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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 407 KB, 847x593, 21D8433445CF4483B9F5F93C4747B01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9483444 No.9483444 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we collect common misconceptions that at least all current and future students should be educated about because there is way too much general pessimism about everything (e.g. space travel, mars colonization).

- If any massy object would turn into a black hole, it would not suddenly suck in all surroundings. Nothing would happen to orbiting objects, all orbits would stay the same.

- From a kinematic view, It is not impossible to travel to an object 200,000 light years away in a lifetime ("because nothing can be faster than light so you need at least 200,000 years for that"). You could be there in 25 years if traveling at 1g acceleration (so you conveniently experience the gravity that you are used to on earth). Could be at the edge of the observable universe in just 50 years @ 1g.

- In reality, there is way more space between all objects in about every depiction of the solar system, Kuiper belt, asteroid belt, satellites, etc. Of course you can fly to Jupiter without having to maneuver around thousands of asteroids.

- ?

>> No.9483480


>> No.9483483

climate change isn't real
string theory is math, not physics
psychology is not a science

>> No.9483486

Onions don't affect test levels

>> No.9483558

Having a high IQ doesn't make you smart, it's just an indicator that you have potential.

>> No.9483574

now from what you have written one can conclude that you wish people to write corrected misconceptions. The name of the thread is however "collect common misconception". So declare a fixed format unless you want people to post common misconceptions or corrected ones, without indicating of which kind the posted misconception will be.

>> No.9483586

good goy does not have to eat soy

>> No.9483595
File: 60 KB, 951x805, 951px-Global_Temperature_Anomaly.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change isn't real

>> No.9483719

It's actually a pretty good bait thread because of that.

>> No.9484156

/Pol/ has let go of this at this point.
Nowadays their line is something like 'Climate change is real, but humans have nothing to do with it'.
I predict soon they'll be going 'Climate change is real, humans are affecting it, but it's too late to do anything about it.'

>> No.9484170

Lmao 2017 was colder than 2016 so much for >MUH GLOBAL WARMING

>> No.9484267

>"One data point disproves a trend! What do you mean I have no idea how statistics works?"

>> No.9484286

>Size 9 “man” spotted

>> No.9484288

> psychology is not real
Lol I bet you buy lots cratr too fagotât

>> No.9484356

>> psychology is not real
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9484377

So are you trying to say that it's a misconception that we can't go faster than light?

>> No.9484492

>Not wanting to be able to identify a /pol/tard by their smell

>> No.9484500

Could you explain the light-speed one?

>> No.9484518
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>> No.9484538

Not OP but the answer is special relativity

>> No.9484539

These are very common misconceptions. Good job posting them

>> No.9484556
File: 40 KB, 548x573, Roundtriptimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about the reference frame. If a ship goes from Earth to something 200,000 ly away at a constant speed of 0.5c, indeed 400,000 years will have passed on earth when the ship reaches it's destination. But because of time dilation at speeds close to c, much less than 400,000 years will have passed on the ship.

Furthermore, in school exercises, spaceships usually travel at a constant speed. But it makes more sense to have them travel at a constant acceleration (if you are just bound by kinematics, not by engineering). Us humans are somewhat acceleration limited, we can't be at any destination arbitrarily fast because if that requires accelerations of 100 g, we would be a pancake. Because acceleration is the only theoretical limit for us humans to travel, there is a commonly theorized spaceship that accelerates at 1 g. This means we feel the same "gravity" as we feel on earth during the travel. Pic related is really great and worth a closer look. It depicts how long round trips to various destinations would take in the reference frame of the space ship and in that of earth. It's sad that this is not common knowledge and that there is so much pessimism about human space travel. From a pure kinematic view, a human can easily travel to all galaxies we know within a lifetime. How to engineer a ship that stores so much energy or somehow gets it from somewhere else is a different question of course, but there are no physical laws that say it's impossible to build it.


>> No.9484564

Btw, the round trip times in this pic really mean round trip. That is: start at earth at velocity 0, accelerating towards the destination. Rotating the ship halfway through and accelerate to opposite direction. Reach destination at velocity 0. Start accelerating towards earth, rotate ship halfway through and accelerate in opposite direction. Reach earth at velocity 0.

If you just keep accelerating in one direction, you could get much much further in the same times because time dilation is the strongest at the higher speeds.

>> No.9484590
File: 1.59 MB, 400x166, fuck_you_einstein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If faster-than-light travel was possible we would have found evidence of a long time ago. If FTL travel exists then alien civilizations millions or billions of years ahead of us would have already colonized their respective galaxies and we would be able to see this since their emissions wouldn't be affected by light lag. Also there would be Causality violations everywhere.

>> No.9484605

>If faster-than-light travel was possible we would have found evidence of a long time ago.
except we have no clue what frequency the universe generates life at or how likely it is to survive long enough to develop an intelligence

>> No.9484607

or even how long of a lifespan a spacefaring civilization is likely to have. maybe everyone just ends up nuking themselves into extinction within a century or two.

>> No.9484612

Aren't they?

>> No.9484614

Here's one: Real IQ tests don't score above 160; they haven't in quite some time, and they won't for the foreseeable future. There's no point in trying to measure higher scores, because the ones above 155 are outliers so far beyond the 99th percentile it's almost impossible to aggregate any data from them.
If anyone ever tells you they got 160+ and they aren't like 90 years old, something fishy's going on.

>> No.9484617
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I get what you guys are saying, in order for my hypothesis to be correct we first have to assume alien civilizations exist. I'm just saying that if it were possible we found if already known since at least one civilization would have attempt FTL. I'm a high school junior not a astrophysicist with 40 years of experience... yet.

>> No.9484619

Since when psychology is a science?

>> No.9484627
File: 35 KB, 300x250, 2hdpqtjEpx-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I get it, is the parabola stuff.
That doesn't translate to a velocity faster than light though.

>> No.9484644
File: 139 KB, 800x530, js_autism_danny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they won't go faster than light, because I said that.

Getting lighter as accelerates DUMBFUCKS.

>> No.9484662

>it makes more sense to have them travel at a constant acceleration
That you don't need to be accelerating to experience the effect is one of the craziest things about it. Looking at an accelerating ship may seem more intuitive, but the idea that relativistic phenomena can occur in non-accelerating reference frames is too bizarre to ignore; it is essential to special relativity.

>> No.9484693
File: 210 KB, 800x429, how_to_become_a_egotistical_cultists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We have no clue what frequency the universe generates life at."

Oh God I'm getting flashbacks of those retarded spiritual woo channels on YouTube after reading that sentence!

>> No.9484810

How does the 25-50 year travel even work
Are you using the fact that time is relative?

>> No.9485032
File: 83 KB, 1875x1125, 1875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A really widespread misconception is that humans did not evolve from apes but had only a common ancestor, who was no ape. Actually humans themselves are apes, hominids to be more precise. This of course means that they did evolve from other apes.

>> No.9485052

i'm glad you finally accept the fact that negros have low IQ

>> No.9485077

quite dogmatic, aren't you

>> No.9485111

related: a real iq test is given by a psychologist over 2-3 days and lasts 10-18 hrs.

>> No.9485114

kind of just a semantic point though, isn't it? hinges on the definition of "ape"

>> No.9485118

I watched this guy's history of the world video in its entirety years ago. Still some of the best unintentional comedy around.

>> No.9485231

Even if you exclude humans from apes, the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees was an ape.

>> No.9485272


Even here on sci is this ignorance. Not judging, it's just a surprise to see so much ignorance on that basic topic even here. Guys, time is relative. You've probably heard that already. That means time can go by faster in one reference frame and slower in another reference frame. Time goes by much much slower in the reference frame of a spaceship that travels at velocities close to c.

>> No.9485288

I remember watching this clip of some dumbass preacher ranting about how evolution is a lie, typical creationist retard. And I specifically remember if saying:

>"Evolution tells us we came from monkeys. We are there still monkeys. Are these the retarded monkeys?"

No you fucking retard, you are.

>> No.9485557

That's bullshit.
Even if you travel with the speed of light to the edge of the universe, a distance of 200 000 lightyears will still take you 200 000 years. That time is relative means just that for someone who is not travelling at the speed of light for the whole time, more time will have passed, but that doesn't save you even a second

>> No.9485568

Are people here actually this fucking dumb? If I could accelerate it quickly enough, I could launch a clock to alpha centauri and back before it ticks a single second. I'd age a lot before it gets back though.

>> No.9485577

It used to be "humans evolved from monkeys/apes", which people assumed to mean "humans evolved from species which still exist", so they changed it to "humans and monkeys have a common ancestor"

>> No.9485594

Let me save everyone in this thread a lot of trouble


>> No.9485641

> If FTL travel exists then alien civilizations millions or billions of years ahead of us would have already colonized their respective galaxies
Why? Why would an alien race do that? Why would they even know how do that and what would they gain by doing so? What makes you think they would have even exist or existed in a state where they could do any of that?

>> No.9485743

>more time will have passed, but that doesn't save you even a second
I don't understand how more time can pass for another person without saving you time, relatively.

>> No.9485835
File: 14 KB, 485x275, Lying_Sack_of_Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"So basically 30,000 years ago Atlantis rose from the sea and was colonized by Humanity, Jews who are actually aliens from space, and Martians fleeing a nuclear war on Mars. The Martians and Atlanteans then made babies. Then the Martians wanted to take over the world and accidentally destroyed the continent of Atlantis *whoops* which created a dimensional rift that sent lower interdimensional spirits to possess Humans (totally not Scientology). But then Thoth and a bunch of other Egyptian gods (who are actually higher dimensional omnipotent beings) created a giant grid that encloses the planet and every became good again. Then Jesus (again a higher-dimensional being) came down and did some spiritual things and visited Tibet once. Also there's a giant spaceship underneath the Great Pyramids (which are about a million years old) that can be powered by love or whatever hippie shit I pull out of my ass and defeat aliens that invaded Earth in the 1980s. And the Ankh is a magic tool that allows you to sync your Chakras when you have an organism (somehow the Egyptians knew what Chakras are but I'm never going to answer why). And I base this on absolutely nothing... GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen of 4chan, Jordan Duchnycz, the biggest New Age fraud on the Internet!

>> No.9487787

retard here
but if it keeps accelerating at 1g, at some stage it will be faster than light

>> No.9488311

don't think of constant acceleration as constant change in speed, think of it as constant change in momentum

>> No.9488359

I thought we were already at that point back in 2010 when I first found /b/.
We've regressed.

>> No.9489179

Colonizing further or building more defensible structure? What would you do first?

>> No.9489242

>aliens can bend spacetime to do their bidding
>but can't figure out how to do it emission-less or even hide their emissions
>assuming humans had the equipment to detect alien 'emissions' long ago
>assuming aliens colonizing other solar systems is akin to a ravaging crack addict trying to get their next fix

>> No.9489800


>> No.9489801

Oh, I was too l8