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9523739 No.9523739 [Reply] [Original]

What does a daily schedule/time management in general look like for peak academic performance?

>> No.9523987
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>> No.9525236

I wanna know so bump

>> No.9525549


>> No.9525593

I need to know

>> No.9525708

I wouldn't define it as peak academic performance, but my schedule is breddy comfy.

8-9: breakfast and shitposting
9-11: social media, entertainment, news, blogs, etc., ending with news related to my field.
11-12: arxiv-sanity, Research Gate, check scholar notifications about people I follow.
12-13: rearrange work from previous day, make up my mind, decide stuff to work on, tidy up experiments accounts
13-14: lunch + coffee
14-18: work non-stop on whatever I need to do, having cleared out any potential distraction
18-20: lift weights at the gym and go to sauna / manage beaurocracy, money, bills
20-21: dinner
21-22: Netflix + whiskey
22-23: call qt 3.14
23-00: ASMR videos
00-8: sleep

>> No.9525714

0 time spent on 4chan

>> No.9525730

Postdoc at CS department in yuropoor. Typical workday:
7:00-7:30 shower, breakfast
8:00-9:50 lecture
10:00-13:40 grading homework/projects and consulting students
13:50-14:10 lunch
14:30-20:50 research@office
21:20-22:40 research@home
22:40-22:50 emails
22:50-23:00 dinner, hygiene
Typical weekend:
8:00-9:30 breakfast, gym
10:00-14:00 research or consulting
14:00-14:20 lunch
14:30-20:10 research or consulting
20:40-23:30 research or reading a textbook
Hygiene, sleep
Shitpost when bored or moving.

>> No.9525936

>7am wake up
>eat food
>review notes
>leave to college at 9
>only study in between classes
>come home
>11 pm sleep

>> No.9526304

I'm math and physics majors

> Wake up at 8am
> Class from 9am to 2:30pm
> Do homework til 4:30pm
> Class until 8:00pm
>Do homework until 3-4 am
>Take breaks from my homework to do math in between.

>weekend (midnight saturday morning to 8am monday) I get 14-23 hours of sleep, go on 4chan for about 6 hours total, and the rest of the time is homework.

>> No.9526513

>wake up at 7:20
>get ready and go sit in empty lecture hall about an hour before class
>maybe do some work, maybe talk to god, maybe browse sci until more people show up and class begins
>continue classes
>eat lunch or not depending on what's available
>continue with any remaining classes
>study or do research in between classes
>finish classes
>return to room
>watch television/play games/read/masturbate until I feel the divine inspiration to do more work
>do work until I feel bored or hit a wall
>eat dinner sometime around 7-9
>repeat cycle until 10ish
>take shower
>brush teeth
>go to bed at 11:20
>if I can't immediately fall asleep, I take melatonin gummies or have a shot of nyquil

>> No.9526559

Are we just posting schedules now?
>6:30am - wake up, drink coffee
>6-7 - in bed, read some 4chan and other shit till im awake
>7-8 - chores, feed the animals, dress and other shit
>8-11 - work on what needs the most concentration, usualy what I decided to do last night
>11-12 - break + eat
>12-1 - masturbate
>1-4 - work, usually tedious work that doesn't require a lot of concentration
>4-5 - choores and eat
>5-6 - lift/jog./yoga
>6-7 - relax, game
>7-8 - shower, finish up for the night
>8-9 - game and relax + masturbate again
>9-10 - read fiction or textbooks, think about what im going to do tomorow
>10-6:30 - sleep

>> No.9526581
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Has anyone tried this? I'm afraid I'd cause permanent damage if I did this for a month.

>> No.9526591

Did it for 6 months, got extremely depressed. Tried to recover, got psychiatric drugs. Failed out of college.

Was really productive for a couple of months after getting used to be tired all the time.

>> No.9526593
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lil bump

>> No.9526598
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your body will revert to either biphasic or monophasic sleep unless you strictly follow your alarm schedule. which basically just amounts to sleep deprivation anyway. if you are able to last with a total 2 hours of sleep in the day polyphasically, you could just be sleeping 2 hours in one block like tesla did anyway.

>> No.9526618

redpill me on biphasic vs monophasic. Is 6 hours enough sleep? I usually feel best on 7-9 hours.

>> No.9526638


>> No.9526723

it really depends. most people who arent already waking themselves up with alarm clocks could probably operate just fine with an hour or two less sleep per night and devote that time to reading in bed or making a full breakfast. not that i'm making any statement about wether they ought to. as far as im aware the biphasic sleep schedule is going to certainly lead to higher levels of wakefulness at times when others would be in a slump, as to whether sleeping biphasically leads to more total wakefulness in the day im not all that convinced. churchill defended his afternoon nap as giving him the energy and ambition of two days in one. whether or not this is true, having to stop and lay down to sleep in the middle of the day isn't the most convenient thing and you cant easily take your nap a little earlier or a little later though this may be possible. another thing is that during a biphasic sleep schedule where you have two blocks, the stability of the two blocks is not so assured. even 4,4 and 3,3 sleep patterns dont seem to be that stable although its possible without alarm clocks. what is more likely is that you will fall into a more asymmetric sleep schedule like a 3,5. with a biphasic sleep pattern you definitely do run the risk of flipping the blocks and ending up with a 5 hour block in the middle of the day and a 3 hour block at 12pm. its doable and if you're just having a 1 hour or half hour nap in the middle of the day like the chinese or the spanish you won't have any problems with switching blocks around. and of course you could just fall back to a monophasic sleep schedule anyway. eg. trying to sleep in the middle of the day and failing and then sleeping in one big block at the end of the day.

>> No.9526728

well sleeping for 2 hours once a day doesnt sound fun does it? so why do you think smearing it around all over your day is gonna make it any better? there have been NO reliable records of ANY polyphasic sleepers in history or otherwise. the best you'll find is a few biphasic sleepers here or there like churchill. but even then they would still be getting a reasonable amount of total hours of sleep per day. if you're referring to tesla sleeping for 2 hours, i kinda have to agree. he supposedly devoted 5 hours per day to alone time for light reading and his supposed 2 hours of sleep. he could very well have just exaggerated how much of that time was for light reading just to shit on edison, who would often brag about sleeping for four hours per night, tesla noting that he did indeed sleep for 4 hours, but he did this twice per day.

>> No.9526736

lmao if you have to ask this question, you will never make it.

the highest performers just get shit done no matter how they feel.

having a schedule or using a certain technique is for stupid women. men just grind and get it done.

>> No.9526772
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Donald Bump