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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9504170 No.9504170 [Reply] [Original]

Post science conspiracy theories you have, that you think are true.

>Gravity is probably completely homologous to Electricity. I think it acts exactly the same, but we just have to fill in the blanks. Then soon we can control gravity just as much as Electricity.

>> No.9504174

Light has mass we just can detect it. Everything has fuckin mass, otherwise it wouldnt move. If we found a theory that gave light mass, i feel like wed solve a bunch of light problems and shit.

>> No.9504185

Gravity and electricity are the only forces that exist. Strong and weak, are some shit we dont understand. Our theories are stupid, and we are just labelling them.

Once some genius creates a better electricity, gravity, quantum theory, the strong and weak will be explained easy af. I am almost certain of this.

>> No.9504191

Males are naturally attracted to 14 year olds. We see it in history, and now we blame these guys as perverts. A 14 year old is ripe, and fresh. Her skin soft, she is submissive, and taut. Her vagina is tight and ready to be broken.

>> No.9504218

Lol yeah bro i know, im currently involved with one and shes threatening to tell people we fucked bc I want her to leave me alone. Shits annoying, but im not worried, as she looks like 17.

>> No.9504233

space bends around massive objects and light follows the path that would conserve its speed around such objects. Gravity affecting light is just emergent behaviour rather than photons having mass

>> No.9504372

its a math theory, but I think math is pretty much done. new theories will be exceptionally difficult and high-end, but most normal math has been done.

>> No.9504584

similarly i am almost certain you have never received education in nuclear physics of either variety at any point in your life of any kind

>> No.9504591

jews promote their own and hype up pet theories to such an extent that pop sci and even some fields are extremely distorted, with certain ideas getting undue favor

>> No.9505435

Why? I have actually, but am still willing to believe this.

>> No.9505449
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The government fucked me over on my research because the guy running USA Corp is 46 degree freemason and he knows that as Mr. 47 I am the only one who could take over that outranks him, and that means that could kill him, and therefore affect real, positive, lasting change that would never happen if someone of lower rank than him got appointed as the new front man for USA Corp.

>> No.9505463

The US military has known the human genome for much longer than the public has

>> No.9505492

Mass displaces the highs field, causing space-time to distort similar to how putting a bowling ball in a 1 gallon jug of water displaces the volume of the bowling ball
Mass displaces the energy in the highs field

>> No.9505964

Top down gravity

>> No.9506532

THERE is no gay. You have the gene that attracts you to men, that woman are supposed to have.

Blacks have low IQ. Why the fuck is science not researching this?

>> No.9506541

that's hardly a conspiracy theory
it's just a biological fact: we feel attracted to youthful, healthy birth-givers
not necessarily 14 year olds and definitely not for being submissive, but definitely for being healthy

>> No.9506550

>Why the fuck is science not researching this?
Because the science is done. Its just true

>> No.9507422

alzhaimar's deses is just a placepo effect that is getting cased from the peoples knowledge that cased from the govenment to kill all the old unprodictive fucks

>> No.9507435

>Gravity is a hoax force
>The heliocentric model is a hoax model
>Someone/people are controlling Stephen Hawking's "voice"
>Nuclear energy is actually safe, it has been demonized because it threatens too many industries

>> No.9507460
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_multiracialists_are_crazy_part_3_iq_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ & Race

>> No.9507707
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White holes

>> No.9508070

string theory is a proof of concept to make the most useless field of study possible.
it was probably invented by mathematicians who were getting pissed when someone found practical applications for their theorems