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File: 617 KB, 941x541, bourgeoisie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9515583 No.9515583 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit.


This is quite impressive. We truly are living within the future and this is what makes everyone so scared so they result to electing officers who are stuck in the past which would only detriment their own future when society returns to being run by the bourgeoisie.

They may foolishly suspect that those in charge of their government may pass a bill that entitles civilians to a living income paid forth by the government even though this would be a form of socialism and welfare which they so actively fight against. While these bourgeoises remain in control they will continue to starve the underclasses while stripping them of all low wage work and replacing them with machinery.

The positive side to all of this is that this will be a form of population control although most here would be within the population that dies off.

This is both the beginning of the end and a beautiful beginning for those privileged enough to be among the ranks of the bourgeoisie.

It has happened.

>> No.9515586

The 2020's are going to be a very terrifying decade.

>> No.9515603

I am going to laugh when the proletariat starts demanding their government pass a bill for a new living income because robots took their jobs. While being completely unaware that they are demanding socialism and welfare.

>> No.9515608

I suppose one could program these new robots to target the rich and kill them off once they start to earn a certain amount of funds. Issac Asimov's Law of Robots would be what keeps them from targeting the poorer classes. Naturally, we would abolish such laws since we would have become too liberal for our own good.

>> No.9515610

Im gonma be one of those old people whos afraid of technology

>> No.9515617

I'm watching them since 10 years and they are still basically producing 4-legged-robots that can only do very specific tasks. There are many more research institutions who are doing more impressive works.

If building robots was about making them look as creepy as possible though, Boston Dynamics would win all the way.

Also, that thing, like all autonomous robots, is going to run out of battery within 20 minutes.

>> No.9515622


Still a cheap party trick. No need to worry, we're very far off, at least in the hardware department for killer robots. Probably 25-40 years, it's imminent, the only question is when.

>> No.9515624

How is this a cheap party trick?

Don't we have the technology to make them communicate?

>> No.9515626

not impressed by robots opening doors for eachother , that means nothing in terms of labor and A.I. robot wars

>> No.9515633
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This means nothing in terms of labor, but this certainly does.

>> No.9515640

Why ?

We are the creators.

>> No.9515648
File: 33 KB, 640x596, qdi6xg5xpmqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basic income and of course it will be a thing soon.

>> No.9515649

It seems retarded to me to build a robot that is supposed to be like a human. Normally, you would build robots that can do things that humans can't do. But if you try to do that in human shape, it is extremely hard to do. For example, even if you build a robot that looks like a human and can do all the tasks a human, can I struggle to believe you could for example make that robot have much stronger arms. And even if it did, it would mean it is draining its energy sources much quicker. Which is the second huge problem in humanoid robots. Equipping them with enough energy to, for example, run a marathon, seems like a pipe dream. And even if you achieved that, you created nothing that isn't already existing.

The upside is that you could program a robot to do certain things, while this is hard for humans. Hard though, does not mean impossible. The elites are doing quite well in controlling the masses by censorship and welfare. So why bother replacing this system with robots, who are going to have their own disadvantages?

>> No.9515666

It's because we have a tendency to play God. Plus we secretly desire to have slaves back but using any kind of human at all goes against our morality that slavery is wrong.

>> No.9515672

Honestly, the day that basic income becomes a reality is the day that I am going to start hiding underneath my bed sheets as this means that socialism is on the rise and that we're slowly losing the proletariat.

>> No.9515679
File: 47 KB, 500x373, Basic Income and Survival Anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand, Freedom can be scary

>> No.9515682

That's not very surprising, this has always been the case in development of labor, like anything in development of technology, labor changes, jobs are delegated to machines, and new jobs must be created elsewhere.

I'm in the view there will always be new forms of labor that will develop with technology. This has always been the case. Its just that people can never obviously predict what "new" jobs will be in the future. So they freak out and think there will be nothing and "machines" will take over. Automation, a highly automated society, with A.I.'s , robots, I predict will still have labor, jobs to do, many things in theory cannot be automated by an A.I. as well - many goods and services derive their value from human design as well

>> No.9515684

How is basic income not a tool used by the bourgeoisie to control the dying proletariat?

>> No.9515686

>universal basic income

Oh god, imagine how many singers and artists there will be....

>> No.9515687

There is no honor in hedonism.

>> No.9515691

How come there wouldn't be more university students studying to go into the science fields?

I would imagine that should universal basic income become a thing that more people would start to focus more on academic pursuits since they no longer have to worry about work to feed themselves.

>> No.9515693

Basic income is the end of the social classes. With a basic income, you can say "go fuck yourself" to your boss if you think your job is bad.

Money or the fear of unemployment is no longer a means of pressure and intimidation.

>> No.9515694

Universal basic income means that you only get a certain amount of funds. You would still require a job or a career if you wish to make more beyond what is given to you. It's not like everyone gets a million dollars here. It's essentially a replacement for the minimal wage.

>> No.9515695

I'm not saying I like socialism, but how will capitalism deal with a fully automated society?

>> No.9515698
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The goal is not to be a billionaire. The goal is to live with dignity.

>> No.9515699

Just let the lower classes die off due to starvation and poverty. That is the easiest way of dealing with the added numbers. Socialism will rise from said numbers, but it would never fully be in control compared to those on top.

>> No.9515701

That's not how human beings function, you naive fool.

>> No.9515702

UBI is just pushing the problem under the rug. What happens when there are no jobs anymore for anyone? Will the majority of the population get their basic income while those families that own the automation reap the rest of the insanely expanded productivity?

>> No.9515703

That sounds like the most likely scenario. Of course, repealing UBI would allow for a decrease in the population when poverty strikes and everyone dies off due to starvation.

>> No.9515705
File: 4 KB, 250x221, mistergreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i saw a primitive robot bash open a door we must institute communism by next thursday

god damn it /r/futurology

>> No.9515706


I know, that's why we call it a new paradigm.

>> No.9515709

Why not just bring back communism while we're at it and let everyone starve in poverty?

>> No.9515717

>>9515709 Noone starved in the USSR. Except in the early years, but you know, war and stalin and shit.

>> No.9515736
File: 139 KB, 482x505, 1504257341126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While these bourgeoises remain in control they will continue to starve the underclasses

>someone's purposely being starved by the upper classes
>in 2018

Leave the fucking house once in a while, will you?

>> No.9515811

Where are prrofs?
Holodomor is ukraine lie!

You fucking commies never explain where this magical dignity money comes from, because you know you're stealing it from the future. Oy vey just print more, don't you want dignity? GET YOUR DIGNITY HERE, JUST VOTE FOR DIGNITY CANDIDATE HOPE CHANGE IS FUTURE PARADIGM PROGRESS NOW

>> No.9515826

It's going to be fun when unemployment rates skyrocket because some company accidentally made their robot too competent.
Universal income is coming whether you greedy right-wing Jews want it or not.

>> No.9515846

Untrue, communism has failed, will fail and has no public demand.

>> No.9515862

> Universal income is coming

more like universal no income lel

>> No.9515869

So you're hugely rich and successful then? Or do you just feel that only those who put on a show of working hard deserve to live comfortably?

>> No.9515875

> public demand

fuck public and fuck their demands

90% of "public" would vote for GMO ban
90% of "public" would vote for dihydrogen monoxide ban

>> No.9515876

Government assistance, like it or not, can still be a part of a capitalist economy. Not everything that you don't like paying taxes for is communism, you dumb right-wing hick.

>> No.9515881

>>9515811 Who gives a shit, it was the 30s, the US still lynched fags and niggers at that time.

>> No.9515906
File: 37 KB, 741x352, TXnPc3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9515914


He's not contradicting himself.

>> No.9515966

And that is why democracy doesn't work.

>> No.9515979

>Not celebrating = closing
Nice try, brainlet

>> No.9516042

Sure he is, you brainlet.

Hi, samefag.

>> No.9516095


See: >>9515979

>> No.9516175

Am I only one scared by stupid machines instead?

>> No.9516191
File: 978 KB, 1320x896, 1515912580020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking nothing.

>> No.9516214

>base income in robot thread

Ok fine, here I go with this shit. Robots are the future. One day, clearly not today or next year, but one day every house hold will NEED a computer the same way we need a computer. So 1 robot in every home. Now imagine if those robots have access to an ever expanding library of things it can do and it's constantly learning new things.

For instance, ask the robot to make you spaghetti. The robot is able to access the central computer for instructions on how to cook spaghetti. One of the instructions is to strain the pasta with a colander, which you don't own so it tells you it can't make your delicious pasta. But then the central computer tells every robot not currently active to compute solutions to this no colander problem. It looks for alternatives to use, or how to /diy/ something. It concludes a colander can be created with a power drill, and any bowl. This solution is saved in the main database which all robots can access. Now next time ANYONE in the world asks for spaghetti but doesn't own a colander, the robot can make a colander out of materials on hand. That kind of distributed problem solving will change society. Tell the robots you can't afford food. Next thing you know it's growing vegtables in your backyard for you. Not enough food? It builds a greenhouse/hydroponics factory. No home? It builds an adobe home out of mud and lawn clippings.

Instead of having a base income, we should all be granted one of these robots that can find practical solutions to societies problems. That is until some republican convinces the robot that there'd be less poor and hungry people in the world if they would all just die. Then we have murder bots everywhere.

>> No.9516227



Four legs good, two legs bad

>> No.9516240

former Mech Engineer here

honestly, these are really impressive and I feel compelled to explain. They have such good controls, the robots can balance (even on four legs this still needs good controls) and perform complex actions which make use of all joints. Therefore, its movement looks fluid which gives it that "uncanny valley" vibe.

Another thing, you probably noticed how it is communicating with its partner there. The robots programming can recognize one-another as other entities rather than inanimate objects. He approaches the door, probably sends a request for help to the partner robot, and then waits for him to open it. I'm not a CS so I can't even fathom the algorithms therein, but man that's some good shit.

>> No.9516251

Why are you a "former" Mechanical engineer? I'm looking to go school this fall for a second bachelor's (first b.s. in a STEM field).

>I'm not a robot

I can't decide between Mech E or Electrical & Computer Engineering (combined) degree. I want to know software/hardware, but real world mechanics are fascinating as well.

Do you have any advice for me?

>> No.9516284

>Do you have any advice for me?
STEM is a meme with no jobs. Go into finance while you still can.

>> No.9516329

I do applied math now, Grad Student. I'll give you the rundown, but I must admit I don't know much about the electrical scene.

Mech. Eng. is good stuff but you won't get any software/hardware like the Electricals do. Both are about equal in mathematical savvy (Electricals slightly higher I think).

We used matlab a lot to write scientific software, stuff like solving equations and data analysis routines. You still wind up learning a lot about circuits and signals in the context of controls and laboratory instruments.

for control systems you could do electric or mechanical
for solid/fluid mechanics you do mechanical (I do fluids)
for hardware you do electrical/computer
for software it depends...
>scientific programming
any choice of degree
>operating systems
might choose CS or comp. eng.
>higher level applications like vidia games
definitely CS or even math

ultimately anyone can learn to program well

>> No.9516338

>more automation means power to da peepole!
More automation has always meant more power to the elite. What has changed?

>> No.9516341

ya right... change the height of the door handle and the whole thing fails.

>> No.9516350

>That is until some republican convinces the robot that there'd be less poor and hungry people in the world if they would all just die. Then we have murder bots everywhere.
Or maybe they can convince the robots to only perform specific tasks for a single person once they let them know that not everyone they help is paying for the service.

>> No.9516361

What will the millions of unemployable people do instead?

>> No.9516397
File: 63 KB, 768x512, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Four legs good, two legs bad

4 legs + 4 arms is the best body configuration for intelligent life

some retarded 4-finned fish crawled out of the sea 400M years ago and now we're stuck with this shit

>> No.9516401

If they aren’t employed, it's because they didn't try looking hard enough. Trump will make sure that jobs go to those who deserve it. The rest go to Mexico.

>> No.9516412

I hope this is bait and you're not genuinely this delusional.

>> No.9516422

I like that you can’t tell :3

>> No.9516530

>It seems retarded to me to build a robot that is supposed to be like a human. Normally, you would build robots that can do things that humans can't do
i agree but the world is already fucked in more than one way, im just wondering what's next

>> No.9516605

>I'm in the view there will always be new forms of labor that will develop with technology. This has always been the case.
Technological process is not linear. Furthermore, increasing complexity automatically weeds out the less able (who, to be honest, constitute a majority of the populace) from productive work.

>So they freak out and think there will be nothing and "machines" will take over. Automation, a highly automated society, with A.I.'s , robots, I predict will still have labor, jobs to do, many things in theory cannot be automated by an A.I. as well - many goods and services derive their value from human design as well
Whoring, entertainment, tradeswork ,social work or a watered down civil service cannot employ the people who will soon lose their work to technological progress.

>> No.9516613

>How come there wouldn't be more university students studying to go into the science fields?
What makes you believe that the average IQ of a population grows at all as aresult of technological progress?
>I would imagine that should universal basic income become a thing that more people would start to focus more on academic pursuits since they no longer have to worry about work to feed themselves.
Most people are too daft to contribute anything in academia, with or without a universal basic income - which, as it turns out, already exists in most first world nations in the form of student loans, scholarships, stipends and student financial aid.

>> No.9517525

>What makes you believe that the average IQ of a population grows at all as aresult of technological progress?
IQ doesn't mean shit, mate, only those with a fixed mindset believes that intelligence is something given and not earned through hard work. Show some humility.

>> No.9517533

Universal basic income is literally nothing like student loans, scholarships, stipends, and student financial aid. Most of those you have to either earn or pay back. UBI is essentially free money.

>> No.9517586

Not to mention the amount of time you need to spend to actually acquire the loan, and the varying stipulations that determine whether or not you can even qualify. But most ardent right-wingers can ignore this subtle distinction, because government policies that allow redistribution of wealth in any fashion can only occur in communism, the presence of which would spell the beginning of the end of human autonomy as we know it.

>> No.9517604

People on this board are vastly underestimating how fast robotics are advancing, over even the last 5 years it has come along huge leaps and bounds and is only going to get faster. If I worked any job which could be easily automated I would be getting seriously worried. The last jobs to go will be trade jobs as that requires a fully human functional robot, and that is still a way aways yet, but in the grand scheme of things, probably not very far.

Shit is going to start hitting the fan at 10-15% unemployment, let alone 40%+, which it could easily be in the not too distant future.

>> No.9518077

How come Congress wouldn't make any laws that forbid corporations from hiring robotics?

>> No.9518107

I agree
there would be more people doing research and more people doing crafts or stuff that they love like arts and performance arts.
I think that we will lack engineers and people who actually develop stuff since most people don't dream of creating stuff for the purpose of creating stuff.

>> No.9518129

>IQ doesn't mean shit, mate,
It does, as evidenced by science.
>only those with a fixed mindset believes that intelligence is something given and not earned through hard work.
You can add two meritocratic institutions - the military and police - to that list.
>Universal basic income is literally nothing like student loans, scholarships, stipends, and student financial aid.
It is equal to those in the sense that they both sustain you during a period in life in which you lack gainful employment.

>> No.9518130

>because government policies that allow redistribution of wealth in any fashion can only occur in communism, the presence of which would spell the beginning of the end of human autonomy as we know it.
Technological progress spells the end of human autonomy, as Ted Kazcynski aptly put it in his political manifesto.

>> No.9518131


>> No.9518133
File: 244 KB, 512x512, 1518561087374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking the original argument this out of context

>> No.9518144

Wouldn't it make sense to make a robot that *can* do everything a human can? Is cheaper to make a robot that can use our already existing tools than having to make a different robot for every task. Sure, there are specific circumstances where a specialised robot woud come in handy, but for the near-mid future general purpose robots would probably have it easier if they are humanoid.

>> No.9518807

once unemployement reaches 40% people will vote for parties naming IT developers enemies of the people and they will be put into gulags

>> No.9518813
File: 431 KB, 720x894, wX6wVToz0caXVHJJWlvq_1082064082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cruise missile is a robot that can fly unaided hundreds of kilometers, evade detection and countermeasures, and kill hundreds of people.

Compared to that a robot that can barely detect a door and open it, is pretty lame.

After all, the first robots are weapons to autonomously kill people. Not hard to see the best application for robots on that basis...
More cruise missile robots destroying hundreds of people!

>> No.9518821


It is never "free money", its a form of income transfer. Usually people will end up paying it from taxes.

Why is it a good idea?

Its the cheapest and most egalitarian form of civil engineering that can be used to treat poverty, illiteracy and inequality.

At least the way I see it: all forms of welfare and insurance is replaced by universal income and free access to education.

So instead of robbing you for "more dole moneys", the poor neighbour goes to school and becomes a software salesman or something

>> No.9519001

a cruise missile is designed, engineered built and ultimately controlled by people and it's only purpose that it can achieve is to fly somewhere and explode (inb4 psychological warfare). as it has no capacity to learn and develop, that is the only thing it will ever do, and it will not learn how to open doors, cook spaghetti or create furniture.

robots on the other hand have the capacity to learn and develop, expanding their field of purpose. They could one day learn how to open any doors, cook spaghetti or build furniture for you.

tl;dr cruise missiles and robotics are not the same

>> No.9519028
File: 782 KB, 1093x873, angryvoter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just nonsense.

There are no other robots with +50 years of development and huge budgets. Cruise missiles are humanitys most advanced autonomous robots.

Hehe what does that speak of humanity?

Of course robot-hipster fanboys and pleb pedestrians never can understand this as they are at the mercy of Fox News and their ilk for their "edumacations"
Some cruise missiles do learn, and if environment changes, can adapt to new targets

>> No.9519186

>missile is 1st robot created by man
>what does that speak of humanity?

1st) incorrect, it's not the 1st robot created by man
2nd) it says more about the universe than man-kind in general. It says that's it's easier to destroy things than not destroy them. Everything is in a constant state of death and decay. Helping that process along is trivially easy. Arresting that process is very difficult. It's kinda like entropy that way.

>> No.9519901

No they won't, people don't want to work. People will start rioting in the streets for robot generated wealth to be distributed via Universal Income.

>> No.9519913
File: 112 KB, 694x718, fcc-figure-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If distinguishing between the words "the most advanced" and "the 1st" is difficult for you, the bad news is understanding history or science will never be a reality to you

And to think most people are too stupid to understand robotics was created to create killer robots.

>cruise missiles are the most advanced autonomous robots

>> No.9519940

Oh wow look walking batteries that go dead in 10 minutes

>> No.9519984

>SpotMini is all-electric and can go for about 90 minutes on a charge, depending on what it is doing, the firm says, boasting 'SpotMini is the quietest robot we have built.'

>> No.9520002

>tfw only have to escape robo gestapo hounds for 91 minutes

That's a relief.

>> No.9520076


This one can run 28.3 mph (faster than Usain Bolt) and leap over hurdles. How fast can you continuously run for 90 minutes?

>> No.9520137

>Climb up ladder

>> No.9520168
File: 24 KB, 387x461, 1516200308973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit.

This looks like CGI.

>> No.9520185

Nah it's at about an hour right now. Which is not too bad if it has modular batteries you can swap out and charge within a shortish amount of time.

>> No.9520193

fuck me this is a dumb thing to paint as a contradiction, he's arguing that CELEBRATING this shit is fucked because it's all built on mountains of corpses,not that it shouldn't be allowed to be shown. I'm fine with a Soviet art exhibition that has a fair account of the history of the USSR to provide context, explaining the ideals of socialist realism and going into detail about the kind of repression and state control of works that led to that paradigm. Same with art from the Nazi movement or Maoist China.

>> No.9521045

French loan words are so annoying.

>> No.9521052

Autonomy: 1 minute.
Look guyz, robots are coming!

>> No.9521083

It's literally just an amalgamations of technologies they've already shown. Why would they fake this?

>> No.9521357

How come the globalists fake that the Earth is round, you retard?

>> No.9521800
File: 3.93 MB, 480x270, 1491750174613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the way the front left foot jerks out of sync at 0:11. Then watch the one with the arm that is opening/holding open the door multiple times.

The animation doesn't flow quite exactly with the surroundings plus it's missing sounds that should be there if it were real.

My .gif on the other hand, looks real to me.

>> No.9522608

> grasping at straws