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9511214 No.9511214 [Reply] [Original]

is there any scientific way to eliminate depression? its impacting and effecting my entire life and whenever i google this i just get meme answers. please someone lmk

>> No.9511216

Accept this redpill:

Amerindians are superior to europeans.

Once you preach this everyday, you will see results at the 4th day.

>> No.9511237

>is there any scientific way to eliminate depression?

Yeah.. man up... life is not about feeling good all the time... get a wife and produce kids, get a job and be successful, get in shape, eat well and live a long life... where do you see anything about being happy? Do what you need to do because it needs to be done.

Be the man you need to be.

>> No.9511272
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Too bad the gov wants you to consume more alcohol


>> No.9511274

0/10 troll

>> No.9511281

>I google this
>i just get meme answers
mmmh, could it be that you should see a fucking professional therapist instead of asking your question to a meme engine, who knows

there are solutions that work IF you have the internal resources to do most of the work yourself (meditation, and so on).
If you don't have those resources anymore, then you'll need a therapist to assist you.

>> No.9511282


Fine, if you can not man up... then get used to a diet of mental medications, forever taking drugs, some to speed you up, some to slow you down, some to wake you up, some to put you to sleep.

>> No.9511285

Find new things, don't be lazy, don't be a conformist, work hard for what you want. First live for yourself, then you will feel the need to live for someone else. That's all. The life of the modern man can be summarized as just finding new things to entertain oneself until death. So, find whatever makes you feel good and stick to it.

>> No.9511292

"Manning up" doesn't exist, you're an idiot.

>> No.9511302

>Manning up" doesn't exist, you're an idiot.

WTF do you think they did for 5000000 years before modern psycho meds??

>> No.9511306

Fine... then do the ancient way... fast, fasting was the cure for just about every mental problem there was... stop eating until you feel better.

>> No.9511315

>person is miserable because their leg is broken
>smug asshole chimes in
>"dude just man up, what do you think they did for 50000000 years before bed rest, splints, surgery and pain meds!?"

That's just one way in which your argument is bafflingly stupid.

>> No.9511320

They died.
Depression was a common cause of death before modern meds.

>> No.9511361
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Hey anon, not a native speaker here, but let's hope I can help a bit

There are actually some studies on how eating well and working out lowers depression. Sometimes you hope that you will fill fine to take action, but several times is all the way around.

I would recommend eating whole foods (you can check nutritionfacts.org) and having a simple workout every day (you may check simplefit.org). Try to find a passion or at least an activity you may enjoy. Get some nice clothes (/fit/ does sometimes have decent advice).

Also, don't ever rely on people to get happiness. You will never be 100% happy, but that doesn't mean that you are doomed to misery. Try to get some inspiration, such as in art or science, and don't be short-term focused, good outcome usually requires time and effort.

Remove toxic people from your life and try not to enter too much 4chan, as it's full of retard people that provide shitty advice. There are other forums with some good advice on how to get back on track, but I would advice to not get too obsessed with them (such as Reddit's TheRedPill or the PUA community).

>> No.9511364

also try to get some professional help, sometimes just the act of talking helps to organize our thoughts/feelings

>> No.9511489

meditation dude
specifically transcendental meditation with a focus of consciousness on your pineal gland (to produce/regulate melatonin and serotonin)

its the same state we enter before sleeping, your body goes numb, its the most comfortable and closest to dying while living and please consider before suisui

the meditation will help your mind stay settled outside of the practice. try for 5 minutes, if its too hard, do 4 the next time, too easy? do 6. babby steppes.

>> No.9511599


worst advice, tons of men who have "maned up" end up either killing themselves or in a sad hole for the rest of their lives. depression is a chemical inbalance, you need to get that balance back. go to a psychiatrist. see what he tells you. get more sun, eat healthier, read books and do creative shit. work with figuring yourself out and with small things that you know will make it easier for yourself. Get friends who understand your situation and, important, help you get out, not stay the way you are. people that tell you to stop trying to change are shits, you need to advance.

>> No.9511608

get out

>> No.9511618

You are missing something in your life.

Figure out what it is.

Protip: it might be caused by overstimulation in other areas.

>> No.9511638

But he's right

I would be downright unstable if it weren't for meditation

>> No.9511648

have you ever heard of placebo?
also, reading a book or doing a relaxating hobby helps just as much

>> No.9511679


theism and atheism aside, lets just agree on some facts (i had to face as well)

focusing on a part of our body will indeed increase the awareness of that part of our body (do it to your arm, you will feel the hairs more acutely or the shirt on your arm etc.)

This focus draws awareness away from other parts of our body

Our pineal gland does indeed mediate and regulate serotonin and melatonin hormone production in our bodies.

At the very least, transcendental meditation will bring your attention towards the pineal and release it from everywhere else on your body which if you are depressed is a nice release in and of itself and reason enough to practice the act of getting to this place.

And if focus can increase blood flow or in any way activate increased melatonin and serotonin then wow, it can help outside of the practice that makes me feel calm and disassociated from the pain of my physical depressed form.

the conclusion is, if you have fallen into a deep hole and someone comes alone and finds you, and offers you a rope to help you out, it behooves you to believe the rope can help and to try to climb the rope.

So i tried meditation with concentration behind the eyes, repeating a meaningless mantra, picturing someone who i love. And it actually really helped.

>> No.9511685

The field concerning itself with treating depression is called psychiatry.

>> No.9511763 [DELETED] 
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What symptoms are people even talking about when they mean depression?

Personally I am very low energy. Simple tasks like cooking are very exhausting to me so I often eat pre-made meals. For me this is the biggest problem because I can't get anything done despite my desire to do so. In cruel irony the things which are supposed to help like healthy food and exercise take energy which I don't have. Sometimes I go to bed early because I don't have any energy to do anything. Sometimes I go to sleep again after waking up because I don't want to get out of bed and do stuff.

Another thing is that while I do feel pleasure it's damped and short lasting. I often notice how enthusiastic people are when talking about something and I rarely feel this kind of enthusiasm even if I really like something. I was watching a movie in the cinema and people were laughing out loud and while I found the jokes funny I couldn't laugh.

So because of these issues I spent years not really doing anything because I felt no motivation and energy.

And this is a chicken or egg question I guess but I also have no friends because I have nothing to talk about since I never do anything and I would be too tired to maintain a friendship.

Is this depression? And if so can this be actually treated?

>> No.9512966

fasting works too, our gut flora determines a lot of mental and physical issues

bone broth only diet also works well after a fast

>> No.9513600
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or shrooms

>> No.9513606
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>is there any scientific way to eliminate depression?
Doctor Lil Pump recommends this plus Opioids & Weed (Marijuana)


>> No.9513619

Those will both make you depressed. Unless you're just shitposting, in which case please go on with my blessing.

>> No.9513624
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Just shitposting

>> No.9513630

Do you sleep enough, eat healthily and exercise? Do you meet people? Do you watch porn? Do you lurk too much? Do you do meaningful stuff?

>> No.9513635

Yes. Improve your physical condition in all ways and the world opens to you. Depression is partly about not being able to see opportunities around you.

>> No.9513733


>> No.9513737

if ya kill ya selph u wont b compressed no more

>> No.9513748
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Accept Jesus & Flat Earth in your life

>> No.9513767

>le jesus is flat earther ahaha xD *le tips le fedora*

>> No.9513812

unironically heavy lifting and magic mushrooms

>> No.9513820

Degenerate druggie. Seeing you choke in your own vomit would cure my depression

>> No.9513823


>> No.9513843

The true scientific way would be to apply the scientific method to your life:
1) Analyse what is making you depressed
2) Form hypotheses from your analysis, including solutions
3) Test the hypotheses solutions against reality by living them out in real life,
4) Return to 1 based on your results from 3

If your answer to 1) is superficial e.g. "life is meaningless" or "I am useless", you should probably think deeper or consider another approach. If you are unable to live out your solutions, this is probably a good place to start working.

You could learn neuroscience and study the literature for the neuroscience of depression. You will understand that we do not depression yet, but there are some things we understand that could help you (I'm a neuroscientist).

Probably most straight-forward is to study psychology of depression. You should be able to understand of it much faster than neuroscience. You will learn that the most empirically proven effective method at the moment is CBT (cognitive emotional behavioral therapy) and you could apply that to yourself or ask a therapist for it. Psychology can also teach you much more about depression, e.g. what characterizes depression and what qualities of life are the most helpful against depression, etc.

>> No.9513851
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Psilocybin can help cure depression and heavy lifting increases your testosterone levels which helps with depression too. Gtfo nu/pol/ brainlet

>> No.9513902

do opiates
fentanyl cured my depression

>> No.9513904

Reprogram your default mode network.

>> No.9513924

You get meme answers because its a meme problem. Stop being sad, its that easy.
>but muh neurotransmitters and brain scans
That shit changes when you laugh at a good joke too. Your neurotransmitters are fucked because you are sad, not the other way around. If you are depressed you either want to be depressed, or you have a reason to be sad. If you have a reason to be sad work on fixing it. Happiness is a reward for doing shit right in your life, but you have to earn it. Life isn’t supposed to be one happy amusement park ride start to end. Now quit being a pussy.

>> No.9513926

In medicine you can't find a cure without a diagnosis.

>> No.9513937
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Of course there is, all those literal millions of people are only suffering from depression because they never thought to ask if there was a way to get rid of it.

I know this was an asshole way to reply, but come on, OP. You're on a science board, think before you solve captchas.

>> No.9514097

I'm of the opinion that depression is rarely a chemical imbalance that must be fixed with drugs or chemicals. More likely, depression is an intelligent response of the human body to a continued adverse event(s). It's one way that the mind can get you to slow down or change your behavior. That being said, try to figure out what in your life is causing your body continued undue stress - do you hate your job? Do you have a long term illness? Are you partying too much? Are you putting junk in your body? Is there a political or social pressure that is affecting you?

Figure it out and change your course. At the same time, learn as much as you can about nutrition and eat incredibly healthy, detox your body, work out here and there until you can do it regularly, meditate, learn about spirituality, consider fasting, get plenty of rest and unplug from the constant stream of nonsense that is TV and most of the Internet. Keep going and don't give up. It can takes months to years to bounce back.

>> No.9514124

Have you tried turning yourself off and back on again?

>> No.9514131

There have been some studies treating depression with TMS. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. They will be disabling a portion of your brain OP, like a Magnetic Lobotomy.

Have fun.

>> No.9514191

Wormwood tea. Artisemia Absithium to be specific. It will not make you hallucinate as many myths and legends about absinthe would have you believe. Those myths and legends were spread by French wine makersi after absinthe became the most popular alcoholic beverage in Europe and threatened the wine industry. Its equivalent to reefer madness. It is mildly psychoactive, but ive done it personally and its effects are less noticeable than coffee. Its an effective nootropic in low doses. I warn you however, it is the most vile, bitter tasting liquid you will ever come across. Dont take it daily for more than a month without taking a month long break, as it is hard on your kidneys. Dont take wormwood supplements because they remove the thujone, which is the active ingredient that you are after. Do not by wormwood or thujone extract as thujone is toxic in large doses. Buy organic, unprocessed, wormwood leaves and make tea from it(I recommend brewing it with herbal tea and lots of honey to combat the bitterness). You could go hunting in any random open field in the summer and find some. It’s fairly easy to identify, and is essentially a weed, common across North America and parts of Europe. Its been used as medicine for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of illnesses, and its extract is still used in anti-malarial medication today.

Take this anons suggestion first though.
As depression is there for a reason. You shouldn’t be content if your life is falling apart, and depression is there as a deterrent to living a poor life.

>> No.9514197

Artemisia Absinthium*
Sorry i butchered the spelling of that.

>> No.9514629


You can get the recommended amount of sleep each night, and you can evaluate what emotional needs your life is missing.

>> No.9514967

>is there any scientific way to eliminate depression? its impacting and effecting my entire life and whenever i google this i just get meme answers. please someone lmk
Mate, just do Adderall and solve all of Life's problems. Maybe do research.