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9532198 No.9532198 [Reply] [Original]

>phd in physics
>any job i want
>300k starting

Well then explain this /sci/

>> No.9532207

I only go outside to wait for the bus or go to another class

>> No.9532216

Dang. Haven’t seen this meme in a while. I wonder how long it’s been. 5 years? More?

>> No.9532217


this is me, except this guy had a job

Fucking goddamnit they'd rather hire poo in Loo's, and even sponsor their fucking visas instead of hiring me.

I'm trying to roll my own here but hugeass corporations ruined small businesses.

The only thing left is politics. I never wanted to be a demagogue but fucking goddamnit our grandparents screwed us.


>> No.9532219


Dont worry. Hopefully i’ll inspire some fresh memes once i do it

>> No.9532240

>but fucking goddamnit our grandparents screwed us.
true but it's just human nature, anyone would've fucked us

i wouldn't hire a physics phd for a job at a call center, i'd just find someone else. can't have someone going around thinking their better than everyone else

>> No.9532254

you run a call center?


>> No.9532277

>true but it's just human nature, anyone would've fucked us
Not really. The anglo countries are way worse than anyone else. No one else utterly despises the young like they do. It's because they're immature and want to be young forever. So they treat young people like they're our older siblings instead of our parents like previous generations did. Give sibling society by Robert Bly a read it explains the problem better than I can.

>> No.9532504

Bad reading comprehension

>> No.9532510

There's a time stamp on the article, retard

>> No.9532535

It's why he should study Engineering degree instead of Physics.

>> No.9532537

Many Engineers are called brainlets on /sci/ but end up with high paying jobs.

Many Science and Math majors are smugs on /sci/ but end up NEETs or codemonkeys

>> No.9532544

song for the unemployed anons out there
don't give up boys

>> No.9532557

>not comp sci

t. physics graduate

>> No.9532561

>greatest living physicist
>low level computer guy job maybe
>$70k starting

>> No.9532602

I wasn’t talking about the article. I meant the “300K starting” bait; people used to claim they could get that with a degree in pure math. An article isn’t a meme, RETARD.

>> No.9532615

You can note the feel of disappointment in his face lmao
>he fell for the academia meme

>> No.9532621

Yes you would. Someone with a PhD in Physics clearly shows they're capable, intelligent, and diligent.

>> No.9532647

Someone with a PhD in Physics that works at a call center clearly shows they're not capable, intelligent, and diligent.

>> No.9532845

>phd in physics
>masters in EE
>Worked in a call center
There's something else wrong with him.

>> No.9532859

> phd in physics
> not mathematics
There's your problem

>> No.9532870

>Calling people with degrees “doctors”
Just no

>> No.9532908

Probably negative bank. If he couldn't find a job where he lived would be an option, but only if you have money or can afford to take on more debt.

If you're so fucked from education that you can't even afford to move anymore then your prospects are slim. He probably wasn't even paying interest on his loan with that call center job

>> No.9532912

If you have a doctorate you are literally a doctor.

>> No.9532920

The greatest lie in education. You can be the world's greatest genius with perfect academic record, but it all doesn't mean squat if you don't have the social skills or nerves to sell yourself in an interview with a holier-than-thou HR bastard, which is something they never tell or teach you in schools.

>> No.9532938

>He probably wasn't even paying interest on his loan with that call center job
He's british, student loans here are more of a graduate tax. If he was working in a call center then he probably wasn't earning enough to pay any of his loan back. Just so we're clear, if you earn less than £18,000 you don't pay anything on your student loan.

>> No.9532971

The Anglo-American cultural complex worships violence, angst, and lust as theatre and self-discovery for adults yet crucifies teens for consuming works of violence,angst and lust.
Basically, Anglo culture worships the freedom/recklessness of adulthood and punishes children for the incompetence of their elders, because "children are expendable."

>> No.9533025

Not going full weeb but, in Japan the junior high school students go for interviews at the high schools they are trying to get into, and most likely the same with high school and university entrance.
So in the last couple of months before graduation they're practicing interviews, and it seems weird to me but it makes a lot of sense. It's a skill that they're going to need and so they get taught it in school.

>> No.9533036

>reading university
maybe he should've gone to math university instead what a fuckin dumbass

>> No.9533255


can confirm. i get job offers on linkedin everyday and most of them are "customer support" or "recruitment consultant" jobs.

Unless you are really good at programming or are a normie who can network your way to a good job, DO NOT STUDY STEM AT UNIVERSITY.

>> No.9533280

You mean higher universities, where you pay absurd amount of money for roughly the same job prospects?

>> No.9533289


in higher universities atleast you get to network with rich people and the elite. luckily i managed to make friends with a guy who became a millionaire and now runs several businesses. he basically hired me out of sheer pity so that i could get the necessary experience to apply to normal jobs.

>> No.9533295


Physics is a vast and heavily diversified subject.

There are numerous fields in physics where people never even have to learn programming, and this is quite common in experimental physics where people still unironically use Microsoft Excel because all they do is measure some shit, collect data in a csv file and then use Excel and Word to write their reports..

And then there are other fields in physics where the programming you have to learn is literally cutting edge - such as in particle physics, condensed matter, quantum mechanics or astrophysics.

The problem is most employers usually assume every physics major is the latter and the next Einstein or something.

I'm guessing the poor sod in the OP was a experimentalist brainlet, so barely knew any programming at all.

>> No.9533307

The general problem here seems to be the delusion that a PhD is a free pass to a high-earning job. Don't get me wrong, it's very simple to get there using a PhD, but it's not a guarantee. You obviously need to put in both the effort as well as make smart choices during and after your PhD.

Just sitting on your stupid ass, waving that PhD diploma around, isn't gonna do shit.

I've had PhD colleagues who still don't have a job 2 years after graduation, where as others including me, got offers a year before we actually handed in our theses. Don't be surprised you won't find a nice job if your PhD is on rotating black holes or some other irrelevant shit.

>> No.9533326

The fuck is that reading university

>> No.9533329

I think I've seen 300k starting thread yesterday or day before that

>> No.9533369


>> No.9533373

>true but it's just human nature, anyone would've fucked us
Anyone but her

>> No.9533374

I honestly can't wait for all the physics undergrads on /sci/ to experience thejr shitty job prospects once they get into the real world.

>> No.9533381

You have to go to /g/dpt/ for that

>> No.9533411

>programming is marketable
>physics isn't
Stay mad

>> No.9533481
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>> No.9533487
File: 190 KB, 631x595, 1517884529801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot was a EE MSc & Physics PhD from 27th best Uni in UK

Where are my Job Prospects.

>> No.9533494
File: 132 KB, 396x385, Meme State University.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9532198 >>9533036 >>9533280
USA's Meme State University > UK's Reading university

>> No.9533497

>5 years?
It's from 2011 /sci/ if I'm not wrong

t. meme pro

>> No.9533964


If you want a job study something that will actually lead to a job.

>> No.9533997

Only because Meme State University gets more money.

>> No.9534024
File: 121 KB, 753x724, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you guys are fucking educated and intelligent

>Have no intelligence or practical skills, IQ is 86
>have a degree in fucking history but can't even remember the reason WW2 started without looking it up
>working in a call centre for 10 fucking years, got promoted after 1 year to a call auditing position, and haven't had any fucking increase in pay since, make minimum wage + 20%
>have no friends
>can barely read
>don't understand basic math
>don't know anything about science, don't know anything about the earth or its history, only found out last year that the continents were in different positions when dinosaurs were alive
>have pathetic lack of knowledge in all STEM areas, didn't know anything about human nutrition until this year when I got diagnosed with Osteoporosis (from lack of calcium) and started reading, always assumed Vitamin C was the only vitamin but now realise it is dozens
>don't understand Physics, can't even comprehend gravity, literally assumed birds had anti gravity organs for a long time
>reading is useless because I remember nothing
>can't learn any languages, spent fucking 800 hours learning Afrikaans and barely learnt to introduce myself

I am FUCKED. When society collapses because of skill shortages I am the reason why.

>> No.9534090

do they get taught how to get laid in school. It's a skill they are going to need too.

>> No.9534098

Look at it this way: There is so much exciting knowledge waiting for you! https://xkcd.com/1053/

>> No.9534099

there's your problem right there

>> No.9534250


As an employer you expect the PhD to get bored to tears witihin the first hour, start looking for more qualified jobs immediately and leave within a month or two which means you have to recruit, again.

You generally don't want to hire over-qualified people for anything.

Being overqualified is a thing.

>> No.9534453

If you can't understand there's a difference between a degree and a doctorate then you don't get to decide who deserves the title.

>> No.9534496

Didn't they trash their physics department a few years ago?

>> No.9534510

>assumed birds had anti gravity organs

>assumed Vitamin C was the only vitamin

wtf are you black?

>> No.9534522 [DELETED] 

this is what a degree on gotten adderall means, fuck all

A phd in physics at worst he could have taught at university, and wtf was he doing in Kensington, probably high trying to score more drugs

>> No.9534526

this is what a degree gotten on adderall means, fuck all

A phd in physics at worst he could have taught at university, and wtf was he doing in Kensington, probably high trying to score more drugs

>> No.9534534
File: 595 KB, 799x798, Doctor Lil Pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adderall releases dopamine in the brain.

dopamine is dope bro


>> No.9534800

The only job relating to physics that a physics PhD can get you is high school teacher

>> No.9534882

Try writing teen fiction, you have all the necessary qualifications.

>> No.9534890

Yeah... didn't know crashing was a thing. Tried to get off of it in Uni and didn't leave my dorm for a month.

>> No.9535480

>PhD on rotating black holes
>your job prospects are artist or science communicator

Real life comes at you fast

>> No.9535507

Knowledge of your own ignorance is the first step to correcting it.

>> No.9535526

It's newsworthy because it's rare, all the feminist dance therapy PhDs on welfare are not, for example.

>> No.9535544

What field did he work in? Having trouble finding his publications.

>> No.9535773

At least he has a job