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9530926 No.9530926 [Reply] [Original]

humans are causing climate cha-

>> No.9530934


>> No.9530939


Asteroids have been around for 14 billon years => no climate change

Volcanoes been around for 5 billion years => no climate change

Forest fires have been around for 150 million years => no climate change

Humans have been around for 50000 years => no climate change.

Whiteys have been around for 5000 years => no climate change

Nazis have been around for 80 years => climate change.

Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.9530941
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They are your mom farted

>> No.9530945


>> No.9530947
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>> No.9530977

Man made climate change is a fact and science is settled.
The world will settle too once we deal with religious tards like you.
Fuck you and fuck your skydaddy.

>> No.9530980
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>science is settled

>> No.9531041

Your Nobel shall arrive in the mail.

>> No.9531369

leave /sci/ please

>> No.9531385
File: 63 KB, 540x637, meek_inheritance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are in an exceptionally long mild inter-glacial period of an ice-age.

Please explain how you plan on stopping the coming glacial period?

A good suggestion would be to return a lot of the stored carbon in the ground into the atmosphere as CO2 and try to delay the devastating glaciers.

WAIT... that is EXACTLY what we are doing.


>> No.9531400

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and via the combustion of fossil fuels at an industrial scale CO2 pollution is having a global warming effect in the atmosphere. Humans are causing climate change. This was predicted since as far back as the 1950's. All the other arguments in this thread are irrelevant to the actual mechanism of anthropocene industrial climate change.

>> No.9531407
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>anthropological climate change is real

>> No.9531414
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>> No.9531432

bait harder

>> No.9531445

Not baiting .. is truth.

Mankind is doing the right thing for himself (adding a shit ton of C02 into the atmosphere) while at the same time stopping it (we added enough)

Seriously... we are doing (and did) the correct thing... yet people can NEVER be happy so they are complaining.

>> No.9531448


To be fair, they are linked. Fascism couldn't exist without modernism.

>> No.9531478

if green house gasses are a big deal then why don't scientists just release anti-green house gases into the atmosphere?

>> No.9531564

You mean red-house gases. Unfortunately, all gases within the red-yellow color spectrum were banned after the Agent Orange fiasco.

>> No.9531576

Because CO2 is a natural gas that is needed for life to exist.

Climate change is happening all the time (we are in an inter-glacial period of an ice age).
We have been EXTREMELY lucky to be an a VERY long VERY mild inter-glacial period.

Think of it as mankind has been experiencing a warm comfortable week in the late part of winter. Winter will return and people are worried that that the picnic fires they had during the warm week will someone hold back winter.

Winter is coming, and the glaciers will once again cover most of the land, UNLESS we get serious about heating the planet up.

>> No.9531642
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>global jew oppression and exiling had been around for thousands of years, no climate change
>global jew oppression and exiling ends, climate change

>> No.9531643

fuck you ice ages are kino

>> No.9531665

>global jew oppression and exiling ends
Are you sure? In the grand scheme of things, the Holocaust was pretty recent considering the literal thousands of years of persecution that came before it. It could be like blacks and integrating into modern society; being oppressed might just be our ethnic destiny.

>> No.9531771
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>> No.9531805

Stop oppressing me!! >:(

>> No.9531806

ban assault volcanoes

>> No.9531822

why do u think winter is coming?

>> No.9531824

I think that poster is a kike.

>> No.9531825
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But I'm just doing my part to stop global warming...

>> No.9531831

>why do u think winter is coming?

Because we are in an ice-age, we are presently between periods of glaciation, the ice age is NOT over, glaciers fluctuate in size, we are near a low point, looks like it will go even lower, BUT the glaciers will return and they can return quite fast (for us at a glacial pace) but they will return.

>> No.9531860

I know it doesn’t feel like it, but we love you white goys. I mean, who else is going to make money for us?

>> No.9531871
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all the money in the world can't afford the hell to pay.

>> No.9532252

yes but what processes cause the return of glaciation?

>> No.9532336

No, you are. See how this works?

>> No.9532369

It does not matter that we are in an interglacial period. The real problem is the speed of change and the fact that the very ecosystems that we depend on cant keep up. At this rate millions will starve mid century and geopolitical chaos will ensue.
Golden age of humanity: (1990-2030/40)

>> No.9532371

How do we get morons to believe in climate change and if they continue to be morons where is the best place for an American gulag for them so they can die?

>> No.9532400


>> No.9532475

But that's where you're least likely to find climate-change deniers.

>> No.9532484

Jesus was a Jew though

>> No.9532545
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That's just paint being poured into a water-filled aquarium then viewed upside down. WAKE UP YOU MORONS!!!!!!

>> No.9532603

hmm, good point

but is there anything else that's only been around for 80 years that might be responsible?


>> No.9532646

Get in line volcano. Cow farts are up before you.

>> No.9532653
File: 451 KB, 546x720, Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus was a Jew though

It's most likely Jesus, or the individual(s) that inspired Jesus Christ were of Arabic ethnicity.

>> No.9532756
File: 49 KB, 3437x1550, Volcanism vs. Anthropogenic CO2 emissions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, did OP already leave the thread in embarrassment because he's just another shill shitposter?

>> No.9532768

>he fell for the greenhouse gas meme
You do know that's never been actually proven or even detailed. Go ahead and explain to me the in depth mechanics of the """greenhouse effect"""

>> No.9532773

Disturbance of warm water ocean currents

>> No.9532782

You seriously cannot be this retarded right? You can literally test the GHE experimentally in a laboratory setting with different gasses and measure their effect.
>Never been proven or detailed
I mean honestly, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you suffer from such a severe case of cognitive dissonance?

Fucking go read about john Tyndall, who was performing experiments in the 1800s you stupid, ignorant buffoon. Ever heard of Arrhenius either? You should have if you ever took a Chemistry class in your life. Now get the fuck out you ignoramus and fuck off back to whence you came.

>> No.9532787
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delet this

>> No.9532810
File: 16 KB, 352x239, what bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you expect anyone to take you seriously
I don't think he wants people to take him seriously as much as he wants (You)'s. Like the ones you're giving him.
Stop taking the b8 you idiots.