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9509872 No.9509872 [Reply] [Original]

Today were gonna talk about intelligence. IQ ranges from imbecile to average to gifted to genius to super genius which ranges from 220+ and up and when you reach 300 and up you get some sort of wizard. Wizard is the only thing i can think of as name for such a person.

James William Sidis is the only one to have reached 300 IQ with standard measurements. he also were a child prodigy and wonder child. He went through mental problems and probably had depression since he died of stroke due to some overdosage with meds or poison at an asylum before 30. Hes only notable work were a theory about black holes.

But when we take a look at lifework, production and product then we have only two left. Those who lights out are Leonardo Da Vinci and Nikola Tesla. which are the deus de la sensasion to compare with others. These kind of people are rumored to be born once every 200 years.

>> No.9509878

Leonardo we know little about his early youth but he probably played and discovered his early days out in the nature and were with his father rest of the time etc. Hes mother dies at hes age of two. where he went to school and learned writing we don't know. But he got an apprentice position at an art shop in Venice. He develop profound skills and after awhile get to work with his teachers products which they cooperate with. He stays with this profession mainly throughout his life. He moves on and settle here and there, working for various people as profit. He combinate art and science to further improve to contribute to math, mechanics, architecture, inventing various engineering devices, physics, optics, the projector, medicine, writings, poems, quotes, lyrics, symbolics, figurines, flying machines, metaphysical theorems and a ton more stuff with over 20.000 pages paintings and drawings. Only 5.000 papers were saved. But somehow we know there was over 20.000 pages from his notes. And were not sure how many paintings he made either. and devices and inventions. But he were a polymath and maybe is the grandfather of that title alone. A multi genius. Without huge numbers of literature he discover most on his own, the insight he had and wisdom were solely discovered. Which when you think of just half of it is just super phenomonal. From what we can say about what we know of that hes whole collection of work must have been hiding a grail of outstanding phenomonas.

>> No.9509885

From what we can say about what we know of that hes whole collection of work must have been hiding a grail of outstanding phenomonas. To a grade past most can just imagine. It's not to mess with that Leonardo may have reached nirvana, he writes this “Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” And such from standing foot alone, not the common principles of buddhism. Buddhists say this is possible, you don't have to be controversial and submissive to follow the exact mantra. You can in the principles step into it or fall over it automatically. It's extremely rare but it is possible. But Da Vinci sparked, he cracked like no one. He became widely known at his time and is to be considered a celebrity of some sort. He eventually passed away after a long life. In some tomb in a cellar in southern France that belong to a prince of that time. He chose one of his last words to be "I have disappointed God, I didn't do enough" And he died. The prince which sat by his side everyday until he were gone said something like "He were the wisest man he had ever known." So his work was kept safe. But it was never published and understood until 400 years later. And then we had already reached that knowledge. Reason it were lost from public and kept a secret were probably because someone died and forgot it. And a lot were lost too. And he wrote in code enciphered flaws with intent and a whole lot of messed up things. But when discovered again 400 years later he was titled as the man who discovered the renaissance. He could in theory have brought a quantum leap in that era and lifted Europe into the future in a shorter span than it did. solely single-handedly made, a completed man. He probably ended philosophy until hard problem consciousness 300 years before Descartes and more complete. a true master.

>> No.9509892

Then we have Nikola Tesla. also multi genius. But open minded with his inventions, sayings and ideas. Ofc he had secrets too. Over 700 unique patents. Contributed with mechanics, electronics, physics, math, philosophy and metaphysical theorems and more. Became popular and a world class celebrity. Probably the most known man in the world for a time. He is known as the man who lit the world. The man out of his time. And also said to have been delivered by angels by some. he made great contributions in great volumes so many that it is hard to believe it. He really shined in his glamorous days. He went on to fulfill his goal when he got funded to make Tesla Coils. He managed to send electricity 3 miles through air without wires to light up a football field. But were shut down after this due to protests and trouble with too many at once. He were judged hard and given the title mad. So his reputation went downhill. He didn't get funds for more big idea ever again. But he kept moving and invented with what he had. Both Leonardo and Tesla said they strived with money to keep it up to task. So it's down to favor for favors. What is the most beneficial outcome in the best solution possibly. And how far can you stretch. And a lot of ideas. The Russians gave an offer to give him unlimited funds, but he denies and say hes an American. And he were so close to succeed giving unlimited power without wires everywhere on the planet. But he kept to his. The world were not ready. The idea dies with him, and we have not mastered this yet. Only one man could. And he discovered this 100 years ago without a slight of database where he could have gotten the info of it. So he must have come up with this on his own somehow. That means he could see the elements in nature solely on his own and develop theories and ideas that took form. He said something like "In the universe there is a source of energy in unlimited quantities everywhere which we can obtain and power all sorts of devices."

>> No.9509893
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IQ is a meme. theres probably only a handful of genes that regulate that shit and after that its just exposure and encouragement from a young age and the disposition to study/work hard for whatever reasons

>> No.9509894

And that's the mystery he didn't succeed to give. But he opened a door and showed it. We are still clueless up until today. To harness that source would be precious. It is all around us so it has to be a way to catch it with and release it on. He most likely stood face to face with this at one of his labs until he got exploited and shut down. This was probably his most precious discovery of his time, gathered all his muscles and squeezed it through until achieved. But with great gain comes great loss and when he were shut down he didn't take this further than where he got. He had at least succeeded. But the world is not ready. Even today it would be hard to integrate into society. Economics would collapse and fall completely. Many would kill for only that. So if we have a Tesla like person today he/she is probably pretty cautious with saying such openly. such a waste. Nevertheless Tesla moves on and staying a productive man until his time is over. He becomes shallow, lives in solitude and becomes a mystery man. Feeding pigeons and reading books mostly. Turns down the Noble price even. He knew he should have had that price for more than one thing. Even x-ray got given to someone else. And the radio that had got Noble price had 7 or more of his patents in it. there's a wide range of things that he should have been rewarded for. But the Noble price isn't the only thing he turned down either. So i don't know what he actually thought. Maybe he simply said i reached the limit, and hes limit too. And if you don't release me so i can finish then it will die with it. He had his prime time in twenties and thirties of age. Which is like early as it can deal with. But he came out with various inventions and theories throughout the rest of his time. Just recently it was discovered some mathematical paper which contained a symphony of numbers in order that became a system that show you how systematically numbers are added if multiplied in a certain way.

>> No.9509897

Just numbers in beautiful order. That he puzzled with. Found in some trash in a antique store outside NY. Things like that can be groundbreaking. What if free energy is hidden somewhere lost to. What if the government got it. I'd say that's most likely. He had an understanding of magnetism we struggle with even today. He dealt with aerospace stuff to. This is said to have to do with anti-gravity stuff, but i think that's not the case here. It must be with some muffer engines like the one you can e.g. see on the Iron Man suit like. He didn't deal with flaws this guy. I have not heard before that he failed at anything at all of what he invented. He just knew things to well. And he didn't need computer, he literally was a computer. The right word for this man is that he were a white unicorn which gave us gifts after gifts after gifts. He has stolen the show before too, he was more famous than the pope at that time. And hes back. Internet is cracking. And we got cars and shit named after him too. He talks about the metaphysical concept aswell. That the Buddhists say one thing and philosophy another. But in the end is both the same. He mentions they have a scale over in east they use for how developed and completed your mind is. And he say hes around 7-8 of total 9 on the scale. And that's not bad if 9 is nirvana like. It's kinda solid. To have used most of the time with working on ideas etc. My research has found that Buddha got to a realm which were so vast and gigantic that he didn't really get through it because you need to understand and get so much at the same time that it's really hard to compass and suppress and absorb and deflect that it is such an overload that is nearly to hard to complete. So he went there 6 more times, and after that he reached nirvana. Tesla were not that far from this here and there i believe. But doing it like Da Vinci is so fucked up amazing that you can just say congrats you are a moron.

>> No.9509898

The more people being born = the less time waiting between the birth of wizards

>> No.9509902

Btw, Tesla's nephew were actually an engineer aswell. He invented a big concept in mechanics, the advanced gearing system we see everywhere today. From industry to cars and other movable objects. In the same category as Tesla invented AC and improved DC engine big. So it is in the bloodline they got so bright. I think it was from the mother they got these fabulous overhuman capabilities. Shame because i think the bloodline is gone now. They didn't breed enough to survive. this could just become rarer and rarer. And eventually be gone forever. Were not doomed but we wont have wizards either. But i don't know for certainty how these genes works so it's just a matter of certain coincident's. Could be it needs to go a special path through generations to become activated at a certain age etc etc. We don't really know. A mystery is a mystery until we find it for good. Expect the best, plan for the worst they say. That means reality can fuck you up if you are not prepared. I didn't come here to play wise either. Just a quick reminder.

>> No.9509907

That's about it i guess. You can certainly talk more about their inventions and visions and such. It's arguably debated that Leonardo had 320 IQ and Tesla near 400 IQ. That's my holistic resonance after years of lurking in deeps here and there. Sources you get from google these days are specially bad. I dunno why google is wasting their money on such crap you get hits on. You really need to get good sources. I'm talking the best. And you need to weight up everything. Were talking these guys stumbles into nirvana and shit. It's crazy. So all the shit about being child prodigy and educated and fucks all over is totally overrated. Nearly hipster shit some parents praising their shit kids to. To get shit. Just give your children normal childhoods ffs. Let them live, play try and fail, discover themselves. Maturing will happen with time. Not by fucking force. But give them books and stuff they want to play with teach them a lesion here and there. So they learn how to behave etc and what's healthy for your mind. Then they will get right stimuli and know what capabilities they holding. It's the end product that matter. It's better to be happy for real than being fake. Being really happy never fades if you have learned it to begin with.

>> No.9509953

Op here. didn't notice the field got to long. So i cutted it up. A bit messy but you can catch up. I just went on and on and on. And as i claimed it is genes. Some other factors to but mainly this is genes. Worth saying something about and bring it up for discussion. I think we eventually gonna agree that the curve went the other way around and were becoming a more stupid race over the past. people with good genes has less children. And are pushed aside from the game. This is so ending in that communism would be the best way to keep the race and civilization in balance. I don't mean old shit communism. But a new brand. Developed with caution to have a straight line as possible but still having compassion in check. I mean indirect democracy as we have now is not far from what im talking about. But for fucks there are stupid shit everywhere these days. Just find a systematic way peasants are going to get sent to a new land where they can be until they die out. so were gonna keep the human values up to date for what it's worth. Just fucking systematically cleanse up defects. Sort of like a new French Revolution. Authorities are full of scum we don't need. It's really fucking out of control. i mean you can have it good in a fucking death camp it's 2018. you can fucking work too. That's my final solution. Fucking hell. I know these sort of ideas are up. Some mean that only 5% should survive. That's abit overkill. probably jehovas vitnessess or mormons. but let's say almost all delusional religious and psychopaths and if to stupid to get shit like fucking kek. over in that kind of lane. not quite sure i haven't considered this much. because what is, is gonna stay for as long as we live. and you just need to do the best of it. so "Be the change you want to see in the world".

>> No.9509965

Op do you have assburgers by any chance?

>> No.9509993

I have mixed psd. Shizoid, shizotypical, antisocial and unstable psd. when im tired i get assburger like tendenses. But in fully five i would say mainly schizoid. Sorcery.

>> No.9510068
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So you find it hard to witstands. Can't hold out any longer? Then try to live alone in the world. Then you will realize that's not it. You need company. And then you will develop compassion for those who don't have it that easy. Buddhism is great. It is based on that you should help others. That's the goal. To help others. To make people understand the meaning of it's source. To create harmony. Every system should be based on these values. Im not saying it should be dictaded into ones mind. But showed to everyone in a sensible and reasonable way. So it can sink in. Like if it is as important as food water and air. At school is good. Everyone should have read Dhammapada. It's the essence of what the spirit is telling you to do. It's more valuable than most things in this instance. It's what every human want's to do. If you meditate right then you will understand and agree with it. Besides that you can say youre alone in the world.

>> No.9510080


>> No.9510227
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Spot on, spot on. But the title wizard is somehow the rarest coincident there is. So rare it is hard to achnowledge the presence of this by not being a miracle. And they chose sulibacy to. So we have nothing to compaire if the certain gene is common or rare. If it needs certain activation to succumb to the surface of daylight. Tesla leaves us a clue that his mother were just as brilliant as him but if she dared to take the plunder in doing so. She is said to have invented certain household apparatuses and devices needed for sewing. She were one of three sisters which one of them had a son which also became an engineer like Tesla. He invented that gearing mechanism. Wich is huge too. Just as huge as maybe say AC. And that apple is not far from the three. So we obviously talking genes here. But his nephew played low profile Compaired to Nikola. Theres maybe only two pics of him. One with his invention. What he did for the rest of his life we don't know. Just a mystery man. But just as brilliant as him. Tesla also mentions his older brother wich died young on a horseback accident. He mention him as actually more capable and talented and promising than himself. Mostly due that Nikola had some sort of illness that he carried. Wich nearly killed him once and were there like a sneaking dog due his lifetime. Teslas bloodline eventually dies out. But we have some good genes here. And it seems like such genes are being activated after generations of prepairing to fully bloom and gets to the dominative state where it takes fully effect. And gets passed on like a complete crystalized state to turn into life and change history. And claim a new level of evolution. Revolutionizing the species. Manifesting a new man.

This same was activated with Da Vinci aswell. He became a wizard. Hes father was probably just an ordinary guy. He had like 8 children after Leonardo. None became brilliant and is forgotten. So it must be hes mom. But she died at his age of two.

>> No.9510283
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The vikings too made a jump through evolution and got a small revolution around 700 to 800 AD. They just went from a isolated culture on a stone cliff up in north and into a leading civilization in just about 100 they claimed a leading position in technologi, food supply, justice and politics and the art of war. Fierce in battle but nice as the brightest day when at home. They most likely traveled the whole world with longboats. Which had an groundbreaking new design that made them fast and robust. It took 800 years until it was overtaken by faster ships. They also sculptured it with a dragon at the front and a tail at the back. Vikings were settling down all over europe and some places further away too. They did at least one trade in china and is rumored to be called good tradesmen over there. And we have found 1000 year old Buddha statues over here where i live on a field. And we have viking blood directly into the bloodline of the british throne. And they were settling down all the way over in Russia. I have no clue how much power positions they conquered but i could think it were many places. And as we know shortly after christianity were taking it's footsteps back home. Eventually ending the era and claiming a form of weakened wave of beliefs that dragged society back into before prevously state. Due new rules decided to not alow to interfere with gods will and actually make further improvements. Things started to look bad for awhile and they went from rich to poor and weak in just a few decades. The last vikings were either killed or sent to Island. Snorre made his sagas there and so we know alot about the viking regime. The sagas were hidden and forgotten for a long time. But it's the last source of the viking era. Snorre is rumored to have been the smartest of all vikings at the time. Then when things could not get worse the plague kills 2/3 of the population. A living hell. It's said to be the main reason is that people didn't wash. Christianity forbids it.

>> No.9510337
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Human history has so much unreasonabilities with it that it's just to congratulate. We have been dumb like sheeps for 2000 years now. The church had complete power over the people. Nothing were aloved eventually. Nothing improved. People were poor, weak and had weak knowlege. Anything new was either dangerous or against gods will. Unbelivers were sentenced to death. And there were witch hunting and they got burned. They introduced gods service. Were you had to sit completely shut for 8 hours a day in a church wich were on Latin and no one understood Latin. And books were only written by priests. And on top of that people had to pay taxes to the church. Wich again were not spent on the people. Even the potato were forbidden for 200 years or so. They ruled like this for centuries and things were extremely bad. This continued up until at least 17 century were it became more and more uncreditential. But even today we got morons blindly following the doctrine. Some are even fanatic still. It's a big bluff. And easy to misslead into vanity. So how did Leonardo do it in an era with strong christianity. To be a free thinker and a boheme working for all sorts of lords even the pope. Main reason he enchipered his notes was because if someone found it he would get punished probably with death. Harsh enviroment indeed. So he was somehow in vain and free. But like a lot like other stories of history it went in vain for him too. The notes were never published and were hidden and foegotten. Luckily some actually survived and got some fame and fortune. If hes notes would have been used then it would have changed history big time. Same as if the vikings had have been stronger they would just aswell made further advances. So this is a sign of what is without any religion that rules in vain. It would simply advance and move in a more developed fashion. Today we havr disbelief to the church, we know to well what is right and true. And that religion is the vanity of vain.

>> No.9510344
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OP summoning TLDR demons in quite a few today. Good luck with that.

>> No.9512545
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Wake up bros. Running flat over here. It's a good read.

>> No.9512550

IQ ranges from poor to wealthy. IQ is not intelligence, it's money. You have a lower than average intelligence for having not figured this out.

>> No.9512552

very interesting

>> No.9513294
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Alright misseure. Gonna give you heads up for that. IQ just follows a certain pathway and is not wholely covering not even near the whole brain. I don't even need to read this. E.g. Mozart could have had average IQ on a test. But in real life had one of the most beautiful minds we know. But a real full neurological test you chech memory, working memory, linguistiqs, prosesspeed, abstract thinking, power (IQ level), logically resonance problem solving. Then they weight this up with eachother to give you your overall quoten. That's the most exact measurement you can get. So saying this i think mensa tests dosen't prove shit compaired to a full tool. It's so shit. So fuck off mensa fucktards you are dumber than shit itself. And so fucking classy they try to be. Makes me wanna fucking puke.