> No.9535842
File: 62 KB, 976x840, 86j0viv0sh301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One hour until launch.

>> No.9535935
File: 552 KB, 1347x742, tesla spaceman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream Starting

>> No.9535937
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Those tunes would fit well in a X4 strategy game

>> No.9535938

Neat, they kept the countdown net.

>> No.9535941
File: 27 KB, 472x215, yt switch camera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that you can switch camera to the non-babby stream

>> No.9535944
File: 165 KB, 680x1000, launch-1513479816221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say lunch? I'm hungry.

>> No.9535952
File: 141 KB, 1080x1079, 27893649_588478891498430_9095807939045752832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Going to try to catch the giant fairing (nosecone) of Falcon 9 as it falls back from space at about eight times the speed of sound. It has onboard thrusters and a guidance system to bring it through the atmosphere intact, then releases a parafoil and our ship with basically a giant catcher’s mitt welded on tries to catch it.

>> No.9535958

That's a nice boat.

>> No.9535959

Oooh they just shown picture of their test sats

>> No.9535961

brainlet here

will they try to land the rocket parts like the last time ?

>> No.9535962

when is pozzed launching?

>> No.9535964

Not this time, it's an older model that's already flown once.

>> No.9535965

2 minutes

>> No.9535968

omg and i discovered this on youtube drunk on accident, hope it doesnt blow

>> No.9535969
File: 476 KB, 332x292, launch cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9535971

The cheers get so more quiet each time

>> No.9535972

I was going to post that. Hivemind blocked by image duplicate filter.

>> No.9535975

SpaceX fans are size queens.
Now that they've gotten a taste of Heavy they can't get too excited about F9s anymore.

>> No.9535976
File: 136 KB, 2048x1352, Elizabeth-Debicki-2017-GQ-Men-of-the-Year-Awards-in-Australia-November-15-2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will be a time when no one cheers

>> No.9535977
File: 49 KB, 307x266, 1515024306356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will be a time when no one cheers for the rocket that sends you anywhere on earth in 1 hour

>> No.9535978

That's why I always clap when the plane landed.

>> No.9535979


>> No.9535980


>> No.9535982

>no camera on the fairing or the ship
What a let down.

>> No.9535984

mother fucker i'm late

>> No.9535989

You didn't miss anything except some cool views of the stage 1 engine plumes changing colors.

>> No.9535990

I went as smoothly as a scott manley ksp launch

>> No.9535991


>> No.9535993

Perfect mission!

Another nail in the coffin of the Russian space industry, which failed to launch PAZ a few years ago on Dnepr, thanks to the Ukraine conflict grounding all Ukrainian-made vehicles.

>> No.9535994
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x1080, SPACEX Falcon Heavy Launch - 2018-02-06.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least I got to see the big one go up.

>> No.9536001 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 476x340, Big_uns_al_and_griff_at_work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next big'un is in June iirc.

>> No.9536002

Apparently they're going to try to recover the booster from HispaSat after all.

>> No.9536003
File: 26 KB, 512x384, big uns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next big'un is in June iirc.

>> No.9536007
File: 673 KB, 1371x723, this kills world ISPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9536008

Are those zipties? Those looks extremely ghetto, but I guess that's expected for prototypes.

>> No.9536010

They are made as cheaply as possible since there will be 12000 of them.

>> No.9536011

I don’t think those are zip ties.

Seems like the pic in the Starlink discussion OP was correct; they’ll be able to fit 40 in a f9 fairing

>> No.9536027
File: 2.68 MB, 480x360, 104 satellites deployed in space.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking wait.

>> No.9536040


>> No.9536044


but really that's pretty good for a first try

>> No.9536084
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1080, 28154652_201057260641121_950842258242928640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9536088


>> No.9536091

poor stage 2 team, they'll be the only ones throwing away hardware once fairing recovery is nailed down. F9 will be 80% reusable! And with block 5, they won't have to take the legs on and off too.

>> No.9536112


Have they just given up on second stage recovery now?

>> No.9536116

Would it be possible to refurb some of those extra stage 1 engines to re-use on stage 2? I know at least they would need to make a new bell, but they are the same basic design, right?

>> No.9536123
File: 272 KB, 640x360, Elon Musk - First two Starlink demo satellites, called Tintin A & B, deployed and communicating to Earth stations-966703261699854336.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlink sat deployment.


>> No.9536126

tell me whats the point of all these launches
i'm pretty sure they could just buy a supercomputer of price of a single rocket and use it to simulate flights instead of wasting resources and gaining nothing

>> No.9536127

no, they're quite different. S2 has an mvac: merlin, vacuum type. Incompatible with atmosphere merlins (on stage 1)

>> No.9536128

They can probably just hop in, clamp a motor to the back, and pilot the whole thing back to port.

>> No.9536129

the point of this launch is to put a Spanish radar satellite into orbit you ignoramus

>> No.9536131

>hughesnet executives begin to sweat

>> No.9536135

heh, imagine if that was a built in feature...

>> No.9536137

I guess the bottom line is that they lose less money when the get rid of old F9 designs. They aim to produce one Merlin every day.

>> No.9536150

we're just replacing one ISP with another and this time there's even LESS competition in the market

>> No.9536176
File: 170 KB, 1200x900, DWpuD3WXcAAOOlU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get to drive the F9 transporter truck thingy

>> No.9536186

Looks like they're attempting a landing for their next launch, a GTO heavy satellite.

>> No.9536197

i get goddamn postcard ads from them in the middle of a city with charter & att, how fed up do you have to be with them to go with satellite internet

>> No.9536206

6092 kg.... that'll be one hot landing

>> No.9536224

I had it before anything faster than dial-up was available in my rural area. It is fucking terrible and so bad I purposely defaulted on the contract and didn't pay them the default money states that they couldn't live up tot he services they promised. I haven't heard from them since.

>> No.9536253

so december of '19

>> No.9536258

Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.9536260

Better fund Mars colonization than land in Cali and New York.

>> No.9536397

what's that tumbling thing off to the right? piece of ice?

>> No.9536415


>> No.9536483



>The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something, to any type of body, and to use it at will — is a patriarchal one.

>It is the same instinctual and cultural force that teaches men that everything — and everyone — in their line of vision is theirs for the taking. You know, just like walking up to a woman and grabbing her by the pussy. It’s there, so just grab it because you can.

> The raping and pillaging of the Earth, and the environmental chaos that doing so has unleashed, are integral to the process of colonization. And the connection of the treatment of Mother Earth to women is more than symbolic: Study after study has shown that climate change globally affects women more than men.

> “Women in developing countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change because they are highly dependent on local natural resources for their livelihood,” a 2013 United Nations report noted. “Women charged with securing water, food and fuel for cooking and heating face the greatest challenges. Women experience unequal access to resources and decision-making processes, with limited mobility in rural areas.”

>> No.9536499

Anywhere i can read up on the changes for Block 5? Like the legs?

>> No.9536503

This is by far the dumbest post on /sci/ today, so at least you have accomplished something with your life

>> No.9536520

Boldly going where the communist went ~100 years ago.

>> No.9536528

there's no official source, just a collection of small details that have been announced over the years.

-bolted octaweb
-new heat shielding on inconel mountings
-titanium waffles on all cores
-retractable landing legs
-man-rated Merlin 1D w/ +10% thrust
-new COPV?
-new paint job (black interstage).
-fairing 2.0 (wider, lighter, more recovery hardware
-a number of smaller changes to improve reusability and reliability (100+)

>> No.9536530


The article raises good points.

Back to /pol/.

>> No.9536537

no it doesn't you moron, it borders on satirical. The author is mentally ill.

>> No.9536613

I refuse the believe this is real.....

>> No.9536629

gotta get those free clicks somehow

>> No.9536633

Don't they know that SpaceX's CEO is a woman? Elon may be the vision, drive and money behind the mars colonisation project but Gwynne Shotwell is the one actually running the company on a day to day basis.

>> No.9536645

but she's white

>> No.9536647

the author is just a typical liberal, this has been the liberal agenda for 100 years now

>> No.9536660

so I guess they missed catching it?

>> No.9536696

By a few hundred meters, yeah. Seems like they've got a shot of getting it next time though

>> No.9536706
File: 686 KB, 777x717, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a bunch of retarded blogshit.

It is funny that we get to see a time where The Onion's articles are no longer satire enough to compete with reality.