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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9522612 No.9522612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9522635

software engineering

>> No.9522654

pick one, not both brainlet

>> No.9522762

electrical engineering?

>> No.9523295


>> No.9523311

Probably physics

I’m a brainlet interested in space related fields so I’ve taken relativity and quantum courses with written exams.

Some serious dudes on those courses

>> No.9523316

Mechanics. Then electronics. Then computer science. Then chemistry. Then thermodynamics. Then civil. Then everything not listed here. Then telecommunications.

>> No.9523322

im ee and i would have to disagree

you can do ee without learning anything, everything is already just abstraction. i don't really think you can say the same for the meche side of things from my experience

ee probably the least intelligent students, especially with all the computer shit it attracts idiots that worship portal 2

>> No.9523325

id say like cheme > meche > civil/industrial/ee > compsci > everything else

>> No.9523328

LMFAO E""""""""""E""""""""""

>> No.9523408

>>9522612 >>9523311 >>9522654
Engineering Physics

>> No.9523410

I'm a EE and a EE specialized in Controls can do everything a MechE can do and more.

>> No.9523434

Mathematics > Physics > everything else

>> No.9523447

Aeronautical engineering > electrical > mechanical > engineering physics > civil >>>>>> chemical e

Depends on the university as well I guess

>> No.9523450

not engineering

>> No.9523453

>until you need to apply control systems to actual structures

>> No.9523511

Mate, I go to one of the best engineering schools in the USA and mechanical engineers learn basically the same shit as aero engineers

>> No.9523516

Structural Mechanics can be solved by a Simple Computer Software nowadays written by a Software Engineer.

No need for Mechanical Engineers. Just a mechanic technician & a software is enough.

>> No.9523519
File: 194 KB, 640x411, Nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear Engineering >>> else

>> No.9523548

Materials science

>> No.9523554
File: 70 KB, 645x729, 1507162104091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9523569

Lo-fucking-l. You think some retard tier software engineer is writing new solvers for computational methods to solve even basic shit like that? No. Get to more complicated stuff like fluid structure interaction with compressible flow where the structure is a porous solid and you legitimate brainlets can't compete. Mech E masterrace can do it all though.. High performance computing can be learned on your own in a month if you're not an idiot, then you move to massively scalable unstructured mesh solvers so you can occupy 50-100 nodes on Excalibur or a university cluster and fill them for ~24 hours with Python/Cuda codes (or even prebuilt shit like Fluent) and solve actual problems for the DOD.

>> No.9523575
File: 124 KB, 500x691, Virgin Physicist Chad Engineer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9523434 >>9523408 >>9523311 >>9522654
Virgin Physicist Chad Engineer

>> No.9523580
File: 32 KB, 400x382, Smug Ed Witten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9523569 >>9523575
A MSc in Physics or Math can maker
softwares for Fluid mechanics & Structural Engineering
better than most MechE PhD could do in their entire lives.

>> No.9523581
File: 168 KB, 1200x778, Virgin Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgin EEs
>>9523410 >>9523322 >>9522762

Chad MEs
>>9523516 >>9523554 >>9523569

>> No.9523584
File: 68 KB, 353x353, Newton died Virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9523408 >>9523434 >>9523311 >>9523580
Daily reminder that Isaac Newton died a VIRGIN

>> No.9523606

And he probably didn't give a shit

>> No.9523608

And yet which are receiving the DOD funding? Oh that's right, the ME PhDs, because they're more practical. I can take a graph theory approach that gets 95% of the answer with an order of magnitude less computation, then build in a safety factor to keep something from exploding because of that. Is it the most correct? Absolutely not but it's fast

>> No.9523635
File: 68 KB, 449x554, Piper Harron-Math PhD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Piper Harron

Interests: Social justice, Algebraic number theory, arithmetic statistics, teaching, writing,

The CV of a Liberated Mathematician

New York University, BA cum laude in Romance Languages
survived external and internalized misogyny
survived external and internalized racism

Princeton University, MA in Mathematics
survived external and internalized misogyny
survived external and internalized racism
survived pervasive and internalized cult of genius mythology

Real Life, Single Lady of Arts in Oppression
grew human in own body
gave birth to new human with own body
created milk with own body to sustain new human
survived pregnancy, labor, and infant care related misogyny

Real Life, Mistress of Arts in Self-Liberation
grew, birthed, and created milk for new human with own body
survived thesis writing while being a stay-at-home parent

Princeton University, PhD in Mathematics
Advisor: Manjul Bhargava

Denied Awards and Recognition
Surviving village-less parenthood is its own reward, 2011–
Surviving patriarchy is its own reward, 1980–
Surviving white supremacy is its own reward, 1980–

>> No.9523676

People switch to materials and manufacturing majors when they can't hack mechanical.

>> No.9523761

fuck I hate niggers so much

>> No.9523773

>High performance computing can be learned on your own in a month if you're not an idiot
just because you learn to drive a car doesn't mean you have any idea how it was designed

>> No.9523877

And the race car driver gets paid more than the engineers that built it, your point?

>> No.9523890

my point was that you can't understand HPC in one month, just how to use it (and you'll probably still suck at using it). also your analogy doesn't work cause the MEs that use HPC systems don't make more than the EE/CE/CS guys that made them

>> No.9523917

I mean I do, maybe I'm a special case. I do structures and CFD for hypersonics and have clearances they don't need to build the system. Not many sysadmins making 280k their first year out of grad school I don't think.

>> No.9523922

sysadmins don't design HPC systems any more than mechanics design cars

>> No.9523946

Fucking kek.

>> No.9523948

I study Mechatronics engineering and read all the shit of ME, EE, SE, Maths and Physics anyway cause its cool and I like em all. Am I autistic?

>> No.9523950

I bet this "Virgin Newton" is a meme.
Alright, Newton was indeed more focused on studying than doing anything else most of his life, but then, when things started working out for him, he became a fucking SIR. Dude, seriously, no one dies a virgin being a SIR.
That's right, you can't. He probably fucked mad pussy after he became part of the royal society, he just didn't brag about it.

>> No.9523967
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, Nikolas Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one dies a virgin being a SIR.
Excepts scientists like Newton.

Reminder that Tesla died a Virgin too

>> No.9523991

Gotcha true. In grad school I built my own cluster, with 12 nodes I guess I have less respect than I should. I feel like it's not too hard. Have a front end (I setup my workstation as one too), then have your 10 solver nodes and 2 scratch nodes that were just 2U boxes full of SSDs with 40GbE interconnect because I was doing it on a budget and my school was vastly overcharging for usage on the clusters. It worked well enough to solve the problems I did with one of my advisors. For the rest I just used DOD HPC resources.

>> No.9524005

There's no proofs that he died a virgin.

>> No.9524591

mighty mecha chads

>> No.9525536

the virgin is buff in this though.

>> No.9526295

All of the smartest people at my university (UT Austin) are in the EE program.

>> No.9526310

Agreed. Our university has our AE and ME courses identical.