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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 274 KB, 1297x736, STEM-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9485738 No.9485738 [Reply] [Original]

Please be specific and provide reasoning.

>> No.9485746
File: 1.48 MB, 3709x2465, serveimage(18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting these major comparison autism threads: they are never productive. All of STEM is fucked and that is the end of the story.
>reminder that autists are pathologically obsessed with categorizing and sorting things

>> No.9485775

STEM fields require you to have a good background and resilience to go up in your career.
IF you have that, I'd say robotics, basin analysis, agroforestry, energy management and studies
Basically anything attached to a changing climate and markets. Traditional energy resources like oil and gas will grow in demand with huge nations like India and China emerging and god knows what will be happenning Africa and the Middle East in terms of development. Nuclear will never fly but surprisingly it's also a prospect for people with basin analysis background.
As for agroforestry it's the most sustainable way of rewildening, conservation and food production we probably know of. Negative carbon economies will be sought for in a few decades and it will help unleash forestry and livestock potentials aswell.
Robotics is kinda obvious why and it has an ever growing potentials with everyone having more computing power in their smartphones than NASA had when they sent their guys to the moon. Basically portability and new markets.

>> No.9485784

This and this. You're gonna be jobless no matter which major you pick. Get over it.

>> No.9485798

>All of STEM is fucked and that is the end of the story.
>Literally integral to the modern world.
You clueless Plebbitors really need to stop posting on /sci/: you are never productive.
>Reminder that edgy Plebbitor shitposters are pathologically obsessed with being contrarians.

>> No.9485805

We have had these threads multiple times a day for at least the last six years. They are never productive. How new are you?

>> No.9485817
File: 19 KB, 300x214, 1516080975018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that newfags accuse everyone else of being from reddit?

>> No.9485840
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I didn't say they were productive, but STEM isn't:
>fucked and that is the end of the story.
Although, if you think that then why even post or lurk here?

That's some hilarious hypocrisy right there:

>> No.9485842

That's some hilarious hypocrisy right there:

>> No.9485859

Lmao a lot of shitty markets are integral to the modern world. STEM should be studied for personal enjoyment only. If you try to make a living off of it your job will be outsourced to pajeet or given to the manager's son.

>> No.9485900
File: 82 KB, 384x313, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a skilled researcher?
Which can be well paying:
>What is a skilled engineer?
Which can be well paying:
>What is a STEM entrepreneur?
The only issues you've raised are that commonly skilled STEM personnel that can be replaced and that they lack business acumen.
I'd call that an intelligence and for the latter, a charisma filter.

>> No.9485952
File: 71 KB, 360x403, 1461488678239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what makes you so sure you won't be one of the replaceable ones, high schooler?

>> No.9486123
File: 48 KB, 736x539, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, I've already proven I'm smarter than the average STEM schmuck; id est: you.

>> No.9486398

Chemistry and materials science. We are entering the golden age of novel materials that can do wonderful things. New Materials so that baby engineers will finally have something new to play with and build so we can finally advance tech sectors beyond gay smart phones and websites or internet of faggot things. But knowing faggot engineers, that's all they will use them for anyways.

>> No.9487165
File: 27 KB, 407x446, 1452609002863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechatronics is going to take over the world.

>> No.9487204

Holy fuck all the links you posted were bullshit. You're a retard if you think biology and physics are in demand. You need a phd to even be competitive.

>b-b-but I'm speshul a-and one in a million. Mommy sed so!
No you're not, bucko. I can't wait for you to graduate and have reality slowly set in as you move back in with your parents.

>> No.9487211

Gender studies

>> No.9487546

Which ever the Chinese like

>> No.9488451

I am special, it wasn't just my mom that said so, it was yours too.
Once again though, all you're saying is:
>commonly skilled STEM personnel that can be replaced and that they lack business acumen.
So I say, once again:
>I'd call that an intelligence and for the latter, a charisma filter.
And then point you to:
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.9488737

I am currently studying a bach. of engineering in Mechatronics. I went in thinking it was about applying new technologies to old principals. But I have found that it is simply catering to the market that is happening now. Has anyone had this experience in the same field whether it be engineering or mechatronics? I have ideas that I think would be important but I having a hard time convincing lecturers of their gravity.

>> No.9488746

How old are you, anon?

>> No.9488758

>H-how o-old are you, anon?
Whoa, such an intellectual riposte. Or should I say, ineffectual riposte. The minute you have to start attacking the credibility of the person, instead of their argument, is the point at which it is painfully obvious that you've been outwitted.
So, either post something meaningful, or cease shitposting. Sure, I have no authority, but I can say with authority, if you choose the latter, it'll only make you look like the greater idiot.

>> No.9488775

Quit being evasive: how old are you?

>> No.9488778
File: 95 KB, 480x360, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22, for what that matters.
Although, are you honestly that ignorant of irony?

>> No.9488785
File: 256 KB, 772x612, 1503336272276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acts like he just discovered what a thesaurus is
>posts 9gag-tier images
Are you sure you're an adult?

>> No.9488796
File: 1.68 MB, 424x271, holy_shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although, are you honestly that ignorant of irony?
You just answered my post for me. If any of those words were lofty in your mind, then you should really try and improve your vocabulary, as I assure you the majority of middle class people use them daily.
To echo:
>Are you sure you're an adult?
>A relatively odd meme that has been reposted on 4chan countless times is somehow MUH 9GAG.

>> No.9488802

>*odd meme = old meme

>> No.9488907
File: 1.05 MB, 1552x873, 324d1909acd513723461a18186d57e5c_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEM is over. It's STEAM now.

>> No.9488912

I hope this never catches on.

>> No.9488915

anything biology or medicine related. with the amount of compute thats about to be brought to bear, the last of the low hanging fruit in our purview is going to be picked.

>> No.9488917
File: 38 KB, 600x400, 17_campstream_anchor1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already outdated. STREAM is what is being pushed now.

>> No.9488926

when you hear the word "Art" you are thinking of liberal arts and subsequently shit like ______ Studies.

artists are on par or greater with technicians in terms of job scope and workmanship. more importantly, good production artists and people with a crafty eye for aesthetics are hard to come by. people buy into the whole "you don't need formal training as an artist" meme and that shit aint true if you want to make a living out of it.

>> No.9488927

I hope they know that things like this are what is going to help the East Orient, not that it needs any, overtake the Occidental world in STEM and destroy international faith in Western higher education.

>> No.9488929

food science technology with a chemistry focus

>> No.9488932

Psssh, get with the times. It's all about STREAAMDOAFMMCUNTQQQ+ now

>> No.9488933

I know that, but it isn't a science.
Science is the foundational framework from which these fields draw from.
Technology is akin to engineering, normally assumed to be electrical engineering, computer engineering or mechatronics.
Engineering itself requires mathematics, chemistry (materials science) and physics.
Mathematics is the foundational language of all of the above, and a field of study in its own right.
Art, or indeed reading, do not.

>> No.9488938
File: 371 KB, 220x184, guffaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9488943
File: 139 KB, 1106x1012, english_major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Bachelor of Science in English Literature

>> No.9488949

This is being pushed by teachers who are jealous that their subject isn't the center of attention so they're injecting themselves into STEM. When they see the STEM club at their school get a $500 donation for materials to conduct some on hands experiment, they want the hands on that money to be their hands.

Ever notice people who call themselves artists tend to be failures? A person who paints calls themselves a painter. Those who sculpt will use the label sculptor. Play an instrument? You call yourself a musician. Only talentless hacks use the generic label artist.

>> No.9488956

Why not a BA instead of a BS?

>> No.9488959

dont ask me, man. I'm not the one that came up with, that's just what people are calling it.

>> No.9488960

Because literature is a science, anon, get up-to-date with the STREAM agenda.

>> No.9488972
File: 38 KB, 1070x600, headmaster-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is being pushed by teachers who are jealous that their subject isn't the center of attention so they're injecting themselves into STEM.
That's pretty sad. As headmaster, I'd allow it, semantically. But when it came to budget time, I'd still give the physics, chemistry; biology, mathematics and technology portion of the STREAM initiative a higher funding bracket, then sit back and watch all of the soccer moms lose their shit at the next PTA meeting.

>> No.9488975

>but it isn't a science.
neither is technology or arguably math. the whole STEM thing was bred from a job skills deficiency. come to find out, kids can't can't even draw nowadays.

dude, those sound like some freelance guys living the dream. all the artists i know are grinding out corporate propaganda or marketing visuals in whatever medium they're told.

>> No.9488980

You can make the soccer moms happy by adding another S for Sports. STREAMS y'all!

>> No.9488983

>neither is technology or arguably math.
I wasn't saying it was science.
Although, mathematics is arguably a science (proof by contradiction), as is the computer science portion of technology.
However, both technology and mathematics are a foundational part of the STEM quartet, whereas art is not.
I've never been asked to create a watercolor painting of a chemical reaction.

>> No.9488984

Like I said, people who squirt out shit call themselves artists.

>> No.9488990
File: 698 KB, 256x256, hd_think.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is basically a bandwagon for all primary and secondary education?

>> No.9488991

form is one of the most fundamental aspects of technology my friend. must i really cite examples?

>> No.9488996

Eh, I guess. I'm probably just being bias because of the 'loser connotation' that is often synonymous with:
>Oh yeah, I'm an artist, dude, wanna hear my mixtape?

>> No.9489000

Another thought, this is akin to some hardcore post-structuralism. Shifting the semantic across so far that is would blur, it mightn't even be associated with the older term of STEM, unless otherwise stipulated. Nothing more than a degradation of language, rather than a meaningful neologism.

>> No.9489529

Education majors at my university were only required to take one science class. Almost all of them chose astronomy. It wasn't even a difficult class. Remember the constellations along with the alpha and beta star in each and you'd have an A. Most still struggled to pass with a C. There was no math involved. There was no understanding of how celestial bodies were formed required. Just be able to identity fifteen constellations from slides projected on a screen along with the two major stars in each. Many said it was their hardest class during their four years. These are the people teaching your children and demanding that STEM subjects become more infused with art projects.

>> No.9489556
File: 304 KB, 1280x974, 1504842547985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9489563

Very artsy.

>> No.9490266

What is the comment upon modernity? That capitalism turns us into monsters, or?

>> No.9490382

Those who disagree with the dominant mainstream narrative are monsters.

>> No.9490400

art isn't deep, it's just a skill
like welding or something

>> No.9491498

I was going to write a post in which I would make an attempt to defend their lack of ability to memorise.
However, with the existence of mnemonics, they really have no quarter and therefore I must concede, you're right.

>> No.9492050
File: 30 KB, 500x361, Lyra_constellation.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One girl made an 'A' by coming up with sentences that were easy to remember such as "A guy was lyraing (leering) at me from his vega" but the other girls couldn't even make use of it.

>> No.9492611

That sounds like they struggle with executive function.

>> No.9492649

Fuck off Art Majors. Your hemp paper mache sculpture doesn't belong anywhere near STEM.

>> No.9492706
File: 11 KB, 217x340, urine_stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one stream that art majors truly are worthy of...

>> No.9492760
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>> No.9493808
File: 963 KB, 500x239, gatsby_toast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9493872

They all have "crazy eye".

>> No.9493938

I'm a Materials Engineering student and a lot of my peers are doing mechanical engineering just because and then the rest are doing either petroleum engineering or computer science for money. Nobody cares about the future except 0.03% of the current engineering-student body, so we're gonna be stuck with gay smart phones for quite a while.

>> No.9494867

Planned obsolescence is disgusting.

>> No.9494914

If people paid the true cost of disposal, planned obsolescence wouldn't be financially viable.

>> No.9495674
File: 64 KB, 599x595, stemwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict great success for Steamteam5 in the "A" in STEAM but great failure in the "S","T","E", AND "M" just like the rest of feminazidom and for the same reason - women aren't interested in STEM.

Pic related

>> No.9495712

Do you actually believe this anarcho-capitalist bullshit?

>> No.9495724

They're interested in STEM money.

>> No.9495728

What's anarcho-capitalist about paying the cost of externalities?

>> No.9495735

>The market will sort the market out, honest, it isn't like companies would still try and you get to buy their expensive tat made on the cheap that surveils you 24/7.

>> No.9496018

And sadly, thanks to politically correct indoctrination, they may.

>> No.9496095

Do you have opposite day glasses on? Your reading comprehension seems to be negated.

>> No.9496138

How so?

>> No.9496283

What part of forcing people to pay for all externalities associated with disposing of the possessions they no longer want is "anarcho-capitalist bullshit"? Sounds very authoritarian rather than anarcho anything.

>> No.9496708

all of them..
because they're all intertwined and objectively the only means for humans will progress at all.