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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 563 KB, 1024x682, Biology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9505522 No.9505522 [Reply] [Original]

I need some advice convincing someone that they shouldn't become a biologist and should pursue a different field of study if they wish to go into science. My younger brother came out to me that he is undergoing gender reassignment and well, it's not my place to judge, so I've accepted this. However, he is also pursuing a biology major in college and wants to transfer to a 4-year university to get his bachelor's degree. I told him that he shouldn't pursue biology when he rejects the very idea of it due to his mental illness. Can trannies even be bachelors in biology? Something they believe to be a myth?

I've been trying to convince him that he shouldn't delude the field with such nonsense as "gender dysphoria" because science is already suffering from special snowflakes who think they could change the laws of nature when in reality it's concrete. He will become cancer on the testicles of science which is something that he is considering having removed.

I never even heard of any trannies even going this far in a scientific field yet alone a hard scientific field. I told him he should stick to social sciences since they allow for more accommodation for mental illness yet he is hellbent on pursuing biology since this has been an interest of his since he was a teenager. Hard science doesn't cater to delusions.

How do I save hard science from yet another special snowflake deluding it, /sci/?

>> No.9505528

Let your sister be a biologist, you fucking asshole. If she is interested in this subject so much then she should already know that chromosomes can't be changed (not yet anyway).

>> No.9505534

Didn't read all of that, OP, but I skimmed through it and came to the conclusion that you are a cunt.

>> No.9505557

Computational Life Science is the way to go. and PHD. otherwise worthless

>> No.9505559

Wow, OP! I feel bad for your sister (you triggered?). Just let her pursue the career she wants to do. You're the one over here on some high and mighty crusade to save something that doesn't need saving since it's a changing system that requires evidence and years of study to accumulate such evidence. Your sister probably is well aware that her chromosomes change and if you knew anything about the social sciences then you would realize that gender is treated separately from biological sex. That isn't just some SJW propaganda. In summary, you're a fucking asshole and I feel bad that your sister has you for a brother.

>> No.9505571

>ITT nu-4chan
I know OP was being facetious, but you dumb redditors took the bait hard.

>> No.9505577

What is Poe's Law?

>> No.9505625

Unless he’s going for higher degree or by luck has a job lined up he’ll be an ugly abomination with no money pretty quick

>> No.9505644

>How do I save science
Heh, well actually, your little brother is the one saving science. Or should I say sister? (I'm hoping you wouldn't be this intolerant) If "basic biology" is intolerant of their (again I'm not sure what they're preferred pronouns would be, sorry) actual gender identity, then maybe "basic biology" could benefit from a modernization of the field. Your sibling actually offers the perfect perspective for this overhaul! Please be encouraging of their school interests, and think a little bit about where your notions of gender have come from (hint: it's probably heteronormative white people that have been dominating academia for centuries)

>> No.9505657

What if I don't believe in "gender dysphoria" and still want to cut my dick off, just because I like it that way? That's right, no clinic would do that for me, because I need to be "diagnosed" with this bullshit first.

>> No.9505684

thought this was going to be shit talking biology lol

just get them to do biochem

>> No.9505707
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>He will become cancer on the testicles of science
Hahahah oh wow
Thanks for the hearty laugh op!

>> No.9505725

Shit! She will know what science says and will kill herself. Help she to understand that one can't compare psychological with biological arguments.

Don't save science yet! Save him/her first.

>> No.9505771


>> No.9505785

Sociology if you want it to become an sjw the extreme or psychology if you want it to endlessly analyze itself, then suicide

>> No.9505833

don’t worry, he’ll end up killing himself before he gets too far, his kind always do.

>> No.9505945

Lol so true. New fag here but I guess this board is full of sjws. Why should we legitimize these illnesses? Isn’t that only doing more harm to them? You don’t tell a psychopath that killing people is the solution to his problem. Why do we tell trannies that cutting off their genitalia is going to solve their depression and disphoria. The suicide rates would show that that doesn’t help. I say we start giving sissies more t and see if that helps.

>> No.9505970

Just dont talk to your sibling again, you clealy dont actually care about them so stop half-assing it and stop trying to interfere with someone who you clearly dont care about.

>> No.9505978

Youre wrong and retarded, try learning before spouting more bullshit.

>> No.9505991

So you know the suicide rates but have so little of an understanding of the treatment that is prescibed or peoples ability to ignore doctors and sign and informed consent waiver.

You are intentionally misunderstanding a complex issue.

>> No.9506019

So what more is there to this "complex issue"?

>> No.9506045

Memtal health and transgender issue? Tok much to post on an image board. You can keep being retarded if you want. You can keep thinking you know whats best for people yoive never met and cant empathize with. You keep thinking you know how it all goes down.

>> No.9506626

OP here and I should note that my brother is someone that has a bunch of guys wanted to fuck him. I actually had to fight a couple of degenerate fucks from trying to rape him and nobody rapes my family, bitch, since that reflects poorly on all of us and I hope to protect what little dignity our family has after having a tranny in it. So it's not like he would look hideous since he could probably get one of these gay fags to be a sugadaddy.

>> No.9506634

If you want to cut off your dick and you don't experience feelings of yearning to be the gender that you weren't born as then you might actually have some other form of mental disorder or mental illness. Of course, you could also be one of those "transablist" retards.

>> No.9506637

Notice how you could only find an example where the person transitioned to male? This is why women shouldn't be allowed into such fields and that includes men who are deluded enough into thinking they are women. I bet you cannot find a MTF.

>> No.9506643


Biology is the Least paid STEM major with highest Unemployment.

Most Medical Doctors major in Chemistry instead.

Most Biology fags suck at math therefore they are dumb & retarded as most humanities majors.

>> No.9506647
File: 31 KB, 246x320, 81VWdAhzu6L._AC_UL320_SR246,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best fields of Biology such as Biophysics & Biochemistry use a lot of math.

But most Bio fags don't choose these fields because they are retarded who suck at math.

So most Biochemists have a degree in Chemistry instead of Biology.
& most Biophysicists have a degree in Physics instead of Biology.

Because most Biology majors are too dumb for Biochemistry & Biophysics

>> No.9506699

I legitimately can't tell if the people posting are serious or just baiting. I'm leaning towards baiting though, in which case good job being so convincing.

>> No.9506784

>>Most Biology fags suck at math therefore they are dumb & retarded as most humanities majors.

That's not how intelligence works, you retard.

>> No.9506785

>Biology is the Least paid STEM major with highest Unemployment.
That's why you must be willing to relocate somewhere that has a demand for that particular work.

>> No.9506820

OP here and I should note that one of my brother's favorite subjects is mathematics. He is in advance math classes and I try to tell him that is because men are inherently better at doing such than women which is more evidence to support the fact that he will never be a woman and should give up this delusion and get professional help. His psychiatrist clearly only cares about making money which is why he prescribed those hormones to him. He has currently enrolled in advanced calculus courses or something.

>> No.9506833

Who cares, he's not going to make it to 30 anyway, let him enjoy playing scientist till then.

>> No.9506881

OP here, he's actually emotionally stable since he started his hormone medication almost three years ago. So the chances of him committing suicide are at an all-time low at the current moment. I suspect that there is a higher chance of him getting killed by some faggot who was refused their offer to butt fuck him.

I'm probably more at risk of suicide right now than he is since I've been drinking myself to death since he started knowing that my family has lost a large amount of dignity since it succumbed to degeneracy. And we are the last two living members of a once prestigious family name.

>> No.9506891
File: 272 KB, 682x682, Estrogen Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9506820 >>9505522
So it proves that faggots such as OP & his brother are inclined to pursue Science and Math.

Proving that most Scientists and mathematicians are a bunch of cock sucking Faggots.

>> No.9506900

That's still better than being a toothless hillbilly who thinks the world was created by an invisible sky magician and that the world is flat.

>> No.9506907

That's a very saddening story. My family name is well know where it originated in a small town, but I couldnt imagine if the few males left(my brother and I) became fags. I would feel so sorry for my family.

>> No.9506910

Why is science full of these hyper-emotional libtards. All they care about is "muh feelings" when in reality scientists care about FACTS. Do you think that we will start to see this younger generation care more about facts or feelings?

>> No.9506911

>Last members of family are a tranny and autist who with neither ever have children.
I feel bad for your ancestors.

>> No.9506914

Call me a fucking faggot again you son of a bitch. I ain't no fucking dick sucking nancy boy. I fire guns every Sunday after church like a real man so come fucking at me you cunt. I own firearms too. My brother maybe a fucking fag but you don't talk to me or my kin that way without losing an eye. I bet you that I can swim in pussy before you die. Nigger.

I could get pussy more than you. SO shut the fuck up.

>> No.9506916

Yo, I was talking about my family you tard. I own guns aswell. Thanks.

>> No.9506918

Why are you even here? Why type like a fucking retard? If your being serious you're a retard and if this is bait it's realy bad.

>> No.9506920

There is no reason why they couldn't care about both emotion and logic, Anonymous. Humans are an emotional species. The truth is that such science like the field of psychology still follows the scientific method and that is why there were changes for conditions such as gender dysphoria. It was once a diagnosis called "gender identity disorder" under behavioral disorders until new research and studies found that it deserved to be in it's own category as "gender dysphoria".

>> No.9506924

I bet you cannot even fire one of those guns you claim to own since you're just as limpwristed as my faggot brother.

That anon called me a fag. There is only one fag in my family and it ain't me. I'm from the Southern United States and we don't take kindly to that kind of shit. We also don't take kindly to people fucking with our own kin.

>> No.9506928

>I need some advice

Biology at university is a joke anyway and has little to no industry outside of a few specific pockets. Would be much better off with a vocational course and stop giving unis the dosh.

>> No.9506932

I just explained that I wasnt calling you a fag.

>> No.9506933

You must have voted for Drumpf.

>> No.9506936

> I couldnt imagine if the few males left(my brother and I) became fags.

Why would you compare my brother and I to you and yours if you didn't suspect that I was a knob polisher?

>> No.9506943


>> No.9506959

Not even Americlap. Bio-industry sucks balls in most places of the world outside of a few small pockets maybe at silicon valley.
Go to your favourite job search engine and look up biology in your local area if you want to be spooped. Not even medical lab scientists are hiring these days.

>> No.9506973


>> No.9506994


> If you want to cut off your dick and you don't experience feelings of yearning to be the gender that you weren't born as then you might actually have some other form of mental disorder or mental illness

Yeah sure. You can cut your dick off as long as it is sanctioned by some institution. If it is not, off to the mental ward you go.

Fuck you.

>> No.9506997




Guess which has the lowest jobs prospects?

>> No.9507000

> by some institution
Mostly consisting of those who studied in universities and having spent years honing their crafts.

You should get the fuck out of here before you start going on about how the world is flat.

>> No.9507003

I don't get it. I see plenty of job openings on these pages.

>> No.9507018

There is more proof that the Earth is flat than there isn't.

>> No.9507020


The world is not flat, god does not exist, evolution is a fact and gender dysphoria is a made up crap.

>> No.9507022


How is this possible? Your brother is trans yet YOU are the giant faggot.

>> No.9507027

Biology has the lowest number of jobs despite having the highest number of graduates. Do the maths.

>> No.9507073

> gender dysphoria is a made up crap
Please post your credentials before making such bold claims. Remember the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.9507075

But that doesn't mean they couldn't find work. If they don't get the job then that just means they lack the initiative to actually get hired.

>> No.9507077

I see you don't have many friends in biology PhDs and post-docs.

>> No.9507089

But this applies to any job, right? If you don't show initiative that you want the position then you won't get it. That's why people tell you to constantly call your employers nagging them about if they see your application. Because they will forget you.

>> No.9507114

It does. What also applies in any industry is that people fail despite their efforts because of the very nature of supply and demand whereby the supply of jobs is much lower than the demand.

>> No.9507120

Then how come people are still getting jobs, dumbass.

>> No.9507122

Because other people are failing to get it, smart arse.

>> No.9507124

Then how do they manage to find work eventurally, retard.

>> No.9507130

Because people other than them are also failing to get their eventual job, genius.

>> No.9507131

OP here and I just wanted to say that my, fuck it, sister voted for Donald J. Trump because she felt that he would bring back interest in traditional family values. He is a big support of traditional family values and hopes to one day be a wife and mother. He has already preserved some sperm at the sperm bank.

>> No.9507132

That doesn't answer the question. Stop evading.

>> No.9507137

Not evading anything. I just stated the blatant truth: there are winners and losers in everything thanks to multiple factors ranging from incompetence to supply and demand.

>> No.9507147

That sounds like you are a quitter and a coward. You don't just give up. You have to work to get where you are. Fucking millennials are true cancer.

>> No.9507150

Never said anybody should quit because of it. Simply that there is a reality to face it. If you quit, you're obviously a coward but sometimes the cowards are the wiser for it. Fucking brainlet boomers.

>> No.9507784

Gender dyshoria being "real" just means it's really a mental illness.
I don't get this shit. There are 2 sexes. The males make the sperm gametes and the females make the ovum gametes. THAT'S IT. Everything else is bullshit. "oh durr durr but it's just hetero-normative blah blah" no you fucking moron, it's literally how it works. A small percentage of people who are literally insane DO. NOT. MATTER. Get over it.
"durr durr but muh klinefelter syndrome muh hermaphrodites" literally all of them are so rare and can easily all be put under one category: deformed. They are not exceptions that give credence to trans ideology. Get the fuck out.

>> No.9507966

This specimen displays signs of 2-dimensional thinking and is unable to comprehend that if something exists it doesn't mean they don't matter. They acknowledge that such genetic disorders such as Klinefelter's Syndrome exist yet proceeds to call them deformed as if they are merely not members of the human race. While this specimen holds intelligence, it might qualify for some level of mental illness.

Also, take note class, that this specimen also neglects the social aspect of humanity. While one could recite facts pertaining to the more biological and concrete nature of nature itself. One must not neglect the social aspects that set the human race apart from the rest of nature. While we cannot prove that we're the only ones that experience phenomena such as gender dysphoria or even something as simplistic as spirituality. We cannot ignore the fact that these things make us special for the time being.

The diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" is still a new one and more research is still required to fully understand its effects on the human neurology. If you would like to read more of my findings from studying the overall nature of internet communities such as this one then be sure to purchase my novel that will be available soon on Amazon.

Since websites like this feature a system where threads or posts can simply go away without being archived. I will be screen capturing this post and it will be up on Blackboard as soon as possible.

>> No.9507979

If people willing to go through neovaginal dilation aren't mentally ill, then nobody is.

>> No.9507987

I should also point out class and this is entirely for knowledge sake that "gender dysphoria" is a mental disorder and not a mental illness. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder would be examples of mental illness, so henceforth, it would be possible for a person to be diagnosed with both a mental illness and a mental disorder. I am no psychiatrist, however, so if you wish to learn more I urge you to do your own research.

>> No.9507991

That's nice, I stand by my point though.

>> No.9508012

So youre whole argument is "feels over reals". There is literally no reason why we shouldn't use genetic engineering to eliminate these deformations/disorders from the genepool.
Jesus I feel bad for CUNY students.

>> No.9508104
File: 10 KB, 250x390, 254799-105880-prof-arturo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is borderline ethnic cleansing and selective breeding levels of insanity. Both of which were both shown to produce horrible results should we consult history. They also show that someone who subscribes to such ideologies lacks a basic level of human empathy and might be mentally unsound.

>> No.9508260

what a ridiculous post

>> No.9508306

don't be a faggot

>> No.9508309
File: 43 KB, 639x513, TRINITY____JUDGES++.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bible

>> No.9508348

Is this a copy pasta?

>> No.9508433

The bible is merely a book of guidelines that we simians use to help us lead a more moralistic and fulfilling life. While not all of the scripture is recommended due to the amount of violence and prejudice within its pages. It can still hold value if you concentrate your focus on the segments following what Jesus taught and preached about. Most of which contradict or replace what was said in previous chapters.

Why is it ridiculous, Anonymous? I should remind you that those who often times deny they have a problem actually have that problem. Why do you lack the basic human emotion of empathy? I should expect that those among the ranks here to struggle with feelings of depression as that is the reason why I am writing a case study on chan websites in general, but you show no effort to improve yourself or your understanding of your fellow humans. I will pray that you find peace in your life.

>> No.9508516
File: 3.22 MB, 1784x6560, Genesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After my old website turned into Genesis 1 I then came to believe that it is the book of instructions from the time travel bureau on the timeline that survives to infinity


>> No.9508530
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>> No.9508560
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>> No.9509989

The shit my brother and his boyfriend say to each other is so disgusting. His boyfriend would say this weird shit to him like, "I'm gonna get you pregnant a thousand times" which I only presume is code for "you're going to shallow my cum and like it" or "I'm going to waste a thousand sperm on you."

This is why we need to exterminate the undesirables. Hitler did nothing wrong.