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9504626 No.9504626 [Reply] [Original]

Just got the email. The journal regrets to inform me that my paper has been rejected.

>> No.9504629

My condolences

>> No.9504636


>> No.9504657

There's still hope OP.

>> No.9504678

>muh... muh papers
>muh.. muh publish or perish

>> No.9504679

To try and convert this to a less cancerous thread, can you tell us what's your paper about?

>> No.9504780

publish here

>> No.9504781

should have got a woman co-author you shitlord

>> No.9504808

>>9504626 Your paper was probably a load of crap anyway, statistically speaking.

>> No.9504816

Sorry to hear that. I am sure you will make it. Believe in yourself.

>> No.9504823

Where did you submit?

>> No.9504825

Cluster analysis

>> No.9504853

Thats normal.

>> No.9504865

Lol OP. I have already had like 8 rejections or something in total

Get used to it.

Academia is fucked beyond recognition. You need to be very cunning. Don't express your ideas too colorfully as if they were brand new (even if they effectively are)

>> No.9504869

Become a tranny and you'll be accepted in no time

>> No.9504870


Send it somewhere else you spineless faggot.

>> No.9504875

This. Academia is hell.

>> No.9505004

can someone explain to me why you would want your paper published in some paywalled journal? post the shit on the internet for free. stop being a cuck and letting the journal jew use you to make shekels

>> No.9505006
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1508668822263s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a brainlet too.
I once paid a fucking Indian medical pay to play journal $500 to publish a paper I wrote about the cancer causing properties of telescope use. I had worked on the paper for years by observing elderly men at the local astronomy club, of whom 2 got cancer. Had graphs, charts etc.

It got fucking REJECTED because it was so shitty. No refund either and he paper no longer exists.

fuck the 'scientific method' it represses new views

>> No.9505052

Recognition maybe? I agree with you though.

>> No.9505079

>I am a brainlet too
This should be your conclusion from this story too

>> No.9505166

>he fell for the academia meme
*breathes in*

>> No.9505189

Change one word and send it back, end your name with "berg" or "stein" for instance

>> No.9505191


Don't worry anon, everyone knows peer review is literally complete bullshit and anti-scientific, anti-philosophical, anti-rational, etc
You will not suddenly be respected in sciences if you publish your paper, remember that.
You will not suddenly be successful in any academic field if you get your paper published.
You won't even prove anything by getting your paper published.
And now you think that not getting your paper published means that you're unintelligent? Don't fall for that meme, anon. Those journals are completely biased, and I'd challenge anyone who would foolishly want to argue otherwise. You just didn't fit the bias of the people reading your paper. It's cool, you're a better thinker than them.

>> No.9505192

he's got a point

>> No.9505199

Can't you just upload it online and put the link on your resume ? I'm sure people will care more about the content of your article than it being published or not.

>> No.9505497
File: 38 KB, 714x400, TRINITY____kd9hy796yt3gvresfwdddogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sorry we had to reject your paper SIIIIRRRR

>> No.9506060

Good post

>> No.9506646

Using telescopes is a risk factor for cancer? Care to elucidate?

>> No.9506652
File: 259 KB, 613x517, 5abca44cb9123574012689edeef100a858771a3fd78d439edc248a94fcd0f981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then someone will copy your work, put his name on it and publish in the same journal.

>> No.9506693

Unfortunately that’s not the best method for obtaining recognition and securing funding. NIH, NSF, and private institutions want to be see publications in journals not your blogspot or tumblr posts anon.

>> No.9506773

Keep working at it. In time, your work won't be rejected, you just need to refine it and keep on writing

>> No.9506793

Beta radiation

>> No.9506844

ITT: we pretend arxiv (or vixra, depending on the quality of OPs work) isn't a thing

>> No.9506894
File: 61 KB, 477x373, 1518034087986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does no one respect arXiv?

>> No.9507088
File: 31 KB, 690x343, TRINITY_fuckarXiv__762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure as fuck don't

>> No.9507096
File: 22 KB, 715x491, TRINITY_fuckarXiv__762-yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>9507088
it depends on if arXiv bans your high quality work too

>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9507101

Strong bait

>> No.9507145

Don't lose hope OP, keep at it and you'll succeed eventually.


>> No.9507215

I can see why this sort of stuff gets rejected.
>200 pages of badly explained drivel
>no proofs anywhere
>all these meme-concepts

>> No.9507304
File: 191 KB, 1275x1650, 1712.0598v2-005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is a thing of beauty. I can't believe ArXiv would reject such a masterpiece.

>> No.9507307
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>> No.9507312
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>> No.9507315
File: 282 KB, 1275x1650, 1712.0598v2-008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real masterpiece.

>> No.9507343
File: 3.04 MB, 2116x1780, dcq9npwn49vz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jon, you are such a faggot. I hope you die very soon.

>> No.9507504

OP, was it rejected before going out for review? Also, where (read: impact factor of journal) was it rejected?

>> No.9507523

>Literally taking figures from wikipedia and not creating them himself
>A real masterpiece
U stupid?

Why the hate. Explain it please.

>> No.9507526

>Why the hate. Explain it please.
He gets like this when he's hungry. Just ignore him.

>> No.9507533

send it to another journal. Francis Mojica, the discoverer of CRISPR had his paper rejected more than 3 times

>> No.9507538

chad particles kill beta cells

>> No.9507550

Hate? It is not hate.
Jonathan Tooker is just an annoying crank that spams his shitty nonsense "research" around everywhere.

>> No.9507561

Maybe your paper got rejected because your writing is horrible, not because of the technical content behind it or because peer review is a jewish nest

>> No.9507618

Could you explain to a brainlet why his research is shit/fake?

Also, the bible quote in the beginning makes a good comeback IF his paper would get a Nobel prize. That's how he meant it right? I hope

>> No.9508946
File: 166 KB, 1024x1022, B185D956-B90D-458A-A630-C8CE71A37BB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We always pay the extra, $500 to make it open access. And the unofficial rule in our lab is not to cite paywalled articles.

FYI, PeerJ is a bretty gud open access peer reviewed journal, with super cheap prices

>> No.9510368

What if an article critical to your argument is paywalled?