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9517184 No.9517184 [Reply] [Original]

what's with the crackpot idea that once we get viable fusion reactors we'll reach some kind of technological utopia? you think first-world countries can't generate enough electricity already? what are you planning to do with all that fusion energy?

>> No.9517192
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You make glass bricks from sands of Sahara and build a 800-storey Trump Tower in Dubai

>> No.9517208

Even advanced countries can't generate energy cheaply enough. We could, for example, desalinate sea water and pump it to where it's needed. Californians could water their lawns whenever they felt like it.
But it's only practical is places like Dubai where energy is cheap and fresh water is expensive.

It's not enough to have unlimited fusion energy -- or unlimited energy from some other source. It has to be nearly free before any of those techno-utopias can even be considered.

>> No.9517209

>you think first-world countries can't generate enough electricity already?
>what are you planning to do with all that fusion energy
literally everything
let's go back to your original question
>what's with the crackpot idea that once we get viable fusion reactors we'll reach some kind of technological utopia
because you can literally end scarcity with it

>> No.9517213

Clean renewable efficient energy and lots of it

>> No.9517251

>what are you planning to do with all that fusion energy?
turn all garbage into raw materials for reuse

>> No.9517273

Get out of my board you redcoat

>> No.9517280


Force through any chemical reaction we want with sheer energy. You want to make petrol out of atmospheric CO2 and water, because it's a convenient high density energy storage medium? No problem, just force it through.

>> No.9517283


It's not even that renewable. All forseeable reactions involve super rare deuterium or tritium

>> No.9517298

Son, you could fusion torch the sand, mass spec it and extract gold from it while you're doing that.

That is if fusion isn't as expensive as current nuclear power. If fusion plants are as expensive as conventional nuclear power plants, adoption will be pretty slow and we won't see much change. I forgot the study that showed this.

If we can make fusion reactors much cheaper than we can fission, we can expect pretty big changes. We get aneutronic fusion working, which is ridiculous right now, and we basically have a Mr. Fusion scenario with reactors generating so little radioactive waste you could potentially put them in people's houses.

>>because you can literally end scarcity with it
there's no way to end scarcity right now. Every ebook ever written could be completely free, but they aren't because of copyright and what not.
you can breed more tritium and you can extract deuterium from seawater.

>> No.9517314
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To fuck off into space and obliterate this miserable world and all the bad people from orbit.

>> No.9517339

>there's no way to end scarcity right now. Every ebook ever written could be completely free, but they aren't because of copyright and what not.

I know where you are coming from, but from my point of view, I couldn't give less of a fuck about intellectual property when there is shit like 4 billion people living on 3 dollars a day or less, third of the human population not having access to proper sanitation and clean water or rising sea threatening another billion.
When every place on earth has HDI like Scandinavia, you can worry about fucking E-books.

>> No.9517353
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it's more like, when we GET fusion energy it'll be a big deal, but any fusion reactor will be monstrously expensive even if fuel is dirt cheap.
but once we actually get positive Q, as in meet breakeven, then the race is to make the reactor smaller and cheaper. that gradual downward slide in price and size is the really exciting part.

there's a certain point where fusion starts working literally everywhere at almost any scale except possible passenger vehicles, and your fuel source is essentially infinite and requires almost no processing/energy/infrastructure to prepare.
That's the really exciting cool bit

>> No.9517357

also, when energy is so accessible that you can essentially piss it away, a lot of things become more viable like living in bumfuck nowhere arctic if you can run a reactor to keep everything warm and artificial sunlight for growing food
recycling becomes way more viable because the energy cost goes to fuck
water desalination becomes more viable as well, since a huge downside to that is the massive energy cost

>> No.9517817

Because we have enough energy even now. Even fusion is viable, problem is suppression of viable technology, due to unnecessary accommodation of resources. I think we can treat potential interplanetary conflict different way, than stacking money on a pile.

>> No.9517846


2 things advance civilization and allow us to do things we couldn't normally do:

1. Materials
2. Energy

These two things allow humans to more readily adapt and thrive in environments they normally couldn't. Our current technology and material science basically allows us to live in most environments with some constraints. If fusion energy is plentiful and cheap, you can start disconnecting yourself from the environment entirely. You could have the population of Las Vegas be 100 million people and be sustainable as you could use vasts amounts of energy to bring in desalinize/reprocess water and generate electricity to run everything.

>> No.9517863

Civilization is built on cheap energy and resources. Peak oil is the reason why the US started to suck after the 70s.

>> No.9517948

You can never raise up africa to be self sustaining without essentially propping it up. They will never be scandinavia even if they had more resources and the same environment.

>> No.9517949


>> No.9517950

*and the population that makes it up

>> No.9517960

They already have far more resources and technology than edwardian europe but still more starvation and a lower QoL. Africans have too low intelligence and too high a biological disposition to violence to sustain a civilization. If you poured resources in they would not improve their lot, they would mindlessly grow to consume it and end in the same circumstance in which they started. We've essentially performed this experiment for the past 100 years.

Nothing is gained from helping them and using endless energy from fusion to support them would be doing just that: artifically supporting an exploding population which would collapse the second you stopped actively doing so.

>> No.9517967

I would just like to point out that Africa is not a country, it's almost 50 countries with HDI ranging from mid 300's to upper 700's and it has more than enough beautiful developed places and their number is only growing and basically, you seem to be still clutching to the mental image of billion people living in clay huts and chucking spears at animals and each other.

>> No.9517971

I never mentioned a country. No part of the discussion was about countries, just populations that fall into the worst categories of development. So what a bizarre response. As for the places that have high QoL, yes - places like south african white areas, districts controlled by chinese business, northern africa which is arab.

I dont at all think of africans in mud huts, as said we artifically sustain them and i have been to SA, kenya and zambia, not including northern african nations. They live in absolute self-induced squalor though, everything of note is a tattered remain of colonial rule, neglected and misused. I even first hand got to see the famous dirt cookies in which they literally cook and ear mud as a meal. As for spears, no. They now have western made guns to shoot at each other. As a note on that i saw one woman out there who had a wooden gun she used to scare people.

The place is an incredible waste of land, with the population at its current level entirely dependent on western food and emdeavor. Give them more and they will multiple to consume it, give them less and they would perish with certainty. Giving them fusion power serves no real purpose.

>> No.9518004

Oh man you're right anon, after all deuterium is only one part in 7000 in seawater, so that's a mere 46,000 cubic miles of it we have. And yeah tritium Is rare, it's not like you can form it using lithium irradiation or anything,like they plan to do with the Gf reactor.

>> No.9518008
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>Gf reactor
tell me more

>> No.9518012

It makes it so you can do ridiculous things easily.

>Man this desert sucks,let's stick a reactor by the ocean and use it to desalinate water and turn it into a fucking tropical paradise. Or more usefully let's plant fucktons of bamboo and use it to rip carbon our of the air and then build housing and insulation with it for pennies on the dollar. Or fuck it,let's just chemically rip CO2 out of the air and make it into carbon fiber car frames. And let's build giant laser arrays on the ground to accelerate microprobes to relativistic speeds to visit stars. And while we're at it,fuck it man, let's build heating wires under roads to melt snow. Shit, why not just build tens of thousands of massive outdoor heaters and make our city be perpetually warm in the winter?

You can literally go full retard if you can make fusion reactors that aren't stupidly expensive a la ITER's framework. That's why general fusion is intetresting since their overall concept is pretty simple and direct and good for actually making a viable reactor in a reasonable timeframe.

>> No.9518015

L0l the only decent parts of africa are south africa which is only semi ok, north africa which has an incredibly strong arabic and european influence to this day, and finally nigeria which is the only legit nation in the whole fucking mess.

>> No.9518018

The big point is cost and the fact that it would be effectively unlimited for any of our projects no matter how retarded for the forseeable future. Think of it like the discovery of electromagnetism except many orders of magnitude more impactful.

>> No.9518026


Now aneutronic fusion, ooh hoo hoo

THAT would be a prize.

You could literally mount this shit inside of vehicles likes ships without any serious issues. It's bananas.

>> No.9518047

Why has nobody considered the massive amount of heat which would be released by vicarious use of fusion reactors? We're already facing global warming at alarming rates, and all that energy has to go somewhere.

>> No.9518053

>massive amount of heat
Tiny compared to the heat added to earth by the sun every second

>> No.9518056

Can’t we just use the non-heat energy to make the world’s most powerful ACU to cancel it out?
And after that we can start working on the sun made of water.

>> No.9518073

You mean that massive amount of heat we want and is indeed the entire point of the reactor? Jesus dude go research how electrical energy is generated.

>> No.9518080

Heat we produce doesn't cause global warming brainlet. It's the sun and increased capture of its heat.

>> No.9518084

You could for example build a flying airplane carrier/small town above the clouds. Imagine it like a huge helicopter, whos propellers are powered by one or several nuclear fusion reactors.

Synthesising chemicals would also suddenly be really cheap.

Since energy creation would be 100% free, safe and clean, all the ressources that are wasted for the current energy production, safety concerns connected to it, or because we have to deal with the effects of pollution (not just global warming, but also local pollution of waters and air) can go towards other purposes. This could free up ressources in the range of trillions of dollars every year.

All in all, if you take all the money that is suddenly avaiable because energy is free, cheap and safe, and technological possibilities that a small, very efficient, safe and reliable energy source offers, it would definetely result in on of the biggest leaps mankind has experienced based on just one single invention. It would be on par with mankind discovering agriculture or the steam engine.

>> No.9518104

>some chemical reactions can be electricity driven instead of catalysts
>massive increase in available computer power
>massive transport projects become more viable
there are a few more when you consider super conductivity but I don't know how reasonable that is

>> No.9518109

so you're saying man-made global warming is a scam

>> No.9518112
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>energy creation would be 100% free

>> No.9518113

no he means the greenhouse effect is worsened by carbon emissions, not heat we put out you imbecile

>> No.9518123

Where are you planning to dump the heat?

A sun made of water is small potatoes!
On /sci/ they're inevitably made of ice or rock. And then they fight it out.

>> No.9518124

No process can be 100% efficient indefinitely. While it's true that heating water is the desired result of a controlled nuclear reaction, the output is only useful as *potential* energy, which presents in the form of steam that moves against the acceleration of gravity. When we say "heat energy" we're talking about the energy that leaks into matter surrounding the water instead of the water itself. Once that happens, once-useful potential energy moves out of the system and is lost for good. The laws of thermodynamics won't allow us to redirect any significant amount of work from ambient heat; otherwise we could end up with air conditioners that allow heat to flow from cold to hot, which is AGAINST THE RULES.

>> No.9518166
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>> No.9518414
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The point is that we'll have potentially endless (not free or cheap) available energy, which will give a level of comfort to civilization to develop without the strain of fossil fuels depletion and climate change.

>> No.9518434

I hope fusion will never come to be.

The potential environmental devastation from "unlimited" energy will make climate change, acidification, ozone hole, and so on, look like child's play.

>> No.9518444

Dumbest shit I've read all day.
Order the helium.

>> No.9518454
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>> No.9518649

>He can't into different types of energy.

My sides have sides now.

>> No.9518673

A brainlet and a faggot, wow!

>> No.9518816
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>> No.9518830

Fusion power would be great but how likely is it that the only way to harness fusion in a sustainable way is simply to put solar panels around the sun?

>> No.9519006

Stefan go make more videos detailing how your vast intelligence makes you not a morning person and trying to get lauren to sleep with you.

>> No.9519011

>you think first-world countries can't generate enough electricity already?
They can't http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-43030677

>> No.9519045

Depends on how exactly we achieve fusion energy. Something like ITER? Yeah, basically useless. Huge, immensely expensive, and still produces radioactive waste that you have to put somewhere. But maybe something more compact and cheaper like tri-alpha energy or Lockheeds compact fusion reactors? Absoluetely ground-shaking. You could build planes that just keep flying forever (well, almost), or you could power a mid-sized city out of the back of a truck. You couldnt really tell what exactly the consequences would be, because so many things might be possible. It would be like James Watt trying to gues what consequences his steam engine would have.

>> No.9519156

Probably about 200 years away so what's the point in developing such tech for muslims and creaturas.

>> No.9519268

how much energy does it cost to get that shit going?
is it higher than the energy you get out of it?

>> No.9519483
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Really powerful batteries are much more interesting than fusion power to me.

Already people are making their own diy powerwalls with 18650's.

>> No.9519490

>muh global warming
>muh environment
>uses shit ton of lithium batteries and solar panels

>> No.9519493
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>> No.9520223

the proposed solutions to global warming are so mindnumbingly stupid the only reasonable conclusion is that the whole things a con or nobody actually has any idea whats going on.

>> No.9520228
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>> No.9520236

Just reducing our usage of fossil fuels to near zero ain't enough at this point, shit's going to carry on for a while even after due to lagging effects of feedback loops of CO2 release. We HAVE to do massive energy intensive carbon sequestration and probably look into massive ocean deacidification. Fusion makes that not easy,but possible.

i want to see us become a truly futuristic society of automation and abundance.

>> No.9520564

>Africans have too low intelligence and too high a biological disposition to violence to sustain a civilization.
citation needed
pol not accepted as source

>> No.9520568

listen retards, energy will never be free

because in the end all of this is some very capable people who applied a lot of effort.

what you want is something for nothing
and youre never gonna get it, if you want to have stuff fucking work dont be parasites

>> No.9520582

Plenty of people have built fusors. Even high school students.
None come close to generating more energy than it takes to run them.
The rewards of success are so great, however, that nations and investors have poured billions into the effort. (Though still chump change compared to the tax breaks and subsidies Exxon et al get.)

>> No.9520696

Nations need an average IQ of at least 90 to sustain democracy. No african nation is even near that.


Combine that with their well documented rares of criminality and total historical failure to produce their own civilization. Blacks on their own are quite literally incapable of larger society by virtue of their IQ. Im not saying all, but the average is what matters in nation building.

>> No.9520783

And Ghana, Botswana, Namibia, arguably Ethiopia, Kenya, and Egypt. The whole damn continent has been on the up and up for a while.

>> No.9520819

not black

Undergoing an economic miracle ever since they invited in thousands of the whites that were expelled from Zimbabwe, what an amazing coincidence

>Ghana, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya
>The whole damn continent has been on the up and up for a while.
Because the new Chinese colonists are filling the gaps left by the old European colonists

>> No.9520822

> north africa is fine due to arabs
> "but egypt is fine!"

What a fucking brainlet. As for the others, not at all - look up the current foreign aid and food given broken down by african nations, with the tech given to them as well. They are dragged a small amount forward but they are still absolute wastelands.

>> No.9520827

Physcist here
OPs pic related is not a good idea

>> No.9520854

Make unlimited rocket fuel for nearly free. Run LHC as high and for as long as we want(barring necessary maintenance). Fire high energy lasers at stuff in space, just for funsies.

Its not that we cant make the energy required to do these things now, its that the cost to do those things requires the budget of a large country.