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9498951 No.9498951 [Reply] [Original]

Any real life experience?

>> No.9498958

I dropped out of highschool out 17 with no math courses, got a script for Dex at 18 and now finishing my masters in aerospace engineering at Stanford, have SpaceX and NASA internships

So yeah it works if you have ADHD like me

>> No.9498977

How did you know you had adhd?

>> No.9498978

It doesn't make you "smarter", but it makes you more focused. It also makes you less hungry.

>> No.9498990

>One review highlighted a nine-month randomized controlled trial of amphetamine treatment for ADHD in children that found an average increase of 4.5 IQ points

>> No.9498999

I was diagnosed with it as a kid and turned down treatment

>> No.9499000

I was always smart, just not focused or directed. Drugs gave me the drive to put things floating in my head in motion, and I fucking executed

>> No.9499057

Me too. My junior year of high school I made a fucking 40 on my algebra. After getting adderall I've made no less than a B+ in all of the math courses I've taken.

>> No.9499141

were yall guys on the instant release of the extened
i was thinking of getting some but my guy only has xr

>> No.9499162

I have been trying to not take it for the past two months but I've realized that I'm sort of dependent on it at this point.
Can definitely agree here. Although I feel i'm a brainlet, I have definitely performed 80% better when I was on addy. Was never prescribed though. I took 30 mgs twice a week or something when there were imminent tests.

>> No.9499164

It works better when you've hardly had any experience in it. I started out with vyvanse but its really bad because it makes you feel depressed to relapse its effects or it just doesn't work well on me because i try to work at night. (vyvanse is supposed to be taken during the day).

>> No.9499168

just take it for exams, works well from my experience

>> No.9499170

I was diagnosed back in the 6th or 7th grade with ADHD

I didn't get prescribed anything because my grades were "good"

I literally couldn't focus in class, I just used my intuition most of the time to surf by

Skip to the end of 9th grade

My grades fell, and I was becoming erratic

Got prescribed on Adderall

My GPA went from a 3.5 in Freshmen year (I wasn't really trying and I did not care) to a 4.3 in my Junior year

I finally felt "normal," I guess

It let my mind be clear and I could hear my thoughts precisely.

Did it make me smarter? No. Did it give me more motivation and a greater sense of clarity? Hell yes.

>> No.9499251

i need this so much, i feel it all the time, cant focus, go eat something, come to 4 chan, etc,. Except if i HAVE to, then i really focus but i cant get to do my personal work (aka not academia courses)

>> No.9499323

It's literally meth. Of course it makes you smarter

>> No.9499342

I've been on XR adderall, vyvanse (XR, bound with an amino acid to prevent people from snorting it or some shit like that), and regular instant release adderall.

I'm currently on the instant release. I like it because you can take it has needed, so you don't have to rely on a single pill everyday. I take two per day when I need to, one if I don't have much to do, or none I have nothing whatsoever to do.

Just don't abuse it and become a meth head.

>> No.9499348

This right here.

>> No.9499353

yeah ive snorted riddlin before shits cash
i took an adderall xr the day of a test i didnt feel focused at all tho

>> No.9499356

I took it, math became easier I could give a fuck about my other courses though so those grades didnt change. Got A's in math and science though. When i was first on it i became really anxious like I wanted to punch my teacher in the face and take a worksheet so i could do the problems instead of having him drone on. Literally you cant wait to do shit, you always have to be doing something and are fully engaged. It offers focus on a micro level, so individual tasks you will fly through though you should have your goals set so you can get the most out of it or else your laser focus will go to stupid shit. Focusing in class you do automatically but if you dont do hw you'll still fuck up so dont occupy yourself with videogames for even a second or else 5 hours are going to fly by before you realize what happened. So while it lasts make sure you start on your tasks when you work outside of a classroom.

>> No.9499362

I've also been prescribed Adderall but I absolutely loath the stuff. Does it help with focus and encourage work ethic? Yes, however, the after effects absolutely suck! You crash and lose all motivation (sometimes even the will to live) and you can't sleep. It's a love/hate relationship.

>> No.9499366

>ability to sit and fill out forms in order to complete IQ tests
i swear you fuckers are hopeless.

>> No.9499375

Its because ADHD/ADD kids cant focus for shit on multiple choice tests or any test but mc is the worst, doesn't increase IQ at all.

>> No.9499376

Adderall doesn't really make you smarter per se, but helps you focus on retaining and organizing information. When taken in moderate dosages (15-20mg) once or twice a week, it can be a great study tool.

However, in the long term, it can really fuck you up. I've been prescribed addy since middle school, which was over 10 years ago, and have taken it almost daily ever since. Even with frequent tolerance breaks, I have trouble doing even basic tasks without it. Tread carefully before you start fucking around with amphetamines. IMHO, it's not even worth touching if you factor in the long term effects.

>> No.9499383

This is the voice of reason but >>9498958 this guy makes me want to.

>> No.9499398

Lol I snorted Ritalin before taking the SAT.

Yeah the XR stuff can be subtle, to an extent. But it's like a nicotine patch vs. a cigarette.

>> No.9499404
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>mfw someone interrupts what you're working on/talking about while on adderall

>> No.9499514

Where did you do you bachelor's?

>> No.9499556

Community college transfer into Purdue aerospaceo

>> No.9499897

literally flat-earther tier logic

>> No.9500035

>my guy only has xr
Just get a prescription.

>> No.9500037
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>It's literally meth

>> No.9500595

I have no clue how people get addicted to this medicine. I hated taking this medicine in middle and high school. It made me feel like I received a lobotomy and it also made me have existential crises at night

>> No.9500598


Fuck you flat earth is logical

>> No.9500874

Would it help me focus on stuff I don't like?

>> No.9500900

You need to take responsibility when using adderall. You can easily get distracted and start playing a video game for 10 hours straight. It will help you focus on anything you are doing productive or unproductive.

>> No.9501385

how tho every time i ask the doc they want to refer me to a specialist

>> No.9501429

Are you going to normal physicians or psychiatrists?

>> No.9501449

it helps you focus. in other words it helps you apply your intelligence.

most people don't need to get high to study. they just have to learn how to concentrate but they are never taught how to do that.
a fucking monk of all people has a pretty good grasp on the problem.

>> No.9501452

usually when i go to my physician i say ive been having trouble concentrating or focusing lately and ask if there is anything they can do to help, they just want to refer me to a specialist regarding that to see if i really need a prescription but ive heard therapist are much more lenient

>> No.9501506

I would go to a psychiatrist, be vague don't be too direct. Say you're struggling in school can't gather your thoughts etc. Forgetful having a hard time focusing on things and basically act concerned or confused. If they mention adhd just go with it. Act like you haven't really thought about it being a possibility until then. Just make sure you don't end up making them think you're anxious or depressed which they would say is the cause of your attention issues. I am only telling you to avoid being direct because many psychiatrists are hesitant to give college kids prescriptions but I am not sure if that changes if you go to a psychiatrist who isn't based in a college town. Sorry if this was shitty advice. I am in a rush.

>> No.9501516

Are here any people who microdose on psychedelics?

>> No.9501521

no it was good thank you anon

>> No.9501523

what are the benefits/effects i have taken psychedelics before they made me think about the many connections between everything in the world

>> No.9501573

This is powerful but not for everyone. I don't wanna be a gate keeper but I feel like most people should not take this. If your lucky enough to not suffer sleep deprivation or appetite suppressing or any of the anxiety with the come down then it is god tier. Started taking last year grades have gone up, started learning piano, deepeession gone etc. Also landed an 80k/year internship.

>> No.9501579

hey, thats pretty good

>> No.9501591

adderal should have a willy wonka logo on it

>> No.9501594

I got my first prescription for IR during sophomore year of college. First time I took it I felt like God and that anything was possible. Then I abused it on and off for ~2 yrs, and in the long run it didnt help anything. Did a 72 hr binge once and started having very concrete visual hallucinations. Ive done multiple psychedelics and never had hallucinations like that.

If youre responsible it can work wonders. If youre an irresponsible clown like me it can fuck your shit up.

>> No.9501596

I have only taken it a few times for recreational purposes and I was bouncing off the fucking walls. Hard to believe they give this shit to kids.

>> No.9501605

doses, dear

>> No.9501658

Fucks with you if you don't need it. I was told my life would be transformed once I started tAking it 2 years ago at 28.. Nothing major changed, no transformation, but overAll improvement over time is definitely noticable. 30mg XR. I've asked multiple times for IR but fucktard doctor doesn't want me to have them

>> No.9501673

Anyone have experience with both adderall and ritalin?
How do they compare in your experience?

>> No.9501679

it gave me the ability to autism out on projects but i have really bad anxiety so i'd end up finishing my work then crying in a corner wondering if was going to die of a heart attack on stims

my grades didn't really see any difference at all but i was just more committed to side projects

>> No.9501686

Lol what? Do you think marijuana is heroin tier too?

>> No.9501691

I've tried both concerta (pretty much xr ritalin) and dexedrine (pretty much adderall). I prefer dexedrine much more. Concerta helped me focus but I got really bad anxiety.

Agreed. These are hard drugs and should not be given to kids at all imo. Everyone I've spoken to who has had a bad experience with these meds are people who've been on it since they were kids (white suburban kids who also started doing other drugs at a younger age). I feel like if you want to go this route you should have spent a decent chunk of your life unmedicated and then be able to notice the difference aftewards. That way you will view them as meds and not be a fuckwad who abuses them or sells them.

>> No.9501698

>they just have to learn how to concentrate
1000% this.
Adderall literally doesn't have any effect if you're disciplined.

>> No.9501911

Adderall (at least the right-hand isomer) has the same effects as meth. Just a little less potent. Hell, people can even be prescribed meth pills (desoxyn).

>> No.9501918

Bull fucking shit. Take enough adderall and youre gonna be high as fuck.

>> No.9501969
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No, it doesn't make you smarter. Nor does it have no affect for people who don't need it.

People with ADD or ADHD have fewer dopamine receptors than the average person. It is often mistaken as a pleasure hormone but dopamine is more of the motivation hormone. What amphetamines do is increase the level of dopamine in the brain by slowing the rate at which the brain "reuptakes" or reabsorbs the dopamine it releases.

Adderall doesn't make you smarter, it just helps you focus on and engage with one task at a time without the incessant distractions and procrastination that result in you staying up until at least 2 am every single night because you can't just sit down and write a goddamn one-page paper without spending 10 hours straight shitposting on taiwanese watercoloring forums or pacing around your room and it drives you fucking insane and all you want to do is take a bullet to your lazy, pathetic excuse for a brain and end it all.

Anyway yeah Adderall is pretty helpful.

>> No.9502016

Amphetamines cause cells to release dopamine. Its not a reuptake inhibitor.

>> No.9502044

is there any bad side effects of taking adderall? i've been getting unfocused lately, because i might get me a one.

>> No.9502050
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>>9498951 >>9502016
Dopamine is dope bro.

>> No.9502053

>most people have adhd

>> No.9502055

Where did I say this?

>> No.9502057

define define tier post

>> No.9502059



>> No.9502066
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>> No.9502070
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>> No.9502072
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>>9498951 >>9502050 >>9502059 >>9502066 >>9502070


>> No.9502100
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>> No.9502151
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What's the best way to learn to concentrate without drugs?

>> No.9502172



>> No.9502245

i wonder what effects it has if you're doing something constantly but with someone you're comfortable with, meaning no anxiety, like a project or something.

>> No.9502253

I abused it for three weeks to keep me running during stressful times (30mg/day when I only need 15), now I've been taking a break for 9 days and still feel like shit. Am I fucked for life?

>> No.9502257

indeed but amphetamines overall lack the neurotoxicity of meth in the doses prescribed

>> No.9502258

no, just for the month

>> No.9502262

I hope so. Sure doesn't feel like it.

It helped my GPA immensely, but holy shit, never ever take more than what you are prescribed. Never redose. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but you WILL deeply regret it later.
It's just borrowed energy, and sooner or later you will have to pay back. With interest.

>> No.9502264

ye man just relax this month, dont do shit if you dont have to, if u get lazy by the end of the month, take one pill and start doing something, then back to the usual i suppose

>> No.9502272

Wanted to ask the same question. It sounds too good.

>> No.9502274

Dropped out once, now I'm doing a PhD in CS thanks to ritalin. Really fucking wish I found out I had ADHD when I was a kid instead of at the tender age of 25, but at least I found out and turned my life around.

>> No.9502867

What language is this?

>> No.9502874

is purdue’s masters A&A program good? i just got accepted

>> No.9502909

live fast die hard maybe

>> No.9502930

English you swarthy nigger

>> No.9504221

this thread really REALLY made me want to try it, I've never actually done any kind of drugs before

I'm way too autismal to actually talk to a psychiatrist or doctor or whatever though, it would be a situation where we both know what I'm after but have to beat around the bush and ultimately it rests on my speaking/social skills, which I have none of.

>> No.9504286


>> No.9504300

I was on this for ADD during my early 20s
it worked but for the first week or so I would occasionally not be able to move or do anything for a bit
like I wasn't paralyzed, I just lost all drive and flow to my motion and stayed where I was, and my thoughts basically stopped
thankfully it went away and I switched to a different medication a few years later, but ever since that I haven't really trusted adderall

>> No.9504309

this will sound either weird or obvious, but practice
you can create environments with varying degrees and types of distraction and then set yourself to focus on something less interesting or attention-getting
with time you'll get better, it may take a long time but it's very doable
I'd recommend printing out a math worksheet or getting a writing prompt, putting on a video of something you like but aren't totally fascinated by, and then working on what you've set before you while in the same room as the video, and trying to spend as little time as possible watching the video, and trying to avoid listening to it too because that'll also sidetrack you
source: I grew up with a mentally disabled sister who would scream about random shit at random times, and it made me really good at ignoring things in the background

>> No.9504312

But, anon, Adderall gives me raging hard boners that last for hours!

>> No.9504341
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Of course. First, tolerance. You start taking it everyday because it works so well. Then after some time (you dont even think about time anymore) you realize you need it to get out of the bed, and that you're slowly dropping to levels where you were before taking addy.

Then, if you're stupid enough, you start upping the dose. Fuck it, it still works, so it must be good. You keep at it for a few more months, maybe a year, whatever. You dont stop because - why the hell would you? This shit is great.

If you're lucky enough not to have upped your doses so far to get a psychosis, you'll just end up with a massive tolerance and either run out, or figure out you need a break. That's where the circus begins.

You can't get out of the bed. You don't wanna get out of the bed. Your mind is foggy, your head hurts. Youre tired like youve never been before. You dont even know why youre alive. You dont wanna get up and face the day. You just want to disappear. Or to get something that will clear this shit up. Maybe some more addy.........

...at this point you either start to become a full blown speedhead, or you stop completely and realize that youve done it the wrong way the whole time, push through the withdrawals until you start feeling normal again and learn o respect the Amphs.

>> No.9504357
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How do I know if I have ADHD?

>> No.9504669
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>literally ... logic
yes, and?

>> No.9504670
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>lmao all stimulants are basically meth guys!
>that coffee? you might as well smoke some crystal loL!
kill yourself

>> No.9504727

I had to write a research paper on study drug use and how it affects college kids. To sum it up, it's pretty bad for you, works, and users unknowingly build a strong dependency.

>> No.9504728

ADD and AE faggot here, don't NASA and SpaceX check for drug use during applications?

>> No.9504735

I've gained more mental clarity from benzodiazepines than from amphetamines, having long prescriptions on both.

It's a matter of what helps you clear the noise in your head, not what makes you smarter. If you like hyperfocusing and missing the bigger-picture, but over-performing, then yeah it'll help you be productive in your sense of the word. If you're prone to mental friction and anxiety, no it probably will not.

Quality thread 15/10 thanks for making a thread about it instead of just googling it and finding all sorts of reference material.

>> No.9505259

christ what a nightmare

>> No.9506394

dubs and I try to get some before this semester is over

>> No.9506397

>gained mental clarity
there are multiple studies that show they make you stupid from long term abuse mon frere

>> No.9506456

Speaking from experience?

>> No.9506520

I drink coffee only like once a month so it feels very similar to taking amphetamines (for me)

>> No.9506548

I'm interested in taking this, although it sounds too good to be true. I have trouble with memorization and concentration, but i don't really consider it that much of a problem because my grades are fantastic.

I heard of some adderall myths which I want cleared up(and google doesn't want to give me a clear answer):
1) Will it make me age faster?
2) Will this fuck my brain up in the long run? And by fuck up I mean will I become dumber.
3) Will I inevitably get heart disease in the long run?
4) I don't have ADHD, should I still take it (obviously not high doses)?
Thank you anons.

>> No.9506554

1.) No. Any stimulant increases production of ROS but you can easily handle those if you're within the therapeutic range and live off of more than doritos and Dew. Vitamins C and E are vital. Depending on your use level you may want to balance your diet for pre and post dose optimization.

2.) No, see #1. If you use too much, it will burn out your ventral striatum and have the same relative effect being force-fed Haloperidol will. You won't get "dumb" but you'll become incredibly demotivated, lazy and unfocused. The comedown will feel like this in miniature.

3.) No. It's incredibly easy to become dehydrated and because of that you need to make very sure your electrolytes are tidy. The sleep deprivation possible as a side-effect is what hurts the heart the most on amphetamines, unlike cocaine, which is the opposite.

4.) Go ahead, just don't be a retard about it. The only one-and-done drugs are PCP and similar NMDAR blockers (having the same effects as lead paint, basically) and MDMA. Catecholamine stimulants are much worse for your heart and body temp/hydration level than your brain, If you don't have the self-discipline and awareness of a homeless person you'll be fine. Remembering that you can safely quit cold turkey helps too. No stimulant can kill you from detox - unlike booze, benzos.

>> No.9506561
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Personally, I wouldn't recommend tampering with your routines if you have a good thing going. Stimulants are interesting, sure, but at the end of the day if you haven't been prescribed it you're going to face a (transient) comedown period that will be noticeably below your current degree of performance.

Try getting a friend to do them and see how they take it.

>> No.9506562
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Whomst use phytopharmacologicals to optimize brain power?

There are plenty of compounds that can help brain function from herbs such as ginkgo, bacopa, or nutrients such as the amino acid theanine.

I was prescribed ritalin and adderall and and I hated how I felt on it. I manage my ADHD entirely with natural products.

pic related

>> No.9506563

About 2. Would you say it's possible to recover when that happens?

>> No.9506566
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What about a tard like me with mild autism and shit? Any tards here use adderall or vyvanse? Does it help?

>> No.9506570

Yes. MRIs of long-term meth addicts show recovery to near-baseline after years. Burning out the receptors is reversible, burning as in physically denaturing the neurons themselves is not, but shouldn't happen to most people with smart habits, esp. on Adderall rather than methamphetamine proper.
The rate of burnout is dependent on the release of serotonin, rather than dopamine. Both on their own are fine and natural elements of brain chemistry, but both aren't "meant" to be elevated beyond a certain threshold your body evolved to deal with. This is why MDMA has the notorious reputation for neurotoxicity that it does. Serotonin spews into the limbic system at a much higher proportion than the dopamine and adrenaline of amphs.
I use cotinine and Georgian lithiated water for memory. Ginkgo is amazing, but I have a heart defect and cant use any of the more tonic products because they give me arrhythmias.

The best thing for autism is lithium, if you can find it. The amygdala is almost totally suppressed by it.
>t. sperg

>> No.9506579

Thanks for the elaborate answer. I abused doses that were still therapeutic for three weeks, and am suffering from that burnout. Nowhere close to meth addict behaviour, I guess. Glad to hear there's hope.

>> No.9506582

Lithium is great.

We know that folate intake promotes neurotransmitter synthesis, but I came across a paper that found that in rodents, GSK-3beta needed to be inhibited, and PPARgamma needed to be activated in order for folate to produce antidepressant effects. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22037925))

Lithium blocks GSK-3beta

Omega-3 fatty acids activate PPARs

Everybody take your minerals, fish oils, and B-vitamins for happy brains.

>> No.9506584

It helps doing sums, but not subtracting multiplying or dividing

>> No.9506585


I've worked in a psych unit and the lack of credible information on the burnout is astonishing. You probably wouldnt be surprised how many otherwise healthy people throw up their hands and decide "fuck it, may as well go all-in" when they falsely think they've lobotomized themselves. Many such cases!

If you're not already aware, try adding mozzarella to your diet. It's one of the finest bioavailable sources of phenylalanine, a precursor to dopamine, that will speed up recover.

>> No.9506588

Hey, have you ever heard of something such as lithium tolerance? I took that stuff for the first time a year ago. Worked instantly, like a charm, but the effects completely faded after a month. Started taking it again two weeks ago and I'm feeling fuckall.

>> No.9506591


If your effects waned it must mean you were excreting it faster than it could build up in your brain. I've never heard of lithium having a "tolerance" effect, since it's more of an osmolyte mineral in action than a "real" drug.

>> No.9506596

I really wouldn't be surprised. Instead of doing that, I decided to be a mopey fuck about it for the last two weeks, but the cognitive dysfunction certainly hasn't helped. I tried taking tyrosine and got no effect out of it, so I guess that wasn't the limiting factor.
Thanks for the info, you're taking a real load off my shoulders.

>> No.9506939

rerolling....... only one more time

>> No.9506966

do you have a source for the sleep deprivation hurting the heart the most on amphs

>> No.9506974

use my roll

>> No.9507786

No. It enhances my OCD. Too days ago my bike broke down and I spend an hour trying to fix it when I should have been studying. I was not successful.
Also it makes me mentally unhinged. It makes me feel trippy.
Same here and I ended up in a mental hospital because of it

>> No.9507804

Boar is

>> No.9507809

No shit

>> No.9507842

I was prescribed Adderall and its peers for a little while but it ended up not helping me at all. Essentially it created some chemical imbalance in my brain and heavily exacerbated mental health issues that neither I or my parents were aware of beforehand. I stopped eating and in six months went from 190 lbs to about 90, I attempted to kill myself twice, was taken off of it, and then ultimately had to be committed for a brief period. I had never had a prescription medication prior, but afterwards I have been stuck on so many fucking drugs in order to keep my lid on that it feels like I'm walking through life in a haze.

This does not seem to be the common case at all and is more likely a story about my own failings, but I would be remiss if I didn't at least mention my story. I don't really understand what happened, but the time in my life where I was using adderall was not very enjoyable.

>> No.9507843


>> No.9507892

Psychosis as a broad symptom - Medically what occurred was the emergence of juvenile metachromatic leukodystrophy causing me to 'mysteriously' fall behind in school, leading to the prescription, thus causing about six months of insanity off of a drug that I took maybe fifteen times.

>> No.9507898

And more horniness

>> No.9508042

A major waste produce produced by brain metabolism is homocysteine, from SAH and adenosine (tri, di, mono) and recycled in the methionine cycle (for which you need B-complex, like folate and cobalamin). The process of being awake produces homocysteine like a car produces exhaust, and prolonged wakefulness, at a higher metabolism no less, produces more of it than you would otherwise as dictated by your circadian rhythms.

Homocysteine is a known cardiotoxin, as it binds with cholesterol in the blood and contributes to plaque formation. Yes, technically it's not the meth producing this cardiotoxicity, but the secondary factors of sleep deprivation that are basically unavoidable with frequent amphetamine use.

Cocaine and caffeine users don't have this problem because of the considerably shorter half-lives of their substances, though as already mentioned cocaine's basic function is a perfectly dangerous cardio-stressor already. Always dose wisely anon.


>> No.9508051

Opinions on methylphenidate instead of amphetamine?
I'd appreciate your opinion especially. I'm unfortunate in living in Europe, where buying prescription amphetamines illegally is ridiculously expensive unless you have a friend with a script (extremely rare) - or if you're willing to take street speed (amphetamine paste) which is impure, and I'm not willing to do that again. I've heard ritalin is safer but less effective, and might also cause some form of neurogenesis. I don't mind if it's not as good, I just really need a boost in performance. Especially the next three months.
Would you recommend lithium for someone not diagnosed with a mood disorder? I don't know if I have autism or bipolar, but I suspect something is wrong. I'm really really bitter about my crap life, so often when I get home I just want to punch a wall. This is solely due to not being able to study (procrastination, terrible concentration).

>> No.9508060

I've heard lithium is neurotoxic or neurodegenerative in some way. Talked to a guy with autism about his meds and they scared me.

>> No.9508061

Lithium is the ideal substance at dialing back anger/disgust, because its primary site of action is the amygdalae nuclei in your brain.
Of course, it's also phenomenally nephrotoxic, which is why you can't get significant amounts of the carbonate forms outside of prescription.

Before you try lithium, experiment with increasing your potassium and magnesium intake. They have similar charges and roles in the ionic balance of the nerves, and unlike lithium they won't obliterate your kidneys.

>> No.9508067

Eh? That's not true at all, unless you mean in overdose, but any kind of overdose is usually neurotoxic somehow. Lithium increased BDNF, it's a neurotrophic/neuroprotective, that's the opposite of a neurotoxin.

>> No.9508183

I take 1gram magnesium every day. Don't ever see potassium supplements in my country.
And I don't give a fuck about my kidneys. I pop paracetamol and ibuprofen almost every day.

I think I might be able to get access to lithium. Been meaning to do this with a few other medications I've thought of trying out over the years like strattera, modafinil and bupropion. These are all a lot cheaper for me then ritalin but I'm doubtful they'll be of much help.

>> No.9508988

thank you for alerting me to this

how much would you say it is responsible for heart damage in amphetamine abuse?

>> No.9509018

people taking adderal generally have yearly required EKGs. so that should tell you something.

>> No.9509028

i mean it doesn't tell me anything about how responsible homocysteine is for the damage

>> No.9509045

got him

>> No.9509330


>You can't get out of the bed. You don't wanna get out of the bed. Your mind is foggy, your head hurts. Youre tired like youve never been before. You dont even know why youre alive. You dont wanna get up and face the day. You just want to disappear.

You just described my average morning

>> No.9511111

definitely don't take it if you have anxiety. took some last year during finals week and while I did really well on my tests and studying was actually really fun with addy, I couldn't sleep and felt psychotic when I came down.

>> No.9511960

stfu already

>> No.9512312

only helps if you actually have adhd
other wise it just causes oxidation that makes free radicals in your prefrontal cortex and over stimulation + weight loss

>> No.9512313

Medication doesn’t make you smarter, it just brings out the intelligence that was already there. Like wiping fog off a mirror to see a clear image. I’m diagnosed with ADHD but I don’t take Adderall since the side effects are much more worse than on Ritalin for me. Don’t take drugs unless they are prescribed to you, anon.

>> No.9512436

Dors browsing 4chan constantly instead of studying mean I have ADHD?

>> No.9512452
File: 595 KB, 799x798, Doctor Lil Pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor Lil Pump (Harvard Med School)
recommends it.

>> No.9513135

No it just tricks you into believing you are. It's a drug, idiot.

>> No.9513196

Very much so. In 2nd grade, the schools IQ test (Weschler's Childrens I believe) revealed that I had an IQ of 148. I very easily excelled through grade and high school because it was simple. I got to college and quickly realize that it took me extraordinarily long amounts of time to complete assignments and exams. Then I went to a psychologist and was diagnosed with Adult ADHD. 40 mg of Vyvanse and 4 years later, and I've just been accepted into Yale, UPenn, and Brown (so far) for their Physics Ph.D. programs. From my view, this stuff will make you a fucking god if you've got the pre-existing intellectual resources, and you only need some direction. It doesn't necessarily make you more focused as I'm just ad distracted. However, it does give you the necessary sheer output to support a scattered, non-linear thought process to its full potential.

>> No.9513218

i've experimented with nootropics for years. only ones i've kept up with are centrophenoxine and huperzine, sometimes lion's mane. also modifying gut bacteria i think has had a good effect on me, 5 g of resistant starch before you go to sleep produces a pretty big and surprising change in ability to focus

>> No.9513301


>> No.9513331


a scattered, non-linear thought process huh?

>> No.9513337
File: 50 KB, 480x535, FB_IMG_1518038385939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to ruin the party, but if you get pure amphetamine it's really much more potent than adderall and you can dosage it evenly to the level that you get most performance enhancing effect. It's kind of give and take. The more stimulant you take the more you boost cognitive functions, senses and brain power. Until you surpass the limit and it goes down. Also great if you have anxiety. Since it removes fear and inhibitions. I experienced with 5 gram once and fuck it was cash. My cognitive functions went through the roof. Was shitload of kek i turned Eminem into a silly chill that day. That's maybe 1 million the time more than what docs prescribe and recommend. It's maybe unconversial for many of you but pure amphetamine is the grandfather of smart drugs. In nazy germany it was floating. They would not have become so advanced so fast without amf. And the blitzkrieg, they could keep up for days and weeks. Hope i didn't ruin party but adderall, go home.

>> No.9513393
File: 94 KB, 468x468, Lil Pump+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9513504

lol faggot

>> No.9513512

how do you get an adhd test
not the shitty internet ones

>> No.9513515

would you like me to be more mathematically 'accurate' when describing my thought process as I experience it? I quickly jump from one thing to the next even while working on a single project. I don't stay focused during conversation. I often think about the past events that seem meaningless long after the fact in short bursts. It's as if time doesn't matter to me. It makes it easy for me to look up at the clock and think 'What the hell, how has it been x hours' because it seems like I was only just thinking about y, but then I realize that
I've also been thinking about a,b,c,d,e,f
.... man, love me some alphabet.

I think there's probably a better mathematical taxonomy than what I stated, and you're free to determine that as you see fit, but it's still my experience on the matter.

>> No.9513552


>> No.9515143

how many people got baited into getting themselves chemically dependent on the babby meth give me parkinsons drug from this thread lol