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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9519683 No.9519683 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /sci/ stand on these issues:

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war

>> No.9519695

Climate change is real, the consequences and amount due to human activity is up for debate.
Population group differences exist.
Being fat is terrible but if you're a woman, no matter how fat you are, there is so man desperate enough to be with you.
No idea. Might not be knowable from inside the universe.
Most of human history demonstrates humans hate diversity beyond a bit of novelty.
Doubt there is an actual purpose for existence.
The holocaust probably was possible but highly unlikely that it actually went down as we are told it did.

>> No.9519711


>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
<nope, the cause is an inrease of the zero point energy level of the vacuum of space in the current region our sun is passing through around it's large orbit of the galaxy (hint; we are moving south)
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
<even race is generous, blacks and whites are different species
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
<healthy no, beautiful yes (within reason)
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
<god created the integers and geometry
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
<segregation is best
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
<6 million cremations, no.

>> No.9519787

>Climate change is real, the consequences and amount due to human activity is up for debate.
Nobel Laureate in Physics; "Global Warming is Pseudoscience"

pretty gud

>> No.9519873

>Man made global warming exists
>Race is real in the sense of genetic traits but most of the common man's understanding of race is misguided pseudoscience based on 18th century western thinking
>Fat acceptance is bullshit and unhealthy
>Insufficient data to answer that question
>Diversity naturally creates conflict but can have benefits, usually diversity is a consequence of economic success and openness however, so diversity may be irrelevant.
>The purpose of life is to increase complexity and reduce chaos as much as possible within its sphere of influence
>The Holocaust was physically possible

>> No.9519970

>CO2 emissions have a greenhouse effect, this is undeniable, however the amount required for any serious changes is very much up for debate and figures are manipulated very hard on both sides of the agenda, both the greenies and oil tycoons are guilty of that.
>Obviously race exists, the fact that I can measure the difference in races with a DNA test is the most basic and irrefutable evidence. How much that DNA influences behaviour and thus culture is also open for debate, but I think to say it doesn't is pretty ignorant
>The fuck does fat acceptance have to do with /sci/? Get that shit out of here, it's obviously stupid
>Creation is 2deep4me, but I don't see why there couldn't be a god (Defined very loosely mind), but I find it very unlikely it is "God" in the Christian sense
>Diversity has it's place, but people also have a right to their ancestral land and culture, if only to preserve that diversity, /pol/ isn't wrong about this one, mass immigration is genocide via displacement as defined by the fucking UN
>Who the fuck knows
>I would say possible, however the quoted figures seems high in the extreme

>> No.9519976

The presence of sentient life is to eventually colonized and farm the entire universe. With billions of years of technological progress, we are to prevent, or escape, the "closure" of this universe, and by side effect enter the next universe as ...gods? YE GOD

>> No.9519977
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>> No.9519987

lmao nice try 2/10

>> No.9519995

Unironically very plausible.

>> No.9520005

>CO2 may have an effect on global warming but it is probably negligible
>Race exists but skin colour isn't the defining trait
>Excess fat is unhealthy. Some men like fat women
>I don't know but it definitely wasn't Jesus the magic Jew or Mohammad the goat fucker
>I think both can work but the law has to be structured differently
>We choose our own purpose
>Don't know

>> No.9520006

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions

Probably happening, CO2 would be a relatively minor part of it, does not seem to be particularly a big deal.

>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance

Races exist, "importance" I'm not sure what you mean. They have little, if any, effect on intelligence, or creativity, or empathy, or any other important human attribute. They would be damned important if you needed one of the medical interventions that depend on racial genetics.

>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?

Any weight? No, that's stupid. If somebody wants to be fat and unhealthy and unattractive, though, I'd say that is their business, not mine... but that is not a scientific opinion, but a political one.

>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe

It is my belief that a creator God set te wheels in motion at the big bang and we've been running along ever since. Evolution happens. Gensis story is a parable to understand spiritual truths, not a science textbook.

,>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?

Most prefer a homogenous group, I think. The trick is, you can change your views on what that means. Which is better, fuck if I know, define "better."

>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.

The purpose of the whole thing is to be the whole thing. What God was thinking is not something I know.

>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war

A thing that happened is possible, yes.

>> No.9520007
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>> No.9520011

>The purpose of the whole thing is to be the whole thing
kys luciferian

>> No.9520012

I cribbed that from Pratchett, if memory serves.

>> No.9520016

I'm a Jew for pointing out some SJW bullshit? Lmao fuck off back to /pol/ and use your meme right next time retard.

>> No.9520017

>photons emit gravity
>multiple universes are real
>everything experiences sensation
>there is no soul or self

If there were no rules, who's to say there should be something that doesn't come from nothing?
It seems apparent the universe is very logically structured and generated. The biggest question regarding this is the origin of universal constants

>> No.9520036
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>holocaust possible because it happened
do your research, beyond wikipedia and high school text books

>> No.9520070

>>9520036 Why should I care? I'm not a historian.

>> No.9520320

because you're being influenced by its effects
if you ever become politically or historically conscious you might see the effects

>> No.9520349
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Why should you care about being factually correct about something you parrot and is also a major event in human history? Youre not going to make it.

>> No.9520354
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Yes to both
No one knows, might be unknowable
No one knows, might be unknowable
Depends on which casualty figure you are using

These are the most correct answers in a YN format. Any other answers have no intellectual integrity as every question you asked is far more complex and subsequently requires a complex explanation and conclusion.

>> No.9520356

oh and fat acceptance is retarded and you demonstrably cannot be healthy at any weight, beauty is subjective

>> No.9520591

>beauty is subjective
who told you this lie? have you even read the greeks?
>man made global warming is real
the facts say otherwise

>> No.9520612

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
I actually dont give a shit, and while I try not to pollute my environment, it's hard not to
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
biological races exist, but there are social races, too, even social species
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
yes sure, until a certain point
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
the big bang thing gives enough of explanation for me
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
I dont give a shit, as long as no one gets hurt and as long as people behave, every one can live with any one
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
there is no comprehensible purpose in things that are not man made
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war

>> No.9520672

Most reasonable person ITT

>> No.9520761

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
I'm ok with the mainstream view.

>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
There are different human subspecies. This should be uncontroversial.

>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
No. Excessive fat is unhealthy. Again, this should be uncontroversial.

>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
What do you mean by "creation" and "causation"? Discussions about these concepts are very technical in contemporary philosophy of physics.

>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
It depends, but in general homogenous groups are better.

>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
These are two separate questions.
First question: I don't believe in the folk psychology concept of teleology/intentionality. I am more inclined to the radical behaviorist/eliminative materialist view.
The second questions falls in the scope of philosophy of physics and analytic metaphics. It's outside my expertise.

>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
I don't know. It's hugely overrated though.

>> No.9520770

Correction: analytic metaphysics

>> No.9521999

Hanging around conspiracy theory sites does not qualify as "doing research."

>> No.9522611

Surveying and data mining is spam. Post something to do with science or math, preferably with a respectable source or some good context, or get out.

>> No.9523152

surveys are science, look up Epidemiology

>> No.9523165

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Global warming is debatable, CO2 is caused by warming not the opposite, human influence is neglectable in the process.
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
"Race" is a meaningless term, if we're talking about subspecies yes. I would think that esquimoes and aboriginals are different species and are probably not even able to produce fertile offspring.

>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
Of course not.
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
Don't know, maybe there is no other way to arrange these laws or maybe there and infinite possibilities, who knows.
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
Humans prefer living in homogeneous groups, these ensure better health and social cohesion.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
Why should the universe have a purpose ?
Even the concepts of "space", "time", "energy" and "being" have no meaning outside of what we call our universe, it is a nonsense to think that there is such a subjective thing as a purpose out there.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
11 gorillion no, 6 gorillion no. It as been proven again and again that there could not be more than 320 000 death total (jews being a part of this number), most of them were caused by typhus. Death by Zyklon pellets is impossible as described and absolutely ridiculous in the presented setup.

>> No.9523187

I met him once. He sure is not afraid of telling it the way he feels. He is never afraid of causing major headlines.

>> No.9523441

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions

>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
Not race realism in the alt-right sense, but genetically different populations exist. We just broadly call them ethnicities nowadays. So if you define race = somewhat genetically homogeneous population, then yes it exists.

>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?

>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe

>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
Homogeneous. "Better" is debatable, societies have been better off homogeneous because the world wasn't as developed or educated as today, people relied on their tribal instincts more. Only the future will tell.

>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.

>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
Yes, the exact number doesn't really matter or if some people want to inflate the number, it's just victims playing the victim card for benefits. My grandparents still remember whole jewish communities being taken away and never returned during the occupation, and that wasn't even in a developed country.

>> No.9523451

>global warming
>Race realism
A fact of life
>Fat acceptance
Homogeneous obviously
No purpose
I dont care

>> No.9523464

Mostly made up.
Yes but skin colour, specific bloodline and other traditional eugenics characteristics are not significantly linked to "race". The concept of race needs to be linked to current understanding of genetics then tested against reality for it to hold any merit.
The question assumes there is an answer when whatever answer you get may ultimately be undisprovable/lacking in any value
Time will tell
See "origin of universe"
Yes, they managed to kill millions of Russians that had guns just fine on the Eastern front, nevermind Anne Franks hiding with a notebook in the attic.

>> No.9523468


>> No.9524879

>My grandparents still remember whole jewish communities being taken away and never returned during the occupation, and that wasn't even in a developed country.
they weren't gassed though or intentionally killed

>> No.9524880

No such thing.

>> No.9524904

Go back to your containment board, mental midget vermin

>> No.9524913

I can't speak for /sci/ but I can tell you where I stand.

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions

I think that its a combination of things. Keep in mind that a single volcanic eruption puts out more CO2 than all of man's collective activities for the past couple hundred years. Yes, on a local scale, our cars and factories will smog up an area. No doubt about that. But on a global scale there are other factors that come into play.

The sun goes through cycles where the heat it puts out increases greatly. There's also the jet stream that is being pushed by HAARP. We will have a new ice age soon enough. People call it global warming but there are parts of the world where islands are actually getting larger due to the water slowly receding. We're doing more cooling down than anything.

>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance

I think you can definitely find genetic markers to see if someone is black, semitic, etc but they don't really matter. Epigenetics is more important than genetics itself. Genes are turned on and off by environmental factors.

>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?

Not exactly. There are people with thyroid conditions (a small minority) that can't shed the pounds. Most people find the obese to be disgusting but they're certainly unhealthy with all that fat putting pressure on their joints and organs.

>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe

The God of the Christian bible, Jehovah, created all things.

>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?

Homogenous groups are better. Culture unifies a country because the people have similar values. It makes interacting with others in your daily life much simpler. I believe that humans naturally segregate themselves. Why do you think there are Chinatowns?


>> No.9524918

I don't know if they were gassed or not, but they were intentionally killed for sure. The nazis asked for censuses when they reached new towns, and often for lists of jewish members within those communities. If you think putting specific groups of people into a slave camps and work them until they die of starvation or disease or firing squads, with no hope of ever being freed, doesn't constitute "intentional killing", then you're insane.

>> No.9524921


>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Everything was created for God's pleasure. That doesn't mean that he delights in wars and famine. I don't claim to know the mind of God but I know Him as a loving God.

>inb4 a million questions I can't answer because I'm literally not God

>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war

I don't know if it was mathematically possible but it definitely didn't happen. The holocaust was a lie made up so that Israel could be reborn. The Satanists that rule this world have been manipulating the Jews for decades if not centuries.


>> No.9524953

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
I don't know.
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
I ignore that.
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
It depends on the person.
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
There wasn't a creation. I believe in eternal universe.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
I believe in pantheism.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
I don't know.

>> No.9524992
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Hi /pol/ I'll try to keep it short for you.

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Unsure, but I doubt anything we're doing is making the earth colder.
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
They exist in both ways.
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
Humans prefer homogeneity, but diverse groups can be better sometimes.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
Purpose; none.. why; there's more ways for there to be something than there is to be nothing.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
Probably. The number of jews killed was likely wildly exaggerated.

>> No.9525011

>Where does /sci/ stand on these issues:
Real in the sense of hereditary genetic markers
Healthy, maybe if you have supportive genetics, beautiful, in my subjective opinion, no
I don't understand the question. If you're asking whether I believe in God, no I don't. If you're where the universe came from, I don't know.
I'm not well-versed in the matter.
The anthropic principle is the obvious answer, though you'll probably find it unsatisfactory.

>> No.9525014

Why do people make these threads?

>> No.9525017
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Oh look, another dumb /pol/ bait thread

>> No.9525028

>Keep in mind that a single volcanic eruption puts out more CO2 than all of man's collective activities for the past couple hundred years.
LOL no.


If you can't even get basic facts right, please don't staff your misinformed opinions.

>> No.9525051
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>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Yes. But CO2 isn't the only problem.

>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
Races are both biological and social. Although, I think biological factors, like race, are the most decisive.

>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
Absolutely not. This is a lie fat people tell themselves.

>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
Couldn't say.

>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
The evidence points to homo sapiens preferring to live in homogeneous groups. This probably stems from our nomadic, tribal ancestry.

>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
No idea.

>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
I have a lot of questions, and I think that the holocaust was exaggerated and used as a propaganda tool in most western countries, but I don't deny a genocide occurred.

>> No.9525067

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Mostly human caused
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
They are social constructs with a genetic basis. So that means we can find average differences in physiology between races.
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
Obesity is unhealthy at all stages of adult life except when you're really old, a little baby fat helps you survive illness. This problem mainly stems from putting sugar in everything and bad eating habits.
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
Maybe a god but I wouldn't know.
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
Humans prefer to live in homogeneous groups with a slight bit of diversity. The best conformation is 80% homogeneous and 20% diverse. This acts as "genetic insurance" in the case of a catastrophe.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
The purpose of the universe is for us to discover what our purpose is. From that point onward we will know the rest.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
It's entirely possible. I would venture to say the numbers are higher than the actual number. However I 100% believe that a large number of people were murdered for being Jewish or undesirable.

>> No.9526252
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Damn, I didn't know there were this many racists on /sci/ wtf

>> No.9526268

thank goodness for reasonable people

>> No.9526294

>Man made global warming
>Race realism
>Fat acceptance
Don't care
Don't care
Don't care

>> No.9526297

>holocaust was physically possible
you mean as in cremation? then you're flat out wrong.
also mass graveyards were never found so there's that. number are definitely overblown.

>> No.9526313

what how is this guy >>9524913 racist

not only is he right, it's the least racist and most reasonable explanation possible

>> No.9526316

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
not qualified enough to give an answer
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
yes, both biologically and socially. they do have empirical importance (black people usually have higher blood pressure for example)
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
healthy no, beautiful is subjective
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
from a personal level, i don't think there's any reason why or what caused it. also i'll probably never figure it out so why bother?
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
i don't think there is any objective purpose. for me it's to be a good and honorable man.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
possible, yes (why wouldn't it be), probable? no.

>> No.9526322

Race does NOT exist. At all. People pushing this narrative are anti-science white-supremacists...

>> No.9526330

Don't bother, he's a /pol/tard falseflagging as le white genocide jew

>> No.9526331

my bad i didn't read that guy's entire post. i just saw the part on environment
holy fuck that went from 100 to 0 real fast

we started with a beautiful response considering epigenetics, and thyroid conditions, a multi-faceted global warming response

then it slowly degenerated to homogenous cultures, being god's dildo, and finally the holocaust not happening and satanists manipulating jews

WEW LAD that was a rollercoaster

>> No.9526335

i didn't read his whole post that was my bad. the genetics part was actually accurate

>> No.9526358

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
It's real but meme renewables won't fix it- fusion will.
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
Certain populations, in general, have lower/higher intellect than others. Humans should be judged on an individual basis- a 80IQ white redneck and an 80IQ congoid nigger are equally worthless.
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
Visceral fat literally kills you.
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
Since it's outside timespace, it's unknowable and thus irrelevant.
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
Culturally and ethically homogenous groups are superior to culturally diversified ones.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
"Meaning" hasn't been observed in nature, making it a void abstract concept, completely detached from reality. Searching for it is illogical.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
Numbers are overestimated and are probably around 2 mil jews and 1 mil various others, like gypsies, dissidents etc. Most of the jews also died of disease and malnourishment, not from muh ebin gas. And since this isn't /pol/, I don't see how this is relevant to anything.

>> No.9526770

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Vote for me, and I'll stop this perceived crisis!
There is a greenhouse effect, but its extent is debatable.
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
Biologically, as well as cultural to some extent
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war

>> No.9526930

>black people usually have higher blood pressure for example
African Americans, yes. Africans don't have an unusually high amount of hypertension like their American counterparts do.

>> No.9526939

t. never heard of the criteria for bone marrow donators and recipients


>> No.9527037
File: 390 KB, 932x817, let me Axe (You) a question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /pol/acks:

Anthropogenic global warming/climate change is real, and it poses a serious threat to human civilization/society.

Races are real, but not terribly important/informative from a genetic perspective. That is, there's more variation within races than between them.

Anyone can be healthy at a reasonably wide range of weights. However, just because SOMEONE can be healthy at 300 lbs doesn't mean YOU can. And just because you CAN BE healthy at 250 lbs doesn't mean you ACTUALLY ARE healthy at 250 lbs; if you're carrying too much fat tissue in excess of what your body naturally tends to carry, you're probably putting yourself at risk.

Creation? We have no way of knowing. As far as science can tell, it just is because it is.

People are inherently tribalistic; we tend to surround ourselves with people like us (whether in terms of ethnicity, personality, religion, politics, whatever). However, it's better that people have contact with others different from them, as seeing and getting to know people different from you humanizes them to you and prevents xenophobia. You don't have to be close friends with people different from you, but you should see them around from time to time.

Purpose? That's not a question for science either. Shit just happens; there's no reason it has to be part of some larger plan.

The evidence that the Holocaust happened is overwhelming. If your models say that it's not plausible, that speaks to problems with your models. (Viz. "scientists can't explain how the bumblebee can fly".)

>> No.9527070

>That is, there's more variation within races than between them.
This is wrong, or rather, misinterpreted.

Disclaimer: I am not a /pol/tard, I despise them but I also don't like misleading quotes.

The geneticist that said this was wrong in the sense that his statement about variation within races is only true if you pick one trait and compare it to everyone else. But the concept of race isn't based on comparing the prevalence of one trait in a group of people, it's based on associating many traits at once. This is what humans do naturally when we look at somebody and conclude he is african or european for instance. Hair shape, color, skin color, eye color, lips, jaw and whatever you else you can think of. We take all these traits into account. And if you do take a SET of relevant genes from an individual within a certain population (european), you are much more likely to find this same set in other europeans than africans. Same goes for other populations.

So the quote is really a fallacy that many papers or even academics in my experience spout but it doesn't mean what most people think it means. You can read more here about it and how it was "debunked".


>> No.9527131

I'm not saying that race isn't genetically "real", just that the large-scale categories aren't particularly useful because of the wide variation within them. If you run an ordination on the variation at a bunch of different loci taken together, you'll clearly see some differentiable clusters, but they'll be very broad and fuzzy.

Also, I'm going to nitpick the comparison of identification by traits and identification by genetic markers. Visible traits often reflect environment more than phylogenetic relationships; going purely off of physical appearance, one might erroneously conclude that sub-Saharan Africans are the sister group to Native Australians.

>> No.9527160

>Visible traits often reflect environment more than phylogenetic relationships;
You're right, and that's why the past perception of race was so wrong. Many of the loci that are needed to properly cluster populations are not visible to the naked eye, I was just using it as an example. My post was more aimed to encourage the non-usage of the specific quote in these discussions, because it was and is used to suggest an incorrect conclusion.

>> No.9527256
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fair enough.

>> No.9527296

Hello JIDF

>> No.9527542

If reddit was a single post, this would be it.

>> No.9527694

>idiots act like the holocaust was literally 6 million gassings and cremations
Fucking idiots. Einzatgruppen summary executions by bullet make up a big proportion of that number, as well as disease and starvation. The only people who espouse the 6 million gassings are intellectually dishonest stormcucks deliberately misrepresenting the historical academic consensus to create an easily beaten strawman.

Reminder that if you kidnap people and mistreat them to the point where they die in your custody then you're a murderer, even if you supposedly didn't mean to kill them. Also, don't bring up bullshit "allied bombing supply line" lies. If that were the case, why did foodstuffs make it to wehrmacht forces?

Much of your stupid quibbling has already been addressed by the Irving v Lipstadt libel trial, so fuck off and die, you fat nasty trash

>> No.9527725

>>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Pretty moot point, even if no change due to emissions, fossils are already on the wy to running out. Also, if you live in a big city today, you will have absolutely no doubt about health problems coming from exhaust gases.
>>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
>>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
Not a scientific question.
>>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
Well, general unified theory of physics is far from being ready as of yet, progress in that field might make this answerable.
>>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
Again "better" is not a scientific category at all. Live how you want to live and dont shit on other peoples way of life.
>>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
Not a scientific question.
>>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
Thats a question for /his/. Thats for archive work, which is scientific, but you cant mathematically prove or disprove such a question since many different aspects are factored in. Personally i believe its more than true, since some groups, like gays, mentally ill people and roma are sometimes not even included in some of the usual numbers. t. german guy from west of munich

>> No.9527741

So, homestuck?

>> No.9527784
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I feel like this post should be a site wide banner.

>> No.9527954

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
it's both manmade and nature made, humans are part of nature every other scenario is hipothetical.
>Race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
races exist, but a "pure raced" human does not and can never exist.
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
healthy not, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe
I doubt we would be doing what we're doing if anyone would know.
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
we need both, the ability to use both to our advantage is what makes our species so special.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
IMHO accumulation of organised energy is the goal of life, and when every single particle is part of a big network will it have reached it's goal.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war
WTF? Yes. Doesn't matter how many they killed, it was systematic and it was surely more than 1.
Has nobody ever told you that you can't weigh blood with blood?

>> No.9529843

>Probably true
>Population groups exist, so far as any demographic exists. They are a useful structure.
>Healthy? No. Beautiful? Not every weight will be viewed as beautiful at the same time
>The ruling is still out on creation, but I’m disbelieving of creationism
>Humans evolved in small, tribal, homogeneous groups. But there are benefits to large, diverse groups too. Saying one is better than the other is an oversimplification and willful ignorance of nuance.
>Purpose is something given to an object by an intelligent creator, existing only in the mind of conscious beings. There is no implicit purpose to things.

>> No.9529919
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>Not being a Non Euclidian Discordian with Neo-Fortean sensibilities
I'll believe in literally anything if it's the right day of the week.
Except flat earth. That's for fucking retards and low effort trolls.

>> No.9529956

Climate: Earth was warmer in past. Plants capture CO2 naturally. Agriculture output increases when hotter, solving World Hunger.

Race realism: Huge amount of Statistical Data as evidence.

Fat acceptance: Thin is better (with Thicc Breasts & Buttocks for woman)

Creation: Big bang and Evolution are real. But perhaps God triggered the Big bang. God [math]=[/math]Yahveh[math] \neq[/math]Jesus.

White Male Asian Female = OK
Black Male White Female = Bad

The purpose of Life is the Happiness of your Kids/Offspring.
The purpose of Universe is be our "Home".

Holocaust numbers were inflated. Nazis killed 100 times less Jews than the propaganda.

>> No.9529978
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>Climate: Earth was warmer in past. Plants capture CO2 naturally. Agriculture output increases when hotter, solving World Hunger.
Don't tell me you actually that an increase of .001% atmospheric C02 will be enough impact plant growth, and that it'll and offset desertification and destruction of glacial runoff.

>> No.9530057

Explain why Earth was much warmer in past. With much more CO2. But also more humid, with more vegetation, and with large reptiles such as dinosaurs wandering on Earth.

>> No.9530061

A few degrees hotter won't kill life on Earth.
When the Earth was hotter the vegetation was more dense and life more exuberant.

By other hand many land animals died in the Ice Age. A colder earth would bring famine and agricultural collapse.

>> No.9530083

>Man made global warming, caused by CO2 emissions
Overwhelmingly, carbon emissions are from humans.
>race realism, do races exist biologically or are they just social constructs with no empirical importance
Race isn't so much an actual biological classification so much as a collection of normal traits humans differ in from person to person that cluster together due to humans liking those that look closer to them and natural skin color change over time. Race kind of exists, but not the way people think. It's kind of like the confusion with people thinking that all dogs are just mixtures of different breeds. Our traits cannot be defined by what percentages they reflect different "pure" members of other races as really its just mixing of traits. We don't mark every set of characteristics as a race, so you could say they are social constructs.
>Fat acceptance, can you be healthy and beautiful at any weight?
It has much more to do with what percentage of your mass is muscle and body fat and what nutrients you consume and how much. But in general, there are proportions of size and weight that can only be reached by living an unhealthy lifestyle. Typically if you're over a certain BMI and a body fat percentage relative to that, you are unhealthy.
>Creation, ultimately, what caused and structured the laws of the universe.
We have no way of knowing the cause of the rules of the universe. But my best guess is that our rules and universe was created by a reaction in a universe with laws that govern time and space inconceivable to us. This universe might have had non-linear time, making it possible for it to have always existed.
We have no way of knowing linear time is the only true time form.
>Diversity, evolutionarily speaking, do humans prefer living in "diverse" groups or in homogeneous groups, which is better?
It depends on the trait, but in general, instinctively, homogeneous. Of course, this preference is less likely if you're exposed to difference.

>> No.9530085

>Explain why Earth was much warmer in past.
Because over hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, the climate shifted gradually towards that. Life had ample time to adapt then.

Not the case now. We're seeing an increase in the course of mere centuries which in the past took millennia to happen. Even current levels of warming over 10,000 years would be dangerous, but at this rate? Yeah shit's gonna go down, a lot of long-term damage is gonna be done.

It's true, life on Earth won't be snuffed out. It's survived numerous mass extinctions in the past, and it'll survive this one. We'll make our planet supremely uncomfortable for a time, maybe destroy our civilization, but life on Earth will hold on.

>A colder earth would bring famine and agricultural collapse.
True, runaway global cooling would be just as devastating as runaway global warming.

>> No.9530095

continuation of diversity: we need both in different circumstances, however.
>Teleology, scientifically, what is the purpose of life and the universe, why is there something rather than nothing.
I explained my theory for creation above, but purpose and meaning are constructs of sentience.
>Was the holocaust mathematically possible given the resources and time limit of the war.
Yes, absolutely, no doubt.